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Revision: 2.12
Committed: Fri Jun 4 14:48:52 1993 UTC (30 years, 11 months ago) by greg
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 2.11: +1 -1 lines
Log Message:
added math.h for atof() usage

File Contents

# Content
1 /* Copyright (c) 1992 Regents of the University of California */
3 #ifndef lint
4 static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL";
5 #endif
7 /*
8 * x11.c - driver for X-windows version 11
9 *
10 * Jan 1990
11 */
13 #include <stdio.h>
14 #include <math.h>
15 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
17 #include <X11/Xlib.h>
18 #include <X11/cursorfont.h>
19 #include <X11/Xutil.h>
21 #include "color.h"
22 #include "driver.h"
23 #include "x11twind.h"
24 #include "x11icon.h"
26 #define GAMMA 2.2 /* default exponent correction */
28 #define MINWIDTH (32*COMCW) /* minimum graphics window width */
29 #define MINHEIGHT (MINWIDTH/2) /* minimum graphics window height */
31 #define BORWIDTH 5 /* border width */
32 #define COMHEIGHT (COMLH*COMCH) /* command line height (pixels) */
34 #define COMFN "8x13" /* command line font name */
35 #define COMLH 3 /* number of command lines */
36 #define COMCW 8 /* approx. character width (pixels) */
37 #define COMCH 14 /* approx. character height (pixels) */
39 #define ourscreen DefaultScreen(ourdisplay)
40 #define ourroot RootWindow(ourdisplay,ourscreen)
42 #define levptr(etype) ((etype *)&currentevent)
44 static XEvent currentevent; /* current event */
46 static int ncolors = 0; /* color table size */
47 static int mapped = 0; /* window is mapped? */
48 static unsigned long *pixval = NULL; /* allocated pixels */
49 static unsigned long ourblack=0, ourwhite=1;
51 static Display *ourdisplay = NULL; /* our display */
53 static XVisualInfo ourvinfo; /* our visual information */
55 static Window gwind = 0; /* our graphics window */
57 static Cursor pickcursor = 0; /* cursor used for picking */
59 static int gwidth, gheight; /* graphics window size */
61 static TEXTWIND *comline = NULL; /* our command line */
63 static char c_queue[64]; /* input queue */
64 static int c_first = 0; /* first character in queue */
65 static int c_last = 0; /* last character in queue */
67 static GC ourgc = 0; /* our graphics context for drawing */
69 static Colormap ourmap = 0; /* our color map */
71 extern char *malloc(), *getcombuf();
73 static int x11_close(), x11_clear(), x11_paintr(), x11_errout(),
74 x11_getcur(), x11_comout(), x11_comin(), x11_flush();
76 static struct driver x11_driver = {
77 x11_close, x11_clear, x11_paintr, x11_getcur,
78 x11_comout, x11_comin, x11_flush, 1.0
79 };
81 static int getpixels(), xnewcolr(), freepixels(),
82 getevent(), getkey(), fixwindow();
83 static unsigned long true_pixel();
86 struct driver *
87 x11_init(name, id) /* initialize driver */
88 char *name, *id;
89 {
90 extern char *getenv();
91 char *gv;
92 int nplanes;
93 XSetWindowAttributes ourwinattr;
94 XWMHints ourxwmhints;
95 XSizeHints oursizhints;
97 ourdisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
98 if (ourdisplay == NULL) {
99 stderr_v("cannot open X-windows; DISPLAY variable set?\n");
100 return(NULL);
101 }
102 /* find a usable visual */
103 nplanes = DisplayPlanes(ourdisplay, ourscreen);
104 if (XMatchVisualInfo(ourdisplay,ourscreen,
105 24,TrueColor,&ourvinfo) ||
106 XMatchVisualInfo(ourdisplay,ourscreen,
107 24,DirectColor,&ourvinfo)) {
108 ourblack = 0;
109 ourwhite = ourvinfo.red_mask |
110 ourvinfo.green_mask |
111 ourvinfo.blue_mask ;
112 } else {
113 if (nplanes < 4) {
114 stderr_v("not enough colors\n");
115 return(NULL);
