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Revision: 2.5
Committed: Tue Aug 13 18:29:23 2019 UTC (4 years, 8 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad5R4, rad5R3, HEAD
Changes since 2.4: +4 -3 lines
Log Message:
Improved handling of edge cases

File Contents

# Content
1 { RCSid $Id:,v 2.4 2015/03/27 18:58:06 greg Exp $ }
2 {
3 Convert between unit square and disk, using Shirley-Chiu mapping
5 5/20/2011 G. Ward
7 Inputs:
8 in_disk_x Input unit disk Cartesian coordiantes
9 in_disk_y center at (0,0)
10 or:
11 in_square_x Input unit square [0,1]^2
12 in_square_y
14 Corresponding outputs:
15 out_square_x Output unit square [0,1]^2
16 out_square_y
17 or:
18 out_disk_x Output unit disk Cartesian coordinates
19 out_disk_y center at (0,0)
20 }
21 { Compute disk position from square coordinates }
22 in_square_a = 2*in_square_x - 1;
23 in_square_b = 2*in_square_y - 1;
25 in_square_rgn = if(in_square_a + in_square_b,
26 if(in_square_a - in_square_b, 1, 2),
27 if(in_square_b - in_square_a, 3, 4));
29 out_disk_r = select(in_square_rgn, in_square_a, in_square_b,
30 -in_square_a, -in_square_b);
32 out_disk_phi = PI/4 * select(in_square_rgn,
33 in_square_b/in_square_a,
34 2 - in_square_a/in_square_b,
35 4 + in_square_b/in_square_a,
36 if(in_square_b*in_square_b,
37 6 - in_square_a/in_square_b,
38 0));
40 out_disk_x = out_disk_r*cos(out_disk_phi);
41 out_disk_y = out_disk_r*sin(out_disk_phi);
43 { Compute square position from disk coordinates }
44 norm_radians(p) : if(-p - PI/4, p + 2*PI, p);
45 in_disk_r = sqrt(in_disk_x*in_disk_x + in_disk_y*in_disk_y);
46 in_disk_phi = norm_radians(atan2(in_disk_y, in_disk_x));
48 in_disk_rgn = floor((in_disk_phi + PI/4)/(PI/2)) + 1;
50 out_square_a = select(in_disk_rgn,
51 in_disk_r,
52 (PI/2 - in_disk_phi)*in_disk_r/(PI/4),
53 -in_disk_r,
54 (in_disk_phi - 3*PI/2)*in_disk_r/(PI/4),
55 in_disk_r);
57 out_square_b = select(in_disk_rgn,
58 in_disk_phi*in_disk_r/(PI/4),
59 in_disk_r,
60 (PI - in_disk_phi)*in_disk_r/(PI/4),
61 -in_disk_r, -in_disk_r);
63 out_square_x = (out_square_a + 1)/2;
64 out_square_y = (out_square_b + 1)/2;
65 {
66 The following forumulas compute Shirley-Chiu bin "scbin" based on:
68 RHS - right-handed system (-1 for left-handed coords)
69 Dx,Dy,Dz - Incident direction (normalized, towards surface front)
70 rNx,rNy,rNz - Surface normal (normalized, away from surface)
71 Ux,Uy,Uz - Up direction vector (does not need to be normalized)
73 The SCdim variable assigns the square side dimension for bins, which are
74 ordered with the "up" direction changing fastest.
75 }
76 RHS = 1;
77 { Compute oriented axis values }
78 inc_dz = -Dx*rNx-Dy*rNy-Dz*rNz;
79 inc_rx = -RHS*(Dx*(Uy*rNz-Uz*rNy) + Dy*(Uz*rNx-Ux*rNz) + Dz*(Ux*rNy-Uy*rNx));
80 inc_ry = -Dx*Ux-Dy*Uy-Dz*Uz - inc_dz*(rNx*Ux+rNy*Uy+rNz*Uz);
81 inc_den2 = inc_rx*inc_rx + inc_ry*inc_ry;
82 inc_radf = if(inc_den2-1e-7, sqrt((1 - inc_dz*inc_dz)/inc_den2), 0);
83 { Pass to formulas in first section }
84 in_disk_x = inc_rx*inc_radf;
85 in_disk_y = inc_ry*inc_radf;
86 { Compute final bin (-1 if behind surface) }
87 scbin = if(inc_dz,
88 floor(out_square_x*SCdim)*SCdim + floor(out_square_y*SCdim),
89 -1);