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Revision: 2.8
Committed: Wed May 17 15:55:06 1995 UTC (29 years, 4 months ago) by greg
Content type: application/x-tcl
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 2.7: +1 -1 lines
Log Message:
changed naming of unnamed views to avoid problems with rad

File Contents

# Content
1 # SCCSid "$SunId$ LBL"
2 #
3 # Choose the Rad Input File to work on.
4 #
6 set rif_glob *.rif
8 proc preen {} { # clean up radvar
9 global radvar rifname
10 foreach n {objects scene materials illum mkillum render oconv pfilt
12 if {! [info exists radvar($n)]} {
13 set radvar($n) {}
14 }
15 }
16 if [info exists radvar(view)] {
17 set oldval $radvar(view)
18 set radvar(view) {}
19 set n 1
20 foreach v $oldval {
21 if {"[string index $v 0]" == "-"} {
22 lappend radvar(view) "u$n $v"
23 } elseif {[lsearch -glob $radvar(view) \
24 "[lindex $v 0] *"] >= 0} {
25 continue
26 } else {
27 lappend radvar(view) $v
28 }
29 incr n
30 }
31 } else {
32 set radvar(view) {}
33 }
34 if {! [info exists radvar(UP)]} {
35 set radvar(UP) Z
36 } elseif {[string match +* $radvar(UP)]} {
37 set radvar(UP) [string toupper [string range $radvar(UP) 1 end]]
38 } else {
39 set radvar(UP) [string toupper $radvar(UP)]
40 }
41 set rifroot [file rootname [file tail $rifname]]
42 if {! [info exists radvar(OCTREE)]} {
43 set radvar(OCTREE) $rifroot.oct
44 }
45 if {! [info exists radvar(RESOLUTION)]} {
46 set radvar(RESOLUTION) 512
47 }
48 if [info exists radvar(QUALITY)] {
49 cardval radvar(QUALITY) {High Medium Low}
50 } else {
51 set radvar(QUALITY) Low
52 }
53 if {! [info exists radvar(PICTURE)]} {
54 set radvar(PICTURE) $rifroot
55 }
56 if {! [info exists radvar(INDIRECT)]} {
57 set radvar(INDIRECT) 0
58 }
59 if [info exists radvar(DETAIL)] {
60 cardval radvar(DETAIL) {High Medium Low}
61 } else {
62 set radvar(DETAIL) Medium
63 }
64 if [info exists radvar(PENUMBRAS)] {
65 cardval radvar(PENUMBRAS) {True False}
66 } else {
67 set radvar(PENUMBRAS) False
68 }
69 if [info exists radvar(VARIABILITY)] {
70 cardval radvar(VARIABILITY) {High Medium Low}
71 } else {
72 set radvar(VARIABILITY) Low
73 }
74 }
76 proc setradvar stmt { # assign a rad variable
77 global radvar
78 regexp {^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*) *= *(.*)$} $stmt dummy vnam vval
79 switch -glob $vnam {
80 obj* { eval lappend radvar(objects) $vval }
81 sce* { eval lappend radvar(scene) $vval }
82 mat* { eval lappend radvar(materials) $vval }
83 ill* { eval lappend radvar(illum) $vval }
84 mki* { eval lappend radvar(mkillum) $vval }
85 ren* { eval lappend radvar(render) $vval }
86 oco* { eval lappend radvar(oconv) $vval }
87 pf* { eval lappend radvar(pfilt) $vval }
88 vi* { lappend radvar(view) $vval }
89 ZO* { set radvar(ZONE) $vval }
90 QUA* { set radvar(QUALITY) $vval }
91 OCT* { set radvar(OCTREE) $vval }
92 PIC* { set radvar(PICTURE) $vval }
93 AMB* { set radvar(AMBFILE) $vval }
94 OPT* { set radvar(OPTFILE) $vval }
95 EXP* { set radvar(EXPOSURE) $vval }
96 RES* { set radvar(RESOLUTION) $vval }
97 UP { set radvar(UP) $vval }
98 IND* { set radvar(INDIRECT) $vval }
99 DET* { set radvar(DETAIL) $vval }
100 PEN* { set radvar(PENUMBRAS) $vval }
101 VAR* { set radvar(VARIABILITY) $vval }
102 REP* { set radvar(REPORT) $vval }
103 }
105 }
107 proc putradvar {fi vn} { # print out a rad variable
108 global radvar
109 if {! [info exists radvar($vn)] || $radvar($vn) == {}} {return}
110 if [regexp {^[A-Z]} $vn] {
111 puts $fi "$vn= $radvar($vn)"
112 return
113 }
114 if {"$vn" == "view"} {
115 foreach v $radvar(view) {
116 puts $fi "view= $v"
117 }
118 return
119 }
122 VARIABILITY REPORT} $vn] >= 0} {
123 puts $fi "$vn= $radvar($vn)"
124 return
125 }
126 puts -nonewline $fi "$vn="
127 set vnl [expr [string length $vn] + 1]
128 set pos $vnl
129 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $radvar($vn)]} {incr i} {
130 set len [expr [string length [lindex $radvar($vn) $i]] + 1]
131 if {$pos > $vnl && $pos + $len > 70} {
132 puts -nonewline $fi "\n$vn="
133 set pos $vnl
134 }
135 puts -nonewline $fi " [lindex $radvar($vn) $i]"
136 incr pos $len
137 }
138 puts $fi {}
139 }
141 proc load_vars {f {vl all}} { # load RIF variables
142 global curmess radvar alldone
143 if {"$f" == ""} {return 0}
144 if {! [file exists $f]} {
145 beep
146 set curmess "$f: no such file."
