/* Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * rpict.c - routines and variables for picture generation. * * 8/14/85 */ #include "ray.h" #ifdef BSD #include #include #else #include #endif #include "view.h" #include "random.h" VIEW ourview = STDVIEW; /* view parameters */ int hresolu = 512; /* horizontal resolution */ int vresolu = 512; /* vertical resolution */ double pixaspect = 1.0; /* pixel aspect ratio */ int psample = 4; /* pixel sample size */ double maxdiff = .05; /* max. difference for interpolation */ double dstrpix = 0.67; /* square pixel distribution */ double dstrsrc = 0.0; /* square source distribution */ double shadthresh = .05; /* shadow threshold */ double shadcert = .5; /* shadow certainty */ int maxdepth = 6; /* maximum recursion depth */ double minweight = 5e-3; /* minimum ray weight */ COLOR ambval = BLKCOLOR; /* ambient value */ double ambacc = 0.2; /* ambient accuracy */ int ambres = 32; /* ambient resolution */ int ambdiv = 128; /* ambient divisions */ int ambssamp = 0; /* ambient super-samples */ int ambounce = 0; /* ambient bounces */ char *amblist[128]; /* ambient include/exclude list */ int ambincl = -1; /* include == 1, exclude == 0 */ int ralrm = 0; /* seconds between reports */ double pctdone = 0.0; /* percentage done */ extern long nrays; /* number of rays traced */ #define MAXDIV 32 /* maximum sample size */ #define pixjitter() (.5+dstrpix*(.5-frandom())) double pixvalue(); quit(code) /* quit program */ int code; { if (code || ralrm > 0) /* report status */ report(); exit(code); } report() /* report progress */ { #ifdef BSD struct rusage rubuf; double t; getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rubuf); t = (rubuf.ru_utime.tv_usec + rubuf.ru_stime.tv_usec) / 1e6; t += rubuf.ru_utime.tv_sec + rubuf.ru_stime.tv_sec; getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN, &rubuf); t += (rubuf.ru_utime.tv_usec + rubuf.ru_stime.tv_usec) / 1e6; t += rubuf.ru_utime.tv_sec + rubuf.ru_stime.tv_sec; sprintf(errmsg, "%ld rays, %4.2f%% done after %5.4f CPU hours\n", nrays, pctdone, t/3600.0); #else signal(SIGALRM, report); sprintf(errmsg, "%ld rays, %4.2f%% done\n", nrays, pctdone); #endif eputs(errmsg); if (ralrm > 0) alarm(ralrm); } render(zfile, oldfile) /* render the scene */ char *zfile, *oldfile; { COLOR *scanbar[MAXDIV+1]; /* scanline arrays of pixel values */ float *zbar[MAXDIV+1]; /* z values */ int ypos; /* current scanline */ FILE *zfp; COLOR *colptr; float *zptr; register int i; /* check sampling */ if (psample < 1) psample = 1; else if (psample > MAXDIV) psample = MAXDIV; /* allocate scanlines */ for (i = 0; i <= psample; i++) { scanbar[i] = (COLOR *)malloc(hresolu*sizeof(COLOR)); if (scanbar[i] == NULL) goto memerr; } /* open z file */ if (zfile != NULL) { if ((zfp = fopen(zfile, "a+")) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open z file \"%s\"", zfile); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } for (i = 0; i <= psample; i++) { zbar[i] = (float *)malloc(hresolu*sizeof(float)); if (zbar[i] == NULL) goto memerr; } } else { zfp = NULL; for (i = 0; i <= psample; i++) zbar[i] = NULL; } /* write out boundaries */ fputresolu(YMAJOR|YDECR, hresolu, vresolu, stdout); /* recover file and compute first */ i = salvage(oldfile); if (zfp != NULL && fseek(zfp, (long)i*hresolu*sizeof(float), 0) == EOF) error(SYSTEM, "z file seek error in render"); ypos = vresolu-1 - i; fillscanline(scanbar[0], zbar[0], hresolu, ypos, psample); /* compute scanlines */ for (ypos -= psample; ypos >= 0; ypos -= psample) { pctdone = 100.0*(vresolu-ypos-psample)/vresolu; colptr = scanbar[psample]; /* move base to top */ scanbar[psample] = scanbar[0]; scanbar[0] = colptr; zptr = zbar[psample]; zbar[psample] = zbar[0]; zbar[0] = zptr; /* fill base line */ fillscanline(scanbar[0], zbar[0], hresolu, ypos, psample); /* fill bar */ fillscanbar(scanbar, zbar, hresolu, ypos, psample); /* write it out */ for (i = psample; i > 0; i--) { if (zfp != NULL && fwrite(zbar[i],sizeof(float),hresolu,zfp) != hresolu) goto writerr; if (fwritescan(scanbar[i],hresolu,stdout) < 0) goto writerr; } if (zfp != NULL && fflush(zfp) == EOF) goto writerr; if (fflush(stdout) == EOF) goto writerr; } /* compute residual */ colptr = scanbar[psample]; scanbar[psample] = scanbar[0]; scanbar[0] = colptr; zptr = zbar[psample]; zbar[psample] = zbar[0]; zbar[0] = zptr; if (ypos > -psample) { fillscanline(scanbar[-ypos], zbar[-ypos], hresolu, 0, psample); fillscanbar(scanbar-ypos, zbar-ypos, hresolu, 0, psample+ypos); } for (i = psample; i+ypos >= 0; i--) { if (zfp != NULL && fwrite(zbar[i],sizeof(float),hresolu,zfp) != hresolu) goto writerr; if (fwritescan(scanbar[i], hresolu, stdout) < 0) goto writerr; } /* clean up */ if (zfp != NULL) { if (fclose(zfp) == EOF) goto writerr; for (i = 0; i <= psample; i++) free((char *)zbar[i]); } if (fflush(stdout) == EOF) goto writerr; for (i = 0; i <= psample; i++) free((char *)scanbar[i]); pctdone = 100.0; return; writerr: error(SYSTEM, "write error in render"); memerr: error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in render"); } fillscanline(scanline, zline, xres, y, xstep) /* fill scan line at y */ register COLOR *scanline; register float *zline; int xres, y, xstep; { int b = xstep; double z; register int i; z = pixvalue(scanline[0], 0, y); if (zline) zline[0] = z; for (i = xstep; i < xres; i += xstep) { z = pixvalue(scanline[i], i, y); if (zline) zline[i] = z; b = fillsample(scanline+i-xstep, zline ? zline+i-xstep : NULL, i-xstep, y, xstep, 0, b/2); } if (i-xstep < xres-1) { z = pixvalue(scanline[xres-1], xres-1, y); if (zline) zline[xres-1] = z; fillsample(scanline+i-xstep, zline ? zline+i-xstep : NULL, i-xstep, y, xres-1-(i-xstep), 0, b/2); } } fillscanbar(scanbar, zbar, xres, y, ysize) /* fill interior */ register COLOR *scanbar[]; register float *zbar[]; int xres, y, ysize; { COLOR vline[MAXDIV+1]; float zline[MAXDIV+1]; int b = ysize; double z; register int i, j; for (i = 0; i < xres; i++) { copycolor(vline[0], scanbar[0][i]); copycolor(vline[ysize], scanbar[ysize][i]); if (zbar[0]) { zline[0] = zbar[0][i]; zline[ysize] = zbar[ysize][i]; } b = fillsample(vline, zbar[0] ? zline : NULL, i, y, 0, ysize, b/2); for (j = 1; j < ysize; j++) copycolor(scanbar[j][i], vline[j]); if (zbar[0]) for (j = 1; j < ysize; j++) zbar[j][i] = zline[j]; } } int fillsample(colline, zline, x, y, xlen, ylen, b) /* fill interior points */ register COLOR *colline; register float *zline; int x, y; int xlen, ylen; int b; { extern double fabs(); double ratio; double z; COLOR ctmp; int ncut; register int len; if (xlen > 0) /* x or y length is zero */ len = xlen; else len = ylen; if (len <= 1) /* limit recursion */ return(0); if (b > 0 || (zline && 2.*fabs(zline[0]-zline[len]) > maxdiff*(zline[0]+zline[len])) || bigdiff(colline[0], colline[len], maxdiff)) { z = pixvalue(colline[len>>1], x + (xlen>>1), y + (ylen>>1)); if (zline) zline[len>>1] = z; ncut = 1; } else { /* interpolate */ copycolor(colline[len>>1], colline[len]); ratio = (double)(len>>1) / len; scalecolor(colline[len>>1], ratio); if (zline) zline[len>>1] = zline[len] * ratio; ratio = 1.0 - ratio; copycolor(ctmp, colline[0]); scalecolor(ctmp, ratio); addcolor(colline[len>>1], ctmp); if (zline) zline[len>>1] += zline[0] * ratio; ncut = 0; } /* recurse */ ncut += fillsample(colline, zline, x, y, xlen>>1, ylen>>1, (b-1)/2); ncut += fillsample(colline+(len>>1), zline ? zline+(len>>1) : NULL, x+(xlen>>1), y+(ylen>>1), xlen-(xlen>>1), ylen-(ylen>>1), b/2); return(ncut); } double pixvalue(col, x, y) /* compute pixel value */ COLOR col; /* returned color */ int x, y; /* pixel position */ { static RAY thisray; /* our ray for this pixel */ viewray(thisray.rorg, thisray.rdir, &ourview, (x+pixjitter())/hresolu, (y+pixjitter())/vresolu); rayorigin(&thisray, NULL, PRIMARY, 1.0); rayvalue(&thisray); /* trace ray */ copycolor(col, thisray.rcol); /* return color */ return(thisray.rot); /* return distance */ } int salvage(oldfile) /* salvage scanlines from killed program */ char *oldfile; { COLR *scanline; FILE *fp; int x, y; if (oldfile == NULL) return(0); if ((fp = fopen(oldfile, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open recover file \"%s\"", oldfile); error(WARNING, errmsg); return(0); } /* discard header */ getheader(fp, NULL); /* get picture size */ if (fgetresolu(&x, &y, fp) != (YMAJOR|YDECR)) { sprintf(errmsg, "bad recover file \"%s\"", oldfile); error(WARNING, errmsg); fclose(fp); return(0); } if (x != hresolu || y != vresolu) { sprintf(errmsg, "resolution mismatch in recover file \"%s\"", oldfile); error(USER, errmsg); } scanline = (COLR *)malloc(hresolu*sizeof(COLR)); if (scanline == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in salvage"); for (y = 0; y < vresolu; y++) { if (freadcolrs(scanline, hresolu, fp) < 0) break; if (fwritecolrs(scanline, hresolu, stdout) < 0) goto writerr; } if (fflush(stdout) == EOF) goto writerr; free((char *)scanline); fclose(fp); unlink(oldfile); return(y); writerr: error(SYSTEM, "write error in salvage"); }