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Revision: 2.49
Committed: Fri Mar 11 02:44:33 2022 UTC (2 years, 11 months ago) by greg
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad5R4, HEAD
Changes since 2.48: +34 -22 lines
Log Message:
feat(dctimestep): Made it so -x and -y also work for single-picture output

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: dctimestep.c,v 2.48 2022/03/11 02:28:51 greg Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * Compute time-step result using Daylight Coefficient method.
6 *
7 * G. Ward
8 */
10 #include <ctype.h>
11 #include "platform.h"
12 #include "standard.h"
13 #include "cmatrix.h"
14 #include "platform.h"
15 #include "resolu.h"
17 char *progname; /* global argv[0] */
19 /* Sum together a set of images and write result to fout */
20 static int
21 sum_images(const char *fspec, const CMATRIX *cv, FILE *fout)
22 {
23 int myDT = DTfromHeader;
24 COLR *scanline = NULL;
25 CMATRIX *pmat = NULL;
26 int myXR=0, myYR=0;
27 int i, y;
29 if (cv->ncols != 1)
30 error(INTERNAL, "expected vector in sum_images()");
31 for (i = 0; i < cv->nrows; i++) {
32 const COLORV *scv = cv_lval(cv,i);
33 int flat_file = 0;
34 char fname[1024];
35 FILE *fp;
36 long data_start;
37 int dt, xr, yr;
38 COLORV *psp;
39 char *err;
40 /* check for zero */
41 if ((scv[RED] == 0) & (scv[GRN] == 0) & (scv[BLU] == 0) &&
42 (myDT != DTfromHeader) | (i < cv->nrows-1))
43 continue;
44 /* open next picture */
45 sprintf(fname, fspec, i);
46 if ((fp = fopen(fname, "rb")) == NULL) {
47 sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open picture '%s'", fname);
48 error(SYSTEM, errmsg);
49 }
50 dt = DTfromHeader;
51 if ((err = cm_getheader(&dt, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, fp)) != NULL)
52 error(USER, err);
53 if ((dt != DTrgbe) & (dt != DTxyze) ||
54 !fscnresolu(&xr, &yr, fp)) {
55 sprintf(errmsg, "file '%s' not a picture", fname);
56 error(USER, errmsg);
57 }
58 if (myDT == DTfromHeader) { /* on first one */
59 myDT = dt;
60 myXR = xr; myYR = yr;
61 scanline = (COLR *)malloc(sizeof(COLR)*myXR);
62 if (scanline == NULL)
63 error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in sum_images()");
64 pmat = cm_alloc(myYR, myXR);
65 memset(pmat->cmem, 0, sizeof(COLOR)*myXR*myYR);
66 /* finish header */
67 fputformat(cm_fmt_id[myDT], fout);
68 fputc('\n', fout);
69 fflush(fout);
70 } else if ((dt != myDT) | (xr != myXR) | (yr != myYR)) {
71 sprintf(errmsg, "picture '%s' format/size mismatch",
72 fname);
73 error(USER, errmsg);
74 }
75 /* flat file check */
76 if ((data_start = ftell(fp)) > 0 && fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END) == 0) {
77 flat_file = (ftell(fp) == data_start + sizeof(COLR)*xr*yr);
78 if (fseek(fp, data_start, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
79 sprintf(errmsg, "cannot seek on picture '%s'", fname);
80 error(SYSTEM, errmsg);
81 }
82 }
83 psp = pmat->cmem;
84 for (y = 0; y < yr; y++) { /* read it in */
85 COLOR col;
86 int x;
87 if (flat_file ? getbinary(scanline, sizeof(COLR), xr, fp) != xr :
88 freadcolrs(scanline, xr, fp) < 0) {
89 sprintf(errmsg, "error reading picture '%s'",
90 fname);
91 error(SYSTEM, errmsg);
92 }
93 /* sum in scanline */
94 for (x = 0; x < xr; x++, psp += 3) {
95 if (!scanline[x][EXP])
96 continue; /* skip zeroes */
97 colr_color(col, scanline[x]);
98 multcolor(col, scv);
99 addcolor(psp, col);
100 }
101 }
102 fclose(fp); /* done this picture */
103 }
104 free(scanline);
105 i = cm_write(pmat, myDT, fout); /* write picture */
106 cm_free(pmat); /* free data */
107 return(i);
108 }
110 /* adjust matrix dimensions according to user size(s) */
111 static int
112 alt_dim(CMATRIX *cm, int nr, int nc)
