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Revision: 2.2
Committed: Tue Feb 25 02:47:23 2003 UTC (21 years, 2 months ago) by greg
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad3R5
Changes since 2.1: +1 -56 lines
Log Message:
Replaced inline copyright notice with #include "copyright.h"

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id$";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * rpmain.c - main for rpict batch rendering program
6 */
8 #include "copyright.h"
10 #include "ray.h"
12 #include "source.h"
14 #include "ambient.h"
16 #include "random.h"
18 #include "paths.h"
20 #include <sys/types.h>
22 #include <signal.h>
24 #include "view.h"
26 #include "paths.h"
27 /* persistent processes define */
28 #ifdef F_SETLKW
29 #define PERSIST 1 /* normal persist */
30 #define PARALLEL 2 /* parallel persist */
31 #define PCHILD 3 /* child of normal persist */
32 #endif
34 char *progname; /* argv[0] */
36 char *octname; /* octree name */
38 char *sigerr[NSIG]; /* signal error messages */
40 char *shm_boundary = NULL; /* boundary of shared memory */
42 char *errfile = NULL; /* error output file */
44 extern time_t time();
45 extern time_t tstart; /* start time */
47 extern int ralrm; /* seconds between reports */
49 extern VIEW ourview; /* viewing parameters */
51 extern int hresolu; /* horizontal resolution */
52 extern int vresolu; /* vertical resolution */
53 extern double pixaspect; /* pixel aspect ratio */
55 extern int psample; /* pixel sample size */
56 extern double maxdiff; /* max. sample difference */
57 extern double dstrpix; /* square pixel distribution */
59 extern double mblur; /* motion blur parameter */
61 void onsig();
62 void sigdie();
63 void printdefaults();
66 int
67 main(argc, argv)
68 int argc;
69 char *argv[];
70 {
71 #define check(ol,al) if (argv[i][ol] || \
72 badarg(argc-i-1,argv+i+1,al)) \
73 goto badopt
74 #define bool(olen,var) switch (argv[i][olen]) { \
75 case '\0': var = !var; break; \
76 case 'y': case 'Y': case 't': case 'T': \
77 case '+': case '1': var = 1; break; \
78 case 'n': case 'N': case 'f': case 'F': \
79 case '-': case '0': var = 0; break; \
80 default: goto badopt; }
81 char *err;
82 char *recover = NULL;
83 char *outfile = NULL;
84 char *zfile = NULL;
85 int loadflags = ~IO_FILES;
86 int seqstart = 0;
87 int persist = 0;
88 int duped1;
89 int rval;
90 int i;
91 /* record start time */
92 tstart = time((time_t *)NULL);
93 /* global program name */
94 progname = argv[0] = fixargv0(argv[0]);
95 /* option city */
96 for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
97 /* expand arguments */
98 while ((rval = expandarg(&argc, &argv, i)) > 0)
99 ;
100 if (rval < 0) {
101 sprintf(errmsg, "cannot expand '%s'", argv[i]);
102 error(SYSTEM, errmsg);
103 }
104 if (argv[i] == NULL || argv[i][0] != '-')
105 break; /* break from options */
106 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-version")) {
107 puts(VersionID);
108 quit(0);
109 }
110 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-defaults") ||
111 !strcmp(argv[i], "-help")) {
112 printdefaults();
113 quit(0);
114 }
115 rval = getrenderopt(argc-i, argv+i);
116 if (rval >= 0) {
117 i += rval;
118 continue;
119 }
120 rval = getviewopt(&ourview, argc-i, argv+i);
121 if (rval >= 0) {
122 i += rval;
123 continue;
124 }
125 /* rpict options */
126 switch (argv[i][1]) {
127 case 'v': /* view file */
128 if (argv[i][2] != 'f')
129 goto badopt;
130 check(3,"s");
131 rval = viewfile(argv[++i], &ourview, NULL);
132 if (rval < 0) {
133 sprintf(errmsg,
134 "cannot open view file \"%s\"",
135 argv[i]);
136 error(SYSTEM, errmsg);
137 } else if (rval == 0) {
138 sprintf(errmsg,
139 "bad view file \"%s\"",
140 argv[i]);
141 error(USER, errmsg);
142 }
143 break;
144 case 'p': /* pixel */
145 switch (argv[i][2]) {
146 case 's': /* sample */
147 check(3,"i");
148 psample = atoi(argv[++i]);
149 break;
150 case 't': /* threshold */
151 check(3,"f");