147 return 0
148 }
149 if {"$vl" == "all" && ! [chksave]} {return 0}
150 set curmess {Please wait...}
151 update
152 if [catch {exec rad -n -w -e $f >& /usr/tmp/ro[pid]}] {
153 set curmess [exec cat /usr/tmp/ro[pid]]
154 exec rm -f /usr/tmp/ro[pid]
155 return 0
156 }
157 set fi [open /usr/tmp/ro[pid] r]
158 if {"$vl" == "all"} {
159 catch {unset radvar}
160 while {[gets $fi curli] != -1} {
161 if [regexp {^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*= } $curli] {
162 setradvar $curli
163 } else {
164 break
165 }
166 }
167 set curmess {Project loaded.}
168 } else {
169 foreach n $vl {
170 catch {unset radvar($n)}
171 }
172 while {[gets $fi curli] != -1} {
173 if [regexp {^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* *=} $curli] {
174 regexp {^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*} $curli thisv
175 if {[lsearch -exact $vl $thisv] >= 0} {
176 setradvar $curli
177 }
178 } else {
179 break
180 }
181 }
182 set curmess {Variables loaded.}
183 }
184 set alldone [eof $fi]
185 close $fi
186 exec rm -f /usr/tmp/ro[pid]
187 preen
188 return 1
189 }
191 proc save_vars {f {vl all}} { # save RIF variables
192 global curmess radvar
193 if {"$f" == {} || ! [info exists radvar]} {return 0}
194 if {"$vl" == "all"} {
195 if [catch {set fi [open $f w]} curmess] {
196 beep
197 return 0
198 }
199 puts $fi "# Rad Input File created by trad [exec date]"
200 foreach n [lsort [array names radvar]] {
201 putradvar $fi $n
202 }
203 } else {
204 if [catch {set fi [open $f a]} curmess] {
205 beep
206 return 0
207 }
208 foreach n [array names radvar] {
209 if {[lsearch -exact $vl $n] >= 0} {
210 putradvar $fi $n
211 }
212 }
213 }
214 close $fi
215 set curmess {File saved.}
216 return 1
217 }
219 proc newload f { # load a RIF
220 global rifname readonly
221 if [load_vars $f] {
222 set rifname [pwd]/$f
223 set readonly [expr ! [file writable $f]]
224 gotfile 1
225 return 1
226 }
227 return 0
228 }
230 proc newsave f { # save a RIF
231 global rifname readonly curmess
232 if {"[pwd]/$f" == "$rifname"} {
233 if $readonly {
234 beep
235 set curmess {Mode set to read only.}
236 return 0
237 }
238 } elseif {[file exists $f]} {
239 if [tk_dialog .dlg {Verification} \
240 "Overwrite existing file $f?" \
241 questhead 1 {Go Ahead} {Cancel}] {
242 return 0
243 }
244 }
245 if {[file exists $f] && ! [file writable $f] &&
246 [catch {exec chmod u+w $f} curmess]} {
247 beep
248 return 0
249 }
250 if [save_vars $f] {
251 set rifname [pwd]/$f
252 set readonly 0
253 gotfile 1
254 return 1
255 }
256 return 0
257 }
259 proc newnew f { # create a new RIF
260 global rifname readonly curmess radvar
261 if [file exists $f] {
262 if [tk_dialog .dlg {Verification} \
263 "File $f exists -- disregard it?" \
264 questhead 1 {Yes} {Cancel}] {
265 return 0
266 }
267 }
268 if {! [chksave]} {return 0}
269 set rifname [pwd]/$f
270 set readonly 0
271 catch {unset radvar}
272 preen
273 gotfile 1
274 set curmess {Go to SCENE and enter OCTREE and/or scene file(s).}
275 return 1
276 }
278 proc do_file w {
279 global rifname readonly rif_glob curfile curpat
280 if {"$w" == "done"} {
281 cd [file dirname $rifname]
282 set rif_glob $curpat
283 return
284 }
285 frame $w
286 frame $w.left
287 pack $w.left -side left
288 button $w.left.load -text LOAD -width 5 \
289 -relief raised -command {newload $curfile}
290 button $ -text SAVE -width 5 -relief raised \
291 -command "newsave \$curfile; update_dir $w.right"
292 button $ -text NEW -width 5 \
293 -relief raised -command {newnew $curfile}
294 pack $w.left.load $ $ -side top -pady 15 -padx 20
295 checkbutton $ -text "Read Only" -variable readonly \
296 -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -relief flat
297 pack $ -side top -pady 15 -padx 20
298 helplink $w.left.load trad file load
299 helplink $ trad file save
300 helplink $ trad file new
301 helplink $ trad file readonly
302 getfile -view view_txt -perm \
303 -win $w.right -glob [file dirname $rifname]/$rif_glob
304 set curfile [file tail $rifname]
305 }