116 }
117 if (!XMatchVisualInfo(ourdisplay,ourscreen,
118 nplanes,PseudoColor,&ourvinfo) &&
119 !XMatchVisualInfo(ourdisplay,ourscreen,
120 nplanes,GrayScale,&ourvinfo)) {
121 stderr_v("unsupported visual type\n");
122 return(NULL);
123 }
124 ourblack = BlackPixel(ourdisplay,ourscreen);
125 ourwhite = WhitePixel(ourdisplay,ourscreen);
126 }
127 /* set gamma */
128 if ((gv = getenv("GAMMA")) != NULL)
129 make_gmap(atof(gv));
130 else
131 make_gmap(GAMMA);
132 /* open window */
133 ourwinattr.background_pixel = ourblack;
134 ourwinattr.border_pixel = ourblack;
135 /* this is stupid */
136 ourwinattr.colormap = XCreateColormap(ourdisplay, ourroot,
137 ourvinfo.visual, AllocNone);
138 gwind = XCreateWindow(ourdisplay, ourroot, 0, 0,
139 DisplayWidth(ourdisplay,ourscreen)-2*BORWIDTH,
140 DisplayHeight(ourdisplay,ourscreen)-2*BORWIDTH,
141 BORWIDTH, ourvinfo.depth, InputOutput, ourvinfo.visual,
142 CWBackPixel|CWBorderPixel|CWColormap, &ourwinattr);
143 if (gwind == 0) {
144 stderr_v("cannot create window\n");
145 return(NULL);
146 }
147 XStoreName(ourdisplay, gwind, id);
148 /* create a cursor */
149 pickcursor = XCreateFontCursor(ourdisplay, XC_diamond_cross);
150 ourgc = XCreateGC(ourdisplay, gwind, 0, NULL);
151 ourxwmhints.flags = InputHint|IconPixmapHint;
152 ourxwmhints.input = True;
153 ourxwmhints.icon_pixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(ourdisplay,
154 gwind, x11icon_bits, x11icon_width, x11icon_height);
155 XSetWMHints(ourdisplay, gwind, &ourxwmhints);
156 oursizhints.min_width = MINWIDTH;
157 oursizhints.min_height = MINHEIGHT+COMHEIGHT;
158 oursizhints.flags = PMinSize;
159 XSetNormalHints(ourdisplay, gwind, &oursizhints);
160 XSelectInput(ourdisplay, gwind, ExposureMask);
161 XMapWindow(ourdisplay, gwind);
162 XWindowEvent(ourdisplay, gwind, ExposureMask, levptr(XEvent));
163 gwidth = levptr(XExposeEvent)->width;
164 gheight = levptr(XExposeEvent)->height - COMHEIGHT;
165 x11_driver.xsiz = gwidth < MINWIDTH ? MINWIDTH : gwidth;
166 x11_driver.ysiz = gheight < MINHEIGHT ? MINHEIGHT : gheight;
167 x11_driver.inpready = 0;
168 mapped = 1;
169 cmdvec = x11_comout; /* set error vectors */
170 if (wrnvec != NULL)
171 wrnvec = x11_errout;
172 return(&x11_driver);
173 }
176 static
177 x11_close() /* close our display */
178 {
179 cmdvec = NULL; /* reset error vectors */
180 if (wrnvec != NULL)
181 wrnvec = stderr_v;
182 if (ourdisplay == NULL)
183 return;
184 if (comline != NULL) {
185 xt_close(comline);
186 comline = NULL;
187 }
188 freepixels();
189 XFreeGC(ourdisplay, ourgc);
190 XDestroyWindow(ourdisplay, gwind);
191 gwind = 0;
192 ourgc = 0;
193 XFreeCursor(ourdisplay, pickcursor);
194 XCloseDisplay(ourdisplay);
195 ourdisplay = NULL;
196 }
199 static
200 x11_clear(xres, yres) /* clear our display */
201 int xres, yres;
202 {
203 /* check limits */
204 if (xres < MINWIDTH)
205 xres = MINWIDTH;
206 if (yres < MINHEIGHT)
207 yres = MINHEIGHT;
208 /* resize window */
209 if (xres != gwidth || yres != gheight) {
210 XSelectInput(ourdisplay, gwind, 0);
211 XResizeWindow(ourdisplay, gwind, xres, yres+COMHEIGHT);
212 gwidth = xres;
213 gheight = yres;
214 XFlush(ourdisplay);
215 sleep(2); /* wait for window manager */
216 XSync(ourdisplay, 1); /* discard input */
217 }
218 XClearWindow(ourdisplay, gwind);
219 /* reinitialize color table */
220 if (ourvinfo.class == PseudoColor || ourvinfo.class == GrayScale)
221 if (getpixels() == 0)
222 stderr_v("cannot allocate colors\n");
223 else
224 new_ctab(ncolors);
225 /* get new command line */
226 if (comline != NULL)
227 xt_close(comline);
228 comline = xt_open(ourdisplay, gwind, 0, gheight,
