# SCCSid "$SunId$ LBL" # # Action screen for trad # proc make_script {} { # make run script global scname rpview curmess set rfn /usr/tmp/rf[pid] if {! [save_vars $rfn]} { beep set curmess "Cannot save variables to temporary file!" return } set radcom {rad -n} if {"$rpview" != " ALL"} { lappend radcom -v $rpview } if {"$scname" == {}} { set rof /usr/tmp/ro[pid] } else { set rof $scname } lappend radcom $rfn > $rof set badrun [catch "exec $radcom" curmess] if {"$scname" == {}} { if {! $badrun} { view_txt $rof } exec rm $rof } exec rm $rfn } proc make_oct args { # Make octree file ($args is {-t} or {}) global radvar curmess if {"$radvar(scene)" == {} && "$radvar(illum)" == {}} { set fi [open "|make $radvar(OCTREE) $args" r] while {[gets $fi curmess] >= 0} { update ; after 1000 } catch {close $fi} curmess } if {"$args" == {}} { run_rad -v 0 } else { run_rad $args } } proc run_rad args { # Run rad command with given arguments global curmess set rfn /usr/tmp/rf[pid] if {! [save_vars $rfn]} { beep set curmess "Cannot save variables to temporary file!" return } set ot [file mtime $rfn] set fi [open "|rad $args $rfn" r] while {[gets $fi curmess] >= 0} { update ; after 1000 } if {! [catch {close $fi} curmess] && [file mtime $rfn] > $ot} { load_vars $rfn {view} make_vmenus } exec rm $rfn } proc run_batch {} { # start rendering in background global rpview bfname batch_pid curmess rifname mywin if {! [chksave]} {return} if [catch {set fo [open $bfname w]} curmess] { return } # Make space for PID to be written later puts $fo " " if {$rpview == " ALL"} { set radcom "rad" } else { set radcom "rad -v $rpview" } lappend radcom "[file tail $rifname]" # Put out command puts $fo $radcom flush $fo # Execute in background set batch_pid [eval exec $radcom >>& $bfname &] # Now, write PID and close file seek $fo 0 puts -nonewline $fo $batch_pid close $fo set curmess "Batch rendering process $batch_pid started." # Correct button stati $mywin.rbst configure -state disabled $mywin.rbki configure -state normal $mywin.rbce configure -state normal $mywin.rbvmb configure -state disabled } proc kill_batch {} { # kill batch rendering global batch_pid env curmess mywin # Kill batch process and children switch -glob [exec uname] { SunOS - ULTRIX {set ps "ps -lg"} default {set ps "ps -lu $env(LOGNAME)"} } set fi [open "|$ps" r] gets $fi li regexp -indices -nocase { *PID} $li pidsec regexp -indices -nocase { *PPID} $li ppidsec while {[gets $fi li] >= 0} { lappend plist "[eval string range {$li} $pidsec]\ [eval string range {$li} $ppidsec]" } if [catch {close $fi} curmess] { return } set plist [lsort $plist] set procs $batch_pid # Two passes required when process id's go into recycling for {set i 0} {$i < 2} {incr i} { foreach pp $plist { if {[lsearch -exact $procs [lindex $pp 1]] >= 0 && ($i == 0 || [lsearch -exact $procs \ [lindex $pp 0]] < 0)} { lappend procs [lindex $pp 0] } } } if {! [catch {eval exec kill $procs} curmess]} { set curmess "Batch process $batch_pid and children killed." } # change modes $mywin.rbki configure -state disabled $mywin.rbst configure -state normal $mywin.rbvmb configure -state normal set batch_pid 0 } proc make_vmenus {} { # make/update view menus global mywin radvar rvview if {"$radvar(view)" == {}} { set rvview X } else { set rvview [lindex [lindex $radvar(view) 0] 0] } catch {destroy $mywin.rivmb.m} catch {destroy $mywin.rbvmb.m} if {[llength $radvar(view)] < 2} { $mywin.rivmb configure -state disabled $mywin.rbvmb configure -state disabled return } menu $mywin.rivmb.m $mywin.rivmb configure -menu $mywin.rivmb.m -state normal foreach v $radvar(view) { $mywin.rivmb.m add radiobutton -label [lindex $v 0] \ -variable rvview -value [lindex $v 0] } menu $mywin.rbvmb.m $mywin.rbvmb configure -menu $mywin.rbvmb.m -state normal $mywin.rbvmb.m add radiobutton -label ALL \ -variable rpview -value " ALL" $mywin.rbvmb.m add separator foreach v $radvar(view) { $mywin.rbvmb.m add radiobutton -label [lindex $v 0] \ -variable