{ RCSid $Id: disk2square.cal,v 2.1 2014/07/21 15:59:47 greg Exp $ } { Convert between unit square and disk, using Shirley-Chiu mapping 5/20/2011 G. Ward Inputs: in_disk_x Input unit disk Cartesian coordiantes in_disk_y center at (0,0) or: in_square_x Input unit square [0,1]^2 in_square_y Corresponding outputs: out_square_x Output unit square [0,1]^2 out_square_y or: out_disk_x Output unit disk Cartesian coordinates out_disk_y center at (0,0) } { Compute disk position from square coordinates } in_square_a = 2*in_square_x - 1; in_square_b = 2*in_square_y - 1; in_square_rgn = if(in_square_a + in_square_b, if(in_square_a - in_square_b, 1, 2), if(in_square_b - in_square_a, 3, 4)); out_disk_r = select(in_square_rgn, in_square_a, in_square_b, -in_square_a, -in_square_b); out_disk_phi = PI/4 * select(in_square_rgn, in_square_b/in_square_a, 2 - in_square_a/in_square_b, 4 + in_square_b/in_square_a, if(in_square_b*in_square_b, 6 - in_square_a/in_square_b, 0)); out_disk_x = out_disk_r*cos(out_disk_phi); out_disk_y = out_disk_r*sin(out_disk_phi); { Compute square position from disk coordinates } norm_radians(p) : if(-p - PI/4, p + 2*PI, p); in_disk_r = sqrt(in_disk_x*in_disk_x + in_disk_y*in_disk_y); in_disk_phi = norm_radians(atan2(in_disk_y, in_disk_x)); in_disk_rgn = floor((in_disk_phi + PI/4)/(PI/2)) + 1; out_square_a = select(in_disk_rgn, in_disk_r, (PI/2 - in_disk_phi)*in_disk_r/(PI/4), -in_disk_r, (in_disk_phi - 3*PI/2)*in_disk_r/(PI/4)); out_square_b = select(in_disk_rgn, in_disk_phi*in_disk_r/(PI/4), in_disk_r, (PI - in_disk_phi)*in_disk_r/(PI/4), -in_disk_r); out_square_x = (out_square_a + 1)/2; out_square_y = (out_square_b + 1)/2; { The following forumulas compute Shirley-Chiu bin "scbin" based on: Dx,Dy,Dz - Incident direction (normalized, towards surface front) Nx,Ny,Nz - Surface normal (normalized, away from surface) Ux,Uy,Uz - Up direction vector (does not need to be normalized) The SCdim variable assigns the square side dimension for bins, which are ordered with the "up" direction changing fastest. } { Compute oriented axis values } inc_dot = -Dx*Nx-Dy*Ny-Dz*Nz; inc_rx = -Dx*(Uy*Nz-Uz*Ny) - Dy*(Uz*Nx-Ux*Nz) - Dz*(Ux*Ny-Uy*Nx); inc_ry = -Dx*Ux-Dy*Uy-Dz*Uz - inc_dot*(Nx*Ux+Ny*Uy+Nz*Uz); inc_den2 = inc_rx*inc_rx + inc_ry*inc_ry; inc_radf = if(inc_den2-1e-7, sqrt((1 - inc_dot*inc_dot)/inc_den2), 0); { Pass to formulas in first section } in_disk_x = inc_rx*inc_radf; in_disk_y = inc_ry*inc_radf; { Compute final bin (-1 if behind surface) } scbin = if(inc_dot, floor(out_square_x*SCdim)*SCdim + floor(out_square_y*SCdim), -1);