#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: dctimestep.c,v 2.1 2009/06/17 20:41:47 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Compute time-step result using Daylight Coefficient method. * * G. Ward */ #include #include "standard.h" #include "platform.h" #include "color.h" #include "resolu.h" #include "bsdf.h" char *progname; /* global argv[0] */ /* Data types for matrix loading */ enum {DTfromHeader, DTascii, DTfloat, DTdouble, DTrgbe, DTxyze}; /* A color coefficient matrix -- vectors have ncols==1 */ typedef struct { int nrows, ncols; COLORV cmem[3]; /* extends struct */ } CMATRIX; #define COLSPEC (sizeof(COLORV)==sizeof(float) ? "%f %f %f" : "%lf %lf %lf") #define cm_lval(cm,r,c) ((cm)->cmem + 3*((r)*(cm)->ncols + (c))) #define cv_lval(cm,i) ((cm)->cmem + 3*(i)) /* Allocate a color coefficient matrix */ static CMATRIX * cm_alloc(int nrows, int ncols) { CMATRIX *cm; if ((nrows <= 0) | (ncols <= 0)) return(NULL); cm = (CMATRIX *)malloc(sizeof(CMATRIX) + 3*sizeof(COLORV)*(nrows*ncols - 1)); if (cm == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in cm_alloc()"); cm->nrows = nrows; cm->ncols = ncols; return(cm); } #define cm_free(cm) free(cm) /* Resize color coefficient matrix */ static CMATRIX * cm_resize(CMATRIX *cm, int nrows) { if (nrows == cm->nrows) return(cm); if (nrows <= 0) { cm_free(cm); return(NULL); } cm = (CMATRIX *)realloc(cm, sizeof(CMATRIX) + 3*sizeof(COLORV)*(nrows*cm->ncols - 1)); if (cm == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in cm_resize()"); cm->nrows = nrows; return(cm); } /* Load header to obtain data type */ static int getDT(char *s, void *p) { char fmt[32]; if (formatval(fmt, s)) { if (!strcmp(fmt, "ascii")) *((int *)p) = DTascii; else if (!strcmp(fmt, "float")) *((int *)p) = DTfloat; else if (!strcmp(fmt, "double")) *((int *)p) = DTdouble; else if (!strcmp(fmt, COLRFMT)) *((int *)p) = DTrgbe; else if (!strcmp(fmt, CIEFMT)) *((int *)p) = DTxyze; } return(0); } static int getDTfromHeader(FILE *fp) { int dt = DTfromHeader; if (getheader(fp, getDT, &dt) < 0) error(SYSTEM, "header read error"); if (dt == DTfromHeader) error(USER, "missing data format in header"); return(dt); } /* Allocate and load a matrix from the given file (or stdin if NULL) */ static CMATRIX * cm_load(const char *fname, int nrows, int ncols, int dtype) { CMATRIX *cm; FILE *fp = stdin; if (fname == NULL) fname = ""; else if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open file '%s'", fname); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } if (dtype != DTascii) SET_FILE_BINARY(fp); if (dtype == DTfromHeader) dtype = getDTfromHeader(fp); switch (dtype) { case DTascii: case DTfloat: case DTdouble: break; default: error(USER, "unexpected data type in cm_load()"); return(NULL); } if (nrows <= 0) { /* don't know length? */ int guessrows = 147; /* usually big enough */ if ((dtype != DTascii) & (fp != stdin)) { long startpos = ftell(fp); if (fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END) == 0) { long endpos = ftell(fp); long elemsiz = 3*(dtype==DTfloat ? sizeof(float) : sizeof(double)); guessrows = (endpos - startpos)/elemsiz; if (fseek(fp, startpos, SEEK_SET) < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "fseek() error on file '%s'", fname); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } if ((endpos - startpos) % elemsiz == 0) nrows = guessrows; /* confident */ } } cm = cm_alloc(guessrows, ncols); } else