229 gwidth, COMHEIGHT, 0, ourblack, ourwhite, COMFN);
230 if (comline == NULL) {
231 stderr_v("Cannot open command line window\n");
232 quit(1);
233 }
234 XSelectInput(ourdisplay, comline->w, ExposureMask);
235 /* remove earmuffs */
236 XSelectInput(ourdisplay, gwind,
237 StructureNotifyMask|ExposureMask|KeyPressMask|ButtonPressMask);
238 }
241 static
242 x11_paintr(col, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) /* fill a rectangle */
243 COLOR col;
244 int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
245 {
246 unsigned long pixel;
248 if (!mapped)
249 return;
250 if (ncolors > 0)
251 pixel = pixval[get_pixel(col, xnewcolr)];
252 else
253 pixel = true_pixel(col);
254 XSetForeground(ourdisplay, ourgc, pixel);
255 XFillRectangle(ourdisplay, gwind,
256 ourgc, xmin, gheight-ymax, xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin);
257 }
260 static
261 x11_flush() /* flush output */
262 {
263 XNoOp(ourdisplay);
264 while (XPending(ourdisplay) > 0)
265 getevent();
266 }
269 static
270 x11_comin(inp, prompt) /* read in a command line */
271 char *inp, *prompt;
272 {
273 extern int x11_getc();
275 if (prompt != NULL)
276 if (fromcombuf(inp, &x11_driver))
277 return;
278 else
279 xt_puts(prompt, comline);
280 xt_cursor(comline, TBLKCURS);
281 editline(inp, x11_getc, x11_comout);
282 xt_cursor(comline, TNOCURS);
283 }
286 static
287 x11_comout(out) /* output a string to command line */
288 char *out;
289 {
290 if (comline == NULL)
291 return;
292 xt_puts(out, comline);
293 if (out[strlen(out)-1] == '\n')
294 XFlush(ourdisplay);
295 }
298 static
299 x11_errout(msg) /* output an error message */
300 char *msg;
301 {
302 stderr_v(msg); /* send to stderr also! */
303 x11_comout(msg);
304 }
307 static int
308 x11_getcur(xp, yp) /* get cursor position */
309 int *xp, *yp;
310 {
311 while (XGrabPointer(ourdisplay, gwind, True, ButtonPressMask,
312 GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, pickcursor,
313 CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess)
314 sleep(2);
316 do
317 getevent();
318 while (c_last <= c_first && levptr(XEvent)->type != ButtonPress);
319 *xp = levptr(XButtonPressedEvent)->x;
320 *yp = gheight-1 - levptr(XButtonPressedEvent)->y;
321 XUngrabPointer(ourdisplay, CurrentTime);
322 XFlush(ourdisplay); /* insure release */
323 if (c_last > c_first) /* key pressed */
324 return(x11_getc());
325 /* button pressed */
326 if (levptr(XButtonPressedEvent)->button == Button1)
327 return(MB1);
328 if (levptr(XButtonPressedEvent)->button == Button2)
329 return(MB2);
330 if (levptr(XButtonPressedEvent)->button == Button3)
331 return(MB3);
332 return(ABORT);
333 }
336 static
337 xnewcolr(ndx, r, g, b) /* enter a color into hardware table */
338 int ndx;
339 int r, g, b;
340 {
341 XColor xcolor;
343 xcolor.pixel = pixval[ndx];
344 = r << 8;
345 = g << 8;
346 = b << 8;
347 xcolor.flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
349 XStoreColor(ourdisplay, ourmap, &xcolor);
350 }
353 static int
354 getpixels() /* get the color map */
355 {
356 XColor thiscolor;
357 register int i, j;
359 if (ncolors > 0)
360 return(ncolors);
361 if (ourvinfo.visual == DefaultVisual(ourdisplay,ourscreen)) {
362 ourmap = DefaultColormap(ourdisplay,ourscreen);
363 goto loop;
364 }
365 newmap:
366 ourmap = XCreateColormap(ourdisplay,gwind,ourvinfo.visual,AllocNone);
367 loop:
368 for (ncolors = ourvinfo.colormap_size;
369 ncolors > ourvinfo.colormap_size/3;
370 ncolors = ncolors*.937) {
371 pixval = (unsigned long *)malloc(ncolors*sizeof(unsigned long));
372 if (pixval == NULL)
373 return(ncolors = 0);