rpview -value [lindex $v 0] } } proc do_action w { # Action screen global rifname rvview rpview radvar bfname batch_pid \ curmess scname mywin alldone if {"$w" == "done"} { unset rpview bfname batch_pid mywin return } set bfname [file rootname [file tail $rifname]].err frame $w set mywin $w # Generate octree label $w.octl -text {Compile scene only} place $w.octl -relx .1429 -rely .0610 button $w.octb -text oconv -relief raised -command make_oct place $w.octb -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .4643 -rely .0610 helplink $w.octb trad action oconv button $w.octt -text Touch -relief raised -command {make_oct -t} place $w.octt -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .7143 -rely .0610 helplink $w.octt trad action touch button $w.octf -text Force -relief raised -command \ {catch {exec rm -f $radvar(OCTREE)} ; make_oct} place $w.octf -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .5893 -rely .0610 helplink $w.octf trad action force # Render interactively label $w.ril -text {Render interactively} place $w.ril -relx .1429 -rely .2439 button $w.rirv -text rview -relief raised \ -command {run_rad -v $rvview -o x11} place $w.rirv -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .4643 -rely .2439 helplink $w.rirv trad action rview label $w.rivl -text View: place $w.rivl -relx .6072 -rely .2439 menubutton $w.rivmb -textvariable rvview -anchor w -relief raised place $w.rivmb -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .7143 -rely .2439 helplink $w.rivmb trad action view # Render in background label $w.rbl -text {Render in background} place $w.rbl -relx .1429 -rely .4268 button $w.rbst -text Start -relief raised -command run_batch place $w.rbst -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .4643 -rely .4268 helplink $w.rbst trad action start label $w.rbvl -text View: place $w.rbvl -relx .6072 -rely .4268 menubutton $w.rbvmb -textvariable rpview -anchor w -relief raised place $w.rbvmb -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .7143 -rely .4268 helplink $w.rbvmb trad action view button $w.rbki -text Kill -relief raised -command kill_batch place $w.rbki -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .4643 -rely .5488 helplink $w.rbki trad action kill button $w.rbce -text "Check errors" -relief raised \ -command {view_txt $bfname} place $w.rbce -relwidth .1786 -relheight .0610 -relx .6429 -rely .5488 helplink $w.rbce trad action checkerr if [file exists $bfname] { set fi [open $bfname r] eval set batch_pid [gets $fi] gets $fi radcom close $fi if [catch {exec /bin/kill -0 $batch_pid}] { if $alldone { set curmess "Batch rendering finished." } else { set curmess "Batch rendering stopped." } set batch_pid 0 set rpview " ALL" $w.rbki configure -state disabled } else { set curmess "Batch rendering process $batch_pid running." if [string match "rad -v *" $radcom] { set rpview [lindex $radcom 2] } else { set rpview " ALL" } $w.rbst configure -state disabled $w.rbvmb configure -state disabled } } else { set curmess "No batch rendering in progress." set batch_pid 0 set rpview " ALL" $w.rbki configure -state disabled $w.rbce configure -state disabled } make_vmenus # Dry run label $w.drl -text {Dry run} place $w.drl -relx .1429 -rely .7317 button $w.drsc -text Script -relief raised -command make_script place $w.drsc -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .4643 -rely .7317 entry $w.drsf -textvariable scname -relief sunken place $w.drsf -relwidth .2143 -relheight .0610 -relx .6429 -rely .7317 helplink "$w.drsc $w.drsf" trad action script button $w.drvw -text Edit -relief raised -command {view_txt $scname} place $w.drvw -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .4643 -rely .8537 helplink $w.drvw trad action edit button $w.drdel -text Delete -relief raised \ -command {catch {exec rm $scname < /dev/null} curmess} place $w.drdel -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .6429 -rely .8537 helplink $w.drdel trad action delete }