#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: x11twind.c,v 2.8 2003/04/11 19:32:00 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * x11twind.c - routines for X11 text windows. * * Written by G. Ward * 10/30/87 * * Modified for X11 by B. V. Smith * 9/26/88 */ #include "copyright.h" #include #include #include #include "x11twind.h" #ifndef BSD #define bzero(d,n) (void)memset(d,0,n) #endif #define checkcurs(t) if ((t)->cursor) togglecurs(t) #define restorecurs checkcurs /* width/height of a character in fontstruct f */ #define Width(f) ((f)->max_bounds.rbearing - (f)->min_bounds.lbearing) #define Height(f) ((f)->ascent + (f)->descent) #define YStart(f) ((f)->ascent) static void togglecurs(); TEXTWIND * xt_open(dpy, parent, x, y, width, height, bw, fore, back, fontname) Display *dpy; Window parent; int x, y; int width, height; int bw; unsigned long fore, back; char *fontname; { register int i; register TEXTWIND *t; if ((t = (TEXTWIND *)malloc(sizeof(TEXTWIND))) == NULL) return(NULL); t->dpy = dpy; t->w = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, parent, x, y, width, height, bw, fore, back); if (t->w == 0) return(NULL); XMapWindow(dpy, t->w); if ((t->f = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, fontname)) == 0) return(NULL); /* if (!t->f.fixedwidth) check for fixedwidth later return(NULL); */ t->gc = XCreateGC(dpy,t->w,0,NULL); XSetState(dpy, t->gc, fore, back, GXcopy, AllPlanes); XSetFont(dpy, t->gc, t->f->fid); t->nc = (width - LEFTMAR) / Width(t->f); /* number of columns */ t->nr = height / Height(t->f); /* number of rows */ if (t->nc < 1 || t->nr < 1) return(NULL); if ((t->lp = (char **)calloc(t->nr, sizeof(char *))) == NULL) return(NULL); for (i = 0; i < t->nr; i++) if ((t->lp[i] = calloc(t->nc+1, 1)) == NULL) return(NULL); t->r = t->c = 0; t->cursor = TNOCURS; return(t); } void xt_putc(c, t) /* output a character */ int c; register TEXTWIND *t; { char ch[2]; checkcurs(t); switch (c) { case '\n': if (t->r >= t->nr - 1) xt_delete(t, 0); /* scroll up 1 line */ else if (t->r < t->nr - 1) t->r++; /* fall through */ case '\r': t->c = 0; break; case '\b': while (t->c < 1 && t->r > 0) t->c = strlen(t->lp[--t->r]); if (t->c > 0) t->c--; break; default: if (t->c >= t->nc) xt_putc('\n', t); ch[0] = c; ch[1] = '\0'; XDrawImageString(t->dpy, t->w, t->gc, LEFTMAR+t->c*Width(t->f), YStart(t->f)+t->r*Height(t->f), ch, 1); t->lp[t->r][t->c++] = c; break; } restorecurs(t); } void xt_puts(s, t) /* output a string */ register char *s; TEXTWIND *t; { int oldcurs; oldcurs = xt_cursor(t, TNOCURS); /* for efficiency */ while (*s) xt_putc(*s++, t); xt_cursor(t, oldcurs); } void xt_delete(t, r) /* delete a line */ register TEXTWIND *t; int r; { char *cp; register int i; if (r < 0 || r >= t->nr) return; checkcurs(t); /* move lines */ XCopyArea(t->dpy, t->w, t->w, t->gc, LEFTMAR, (r+1)*Height(t->f), t->nc*Width(t->f), (t->nr-1-r)*Height(t->f), LEFTMAR, r*Height(t->f)); cp = t->lp[r]; for (i = r; i < t->nr-1; i++) t->lp[i] = t->lp[i+1]; t->lp[t->nr-1] = cp; /* clear bottom */ XClearArea(t->dpy, t->w, LEFTMAR, (t->nr-1)*Height(t->f), t->nc*Width(t->f), Height(t->f),(Bool) 0); bzero(cp, t->nc); restorecurs(t); /* should we reposition cursor? */ } void xt_insert(t, r) /* insert a line */ register TEXTWIND *t; int r; { char *cp; register int i; if (r < 0 || r >= t->nr) return; checkcurs(t); /* move lines */ XCopyArea(t->dpy, t->w, t->w, t->gc, LEFTMAR, r*Height(t->f), LEFTMAR, (r+1)*Height(t->f), t->nc*Width(t->f), (t->nr-1-r)*Height(t->f)); cp = t->lp[t->nr-1]; for (i = t->nr-1; i > r; i--) t->lp[i] = t->lp[i-1]; t->lp[r] = cp; /* clear new line */ XClearArea(t->dpy, t->w, LEFTMAR, r*Height(t->f), t->nc*Width(t->f), Height(t->f), (Bool) 0); bzero(cp, t->nc); restorecurs(t); /* should we reposition cursor? */ } void xt_redraw(t) /* redraw text window */ register TEXTWIND *t; { register int i; XClearWindow(t->dpy, t->w); for (i = 0; i < t->nr; i++) if (strlen(t->lp[i]) > 0) XDrawImageString(t->dpy, t->w, t->gc, LEFTMAR, YStart(t->f)+i*Height(t->f), t->lp[i], strlen(t->lp[i])); restorecurs(t); } void xt_clear(t) /* clear text window */ register TEXTWIND *t; { register int i; XClearWindow(t->dpy, t->w); for (i = 0; i < t->nr; i++) bzero(t->lp[i], t->nc); t->r = t->c = 0; restorecurs(t); } void xt_move(t, r, c) /* move to new position */ register TEXTWIND *t; int r, c; { if (r < 0 || c < 0 || r >= t->nr || c >= t->nc) return; checkcurs(t); t->r = r; t->c = c; restorecurs(t); } int xt_cursor(t, curs) /* change cursor */ register TEXTWIND *t; register int curs; { register int oldcurs; if (curs != TNOCURS && curs != TBLKCURS) return(-1); oldcurs = t->cursor; if (curs != oldcurs) togglecurs(t); t->cursor = curs; return(oldcurs); } void xt_close(t) /* close text window */ register TEXTWIND *t; { register int i; XFreeFont(t->dpy, t->f); XFreeGC(t->dpy,t->gc); XDestroyWindow(t->dpy, t->w); for (i = 0; i < t->nr; i++) free(t->lp[i]); free((void *)t->lp); free((void *)t); } static void togglecurs(t) register TEXTWIND *t; { XSetFunction(t->dpy, t->gc, GXinvert); XSetPlaneMask(t->dpy, t->gc, 1L); XFillRectangle(t->dpy, t->w, t->gc, t->c*Width(t->f)+LEFTMAR, t->r*Height(t->f), Width(t->f), Height(t->f)); XSetFunction(t->dpy, t->gc, GXcopy); XSetPlaneMask(t->dpy, t->gc, ~0L); }