#!/bin/csh -f # SCCSid "$SunId$ LBL" # # Interactive script to calculate daylight factors # set nofile="none" set genskyf=$nofile set octree=$nofile set dfpict=$nofile set ilpict=$nofile set wporig=(0 0 0) set wpsize=(1 1) set rtargs=(-ab 1 -ad 256 -as 128 -aa .15 -av .1 .1 .1) set maxres=64 set iltemp=/usr/tmp/il$$.pic set tempfiles=($iltemp) alias readvar 'echo -n Enter \!:1 "[$\!:1]: ";set ans="$<";if("$ans" != "")set \!:1="$ans"' onintr quit cat <<_EOF_ DAYLIGHT FACTOR CALCULATION This script calculates daylight factors and/or illuminance levels on a rectangular workplane and produces a contour plot from the result. The input is a Radiance scene description (and octree) and the output is one or more color Radiance pictures. _EOF_ readvar octree if ( "$octree" == "$nofile" || ! -f "$octree" ) then echo "You must first create an octree with oconv" echo "before running this script." exit 1 endif echo "" echo "In what scene file is the gensky command located?" readvar genskyf if ( "$genskyf" == "$nofile" || ! -r "$genskyf" ) then echo "You will not be able to compute" echo "daylight factors without a gensky file" else set extamb=`xform -e $genskyf|sed -n 's/^# Ground ambient level: //p'` echo extamb = $extamb endif echo -n "Is the z-axis your zenith direction? " if ( "$<" !~ [yY]* ) then echo "I'm sorry, you cannot use this script" exit 1 endif echo "What is the origin (smallest x y z coordinates) of the workplane?" readvar wporig set wporig=($wporig) echo "What is the x and y size (width and length) of the workplane?" readvar wpsize set wpsize=($wpsize) set wpres=(`rcalc -n -e '$1=if(l,'"floor($maxres*$wpsize[1]/$wpsize[2]),$maxres);"'$2=if(l,'"$maxres,floor($maxres*$wpsize[2]/$wpsize[1]));l=$wpsize[2]-$wpsize[1]"`) set rtargs=($rtargs -ar `getinfo -d<$octree|rcalc -e '$1=floor(16*$4/'"($wpsize[1]+$wpsize[2]))"`) echo "What calculation options do you want to give to rtrace?" echo "(It is very important to set the -a? options correctly.)" readvar rtargs echo "Illuminance contour picture if you want one" readvar ilpict if ( $?extamb ) then echo "Daylight factor contour picture if you want one" readvar dfpict endif if ( "$ilpict" == "$nofile" && "$dfpict" == "$nofile" ) then echo "Since you don't want any output, I guess we're done." exit 0 endif echo "Starting rtrace calculation -- this will take some time..." cnt $wpres[2] $wpres[1] \ | rcalc -e '$1=($2+.5)/'"$wpres[1]*$wpsize[1]+$wporig[1]" \ -e '$2=(1-($1+.5)/'"$wpres[2])*$wpsize[2]+$wporig[2]" \ -e '$3='"$wporig[3]" -e '$4=0;$5=0;$6=1' \ | rtrace $rtargs -I -ov -faf $octree \ | pvalue -r -x $wpres[1] -y $wpres[2] -df \ | pfilt -h 20 -n 0 -x 256 -y 256 -p 1 -r 1 > $iltemp set maxval=`getinfo < $iltemp | rcalc -i 'EXPOSURE=${e}' -e '$1=3/e'` if ( "$ilpict" != "$nofile" ) then echo "Making illuminance contour picture $ilpict..." falsecolor -s "$maxval*470" -l Lux -log 2 -cl -pi $iltemp > $ilpict endif if ( "$dfpict" != "$nofile" ) then echo "Making daylight factor contour picture $dfpict..." falsecolor -s "$maxval/$extamb" -m "1/$extamb" -l DF \ -log 2 -cl -pi $iltemp > $dfpict endif echo "Done." quit: rm -f $tempfiles