cm = cm_alloc(nrows, ncols); if (cm == NULL) return(NULL); if (dtype == DTascii) { /* read text file */ int maxrow = (nrows > 0 ? nrows : 32000); int r, c; for (r = 0; r < maxrow; r++) { if (r >= cm->nrows) /* need more space? */ cm = cm_resize(cm, 2*cm->nrows); for (c = 0; c < ncols; c++) { COLORV *cv = cm_lval(cm,r,c); if (fscanf(fp, COLSPEC, cv, cv+1, cv+2) != 3) if ((nrows <= 0) & (r > 0) & (c == 0)) { cm = cm_resize(cm, maxrow=r); break; } else goto EOFerror; } } while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF) if (!isspace(c)) { sprintf(errmsg, "unexpected data at end of ascii file %s", fname); error(WARNING, errmsg); break; } } else { /* read binary file */ if (sizeof(COLORV) == (dtype==DTfloat ? sizeof(float) : sizeof(double))) { int nread = 0; do { /* read all we can */ nread += fread(cm->cmem + 3*nread, 3*sizeof(COLORV), cm->nrows*cm->ncols - nread, fp); if (nrows <= 0) { /* unknown length */ if (nread == cm->nrows*cm->ncols) /* need more space? */ cm = cm_resize(cm, 2*cm->nrows); else if (nread % cm->ncols == 0) /* seem to be done */ cm = cm_resize(cm, nread/cm->ncols); else /* ended mid-row */ goto EOFerror; } else if (nread < cm->nrows*cm->ncols) goto EOFerror; } while (nread < cm->nrows*cm->ncols); } else if (dtype == DTdouble) { double dc[3]; /* load from double */ COLORV *cvp = cm->cmem; int n = nrows*ncols; if (n <= 0) goto not_handled; while (n--) { if (fread(dc, sizeof(double), 3, fp) != 3) goto EOFerror; copycolor(cvp, dc); cvp += 3; } } else /* dtype == DTfloat */ { float fc[3]; /* load from float */ COLORV *cvp = cm->cmem; int n = nrows*ncols; if (n <= 0) goto not_handled; while (n--) { if (fread(fc, sizeof(float), 3, fp) != 3) goto EOFerror; copycolor(cvp, fc); cvp += 3; } } if (getc(fp) != EOF) { sprintf(errmsg, "unexpected data at end of binary file %s", fname); error(WARNING, errmsg); } } if (fp != stdin) fclose(fp); return(cm); EOFerror: sprintf(errmsg, "unexpected EOF reading %s", fname); error(USER, errmsg); not_handled: error(INTERNAL, "unhandled data size or length in cm_load()"); return(NULL); /* gratis return */ } /* Multiply two matrices (or a matrix and a vector) and allocate the result*/ static CMATRIX * cm_multiply(const CMATRIX *cm1, const CMATRIX *cm2) { CMATRIX *cmr; int dr, dc, i; if ((cm1->ncols <= 0) | (cm1->ncols != cm2->nrows)) error(INTERNAL, "matrix dimension mismatch in cm_multiply()"); cmr = cm_alloc(cm1->nrows, cm2->ncols); if (cmr == NULL) return(NULL); for (dr = 0; dr < cmr->nrows; dr++) for (dc = 0; dc < cmr->ncols; dc++) { COLORV *dp = cm_lval(cmr,dr,dc); dp[0] = dp[1] = dp[2] = 0; for (i = 0; i < cm1->ncols; i++) { const COLORV *cp1 = cm_lval(cm1,dr,i); const COLORV *cp2 = cm_lval(cm2,i,dc); dp[0] += cp1[0] * cp2[0]; dp[1] += cp1[1] * cp2[1]; dp[2] += cp1[2] * cp2[2]; } } return(cmr); } /* print out matrix as ASCII text -- no header */ static void cm_print(const CMATRIX *cm, FILE *fp) { int r, c; const COLORV *mp = cm->cmem; for (r = 0; r < cm->nrows; r++) { for (c = 0; c < cm->ncols; c++, mp += 3) fprintf(fp, "\t%.6e %.6e %.6e", mp[0], mp[1], mp[2]); fputc('\n', fp); } } /* convert a BSDF to our matrix representation */ static CMATRIX * cm_bsdf(const struct BSDF_data *bsdf) { CMATRIX *cm = cm_alloc(bsdf->nout, bsdf->ninc); COLORV *mp = cm->cmem; int r, c; for (r = 0; r < cm->nrows; r++) for (c = 0; c < cm->ncols; c++, mp += 3) mp[0] = mp[1] = mp[2] = BSDF_value(bsdf,c,r); return(cm); } /* Sum together