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Revision: 2.2
Committed: Mon Nov 25 09:52:49 1991 UTC (32 years, 5 months ago) by greg
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 2.1: +4 -2 lines
Log Message:
fixed small bug yielding inappropriate samples for flat sources

File Contents

# Content
1 /* Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California */
3 #ifndef lint
4 static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL";
5 #endif
7 /*
8 * Source sampling routines
9 */
11 #include "ray.h"
13 #include "source.h"
15 #include "random.h"
18 double
19 nextssamp(r, si) /* compute sample for source, rtn. distance */
20 register RAY *r; /* origin is read, direction is set */
21 register SRCINDEX *si; /* source index (modified to current) */
22 {
23 int cent[3], size[3], parr[2];
24 FVECT vpos;
25 double d;
26 register int i;
27 nextsample:
28 while (++si->sp >= si->np) { /* get next sample */
29 if (++si->sn >= nsources)
30 return(0.0); /* no more */
31 if (source[si->sn].sflags & SSKIP)
32 si->np = 0;
33 else if (srcsizerat <= FTINY)
34 nopart(si, r);
35 else {
36 for (i = si->sn; source[i].sflags & SVIRTUAL;
37 i = source[i]
38 ; /* partition source */
39 (*sfun[source[i].so->otype].of->partit)(si, r);
40 }
41 si->sp = -1;
42 }
43 /* get partition */
44 cent[0] = cent[1] = cent[2] = 0;
45 size[0] = size[1] = size[2] = MAXSPART;
46 parr[0] = 0; parr[1] = si->sp;
47 if (!skipparts(cent, size, parr, si->spt))
48 error(CONSISTENCY, "bad source partition in nextssamp");
49 /* compute sample */
50 if (dstrsrc > FTINY) { /* jitter sample */
51 dimlist[ndims] = si->sn + 8831;
52 dimlist[ndims+1] = si->sp + 3109;
53 d = urand(ilhash(dimlist,ndims+2)+samplendx);
54 if (source[si->sn].sflags & SFLAT) {
55 multisamp(vpos, 2, d);
56 vpos[2] = 0.5;
57 } else
58 multisamp(vpos, 3, d);
59 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
60 vpos[i] = dstrsrc * (1. - 2.*vpos[i]) *
61 (double)size[i]/MAXSPART;
62 } else
63 vpos[0] = vpos[1] = vpos[2] = 0.0;
65 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
66 vpos[i] += (double)cent[i]/MAXSPART;
67 /* compute direction */
68 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
69 r->rdir[i] = source[si->sn].sloc[i] +
70 vpos[SU]*source[si->sn].ss[SU][i] +
71 vpos[SV]*source[si->sn].ss[SV][i] +
72 vpos[SW]*source[si->sn].ss[SW][i];
74 if (!(source[si->sn].sflags & SDISTANT))
75 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
76 r->rdir[i] -= r->rorg[i];
77 /* compute distance */
78 if ((d = normalize(r->rdir)) == 0.0)
79 goto nextsample; /* at source! */
81 /* compute sample size */
82 si->dom = source[si->sn].ss2;
83 if (source[si->sn].sflags & SFLAT) {
84 si->dom *= sflatform(si->sn, r->rdir);
85 si->dom *= (double)(size[SU]*size[SV])/(MAXSPART*MAXSPART);
86 } else if (source[si->sn].sflags & SCYL) {
87 si->dom *= scylform(si->sn, r->rdir);
88 si->dom *= (double)size[SU]/MAXSPART;
89 } else {
90 si->dom *= (double)(size[SU]*size[SV]*size[SW]) /
92 }
93 if (source[si->sn].sflags & SDISTANT)
94 return(FHUGE);
95 if (si->dom <= FTINY)
96 goto nextsample; /* behind source? */
97 si->dom /= d*d;
98 return(d); /* sample OK, return distance */
99 }
102 skipparts(ct, sz, pp, pt) /* skip to requested partition */
103 int ct[3], sz[3]; /* center and size of partition (returned) */
104 register int pp[2]; /* current index, number to skip (modified) */
105 unsigned char *pt; /* partition array */
106 {
107 register int p;
108 /* check this partition */
109 p = spart(pt, pp[0]);
110 pp[0]++;
111 if (p == S0) /* leaf partition */
112 if (pp[1]) {
113 pp[1]--;
114 return(0); /* not there yet */
115 } else
116 return(1); /* we've arrived */
117 /* else check lower */
118 sz[p] >>= 1;
119 ct[p] -= sz[p];
120 if (skipparts(ct, sz, pp, pt))
121 return(1); /* return hit */
122 /* else check upper */
123 ct[p] += sz[p] << 1;
124 if (skipparts(ct, sz, pp, pt))
125 return(1); /* return hit */
126 /* else return to starting position */
127 ct[p] -= sz[p];
128 sz[p] <<= 1;
129 return(0); /* return miss */
130 }
133 nopart(si, r) /* single source partition */
134 register SRCINDEX *si;
135 RAY *r;
136 {
137 clrpart(si->spt);
138 setpart(si->spt, 0, S0);
139 si->np = 1;
140 }
