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File (rev) Last Change
xglaresrc.c 2.12 (3 years ago) by greg: Fixed return-value checking for viewloc()
wrapBSDF.c 2.27 (19 months ago) by greg: fix(wrapBSDF): Allow for commas in Klems matrix data
win_netproc.c 2.5 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
vwright.c 2.10 (6 years ago) by greg: Fixed usage message
vwrays.c 3.25 (3 months ago) by greg: perf(vwrays): Stratified samples when -pj > 0 and -c > 1
vinfo.csh 3.2 (19 years ago) by greg: Added check to vinfo to insure that header ends with empty line
util.tcl 2.4 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
tregsamp.dat 2.1 (14 years ago) by greg: Created gentregvec utility to evaluate Tregenza sky patches
tradinstall.csh 2.11 (3 years ago) by greg: chore(trad): getting trad to install properly with cmake (thanks to Mingbo)
trad.wsh 2.17 (5 years ago) by greg: Changed default path for wish to "/usr/bin/wish"
trad.icon 3.1 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
trad.hlp 2.26 (8 years ago) by greg: Minor fix to help page
tclIndex 3.1 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
setscan.h 2.3 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Instrumented headers against multiple inclusion and for use from C++. Continued ANSIfication.
setscan.c 2.4 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Continued ANSIfication.
rttree_reduce.c 2.20 (3 years ago) by greg: feat(rttree_reduce): made header conform to more standard practice 2.30 (3 months ago) by greg: fix(rtpict): Renamed rmtxcomb to rcomb
rsensor.c 2.23 (4 months ago) by greg: feat(rsensor): Supports n-channel color output for multispectral calcs
rpiece.c 2.61 (5 months ago) by greg: fix(rpiece): added fortification against rpict -pc, -pXYZ options
rmtxop.c 2.32 (4 months ago) by greg: fix(rmtxop,rcomb): Added checks for "xyz" and "rgb" format output
rmatrix.h 2.20 (4 months ago) by greg: refactor(rmtxcomb): Added library function to transfer matrix data
rmatrix.c 2.78 (8 weeks ago) by greg: fix(rcomb): Spectral scanlines were being output in reverse order
rlux.csh 2.5 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
rfluxmtx.c 2.57 (5 weeks ago) by greg: fix(rfluxmtx,genBSDF): Fixed issue with -c{s,w} argument parsing 2.6 (9 years ago) by greg: Hopeful fix to bugs in genBSDF due to lack of left-handed coordinates
rcrop.c 1.14 (5 months ago) by greg: feat(rcrop): Added spectral picture support
rcomb.c 2.7 (2 months ago) by greg: perf: Added array index optimization to calcomp routines
rcollate.c 2.45 (3 months ago) by greg: feat(rcollate): Made -c option override new -fbN behavior
rcode_norm.c 2.9 (3 years ago) by greg: fix(rcode_norm): typo in change for Windows
rcode_ident.c 2.9 (4 years ago) by greg: Added HF_STDERR to control stderr output
rcode_depth.c 2.12 (22 months ago) by greg: fix(rcode_depth): Pixels with -i option were off by 1 2.4 (3 months ago) by greg: feat(rcode2bmp): Added support for hyperspectral images
ranimove2.c 3.12 (5 months ago) by greg: fix: multiple bug fixes in hyperspectral code, added rvu, mkillum, rsensor, and ranimove to "working except photon map" status
ranimove1.c 3.27 (5 months ago) by greg: fix: multiple bug fixes in hyperspectral code, added rvu, mkillum, rsensor, and ranimove to "working except photon map" status
ranimove.h 3.10 (11 years ago) by greg: Backed out unintentional commit
ranimove.c 3.20 (14 months ago) by greg: refactor: Changed some char* args to const char* to avoid warnings
ranimate.c 2.58 (10 months ago) by greg: feat(rad,ranimate): Improved handling of quoted strings for file names 2.7 (9 years ago) by greg: Added corral flag highlighting
raddepend.csh 2.8 (15 years ago) by greg: Made temporary files safe from malicious attackers
radcompare.c 2.34 (5 months ago) by greg: refactor(radcompare): introduced alternate spectral comparison (commented out)
rad.c 2.132 (5 months ago) by greg: fix(rad): added "rpict" options to overture calculation as needed for hyperspectral ambient file
pictool.h 2.3 (7 years ago) by greg: Changes to evalglare by Jan Wienold
pictool.c 2.8 (3 years ago) by greg: feat(evalglare): new version of evalglare from Jan Wienold 2.3 (6 years ago) by greg: Created bsdfview script and added man page for bsdf2rad
objview.csh 2.12 (15 years ago) by greg: Added ambient file setting for rvu value sharing with -N > 1 2.1 (10 years ago) by greg: Replaced objview and objpict with Perl scripts written by Axel Jacobs
objpict.csh 2.7 (14 years ago) by greg: Bug fix and changed to produce much better quality output
objline.csh 2.6 (15 years ago) by greg: Made script more robust to different file names
netproc.h 2.8 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Continued ANSIfication.