113 {
114 if ((nr <= 0) & (nc <= 0))
115 return(0);
116 if ((nr == cm->nrows) & (nc == cm->ncols))
117 return(0);
118 if (nr > 0) {
119 if (nc <= 0)
120 nc = cm->nrows*cm->ncols/nr;
121 if (nr*nc != cm->nrows*cm->ncols) {
122 fprintf(stderr, "Bad dimensions: %dx%d != %dx%d\n",
123 nr, nc, cm->nrows, cm->ncols);
124 return(-1);
125 }
126 } else /* nc > 0 */ {
127 nr = cm->nrows*cm->ncols/nc;
128 if (nc*nr != cm->nrows*cm->ncols) {
129 fprintf(stderr, "Bad dimensions: %d does not divide %dx%d evenly\n",
130 nc, cm->nrows, cm->ncols);
131 return(-1);
132 }
133 }
134 cm->nrows = nr;
135 cm->ncols = nc;
136 return(1);
137 }
139 /* check to see if a string contains a %d or %o specification */
140 static int
141 hasNumberFormat(const char *s)
142 {
143 if (s == NULL)
144 return(0);
146 while (*s) {
147 while (*s != '%')
148 if (!*s++)
149 return(0);
150 if (*++s == '%') { /* ignore "%%" */
151 ++s;
152 continue;
153 }
154 while (isdigit(*s)) /* field length */
155 ++s;
156 /* field we'll use? */
157 if ((*s == 'd') | (*s == 'i') | (*s == 'o') |
158 (*s == 'x') | (*s == 'X'))
159 return(1);
160 }
161 return(0); /* didn't find one */
162 }
164 int
165 main(int argc, char *argv[])
166 {
167 int skyfmt = DTfromHeader;
168 int outfmt = DTascii;
169 int headout = 1;
170 int nsteps = 0;
171 char *ofspec = NULL;
172 FILE *ofp = stdout;
173 int xres=0, yres=0;
174 CMATRIX *cmtx; /* component vector/matrix result */
175 char fnbuf[256];
176 int a, i;
178 progname = argv[0];
179 /* get options */
180 for (a = 1; a < argc && argv[a][0] == '-'; a++)
181 switch (argv[a][1]) {
182 case 'n':
183 nsteps = atoi(argv[++a]);
184 if (nsteps < 0)
185 goto userr;
186 skyfmt = nsteps ? DTascii : DTfromHeader;
187 break;
188 case 'h':
189 headout = !headout;
190 break;
191 case 'i':
192 switch (argv[a][2]) {
193 case 'f':
194 skyfmt = DTfloat;
195 break;
196 case 'd':
197 skyfmt = DTdouble;
198 break;
199 case 'a':
200 skyfmt = DTascii;
201 break;
202 default:
203 goto userr;
204 }
205 break;
206 case 'o':
207 switch (argv[a][2]) {
208 case '\0': /* output specification (not format) */
209 ofspec = argv[++a];
210 break;
211 case 'f':
212 outfmt = DTfloat;
213 break;
214 case 'd':
215 outfmt = DTdouble;
216 break;
217 case 'a':
218 outfmt = DTascii;
219 break;
220 case 'c':
221 outfmt = DTrgbe;
222 break;
223 default:
224 goto userr;
225 }
226 break;
227 case 'x':
228 xres = atoi(argv[++a]);
229 break;
230 case 'y':
231 yres = atoi(argv[++a]);
232 break;
233 default:
234 goto userr;
235 }
236 if ((argc-a < 1) | (argc-a > 4))
237 goto userr;
239 if (argc-a > 2) { /* VTDs expression */
240 CMATRIX *smtx, *Dmat, *Tmat, *imtx;
241 const char *ccp;
242 /* get sky vector/matrix */
243 smtx = cm_load(argv[a+3], 0, nsteps, skyfmt);
244 nsteps = smtx->ncols;
245 /* load BSDF */
246 if (argv[a+1][0] != '!' &&
247 (ccp = strrchr(argv[a+1], '.')) != NULL &&
248 !strcasecmp(ccp+1, "XML"))
249 Tmat = cm_loadBTDF(argv[a+1]);
250 else
251 Tmat = cm_load(argv[a+1], 0, 0, DTfromHeader);
252 /* load Daylight matrix */
253 Dmat = cm_load(argv[a+2], Tmat->ncols,
254 smtx->nrows, DTfromHeader);
255 /* multiply vector through */
256 imtx = cm_multiply(Dmat, smtx);
257 cm_free(Dmat); cm_free(smtx);
258 cmtx = cm_multiply(Tmat, imtx);
259 cm_free(Tmat);
260 cm_free(imtx);
261 } else { /* sky vector/matrix only */
262 cmtx = cm_load(argv[a+1], 0, nsteps, skyfmt);
263 nsteps = cmtx->ncols;
264 }
265 /* prepare output stream */
266 if ((ofspec != NULL) & (nsteps == 1) && hasNumberFormat(ofspec)) {
267 sprintf(fnbuf, ofspec, 1);
268 ofspec = fnbuf;
269 }
270 if (ofspec != NULL && !hasNumberFormat(ofspec)) {
271 if ((ofp = fopen(ofspec, "w")) == NULL) {