143 cylpart(si, r) /* partition a cylinder */
144 SRCINDEX *si;
145 register RAY *r;
146 {
147 double dist2, safedist2, dist2cent, rad2;
148 FVECT v;
149 register SRCREC *sp;
150 int pi;
151 /* first check point location */
152 clrpart(si->spt);
153 sp = source + si->sn;
154 rad2 = 1.365 * DOT(sp->ss[SV],sp->ss[SV]);
155 v[0] = r->rorg[0] - sp->sloc[0];
156 v[1] = r->rorg[1] - sp->sloc[1];
157 v[2] = r->rorg[2] - sp->sloc[2];
158 dist2 = DOT(v,sp->ss[SU]);
159 safedist2 = DOT(sp->ss[SU],sp->ss[SU]);
160 dist2 *= dist2 / safedist2;
161 dist2cent = DOT(v,v);
162 dist2 = dist2cent - dist2;
163 if (dist2 <= rad2) { /* point inside extended cylinder */
164 si->np = 0;
165 return;
166 }
167 safedist2 *= 4.*r->rweight*r->rweight/(srcsizerat*srcsizerat);
168 if (dist2 <= 4.*rad2 || /* point too close to subdivide */
169 dist2cent >= safedist2) { /* or too far */
170 setpart(si->spt, 0, S0);
171 si->np = 1;
172 return;
173 }
174 pi = 0;
175 si->np = cyl_partit(r->rorg, si->spt, &pi, MAXSPART,
176 sp->sloc, sp->ss[SU], safedist2);
177 }
180 static int
181 cyl_partit(ro, pt, pi, mp, cent, axis, d2) /* slice a cylinder */
182 FVECT ro;
183 unsigned char *pt;
184 register int *pi;
185 int mp;
186 FVECT cent, axis;
187 double d2;
188 {
189 FVECT newct, newax;
190 int npl, npu;
192 if (mp < 2 || dist2(ro, cent) >= d2) { /* hit limit? */
193 setpart(pt, *pi, S0);
194 (*pi)++;
195 return(1);
196 }
197 /* subdivide */
198 setpart(pt, *pi, SU);
199 (*pi)++;
200 newax[0] = .5*axis[0];
201 newax[1] = .5*axis[1];
202 newax[2] = .5*axis[2];
203 d2 *= 0.25;
204 /* lower half */
205 newct[0] = cent[0] - newax[0];
206 newct[1] = cent[1] - newax[1];
207 newct[2] = cent[2] - newax[2];
208 npl = cyl_partit(ro, pt, pi, mp/2, newct, newax, d2);
209 /* upper half */
210 newct[0] = cent[0] + newax[0];
211 newct[1] = cent[1] + newax[1];
212 newct[2] = cent[2] + newax[2];
213 npu = cyl_partit(ro, pt, pi, mp/2, newct, newax, d2);
214 /* return total */
215 return(npl + npu);
216 }
219 flatpart(si, r) /* partition a flat source */
220 register SRCINDEX *si;
221 register RAY *r;
222 {
223 register FLOAT *vp;
224 FVECT v;
225 double du2, dv2;
226 int pi;
228 clrpart(si->spt);
229 vp = source[si->sn].sloc;
230 v[0] = r->rorg[0] - vp[0];
231 v[1] = r->rorg[1] - vp[1];
232 v[2] = r->rorg[2] - vp[2];
233 vp = source[si->sn].snorm;
234 if (DOT(v,vp) <= FTINY) { /* behind source */
235 si->np = 0;
236 return;
237 }
238 dv2 = 2.*r->rweight/srcsizerat;
239 dv2 *= dv2;
240 vp = source[si->sn].ss[SU];
241 du2 = dv2 * DOT(vp,vp);
242 vp = source[si->sn].ss[SV];
243 dv2 *= DOT(vp,vp);
244 pi = 0;
245 si->np = flt_partit(r->rorg, si->spt, &pi, MAXSPART,
246 source[si->sn].sloc,
247 source[si->sn].ss[SU], source[si->sn].ss[SV], du2, dv2);
248 }
251 static int
252 flt_partit(ro, pt, pi, mp, cent, u, v, du2, dv2) /* partition flatty */
253 FVECT ro;
254 unsigned char *pt;
255 register int *pi;
256 int mp;
257 FVECT cent, u, v;
258 double du2, dv2;
259 {
260 double d2;
261 FVECT newct, newax;
262 int npl, npu;
264 if (mp < 2 || ((d2 = dist2(ro, cent)) >= du2
265 && d2 >= dv2)) { /* hit limit? */
266 setpart(pt, *pi, S0);
267 (*pi)++;
268 return(1);
269 }
270 if (du2 > dv2) { /* subdivide in U */
271 setpart(pt, *pi, SU);
272 (*pi)++;
273 newax[0] = .5*u[0];
274 newax[1] = .5*u[1];
275 newax[2] = .5*u[2];
276 u = newax;
277 du2 *= 0.25;
278 } else { /* subdivide in V */
279 setpart(pt, *pi, SV);
280 (*pi)++;
281 newax[0] = .5*v[0];
282 newax[1] = .5*v[1];
283 newax[2] = .5*v[2];
284 v = newax;
285 dv2 *= 0.25;
286 }
287 /* lower half */
288 newct[0] = cent[0] - newax[0];
289 newct[1] = cent[1] - newax[1];
290 newct[2] = cent[2] - newax[2];
291 npl = flt_partit(ro, pt, pi, mp/2, newct, u, v, du2, dv2);
292 /* upper half */
293 newct[0] = cent[0] + newax[0];
294 newct[1] = cent[1] + newax[1];
295 newct[2] = cent[2] + newax[2];
296 npu = flt_partit(ro, pt, pi, mp/2, newct, u, v, du2, dv2);
297 /* return total */
298 return(npl + npu);
299 }
302 double
303 scylform(sn, dir) /* compute cosine for cylinder's projection */
304 int sn;
305 register FVECT dir; /* assume normalized */
306 {
307 register FLOAT *dv;
308 double d;
310 dv = source[sn].ss[SU];
311 d = DOT(dir, dv);
312 d *= d / DOT(dv,dv);
313 return(sqrt(1. - d));
314 }