#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: srcobstr.c,v 2.12 2005/04/19 01:15:07 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Source occlusion caching routines */ #include "ray.h" #include "otypes.h" #include "otspecial.h" #include "source.h" #define ABS(x) ((x)>0 ? (x) : -(x)) #if SHADCACHE /* preemptive shadow checking */ static int /* cast source ray to first blocker */ castshadow(int sn, FVECT rorg, FVECT rdir) { RAY rt; VCOPY(rt.rorg, rorg); VCOPY(rt.rdir, rdir); rt.rmax = 0; rayorigin(&rt, PRIMARY, NULL, NULL); /* check for intersection */ while (localhit(&rt, &thescene)) { RAY rt1 = rt; /* pretend we were aimed at source */ rt1.crtype |= rt1.rtype = SHADOW; rt1.rdir[0] = -rt.rdir[0]; rt1.rdir[1] = -rt.rdir[1]; rt1.rdir[2] = -rt.rdir[2]; rt1.rod = -rt.rod; VSUB(rt1.rorg, rt.rop, rt.rdir); rt1.rot = 1.; rt1.rsrc = sn; /* record blocker */ if (srcblocker(&rt1)) return(1); /* move past failed blocker */ VSUM(rt.rorg, rt.rop, rt.rdir, FTINY); rayclear(&rt); /* & try again... */ } return(0); /* found no blockers */ } void /* initialize occlusion cache */ initobscache(int sn) { register SRCREC *srcp = &source[sn]; int cachelen; FVECT rorg, rdir; RREAL d; int i, j, k; int ax, ax1, ax2; if (srcp->sflags & (SSKIP|SPROX|SSPOT|SVIRTUAL)) return; /* don't cache these */ if (srcp->sflags & SDISTANT) cachelen = 4*SHADCACHE*SHADCACHE; else if (srcp->sflags & SFLAT) cachelen = SHADCACHE*SHADCACHE*3 + (SHADCACHE&1)*SHADCACHE*4; else /* spherical distribution */ cachelen = SHADCACHE*SHADCACHE*6; /* allocate cache */ srcp->obscache = (OBSCACHE *)malloc(sizeof(OBSCACHE) + sizeof(OBJECT)*(cachelen-1)); if (srcp->obscache == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in initobscache()"); /* set parameters */ if (srcp->sflags & SDISTANT) { RREAL amax = 0; for (ax1 = 3; ax1--; ) if (ABS(srcp->sloc[ax1]) > amax) { amax = ABS(srcp->sloc[ax1]); ax = ax1; } srcp->obscache->p.d.ax = ax; ax1 = (ax+1)%3; ax2 = (ax+2)%3; VCOPY(srcp->obscache->p.d.o, thescene.cuorg); if (srcp->sloc[ax] > 0) srcp->obscache->p.d.o[ax] += thescene.cusize; if (srcp->sloc[ax1] < 0) srcp->obscache->p.d.o[ax1] += thescene.cusize * srcp->sloc[ax1] / amax; if (srcp->sloc[ax2] < 0) srcp->obscache->p.d.o[ax2] += thescene.cusize * srcp->sloc[ax2] / amax; srcp->obscache->p.d.e1 = 1. / (thescene.cusize*(1. + fabs(srcp->sloc[ax1])/amax)); srcp->obscache->p.d.e2 = 1. / (thescene.cusize*(1. + fabs(srcp->sloc[ax2])/amax)); } else if (srcp->sflags & SFLAT) { VCOPY(srcp->obscache->p.f.u, srcp->ss[SU]); normalize(srcp->obscache->p.f.u); fcross(srcp->obscache->p.f.v, srcp->snorm, srcp->obscache->p.f.u); } /* clear cache */ for (i = cachelen; i--; ) srcp->obscache->obs[i] = OVOID; /* cast shadow rays */ if (srcp->sflags & SDISTANT) { for (k = 3; k--; ) rdir[k] = -srcp->sloc[k]; for (i = 2*SHADCACHE; i--; ) for (j = 2*SHADCACHE; j--; ) { VCOPY(rorg, srcp->obscache->p.d.o); rorg[ax1] += (i+.5) / (2*SHADCACHE*srcp->obscache->p.d.e1); rorg[ax2] += (j+.5) / (2*SHADCACHE*srcp->obscache->p.d.e2); castshadow(sn, rorg, rdir); } } else if (srcp->sflags & SFLAT) { d = 0.01*srcp->srad; VSUM(rorg, srcp->sloc, srcp->snorm, d); for (i = SHADCACHE; i--; ) for (j = SHADCACHE; j--; ) { d = 2./SHADCACHE*(i+.5) - 1.; VSUM(rdir, srcp->snorm, srcp->obscache->p.f.u, d); d = 2./SHADCACHE*(j+.5) - 1.; VSUM(rdir, rdir, srcp->obscache->p.f.v, d); normalize(rdir); castshadow(sn, rorg, rdir); } for (k = 2; k--; ) for (i = SHADCACHE; i--; ) for (j = SHADCACHE>>1; j--; ) { d = 2./SHADCACHE*(i+.5) - 1.; if (k) VSUM(rdir, srcp->obscache->p.f.u, srcp->obscache->p.f.v, d); else VSUM(rdir, srcp->obscache->p.f.v, srcp->obscache->p.f.u, d); d = 1. - 2./SHADCACHE*(j+.5); VSUM(rdir, rdir, srcp->snorm, d); normalize(rdir); castshadow(sn, rorg, rdir); d = 2.*DOT(rdir, srcp->snorm); rdir[0] = d*srcp->snorm[0] - rdir[0]; rdir[1] = d*srcp->snorm[1] - rdir[1]; rdir[2] = d*srcp->snorm[2] - rdir[2]; castshadow(sn, rorg, rdir); } } else /* spherical distribution */ for (k = 6; k--; ) { ax = k%3; ax1 = (k+1)%3; ax2 = (k+2)%3; for (i = SHADCACHE; i--; ) for (j = SHADCACHE; j--; ) { rdir[0]=rdir[1]=rdir[2] = 0.; rdir[ax] = k<3 ? 1. : -1.; rdir[ax1] = 2./SHADCACHE*(i+.5) - 1.; rdir[ax2] = 2./SHADCACHE*(j+.5) - 1.; normalize(rdir); d = 1.05*srcp->srad; VSUM(rorg, srcp->sloc, rdir, d); castshadow(sn, rorg, rdir); } } } static OBJECT * /* return occluder cache entry */ srcobstructp(register RAY *r) { static unsigned long lastrno = ~0; static OBJECT noobs; static OBJECT *lastobjp; SRCREC *srcp; int ondx; noobs = OVOID; if (r->rno == lastrno) return lastobjp; /* just recall last pointer */ DCHECK(r->rsrc < 0, CONSISTENCY, "srcobstructp() called with unaimed ray"); lastrno = r->rno; lastobjp = &noobs; srcp = &source[r->rsrc]; if (srcp->sflags & (SSKIP|SPROX|SSPOT|SVIRTUAL)) return(&noobs); /* don't cache these */ if (srcp->obscache == NULL) /* initialize cache */ initobscache(r->rsrc); /* compute cache index */ if (srcp->sflags & SDISTANT) { int ax, ax1, ax2; double t; ax = srcp->obscache->p.d.ax; if ((ax1 = ax+1) >= 3) ax1 -= 3; if ((ax2 = ax+2) >= 3) ax2 -= 3; t = (srcp->obscache->p.d.o[ax] - r->rorg[ax]) / srcp->sloc[ax]; if (t <= FTINY) return(&noobs); /* could happen if ray is outside */ ondx = 2*SHADCACHE*(int)(2*SHADCACHE*srcp->obscache->p.d.e1 * (r->rorg[ax1] + t*srcp->sloc[ax1] - srcp->obscache->p.d.o[ax1])); ondx += (int)(2*SHADCACHE*srcp->obscache->p.d.e2 * (r->rorg[ax2] + t*srcp->sloc[ax2] - srcp->obscache->p.d.o[ax2])); if ((ondx < 0) | (ondx >= 4*SHADCACHE*SHADCACHE)) return(&noobs); /* could happen if ray is outside */ } else if (srcp->sflags & SFLAT) { FVECT sd; RREAL