374 if (XAllocColorCells(ourdisplay,ourmap,0,NULL,0,pixval,ncolors))
375 break;
376 free((char *)pixval);
377 pixval = NULL;
378 }
379 if (pixval == NULL) {
380 if (ourmap == DefaultColormap(ourdisplay,ourscreen))
381 goto newmap; /* try it with our map */
382 else
383 return(ncolors = 0); /* failed */
384 }
385 if (ourmap != DefaultColormap(ourdisplay,ourscreen))
386 for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) { /* reset black and white */
387 if (pixval[i] != ourblack && pixval[i] != ourwhite)
388 continue;
389 thiscolor.pixel = pixval[i];
390 thiscolor.flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
391 XQueryColor(ourdisplay,
392 DefaultColormap(ourdisplay,ourscreen),
393 &thiscolor);
394 XStoreColor(ourdisplay, ourmap, &thiscolor);
395 for (j = i; j+1 < ncolors; j++)
396 pixval[j] = pixval[j+1];
397 ncolors--;
398 i--;
399 }
400 XSetWindowColormap(ourdisplay, gwind, ourmap);
401 return(ncolors);
402 }
405 static
406 freepixels() /* free our pixels */
407 {
408 if (ncolors == 0)
409 return;
410 XFreeColors(ourdisplay,ourmap,pixval,ncolors,0L);
411 free((char *)pixval);
412 pixval = NULL;
413 ncolors = 0;
414 if (ourmap != DefaultColormap(ourdisplay,ourscreen))
415 XFreeColormap(ourdisplay, ourmap);
416 ourmap = 0;
417 }
420 static unsigned long
421 true_pixel(col) /* return true pixel value for color */
422 COLOR col;
423 {
424 unsigned long rval;
425 BYTE rgb[3];
427 map_color(rgb, col);
428 rval = ourvinfo.red_mask*rgb[RED]/255 & ourvinfo.red_mask;
429 rval |= ourvinfo.green_mask*rgb[GRN]/255 & ourvinfo.green_mask;
430 rval |= ourvinfo.blue_mask*rgb[BLU]/255 & ourvinfo.blue_mask;
431 return(rval);
432 }
435 static int
436 x11_getc() /* get a command character */
437 {
438 while (c_last <= c_first) {
439 c_first = c_last = 0; /* reset */
440 getevent(); /* wait for key */
441 }
442 x11_driver.inpready--;
443 return(c_queue[c_first++]);
444 }
447 static
448 getevent() /* get next event */
449 {
450 XNextEvent(ourdisplay, levptr(XEvent));
451 switch (levptr(XEvent)->type) {
452 case ConfigureNotify:
453 resizewindow(levptr(XConfigureEvent));
454 break;
455 case UnmapNotify:
456 mapped = 0;
457 freepixels();
458 break;
459 case MapNotify:
460 if (ourvinfo.class == PseudoColor ||
461 ourvinfo.class == GrayScale)
462 if (getpixels() == 0)
463 stderr_v("Cannot allocate colors\n");
464 else
465 new_ctab(ncolors);
466 mapped = 1;
467 break;
468 case Expose:
469 fixwindow(levptr(XExposeEvent));
470 break;
471 case KeyPress:
472 getkey(levptr(XKeyPressedEvent));
473 break;
474 case ButtonPress:
475 break;
476 }
477 }
480 static
481 getkey(ekey) /* get input key */
482 register XKeyPressedEvent *ekey;
483 {
484 register int n;
486 n = XLookupString(ekey, c_queue+c_last, sizeof(c_queue)-c_last,
487 NULL, NULL);
488 c_last += n;
489 x11_driver.inpready += n;
490 }
493 static
494 fixwindow(eexp) /* repair damage to window */
495 register XExposeEvent *eexp;
496 {
497 if (eexp->window == gwind) {
498 sprintf(getcombuf(&x11_driver), "repaint %d %d %d %d\n",
499 eexp->x, gheight - eexp->y - eexp->height,
500 eexp->x + eexp->width, gheight - eexp->y);
501 } else if (eexp->window == comline->w) {
502 if (eexp->count == 0)
503 xt_redraw(comline);
504 }
505 }
508 static
509 resizewindow(ersz) /* resize window */
510 register XConfigureEvent *ersz;
511 {
512 if (ersz->width == gwidth && ersz->height-COMHEIGHT == gheight)
513 return;
515 gwidth = ersz->width;
516 gheight = ersz->height-COMHEIGHT;
517 x11_driver.xsiz = gwidth < MINWIDTH ? MINWIDTH : gwidth;
518 x11_driver.ysiz = gheight < MINHEIGHT ? MINHEIGHT : gheight;
520 strcpy(getcombuf(&x11_driver), "new\n");
521 }