#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: rv3.c,v 2.40 2015/05/26 10:00:47 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * rv3.c - miscellaneous routines for rview. * * External symbols declared in rpaint.h */ #include "copyright.h" #include #include "ray.h" #include "rpaint.h" #include "random.h" #ifndef WFLUSH #define WFLUSH 64 /* flush after this many primary rays */ #endif #ifndef WFLUSH1 #define WFLUSH1 512 /* or this many total rays */ #endif #ifdef SMLFLT #define sscanvec(s,v) (sscanf(s,"%f %f %f",v,v+1,v+2)==3) #else #define sscanvec(s,v) (sscanf(s,"%lf %lf %lf",v,v+1,v+2)==3) #endif extern int ray_pnprocs; static RNUMBER niflush; /* flushes since newimage() */ int getrect( /* get a box */ char *s, RECT *r ) { int x0, y0, x1, y1; if (*s && !strncmp(s, "all", strlen(s))) { r->l = r->d = 0; r->r = hresolu; r->u = vresolu; return(0); } if (sscanf(s, "%d %d %d %d", &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1) != 4) { if (dev->getcur == NULL) return(-1); (*dev->comout)("Pick first corner\n"); if ((*dev->getcur)(&x0, &y0) == ABORT) return(-1); (*dev->comout)("Pick second corner\n"); if ((*dev->getcur)(&x1, &y1) == ABORT) return(-1); } if (x0 < x1) { r->l = x0; r->r = x1; } else { r->l = x1; r->r = x0; } if (y0 < y1) { r->d = y0; r->u = y1; } else { r->d = y1; r->u = y0; } if (r->l < 0) r->l = 0; if (r->d < 0) r->d = 0; if (r->r > hresolu) r->r = hresolu; if (r->u > vresolu) r->u = vresolu; if (r->l > r->r) r->l = r->r; if (r->d > r->u) r->d = r->u; return(0); } int getinterest( /* get area of interest */ char *s, int direc, FVECT vec, double *mp ) { int x, y; RAY thisray; int i; if (sscanf(s, "%lf", mp) != 1) *mp = 1.0; else if (*mp < -FTINY) /* negative zoom is reduction */ *mp = -1.0 / *mp; else if (*mp <= FTINY) { /* too small */ error(COMMAND, "illegal magnification"); return(-1); } if (!sscanvec(sskip(s), vec)) { if (dev->getcur == NULL) return(-1); (*dev->comout)("Pick view center\n"); if ((*dev->getcur)(&x, &y) == ABORT) return(-1); if ((thisray.rmax = viewray(thisray.rorg, thisray.rdir, &ourview, (x+.5)/hresolu, (y+.5)/vresolu)) < -FTINY) { error(COMMAND, "not on image"); return(-1); } if (!direc || ourview.type == VT_PAR) { rayorigin(&thisray, PRIMARY, NULL, NULL); if (!localhit(&thisray, &thescene)) { error(COMMAND, "not a local object"); return(-1); } } if (direc) if (ourview.type == VT_PAR) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) vec[i] = thisray.rop[i] - ourview.vp[i]; else VCOPY(vec, thisray.rdir); else VCOPY(vec, thisray.rop); } else if (direc) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) vec[i] -= ourview.vp[i]; if (normalize(vec) == 0.0) { error(COMMAND, "point at view origin"); return(-1); } } return(0); } COLORV * greyof( /* convert color to greyscale */ COLOR col ) { static COLOR gcol; double b; b = bright(col); setcolor(gcol, b, b, b); return(gcol); } static void recolor( /* recolor the given node */ PNODE *p ) { while (p->kid != NULL) { /* need to propogate down */ int mx = (p->xmin + p->xmax) >> 1; int my = (p->ymin + p->ymax) >> 1; int ki; if (p->x >= mx) ki = (p->y >= my) ? UR : DR; else ki = (p->y >= my) ? UL : DL; pcopy(p, p->kid+ki); p = p->kid + ki; } (*dev->paintr)(greyscale?greyof(p->v):p->v, p->xmin, p->ymin, p->xmax, p->ymax); } int paint( /* compute and paint a rectangle */ PNODE *p ) { static RAY thisray; double h, v; if ((p->xmax <= p->xmin) | (p->ymax <= p->ymin)) { /* empty */ p->x = p->xmin; p->y = p->ymin; setcolor(p->v, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); return(0); } /* jitter ray direction */ p->x = h = p->xmin + (p->xmax-p->xmin)*frandom(); p->y = v = p->ymin + (p->ymax-p->ymin)*frandom(); if ((thisray.rmax = viewray(thisray.rorg, thisray.rdir, &ourview, h/hresolu, v/vresolu)) < -FTINY) { setcolor(thisray.rcol, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } else if (!ray_pnprocs) { /* immediate mode */ ray_trace(&thisray); } else { /* queuing mode */ int rval; rayorigin(&thisray, PRIMARY, NULL, NULL); thisray.rno = (RNUMBER)p; rval = ray_pqueue(&thisray); if (!rval) return(0); if (rval < 0) return(-1); /* get node for returned ray */ p = (PNODE *)thisray.rno; } copycolor(p->v, thisray.rcol); scalecolor(p->v, exposure); recolor(p); /* paint it */ if (dev->flush != NULL) { /* shall we check for input? */ static RNUMBER lastflush = 0; RNUMBER counter = raynum; int flushintvl; if (!ray_pnprocs) { counter = nrays; flushintvl = WFLUSH1; } else if (ambounce == 0) flushintvl = ray_pnprocs*WFLUSH; else if (niflush < WFLUSH) flushintvl = ray_pnprocs*niflush/(ambounce*(ambounce>0)+1); else flushintvl = ray_pnprocs*WFLUSH/(ambounce*(ambounce>0)+1); if (lastflush > counter) lastflush = 0; /* counter wrapped */ if (counter - lastflush >= flushintvl) { lastflush = counter; (*dev->flush)(); niflush++; } } return(1); } int waitrays(void) /* finish up pending rays */ { int nwaited = 0; int rval; RAY raydone; if (!ray_pnprocs) /* immediate mode? */ return(0); while ((rval = ray_presult(&raydone, 0)) > 0) { PNODE *p = (PNODE *)raydone.rno; copycolor(p->v, raydone.rcol); scalecolor(p->v, exposure); recolor(p); nwaited++; } if (rval < 0) return(-1); return(nwaited); } void newimage( /* start a new image */ char *s ) { int newnp = 0; /* # rendering procs arg? */ if (s != NULL) sscanf(s, "%d", &newnp); /* free old image */ freepkids(&ptrunk); /* compute resolution */ hresolu = dev->xsiz; vresolu = dev->ysiz; normaspect(viewaspect(&ourview), &dev->pixaspect, &hresolu, &vresolu); ptrunk.xmin = ptrunk.ymin = pframe.l = pframe.d = 0; ptrunk.xmax = pframe.r = hresolu; ptrunk.ymax = pframe.u = vresolu; pdepth = 0; /* clear device */ (*dev->clear)(hresolu, vresolu); if (newparam) { /* (re)start rendering procs */ if (ray_pnprocs) ray_pclose(0); /* should already be closed */ if (newnp > 0) nproc = newnp; if (nproc > 1) ray_popen(nproc); newparam = 0; } else if ((newnp > 0) & (newnp != nproc)) { if (newnp == 1) /* change # rendering procs */ ray_pclose(0); else if (newnp < ray_pnprocs) ray_pclose(ray_pnprocs - newnp); else ray_popen(newnp - ray_pnprocs); nproc = newnp; } niflush = 0; /* get first value */ paint(&ptrunk); } void redraw(void) /* redraw the image */ { (*dev->clear)(hresolu, vresolu); (*dev->comout)("redrawing...\n"); repaint(0, 0, hresolu, vresolu); (*dev->comout)("\n"); } void repaint( /* repaint a region */ int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax ) { RECT reg; reg.l = xmin; reg.r = xmax; reg.d = ymin; reg.u = ymax; paintrect(&ptrunk, ®); } void paintrect( /* paint picture rectangle */ PNODE *p, RECT *r ) { int mx, my; if (p->xmax - p->xmin <= 0 || p->ymax - p->ymin <= 0) return; if (p->kid == NULL) { (*dev->paintr)(greyscale?greyof(p->v):p->v, p->xmin, p->ymin, p->xmax, p->ymax); /* do this */ return; } mx = (p->xmin + p->xmax) >> 1; /* do kids */ my = (p->ymin + p->ymax) >> 1; if (mx > r->l) { if (my > r->d) paintrect(p->kid+DL, r); if (my < r->u) paintrect(p->kid+UL, r); } if (mx < r->r) { if (my > r->d) paintrect(p->kid+DR, r); if (my < r->u) paintrect(p->kid+UR, r); } } PNODE * findrect( /* find a rectangle */ int x, int y, PNODE *p, int pd ) { int mx, my; while (p->kid != NULL && pd--) { mx = (p->xmin + p->xmax) >> 1; my = (p->ymin + p->ymax) >> 1; if (x < mx) { if (y < my) { p = p->kid+DL; } else { p = p->kid+UL; } } else { if (y < my) { p = p->kid+DR; } else { p = p->kid+UR; } } } return(p); } void compavg( /* recompute averages */ PNODE *p ) { int i, navg; if (p->kid == NULL) return; setcolor(p->v, .0, .0, .0); navg = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (p->kid[i].xmin >= p->kid[i].xmax) continue; if (p->kid[i].ymin >= p->kid[i].ymax) continue; compavg(p->kid+i); addcolor(p->v, p->kid[i].v); navg++; } if (navg > 1) scalecolor(p->v, 1./navg); } void scalepict( /* scale picture values */ PNODE *p, double sf ) { scalecolor(p->v, sf); /* do this node */ if (p->kid == NULL) return; /* do children */ scalepict(p->kid+DL, sf); scalepict(p->kid+DR, sf); scalepict(p->kid+UL, sf); scalepict(p->kid+UR, sf); } void getpictcolrs( /* get scanline from picture */ int yoff, COLR *scan, PNODE *p, int xsiz, int ysiz ) { int mx; int my; if (p->kid == NULL) { /* do this node */ setcolr(scan[0], colval(p->v,RED), colval(p->v,GRN), colval(p->v,BLU)); for (mx = 1; mx < xsiz; mx++) copycolr(scan[mx], scan[0]); return; } /* do kids */ mx = xsiz >> 1; my = ysiz >> 1; if (yoff < my) { getpictcolrs(yoff, scan, p->kid+DL, mx, my); getpictcolrs(yoff, scan+mx, p->kid+DR, xsiz-mx, my); } else { getpictcolrs(yoff-my, scan, p->kid+UL, mx, ysiz-my); getpictcolrs(yoff-my, scan+mx, p->kid+UR, xsiz-mx, ysiz-my); } } void freepkids( /* free pnode's children */ PNODE *p ) { if (p->kid == NULL) return; freepkids(p->kid+DL); freepkids(p->kid+DR); freepkids(p->kid+UL); freepkids(p->kid+UR); free((void *)p->kid); p->kid = NULL; } void newview( /* change viewing parameters */ VIEW *vp ) { char *err; if ((err = setview(vp)) != NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "view not set - %s", err); error(COMMAND, errmsg); } else if (memcmp((char *)vp, (char *)&ourview, sizeof(VIEW))) { oldview = ourview; ourview = *vp; newimage(NULL); } } void moveview( /* move viewpoint */ double angle, double elev, double mag, FVECT vc ) { double d; VIEW nv = ourview; int i; spinvector(nv.vdir, ourview.vdir, ourview.vup, angle*(PI/180.)); if (elev != 0.0) geodesic(nv.vdir, nv.vdir, nv.vup, elev*(-PI/180.), GEOD_RAD); if (nv.type == VT_PAR) { nv.horiz /= mag; nv.vert /= mag; d = 0.0; /* don't move closer */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) d += (vc[i] - ourview.vp[i])*ourview.vdir[i]; } else { d = sqrt(dist2(ourview.vp, vc)) / mag; if (nv.vfore > FTINY) { nv.vfore += d - d*mag; if (nv.vfore < 0.0) nv.vfore = 0.0; } if (nv.vaft > FTINY) { nv.vaft += d - d*mag; if (nv.vaft <= nv.vfore) nv.vaft = 0.0; } nv.vdist /= mag; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) nv.vp[i] = vc[i] - d*nv.vdir[i]; newview(&nv); } void pcopy( /* copy paint node p1 into p2 */ PNODE *p1, PNODE *p2 ) { copycolor(p2->v, p1->v); p2->x = p1->x; p2->y = p1->y; } void zoomview( /* zoom in or out */ VIEW *vp, double zf ) { switch (vp->type) { case VT_PAR: /* parallel view */ vp->horiz /= zf; vp->vert /= zf; return; case VT_ANG: /* angular fisheye */ vp->horiz /= zf; if (vp->horiz > 360.) vp->horiz = 360.; vp->vert /= zf; if (vp->vert > 360.) vp->vert = 360.; return; case VT_PLS: /* planisphere fisheye */ vp->horiz = sin((PI/180./2.)*vp->horiz) / (1.0 + cos((PI/180./2.)*vp->horiz)) / zf; vp->horiz *= vp->horiz; vp->horiz = (2.*180./PI)*acos((1. - vp->horiz) / (1. + vp->horiz)); vp->vert = sin((PI/180./2.)*vp->vert) / (1.0 + cos((PI/180./2.)*vp->vert)) / zf; vp->vert *= vp->vert; vp->vert = (2.*180./PI)*acos((1. - vp->vert) / (1. + vp->vert)); return; case VT_CYL: /* cylindrical panorama */ vp->horiz /= zf; if (vp->horiz > 360.) vp->horiz = 360.; vp->vert = atan(tan(vp->vert*(PI/180./2.))/zf) / (PI/180./2.); return; case VT_PER: /* perspective view */ vp->horiz = atan(tan(vp->horiz*(PI/180./2.))/zf) / (PI/180./2.); vp->vert = atan(tan(vp->vert*(PI/180./2.))/zf) / (PI/180./2.); return; case VT_HEM: /* hemispherical fisheye */ vp->horiz = sin(vp->horiz*(PI/180./2.))/zf; if (vp->horiz >= 1.0-FTINY) vp->horiz = 180.; else vp->horiz = asin(vp->horiz) / (PI/180./2.); vp->vert = sin(vp->vert*(PI/180./2.))/zf; if (vp->vert >= 1.0-FTINY) vp->vert = 180.; else vp->vert = asin(vp->vert) / (PI/180./2.); return; } }