a set of images and write result to stdout */ static int sum_images(const char *fspec, const CMATRIX *cv) { int myDT = DTfromHeader; CMATRIX *pmat; COLOR *scanline; int myXR, myYR; int i, y; if (cv->ncols != 1) error(INTERNAL, "expected vector in sum_images()"); for (i = 0; i < cv->nrows; i++) { const COLORV *scv = cv_lval(cv,i); char fname[1024]; FILE *fp; int dt, xr, yr; COLORV *psp; /* open next picture */ sprintf(fname, fspec, i); if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open picture '%s'", fname); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } SET_FILE_BINARY(fp); dt = getDTfromHeader(fp); if ((dt != DTrgbe) & (dt != DTxyze) || !fscnresolu(&xr, &yr, fp)) { sprintf(errmsg, "file '%s' not a picture", fname); error(USER, errmsg); } if (myDT == DTfromHeader) { /* on first one */ myDT = dt; myXR = xr; myYR = yr; scanline = (COLOR *)malloc(sizeof(COLOR)*myXR); if (scanline == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in sum_images()"); pmat = cm_alloc(myYR, myXR); memset(pmat->cmem, 0, sizeof(COLOR)*myXR*myYR); } else if ((dt != myDT) | (xr != myXR) | (yr != myYR)) { sprintf(errmsg, "picture '%s' format/size mismatch", fname); error(USER, errmsg); } psp = pmat->cmem; for (y = 0; y < yr; y++) { /* read it in */ int x; if (freadscan(scanline, xr, fp) < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "error reading picture '%s'", fname); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } /* sum in scanline */ for (x = 0; x < xr; x++, psp += 3) { multcolor(scanline[x], scv); addcolor(psp, scanline[x]); } } fclose(fp); /* done this picture */ } free(scanline); /* finish header */ fputformat(myDT==DTrgbe ? COLRFMT : CIEFMT, stdout); fputc('\n', stdout); fprtresolu(myXR, myYR, stdout); /* write scanlines */ for (y = 0; y < myYR; y++) if (fwritescan((COLOR *)cm_lval(pmat, y, 0), myXR, stdout) < 0) return(0); cm_free(pmat); /* all done */ return(fflush(stdout) == 0); } /* check to see if a string contains a %d specification */ int hasDecimalSpec(const char *s) { while (*s && *s != '%') s++; if (!*s) return(0); do ++s; while (isdigit(*s)); return(*s == 'd'); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { CMATRIX *tvec, *Dmat, *Tmat, *vtmp, *cvec; struct BSDF_data *btdf; progname = argv[0]; if ((argc < 4) | (argc > 5)) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s Vspec Tbsdf.xml Dmat.dat [tregvec]\n", progname); return(1); } tvec = cm_load(argv[4], 0, 1, DTascii); /* argv[4]==NULL iff argc==4 */ Dmat = cm_load(argv[3], 0, tvec->nrows, DTfromHeader); btdf = load_BSDF(argv[2]); if (btdf == NULL) return(1); if (btdf->ninc != Dmat->nrows) { sprintf(errmsg, "Incoming BTDF dir (%d) mismatch to D (%d)", btdf->ninc, Dmat->nrows); error(USER, errmsg); } /* multiply vector through */ vtmp = cm_multiply(Dmat, tvec); cm_free(Dmat); cm_free(tvec); Tmat = cm_bsdf(btdf); /* convert BTDF to matrix */ free_BSDF(btdf); cvec = cm_multiply(Tmat, vtmp); /* cvec = component vector */ cm_free(Tmat); cm_free(vtmp); if (hasDecimalSpec(argv[1])) { /* generating image */ SET_FILE_BINARY(stdout); newheader("RADIANCE", stdout); printargs(argc, argv, stdout); fputnow(stdout); if (!sum_images(argv[1], cvec)) return(1); } else { /* generating vector */ CMATRIX *Vmat = cm_load(argv[1], 0, cvec->nrows, DTfromHeader); CMATRIX *rvec = cm_multiply(Vmat, cvec); cm_free(Vmat); cm_print(rvec, stdout); cm_free(rvec); } cm_free(cvec); /* final clean-up */ return(0); }