Renamed librt.a to librtrad.a to avoid conflict on Solaris.
Added -pj option to vwrays for ray jittering
Created fieldcomb script to combine alternate fields in walk-through animations
Made ASCII input more robust (one ray per line criterion relaxed)
Created rtcontrib program for computing ray contributions and coefficients
Removed unused programs and files from distribution (sources to CVS attic)
Added check for 64-bit AMD processor to int32 type
Added genambpos.csh to the install list
Eliminated fork() redeclaration and vfork.h
Broke standard.h into rtio.h, rterror.h, rtmath.h, and rtmisc.h
Put raycalls.o and raypcalls.o into library libraycalls.a
Macros for setting binary file mode. Replacing MSDOS by _WIN32.
Changed to more traditional link style for .o library files
Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
took $(SPECIAL) out of "all" target
fixed libraries included on glrad compile for stereo viewing
added missing SPECIAL entries
added glrad program
made it so rad prints out standard views with -V option
added compamb.csh script
created vwrays program
moved vars.h and loadvars.c to common subdirectory
moved getinfo to util directory
added conditional use of getwd() or getcwd()
added network processing to ranimate
created ranimate animation controller
moved variable loading and checking to loadvars.c
added objline and remove ivprep and ivpict
made modifications for wish4.0
reordered sed call for trad so installation works w/o Tcl/Tk
added vwright utility
made install script change location of wish automatically
added trad program
added ivprep and ivpict scripts
added raddepend program
Added MLIB definition for alternate math libraries
removed reference to proj.csh
changed "render" to "rad"
added render program
added version string to output
added rpiece program
Added CC define for different compilers
added vfork.h include
changed revision number for 2.0 release
changed call to viewpixel() -> viewloc()
Improved handling of scanline ordering
removed STRUCTASSIGN macro
added debugcal
standardized macro settings
moved librt.a to ../lib
put many routines into a common library
added dayfact.csh
added functions for splitting long sources
added glare.csh
fixed window finding under twm and other obnoxious window managers
added glarendx
Added nonomatch for makes that call csh
minor bug fixes for system compatibility
added xglaresrc
added findglare
broke setscan.h into its own file
Initial revision
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