/* Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * source.c - routines dealing with illumination sources. * * 8/20/85 */ #include "ray.h" #include "octree.h" #include "otypes.h" #include "source.h" #include "random.h" /* * Structures used by direct() */ typedef struct { FVECT dir; /* source direction */ COLOR coef; /* material coefficient */ COLOR val; /* contribution */ } CONTRIB; /* direct contribution */ typedef struct { int sno; /* source number */ float brt; /* brightness (for comparison) */ } CNTPTR; /* contribution pointer */ static CONTRIB *srccnt; /* source contributions in direct() */ static CNTPTR *cntord; /* source ordering in direct() */ marksources() /* find and mark source objects */ { int i; register OBJREC *o, *m; register int ns; /* initialize dispatch table */ initstypes(); /* find direct sources */ for (i = 0; i < nobjects; i++) { o = objptr(i); if (!issurface(o->otype) || o->omod == OVOID) continue; m = objptr(o->omod); if (!islight(m->otype)) continue; if (m->oargs.nfargs != (m->otype == MAT_GLOW ? 4 : m->otype == MAT_SPOT ? 7 : 3)) objerror(m, USER, "bad # arguments"); if (m->otype == MAT_GLOW && o->otype != OBJ_SOURCE && m->oargs.farg[3] <= FTINY) continue; /* don't bother */ if (sfun[o->otype].of == NULL || sfun[o->otype].of->setsrc == NULL) objerror(o, USER, "illegal material"); if ((ns = newsource()) < 0) goto memerr; setsource(&source[ns], o); if (m->otype == MAT_GLOW) { source[ns].sflags |= SPROX; source[ns].sl.prox = m->oargs.farg[3]; if (o->otype == OBJ_SOURCE) source[ns].sflags |= SSKIP; } else if (m->otype == MAT_SPOT) { source[ns].sflags |= SSPOT; if ((source[ns].sl.s = makespot(m)) == NULL) goto memerr; if (source[ns].sflags & SFLAT && !checkspot(source[ns].sl.s,source[ns].snorm)) { objerror(o, WARNING, "invalid spotlight direction"); source[ns].sflags |= SSKIP; } } } if (nsources <= 0) { error(WARNING, "no light sources found"); return; } markvirtuals(); /* find and add virtual sources */ srccnt = (CONTRIB *)malloc(nsources*sizeof(CONTRIB)); cntord = (CNTPTR *)malloc(nsources*sizeof(CNTPTR)); if (srccnt == NULL || cntord == NULL) goto memerr; return; memerr: error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in marksources"); } double srcray(sr, r, sn) /* send a ray to a source, return domega */ register RAY *sr; /* returned source ray */ RAY *r; /* ray which hit object */ register int sn; /* source number */ { double ddot; /* (distance times) cosine */ FVECT vd; double d; register int i; if (source[sn].sflags & SSKIP) return(0.0); /* skip this source */ rayorigin(sr, r, SHADOW, 1.0); /* ignore limits */ sr->rsrc = sn; /* remember source */ /* get source direction */ if (source[sn].sflags & SDISTANT) { /* constant direction */ VCOPY(sr->rdir, source[sn].sloc); } else { /* compute direction */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) sr->rdir[i] = source[sn].sloc[i] - sr->rorg[i]; if (source[sn].sflags & SFLAT && (ddot = -DOT(sr->rdir, source[sn].snorm)) <= FTINY) return(0.0); /* behind surface! */ } if (dstrsrc > FTINY) { /* distribute source direction */ dimlist[ndims++] = sn; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { dimlist[ndims] = i + 8831; vd[i] = dstrsrc * source[sn].ss * (1.0 - 2.0*urand(urind(ilhash(dimlist,ndims+1),samplendx))); } ndims--; if (source[sn].sflags & SFLAT) { /* project offset */ d = DOT(vd, source[sn].snorm); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) vd[i] -= d * source[sn].snorm[i]; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) /* offset source direction */ sr->rdir[i] += vd[i]; /* normalize */ d = normalize(sr->rdir); } else if (!