{ RCSid $Id: cieskyscan.cal,v 2.1 2024/02/08 02:26:01 greg Exp $ } { Compute CIE standard sky scanner bin (cbin) Different azimuth origin, alignment, and winding than Tregenza/Reinhart Dx,Dy,Dz - Incident direction (normalized, towards surface face) rNx,rNy,rNz - Surface normal (normalized, away from surface) Ux,Uy,Uz - Up direction vector (does not need to be normalized) Modified from reinhartb.cal Feburary 2024 G. Ward } { Useful factors and functions } DEGREE : PI/180; Asin(x) : if(x-1, PI/2, if(-1-x, -PI/2, asin(x))) / DEGREE; posangle(a) : if(-a, a + 2*PI, a) / DEGREE; Atan2(y,x) : posangle(atan2(y,x)); { Set to -1 for left-handed coordinate system } RHS = 1; { Default axis orientation (+Y == north) } rNx = 0; rNy = 0; rNz = -1; Ux = 0; Uy = 1; Uz = 0; { Compute oriented axis angles } inc_dz = -Dx*rNx-Dy*rNy-Dz*rNz; inc_rx = -RHS*(Dx*(Uy*rNz-Uz*rNy) + Dy*(Uz*rNx-Ux*rNz) + Dz*(Ux*rNy-Uy*rNx)); inc_ry = Dx*Ux+Dy*Uy+Dz*Uz + inc_dz*(rNx*Ux+rNy*Uy+rNz*Uz); r_alt = Asin(inc_dz); c_azi = Atan2(-inc_rx,-inc_ry); calpha : 90/7.5; { Separation between rows in degrees } { Number of patches per row } cnaz(r) : select(r+1, 30, 30, 24, 24, 18, 12, 6, 1); caccum(r) : if(r-.5, cnaz(r-1) + caccum(r-1), 0); c_row = floor(r_alt/calpha); c_inc = 360/cnaz(c_row); fwd_row = floor(c_row/2+1.25) - c_row/2 - .75; c_azn = if(359.9999 - c_azi, if(fwd_row, floor(c_azi/c_inc), cnaz(c_row)-1 - floor(c_azi/c_inc)), 0); { Final bin value, -1 for "ground" } cbin = if (r_alt, caccum(c_row) + c_azn, -1); Ncbins : caccum(8); { total number of bins }