sd0m, sd1m; sd[0] = -DOT(r->rdir, srcp->obscache->p.f.u); sd[1] = -DOT(r->rdir, srcp->obscache->p.f.v); sd[2] = -DOT(r->rdir, srcp->snorm); if (sd[2] < 0) return(&noobs); /* shouldn't happen */ sd0m = ABS(sd[0]); sd1m = ABS(sd[1]); if (sd[2] >= sd0m && sd[2] >= sd1m) { ondx = SHADCACHE*(int)(SHADCACHE*(.5-FTINY) * (1. + sd[0]/sd[2])); ondx += (int)(SHADCACHE*(.5-FTINY) * (1. + sd[1]/sd[2])); } else if (sd0m >= sd1m) { ondx = SHADCACHE*SHADCACHE; if (sd[0] < 0) ondx += ((SHADCACHE+1)>>1)*SHADCACHE; ondx += SHADCACHE*(int)(SHADCACHE*(.5-FTINY) * (1. - sd[2]/sd0m)); ondx += (int)(SHADCACHE*(.5-FTINY) * (1. + sd[1]/sd0m)); } else /* sd1m > sd0m */ { ondx = SHADCACHE*SHADCACHE + ((SHADCACHE+1)>>1)*SHADCACHE*2; if (sd[1] < 0) ondx += ((SHADCACHE+1)>>1)*SHADCACHE; ondx += SHADCACHE*(int)(SHADCACHE*(.5-FTINY) * (1. - sd[2]/sd1m)); ondx += (int)(SHADCACHE*(.5-FTINY) * (1. + sd[0]/sd1m)); } DCHECK((ondx < 0) | (ondx >= SHADCACHE*SHADCACHE*3 + (SHADCACHE&1)*SHADCACHE*4), CONSISTENCY, "flat source cache index out of bounds"); } else /* spherical distribution */ { int ax, ax1, ax2; RREAL amax = 0; for (ax1 = 3; ax1--; ) if (ABS(r->rdir[ax1]) > amax) { amax = ABS(r->rdir[ax1]); ax = ax1; } if ((ax1 = ax+1) >= 3) ax1 -= 3; if ((ax2 = ax+2) >= 3) ax2 -= 3; ondx = 2*SHADCACHE*SHADCACHE * ax; if (r->rdir[ax] < 0) ondx += SHADCACHE*SHADCACHE; ondx += SHADCACHE*(int)(SHADCACHE*(.5-FTINY) * (1. + r->rdir[ax1]/amax)); ondx += (int)(SHADCACHE*(.5-FTINY) * (1. + r->rdir[ax2]/amax)); DCHECK((ondx < 0) | (ondx >= SHADCACHE*SHADCACHE*6), CONSISTENCY, "radial source cache index out of bounds"); } /* return cache pointer */ return(lastobjp = &srcp->obscache->obs[ondx]); } void /* free obstruction cache */ freeobscache(SRCREC *srcp) { if (srcp->obscache == NULL) return; free((void *)srcp->obscache); srcp->obscache = NULL; } int /* record a source blocker */ srcblocker(register RAY *r) { OBJREC *m; if (r->robj == OVOID || objptr(r->robj) != r->ro || isvolume(r->ro->otype)) return(0); /* don't record complex blockers */ if (r->rsrc < 0 || source[r->rsrc].so == r->ro) return(0); /* just a mistake, that's all */ m = findmaterial(r->ro); if (m == NULL) return(0); /* no material?! */ if (!isopaque(m->otype)) return(0); /* material not a reliable blocker */ *srcobstructp(r) = r->robj; /* else record obstructor */ return(1); } int /* check ray against cached blocker */ srcblocked(RAY *r) { OBJECT obs = *srcobstructp(r); OBJREC *op; if (obs == OVOID) return(0); op = objptr(obs); /* check blocker intersection */ if (!(*ofun[op->otype].funp)(op, r)) return(0); if (source[r->rsrc].sflags & SDISTANT) return(1); op = source[r->rsrc].so; /* check source intersection */ if (!(*ofun[op->otype].funp)(op, r)) return(1); rayclear(r); return(0); /* source in front */ } #endif /* SHADCACHE */