#ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* Copyright (c) 1989 Regents of the University of California */ /* * x11.c - driver for X-windows version 10.4 * * 1989 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "color.h" #include "driver.h" #include "x11twind.h" #define GAMMA 2.2 /* exponent for color correction */ #define BORWIDTH 5 /* border width */ #define COMHEIGHT (COMLH*COMCH) /* command line height (pixels) */ #define COMFN "8x13" /* command line font name */ #define COMLH 3 /* number of command lines */ #define COMCW 8 /* approx. character width (pixels) */ #define COMCH 14 /* approx. character height (pixels) */ #ifndef WFLUSH #define WFLUSH 30 /* flush after this many rays */ #endif #define checkinp() while (XPending(ourdisplay) > 0) getevent() #define levptr(etype) ((etype *)&thisevent) static char *clientname; /* calling client's name */ static XEvent thisevent; /* current event */ static int ncolors = 0; /* color table size */ static int *pixval = NULL; /* allocated pixels */ static Display *ourdisplay = NULL; /* our display */ static Window gwind = 0; /* our graphics window */ static Cursor pickcursor = 0; /* cursor used for picking */ static int gwidth = 0; /* graphics window width */ static int gheight = 0; /* graphics window height */ static TEXTWIND *comline = NULL; /* our command line */ static char c_queue[64]; /* input queue */ static int c_first = 0; /* first character in queue */ static int c_last = 0; /* last character in queue */ static GC ourgc = 0; /* our graphics context for drawing */ static Colormap ourmap; /* our color map */ extern char *malloc(); int x11_close(), x11_clear(), x11_paintr(), x11_errout(), x11_getcur(), x11_comout(), x11_comin(); static struct driver x11_driver = { x11_close, x11_clear, x11_paintr, x11_getcur, x11_comout, x11_comin, 1.0 }; struct driver * x11_init(name, id) /* initialize driver */ char *name, *id; { Pixmap bmCursorSrc, bmCursorMsk; ourdisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (ourdisplay == NULL) { stderr_v("cannot open X-windows; DISPLAY variable set?\n"); return(NULL); } if (DisplayPlanes(ourdisplay, DefaultScreen(ourdisplay)) < 4) { stderr_v("not enough colors\n"); return(NULL); } ourmap = DefaultColormap(ourdisplay,DefaultScreen(ourdisplay)); make_gmap(GAMMA); /* make color map */ /* bmCursorSrc = XCreateBitmapFromData(ourdisplay, gwind, bcross_bits, bcross_width, bcross_height); bmCursorMsk = XCreateBitmapFromData(ourdisplay, gwind, bcross_mask_bits, bcross_width, bcross_height); pickcursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(ourdisplay, bmCursorSrc, bmCursorMsk, BlackPixel(ourdisplay, DefaultScreen(ourdisplay)), WhitePixel(ourdisplay, DefaultScreen(ourdisplay)), bcross_x_hot, bcross_y_hot); XFreePixmap(ourdisplay, bmCursorSrc); XFreePixmap(ourdisplay, bmCursorMsk); */ /* create a cursor */ pickcursor = XCreateFontCursor (ourdisplay, XC_diamond_cross); /* new */ clientname = id; x11_driver.xsiz = DisplayWidth(ourdisplay,DefaultScreen(ourdisplay)) - 2*BORWIDTH; x11_driver.ysiz = DisplayHeight(ourdisplay,DefaultScreen(ourdisplay)) - (COMHEIGHT + 2*BORWIDTH); x11_driver.inpready = 0; cmdvec = x11_comout; /* set error vectors */ if (wrnvec != NULL) wrnvec = x11_errout; return(&x11_driver); } static x11_close() /* close our display */ { cmdvec = NULL; /* reset error vectors */ if (wrnvec != NULL) wrnvec = stderr_v; if (ourdisplay == NULL) return; if (comline != NULL) { xt_close(comline); comline = NULL; } if (gwind != 0) { XFreeGC(ourdisplay, ourgc); XDestroyWindow(ourdisplay, gwind); gwind = 0; gwidth = gheight = 0; ourgc = 0; } XFreeCursor(ourdisplay, pickcursor); freepixels(); XCloseDisplay(ourdisplay); ourdisplay = NULL; } static x11_clear(xres, yres) /* clear our display */ int xres, yres; { XWMHints ourxwmhints; XSetWindowAttributes ourwindowattr; if (xres != gwidth || yres != gheight) { /* change window */ if (comline != NULL) xt_close(comline); if (gwind == 0) { /* new window */ ourwindowattr.backing_store = Always; ourwindowattr.background_pixel = WhitePixel(ourdisplay, DefaultScreen(ourdisplay)); ourwindowattr.border_pixel = BlackPixel(ourdisplay, DefaultScreen(ourdisplay)); gwind = XCreateWindow(ourdisplay, RootWindow(ourdisplay, DefaultScreen(ourdisplay)), 0, 0, xres, yres+COMHEIGHT, BORWIDTH, 0, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, CWBackingStore|CWBackPixel|CWBorderPixel, &ourwindowattr); if (gwind == 0) goto fail; XStoreName(ourdisplay, gwind, clientname); ourgc = XCreateGC(ourdisplay, gwind, 0, NULL); ourxwmhints.flags = InputHint; ourxwmhints.input = True; XSetWMHints(ourdisplay, gwind, &ourxwmhints); XSelectInput(ourdisplay, gwind, KeyPressMask|ButtonPressMask); XMapWindow(ourdisplay, gwind); } else /* resize window */ XResizeWindow(ourdisplay, gwind, xres, yres+COMHEIGHT); comline = xt_open(ourdisplay, DefaultGC(ourdisplay,DefaultScreen(ourdisplay)), gwind, 0, yres, xres, COMHEIGHT, 0, COMFN); if (comline == NULL) goto fail; gwidth = xres; gheight = yres; } else /* just clear */ XClearWindow(ourdisplay, gwind); /* reinitialize color table */ if (ncolors == 0 && getpixels() == 0) stderr_v("cannot allocate colors\n"); else new_ctab(ncolors); return; fail: stderr_v("Failure opening window in x11_clear\n"); quit(1); } static x11_paintr(col, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) /* fill a rectangle */ COLOR col; int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; { extern long nrays; /* global ray count */ extern int xnewcolr(); /* pixel assignment routine */ static long lastflush = 0; /* ray count at last flush */ if (ncolors > 0) { XSetForeground(ourdisplay, ourgc, pixval[get_pixel(col, xnewcolr)]); XFillRectangle(ourdisplay, gwind, ourgc, xmin, gheight-ymax, xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin); } if (nrays - lastflush >= WFLUSH) { if (ncolors <= 0) /* output necessary for death */ XFillRectangle(ourdisplay, gwind, ourgc, 0, 0, 1 ,1); checkinp(); lastflush = nrays; } } static x11_comin(inp, prompt) /* read in a command line */ char *inp, *prompt; { int x11_getc(), x11_comout(); if (prompt != NULL) xt_puts(prompt, comline); xt_cursor(comline, TBLKCURS); editline(inp, x11_getc, x11_comout); xt_cursor(comline, TNOCURS); } static x11_comout(out) /* output a string to command line */ char *out; { if (comline != NULL) xt_puts(out, comline); XFlush(ourdisplay); } static x11_errout(msg) /* output an error message */ char *msg; { x11_comout(msg); stderr_v(msg); /* send to stderr also! */ } static int x11_getcur(xp, yp) /* get cursor position */ int *xp, *yp; { while (XGrabPointer(ourdisplay, gwind, True, ButtonPressMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, pickcursor, CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess) sleep(2); do getevent(); while (c_last <= c_first && levptr(XEvent)->type != ButtonPress); *xp = levptr(XButtonPressedEvent)->x; *yp = gheight-1 - levptr(XButtonPressedEvent)->y; XUngrabPointer(ourdisplay, CurrentTime); XFlush(ourdisplay); /* insure release */ if (c_last > c_first) /* key pressed */ return(x11_getc()); /* button pressed */ if (levptr(XButtonPressedEvent)->button & Button1) return(MB1); if (levptr(XButtonPressedEvent)->button & Button2) return(MB2); if (levptr(XButtonPressedEvent)->button & Button3) return(MB3); if (levptr(XButtonPressedEvent)->button & (Button4|Button5)) return(MB1); return(ABORT); } static xnewcolr(ndx, r, g, b) /* enter a color into hardware table */ int ndx; int r, g, b; { XColor xcolor; xcolor.pixel = pixval[ndx]; xcolor.red = r << 8; xcolor.green = g << 8; xcolor.blue = b << 8; xcolor.flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; XStoreColor(ourdisplay, ourmap, &xcolor); } static int getpixels() /* get the color map */ { Visual *ourvis = DefaultVisual(ourdisplay,DefaultScreen(ourdisplay)); freepixels(); for (ncolors=(ourvis->map_entries)-3; ncolors>12; ncolors=ncolors*.937){ pixval = (int *)malloc(ncolors*sizeof(int)); if (pixval == NULL) break; if (XAllocColorCells(ourdisplay,ourmap,0,NULL,0, pixval,ncolors) != 0) return(ncolors); free((char *)pixval); } return(ncolors = 0); } static freepixels() /* free our pixels */ { if (ncolors == 0) return; XFreeColors(ourdisplay,ourmap,pixval,ncolors,0L); ncolors = 0; } static int x11_getc() /* get a command character */ { while (c_last <= c_first) { c_first = c_last = 0; /* reset */ getevent(); /* wait for key */ } x11_driver.inpready--; return(c_queue[c_first++]); } static getevent() /* get next event */ { XNextEvent(ourdisplay, levptr(XEvent)); switch (levptr(XEvent)->type) { case KeyPress: getkey(levptr(XKeyPressedEvent)); break; case ButtonPress: break; } } static getkey(ekey) /* get input key */ register XKeyPressedEvent *ekey; { c_last += XLookupString(ekey, c_queue+c_last, sizeof(c_queue)-c_last, NULL, NULL); x11_driver.inpready = c_last-c_first; } #ifdef notdef static fixwindow(eexp) /* repair damage to window */ register XExposeEvent *eexp; { if (eexp->subwindow == 0) repaint(eexp->x, gheight - eexp->y - eexp->height, eexp->x + eexp->width, gheight - eexp->y); else if (eexp->subwindow == comline->w) xt_redraw(comline); } #endif