272 fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open '%s' for output\n",
273 progname, ofspec);
274 return(1);
275 }
276 ofspec = NULL; /* only need to open once */
277 }
278 if (hasNumberFormat(argv[a])) { /* generating image(s) */
279 if (outfmt != DTrgbe) {
280 error(WARNING, "changing output type to -oc");
281 outfmt = DTrgbe;
282 }
283 if (ofspec == NULL) {
285 newheader("RADIANCE", ofp);
286 printargs(argc, argv, ofp);
287 fputnow(ofp);
288 }
289 if (nsteps > 1) /* multiple output frames? */
290 for (i = 0; i < nsteps; i++) {
291 CMATRIX *cvec = cm_column(cmtx, i);
292 if (ofspec != NULL) {
293 sprintf(fnbuf, ofspec, i);
294 if ((ofp = fopen(fnbuf, "wb")) == NULL) {
295 fprintf(stderr,
296 "%s: cannot open '%s' for output\n",
297 progname, fnbuf);
298 return(1);
299 }
300 newheader("RADIANCE", ofp);
301 printargs(argc, argv, ofp);
302 fputnow(ofp);
303 }
304 fprintf(ofp, "FRAME=%d\n", i);
305 if (!sum_images(argv[a], cvec, ofp))
306 return(1);
307 if (ofspec != NULL) {
308 if (fclose(ofp) == EOF) {
309 fprintf(stderr,
310 "%s: error writing to '%s'\n",
311 progname, fnbuf);
312 return(1);
313 }
314 ofp = stdout;
315 }
316 cm_free(cvec);
317 }
318 else if (!sum_images(argv[a], cmtx, ofp))
319 return(1);
320 } else { /* generating vector/matrix */
321 CMATRIX *Vmat = cm_load(argv[a], 0, cmtx->nrows, DTfromHeader);
322 CMATRIX *rmtx = cm_multiply(Vmat, cmtx);
323 cm_free(Vmat);
324 if (ofspec != NULL) { /* multiple vector files? */
325 const char *wtype = (outfmt==DTascii) ? "w" : "wb";
326 for (i = 0; i < nsteps; i++) {
327 CMATRIX *rvec = cm_column(rmtx, i);
328 if (alt_dim(rvec, yres, xres) < 0)
329 return(1);
330 sprintf(fnbuf, ofspec, i);
331 if ((ofp = fopen(fnbuf, wtype)) == NULL) {
332 fprintf(stderr,
333 "%s: cannot open '%s' for output\n",
334 progname, fnbuf);
335 return(1);
336 }
337 #ifdef getc_unlocked
338 flockfile(ofp);
339 #endif
340 if (headout) { /* header output */
341 newheader("RADIANCE", ofp);
342 printargs(argc, argv, ofp);
343 fputnow(ofp);
344 fprintf(ofp, "FRAME=%d\n", i);
345 if ((outfmt != DTrgbe) & (outfmt != DTxyze)) {
346 fprintf(ofp, "NROWS=%d\n", rvec->nrows);
347 fprintf(ofp, "NCOLS=%d\n", rvec->ncols);
348 fputs("NCOMP=3\n", ofp);
349 }
350 if ((outfmt == DTfloat) | (outfmt == DTdouble))
351 fputendian(ofp);
352 fputformat(cm_fmt_id[outfmt], ofp);
353 fputc('\n', ofp);
354 }
355 cm_write(rvec, outfmt, ofp);
356 if (fclose(ofp) == EOF) {
357 fprintf(stderr,
358 "%s: error writing to '%s'\n",
359 progname, fnbuf);
360 return(1);
361 }
362 ofp = stdout;
363 cm_free(rvec);
364 }
365 } else {
366 #ifdef getc_unlocked
367 flockfile(ofp);
368 #endif
369 if (outfmt != DTascii)
371 if (alt_dim(rmtx, yres, xres) < 0)
372 return(1);
373 if (headout) { /* header output */
374 newheader("RADIANCE", ofp);
375 printargs(argc, argv, ofp);
376 fputnow(ofp);
377 if ((outfmt != DTrgbe) & (outfmt != DTxyze)) {
378 fprintf(ofp, "NROWS=%d\n", rmtx->nrows);
379 fprintf(ofp, "NCOLS=%d\n", rmtx->ncols);
380 fputs("NCOMP=3\n", ofp);
381 }
382 if ((outfmt == DTfloat) | (outfmt == DTdouble))
383 fputendian(ofp);
384 fputformat(cm_fmt_id[outfmt], ofp);
385 fputc('\n', ofp);
386 }
387 cm_write(rmtx, outfmt, ofp);
388 }
389 cm_free(rmtx);
390 }
391 if (fflush(ofp) == EOF) { /* final clean-up */
392 fprintf(stderr, "%s: write error on output\n", progname);
393 return(1);
394 }
395 cm_free(cmtx);
396 return(0);
397 userr:
398 fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-n nsteps][-o ospec][-x xr][-y yr][-i{f|d|h}][-o{f|d|c}] DCspec [skyf]\n",
399 progname);
400 fprintf(stderr, " or: %s [-n nsteps][-o ospec][-x xr][-y yr][-i{f|d|h}][-o{f|d|c}] Vspec Tbsdf Dmat.dat [skyf]\n",
401 progname);
402 return(1);
403 }