152 maxdiff = atof(argv[++i]);
153 break;
154 case 'j': /* jitter */
155 check(3,"f");
156 dstrpix = atof(argv[++i]);
157 break;
158 case 'a': /* aspect */
159 check(3,"f");
160 pixaspect = atof(argv[++i]);
161 break;
162 case 'm': /* motion */
163 check(3,"f");
164 mblur = atof(argv[++i]);
165 break;
166 default:
167 goto badopt;
168 }
169 break;
170 case 'x': /* x resolution */
171 check(2,"i");
172 hresolu = atoi(argv[++i]);
173 break;
174 case 'y': /* y resolution */
175 check(2,"i");
176 vresolu = atoi(argv[++i]);
177 break;
178 case 'S': /* slave index */
179 check(2,"i");
180 seqstart = atoi(argv[++i]);
181 break;
182 case 'o': /* output file */
183 check(2,"s");
184 outfile = argv[++i];
185 break;
186 case 'z': /* z file */
187 check(2,"s");
188 zfile = argv[++i];
189 break;
190 case 'r': /* recover file */
191 if (argv[i][2] == 'o') { /* +output */
192 check(3,"s");
193 outfile = argv[i+1];
194 } else
195 check(2,"s");
196 recover = argv[++i];
197 break;
198 case 't': /* timer */
199 check(2,"i");
200 ralrm = atoi(argv[++i]);
201 break;
202 #ifdef PERSIST
203 case 'P': /* persist file */
204 if (argv[i][2] == 'P') {
205 check(3,"s");
206 persist = PARALLEL;
207 } else {
208 check(2,"s");
209 persist = PERSIST;
210 }
211 persistfile(argv[++i]);
212 break;
213 #endif
214 case 'w': /* warnings */
215 rval = erract[WARNING].pf != NULL;
216 bool(2,rval);
217 if (rval) erract[WARNING].pf = wputs;
218 else erract[WARNING].pf = NULL;
219 break;
220 case 'e': /* error file */
221 check(2,"s");
222 errfile = argv[++i];
223 break;
224 default:
225 goto badopt;
226 }
227 }
228 err = setview(&ourview); /* set viewing parameters */
229 if (err != NULL)
230 error(USER, err);
231 /* initialize object types */
232 initotypes();
233 /* initialize urand */
234 initurand(2048);
235 /* set up signal handling */
236 sigdie(SIGINT, "Interrupt");
237 sigdie(SIGHUP, "Hangup");
238 sigdie(SIGTERM, "Terminate");
239 sigdie(SIGPIPE, "Broken pipe");
240 sigdie(SIGALRM, "Alarm clock");
241 #ifdef SIGXCPU
242 sigdie(SIGXCPU, "CPU limit exceeded");
243 sigdie(SIGXFSZ, "File size exceeded");
244 #endif
245 /* open error file */
246 if (errfile != NULL) {
247 if (freopen(errfile, "a", stderr) == NULL)
248 quit(2);
249 fprintf(stderr, "**************\n*** PID %5d: ",
250 getpid());
251 printargs(argc, argv, stderr);
252 putc('\n', stderr);
253 fflush(stderr);
254 }
255 #ifdef NICE
256 nice(NICE); /* lower priority */
257 #endif
258 /* get octree */
259 if (i == argc)
260 octname = NULL;
261 else if (i == argc-1)
262 octname = argv[i];
263 else
264 goto badopt;
265 if (seqstart > 0 && octname == NULL)
266 error(USER, "missing octree argument");
267 /* set up output */
268 #ifdef PERSIST
269 if (persist) {
270 if (recover != NULL)
271 error(USER, "persist option used with recover file");
272 if (seqstart <= 0)
273 error(USER, "persist option only for sequences");
274 if (outfile == NULL)
275 duped1 = dup(fileno(stdout)); /* don't lose our output */
276 openheader();
277 } else
278 #endif
279 if (outfile != NULL)
280 openheader();
281 #ifdef MSDOS
282 setmode(fileno(stdout), O_BINARY);
283 if (octname == NULL)
284 setmode(fileno(stdin), O_BINARY);
285 #endif
286 readoct(octname, loadflags, &thescene, NULL);
287 nsceneobjs = nobjects;
289 if (loadflags & IO_INFO) { /* print header */
290 printargs(i, argv, stdout);
291 printf("SOFTWARE= %s\n", VersionID);
292 fputnow(stdout);
293 }
295 marksources(); /* find and mark sources */
297 setambient(); /* initialize ambient calculation */
299 #ifdef PERSIST
300 if (persist) {
301 fflush(stdout);
302 if (outfile == NULL) { /* reconnect stdout */
303 dup2(duped1, fileno(stdout));
304 close(duped1);
305 }
306 if (persist == PARALLEL) { /* multiprocessing */
307 preload_objs(); /* preload scene */
308 shm_boundary = (char *)malloc(16);
309 strcpy(shm_boundary, "SHM_BOUNDARY");
310 while ((rval=fork()) == 0) { /* keep on forkin' */
311 pflock(1);
312 pfhold();