(source[sn].sflags & SDISTANT)) /* normalize direction */ d = normalize(sr->rdir); if (source[sn].sflags & SDISTANT) { if (source[sn].sflags & SSPOT) { /* check location */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) vd[i] = sr->rorg[i] - source[sn].sl.s->aim[i]; d = DOT(sr->rdir,vd); d = DOT(vd,vd) - d*d; if (PI*d > source[sn].sl.s->siz) return(0.0); } return(source[sn].ss2); /* domega constant */ } /* check direction */ if (d == 0.0) return(0.0); /* check proximity */ if (source[sn].sflags & SPROX && d > source[sn].sl.prox) return(0.0); /* compute dot product */ if (source[sn].sflags & SFLAT) ddot /= d; else ddot = 1.0; /* check angle */ if (source[sn].sflags & SSPOT) { if (source[sn].sl.s->siz < 2.0*PI * (1.0 + DOT(source[sn].sl.s->aim,sr->rdir))) return(0.0); d += source[sn].sl.s->flen; /* adjust length */ } /* compute domega */ return(ddot*source[sn].ss2/(d*d)); } srcvalue(r) /* punch ray to source and compute value */ RAY *r; { register SRCREC *sp; sp = &source[r->rsrc]; if (sp->sflags & SVIRTUAL) { /* virtual source */ /* check intersection */ if (!(*ofun[sp->so->otype].funp)(sp->so, r)) return; raycont(r); /* compute contribution */ return; } /* compute intersection */ if (sp->sflags & SDISTANT ? sourcehit(r) : (*ofun[sp->so->otype].funp)(sp->so, r)) { if (sp->sa.success >= 0) sp->sa.success++; raycont(r); /* compute contribution */ return; } if (sp->sa.success < 0) return; /* bitched already */ sp->sa.success -= AIMREQT; if (sp->sa.success >= 0) return; /* leniency */ sprintf(errmsg, "aiming failure for light source \"%s\"", sp->so->oname); error(WARNING, errmsg); /* issue warning */ } static int cntcmp(sc1, sc2) /* contribution compare (descending) */ register CNTPTR *sc1, *sc2; { if (sc1->brt > sc2->brt) return(-1); if (sc1->brt < sc2->brt) return(1); return(0); } direct(r, f, p) /* add direct component */ RAY *r; /* ray that hit surface */ int (*f)(); /* direct component coefficient function */ char *p; /* data for f */ { extern double pow(); register int sn; int nshadcheck, ncnts; int nhits; double dom, prob, ourthresh, hwt; RAY sr; /* NOTE: srccnt and cntord global so no recursion */ if (nsources <= 0) return; /* no sources?! */ /* compute number to check */ nshadcheck = pow((double)nsources, shadcert) + .5; /* modify threshold */ ourthresh = shadthresh / r->rweight; /* potential contributions */ for (sn = 0; sn < nsources; sn++) { cntord[sn].sno = sn; cntord[sn].brt = 0.0; /* get source ray */ if ((dom = srcray(&sr, r, sn)) == 0.0) continue; VCOPY(srccnt[sn].dir, sr.rdir); /* compute coefficient */ (*f)(srccnt[sn].coef, p, srccnt[sn].dir, dom); cntord[sn].brt = bright(srccnt[sn].coef); if (cntord[sn].brt <= 0.0) continue; /* compute potential */ sr.revf = srcvalue; rayvalue(&sr); copycolor(srccnt[sn].val, sr.rcol); multcolor(srccnt[sn].val, srccnt[sn].coef); cntord[sn].brt = bright(srccnt[sn].val); } /* sort contributions */ qsort(cntord, nsources, sizeof(CNTPTR), cntcmp); { /* find last */ register int l, m; sn = 0; ncnts = l = nsources; while ((m = (sn + ncnts) >> 1) != l) { if (cntord[m].brt > 0.0) sn = m; else ncnts = m; l = m; } } /* accumulate tail */ for (sn = ncnts-1; sn > 0; sn--) cntord[sn-1].brt += cntord[sn].brt; /* test for shadows */ nhits = 0; for (sn = 0; sn < ncnts; sn++) { /* check threshold */ if ((sn+nshadcheck>=ncnts ? cntord[sn].brt : cntord[sn].brt-cntord[sn+nshadcheck].brt) < ourthresh*bright(r->rcol)) break; /* get statistics */ source[cntord[sn].sno].ntests++; /* test for hit */ rayorigin(&sr, r, SHADOW, 1.0); VCOPY(sr.rdir, srccnt[cntord[sn].sno].dir); sr.rsrc = cntord[sn].sno; if (localhit(&sr, &thescene) && ( sr.ro != source[cntord[sn].sno].so || source[cntord[sn].sno].sflags & SFOLLOW )) { /* follow entire path */ raycont(&sr); if (bright(sr.rcol) <= FTINY) continue; /* missed! */ copycolor(srccnt[cntord[sn].sno].val, sr.rcol); multcolor(srccnt[cntord[sn].sno].val, srccnt[cntord[sn].sno].coef); } /* add contribution if hit */ addcolor(r->rcol, srccnt[cntord[sn].sno].val); nhits++; source[cntord[sn].sno].nhits++; } /* surface hit rate */ if (sn > 0) hwt = (double)nhits / (double)sn; else hwt = 0.5; #ifdef DEBUG sprintf(errmsg, "%d tested, %d untested, %f hit rate\n", sn, ncnts-sn, hwt); eputs(errmsg); #endif /* add in untested sources */ for ( ; sn < ncnts; sn++) { prob = hwt * (double)source[cntord[sn].sno].nhits / (double)source[cntord[sn].sno].ntests; scalecolor(srccnt[cntord[sn].sno].val, prob); addcolor(r->rcol, srccnt[cntord[sn].sno].val); } }