netproc.c 2.17 (14 years ago) by greg: Changed behavior so no change to remote user directory if full path given
minimalBSDFt.xml 2.1 (9 years ago) by greg: Added XML templates and fixed bugs for first running version 2.2 (10 years ago) by greg: Axel updates to ltview and ltpict 2.2 (10 years ago) by greg: Axel updates to ltview and ltpict 1.6 (21 months ago) by greg: fix: updated and corrected Klems half and quarter bases to match WINDOW 1.5 (21 months ago) by greg: fix: updated and corrected Klems half and quarter bases to match WINDOW 1.3 (9 years ago) by greg: Hopeful fix to bugs in genBSDF due to lack of left-handed coordinates
ivprep.csh 2.2 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
ivpict.csh 2.3 (15 years ago) by greg: Changed ".pic" extension to ".hdr" throughout 2.1 (22 months ago) by greg: chore: Moved to build directory with dependency, where it belongs
help2roff.csh 3.1 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
help.hlp 2.4 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
glradicon.h 3.1 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
glrad.c 3.27 (4 years ago) by greg: Added filtering capabilities to Unix version of open_process()
glareval.c 2.19 (16 months ago) by greg: refactor(findglare): Removed outdated type modifiers
glaresrc.c 2.7 (16 months ago) by greg: refactor(findglare): Removed outdated type modifiers
glarendx.c 2.16 (3 years ago) by greg: Hopeful fix to Windows test issues
glare.h 2.7 (16 years ago) by greg: Math library and warning fixes for Solaris
glare.csh 2.4 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
getinfo.c 2.26 (13 months ago) by greg: fix(getinfo): error message clean-up
gethelp.tcl 2.4 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
getfile.tcl 2.3 (11 years ago) by greg: Added work-around for broken double-click binding 2.11 (5 years ago) by greg: Taoning added (secret) '-5' option for 5-phase calculation 2.13 (8 years ago) by greg: Fix for git bash 2.11 (2 years ago) by greg: fix(genambpos): Added error message when attempting to run under Windows
genambpos.csh 3.2 (19 years ago) by greg: Added removal of previously generated file if present 2.91 (3 months ago) by greg: fix(genBSDF): Enforce the fact that spectral sampling is currently unsupported
findglare.c 2.17 (15 months ago) by greg: fix(findglare): Changed from %f to %e formatting in some source output parameters
file.hlp 2.3 (11 years ago) by greg: Added work-around for broken double-click binding
fieldcomb.csh 2.7 (15 years ago) by greg: Changed ".pic" extension to ".hdr" throughout
evalglare.c 2.11 (3 years ago) by greg: feat(evalglare): new version of evalglare from Jan Wienold
eplus_idf.h 2.8 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
eplus_idf.c 2.12 (10 years ago) by greg: Changed idf_free() to make it faster
eplus_adduvf.c 2.22 (4 years ago) by greg: Added filtering capabilities to Unix version of open_process()
do_zone.tcl 2.7 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
do_views.tcl 2.4 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
do_scene.tcl 2.5 (11 years ago) by greg: Added number of processes control to trad
do_results.tcl 2.9 (12 years ago) by greg: Made a few updates to trad
do_options.tcl 2.10 (8 years ago) by greg: Added photon map support to trad
do_file.tcl 2.24 (6 years ago) by greg: Added missing variables
do_action.tcl 2.13 (11 years ago) by greg: Added number of processes control to trad 2.5 (4 years ago) by greg: Improved handling of edge cases
debugcal.csh 2.8 (2 years ago) by greg: feat(debugcal): added support for local coordinates and perturbed normals
dctimestep.c 2.49 (2 years ago) by greg: feat(dctimestep): Made it so -x and -y also work for single-picture output
dcglare.c 2.6 (2 years ago) by greg: feat(dctimestep): Added -x and -y options to specify picture output dimensions
dayfact.csh 2.9 (15 years ago) by greg: Changed ".pic" extension to ".hdr" throughout
compamb.csh 3.7 (15 years ago) by greg: Made temporary files safe from malicious attackers
cmglare.h 2.1 (4 years ago) by greg: Added Nathaniel Jones' dcglare utility
cmglare.c 2.1 (4 years ago) by greg: Added Nathaniel Jones' dcglare utility
cmbsdf.c 2.10 (3 years ago) by greg: fix: Allow different front/back diffuse reflectance in BSDF library
cmatrix.h 2.14 (5 months ago) by greg: feat(rmtxop): Added handling of Radiance spectral pictures as matrices
cmatrix.c 2.38 (5 months ago) by greg: feat(rmtxop): Added handling of Radiance spectral pictures as matrices 2.1 (2 months ago) by greg: feat(rfluxmtx): Added new hemisphere samplying type, "h=cie" for CIE sky scanner subdivision 2.8 (2 years ago) by greg: feat(bsdfview): Added call to checkBSDF for XML input 2.4 (9 years ago) by greg: Added corral flag highlighting
WINDOW6BSDFt.xml 2.1 (9 years ago) by greg: Added XML templates and fixed bugs for first running version
SConscript 1.23 (6 years ago) by schorsch: Updating to SCons 3.x, adding support for Python 3
Rmakefile 2.106 (2 months ago) by greg: chore(rcomb): Added missing dependencies
README 2.18 (3 years ago) by greg: docs: udated ID tag
CMakeLists.txt 1.48 (4 months ago) by greg: chore(rcomb): Renamed rmtxcomb to simpler "rcomb"
0 directories and 109 files shown