313 tstart = time((time_t *)NULL);
314 }
315 if (rval < 0)
316 error(SYSTEM, "cannot fork child for persist function");
317 pfdetach(); /* parent exits */
318 }
319 }
320 runagain:
321 if (persist)
322 if (outfile == NULL) /* if out to stdout */
323 dupheader(); /* send header */
324 else /* if out to file */
325 duped1 = dup(fileno(stdout)); /* hang onto pipe */
326 #endif
327 /* batch render picture(s) */
328 rpict(seqstart, outfile, zfile, recover);
329 /* flush ambient file */
330 ambsync();
331 #ifdef PERSIST
332 if (persist == PERSIST) { /* first run-through */
333 if ((rval=fork()) == 0) { /* child loops until killed */
334 pflock(1);
335 persist = PCHILD;
336 } else { /* original process exits */
337 if (rval < 0)
338 error(SYSTEM, "cannot fork child for persist function");
339 pfdetach(); /* parent exits */
340 }
341 }
342 if (persist == PCHILD) { /* wait for a signal then go again */
343 if (outfile != NULL)
344 close(duped1); /* release output handle */
345 pfhold();
346 tstart = time((time_t *)NULL); /* reinitialize */
347 raynum = nrays = 0;
348 goto runagain;
349 }
350 #endif
351 quit(0);
353 badopt:
354 sprintf(errmsg, "command line error at '%s'", argv[i]);
355 error(USER, errmsg);
357 #undef check
358 #undef bool
359 }
362 void
363 wputs(s) /* warning output function */
364 char *s;
365 {
366 int lasterrno = errno;
367 eputs(s);
368 errno = lasterrno;
369 }
372 void
373 eputs(s) /* put string to stderr */
374 register char *s;
375 {
376 static int midline = 0;
378 if (!*s)
379 return;
380 if (!midline++) {
381 fputs(progname, stderr);
382 fputs(": ", stderr);
383 }
384 fputs(s, stderr);
385 if (s[strlen(s)-1] == '\n') {
386 fflush(stderr);
387 midline = 0;
388 }
389 }
392 void
393 onsig(signo) /* fatal signal */
394 int signo;
395 {
396 static int gotsig = 0;
398 if (gotsig++) /* two signals and we're gone! */
399 _exit(signo);
401 alarm(15); /* allow 15 seconds to clean up */
402 signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL); /* make certain we do die */
403 eputs("signal - ");
404 eputs(sigerr[signo]);
405 eputs("\n");
406 quit(3);
407 }
410 void
411 sigdie(signo, msg) /* set fatal signal */
412 int signo;
413 char *msg;
414 {
415 if (signal(signo, onsig) == SIG_IGN)
416 signal(signo, SIG_IGN);
417 sigerr[signo] = msg;
418 }
421 void
422 printdefaults() /* print default values to stdout */
423 {
424 register char *cp;
426 printf("-vt%c\t\t\t\t# view type %s\n", ourview.type,
427 ourview.type==VT_PER ? "perspective" :
428 ourview.type==VT_PAR ? "parallel" :
429 ourview.type==VT_HEM ? "hemispherical" :
430 ourview.type==VT_ANG ? "angular" :
431 ourview.type==VT_CYL ? "cylindrical" :
432 "unknown");
433 printf("-vp %f %f %f\t# view point\n",
434 ourview.vp[0], ourview.vp[1], ourview.vp[2]);
435 printf("-vd %f %f %f\t# view direction\n",
436 ourview.vdir[0], ourview.vdir[1], ourview.vdir[2]);
437 printf("-vu %f %f %f\t# view up\n",
438 ourview.vup[0], ourview.vup[1], ourview.vup[2]);
439 printf("-vh %f\t\t\t# view horizontal size\n", ourview.horiz);
440 printf("-vv %f\t\t\t# view vertical size\n", ourview.vert);
441 printf("-vo %f\t\t\t# view fore clipping plane\n", ourview.vfore);
442 printf("-va %f\t\t\t# view aft clipping plane\n", ourview.vaft);
443 printf("-vs %f\t\t\t# view shift\n", ourview.hoff);
444 printf("-vl %f\t\t\t# view lift\n", ourview.voff);
445 printf("-x %-9d\t\t\t# x resolution\n", hresolu);
446 printf("-y %-9d\t\t\t# y resolution\n", vresolu);
447 printf("-pa %f\t\t\t# pixel aspect ratio\n", pixaspect);
448 printf("-pj %f\t\t\t# pixel jitter\n", dstrpix);
449 printf("-pm %f\t\t\t# pixel motion\n", mblur);
450 printf("-ps %-9d\t\t\t# pixel sample\n", psample);
451 printf("-pt %f\t\t\t# pixel threshold\n", maxdiff);
452 printf("-t %-9d\t\t\t# time between reports\n", ralrm);
453 printf(erract[WARNING].pf != NULL ?
454 "-w+\t\t\t\t# warning messages on\n" :
455 "-w-\t\t\t\t# warning messages off\n");
456 print_rdefaults();
457 }