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Revision: 2.4
Committed: Tue Mar 30 16:13:01 2004 UTC (20 years, 5 months ago) by schorsch
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 2.3: +8 -9 lines
Log Message:
Continued ANSIfication. There are only bits and pieces left now.

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: renderopts.c,v 2.3 2003/05/13 17:58:33 greg Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * renderopts.c - process common rendering options
6 *
7 * External symbols declared in ray.h
8 */
10 #include "copyright.h"
12 #include "ray.h"
15 extern int
16 getrenderopt( /* get next render option */
17 int ac,
18 char *av[]
19 )
20 {
21 #define check(ol,al) if (av[0][ol] || \
22 badarg(ac-1,av+1,al)) \
23 return(-1)
24 #define bool(olen,var) switch (av[0][olen]) { \
25 case '\0': var = !var; break; \
26 case 'y': case 'Y': case 't': case 'T': \
27 case '+': case '1': var = 1; break; \
28 case 'n': case 'N': case 'f': case 'F': \
29 case '-': case '0': var = 0; break; \
30 default: return(-1); }
31 static char **amblp; /* pointer to build ambient list */
32 int rval;
33 /* is it even an option? */
34 if (ac < 1 || av[0] == NULL || av[0][0] != '-')
35 return(-1);
36 /* check if it's one we know */
37 switch (av[0][1]) {
38 case 'b': /* back face vis. */
39 if (av[0][2] == 'v') {
40 bool(3,backvis);
41 return(0);
42 }
43 break;
44 case 'd': /* direct */
45 switch (av[0][2]) {
46 case 't': /* threshold */
47 check(3,"f");
48 shadthresh = atof(av[1]);
49 return(1);
50 case 'c': /* certainty */
51 check(3,"f");
52 shadcert = atof(av[1]);
53 return(1);
54 case 'j': /* jitter */
55 check(3,"f");
56 dstrsrc = atof(av[1]);
57 return(1);
58 case 'r': /* relays */
59 check(3,"i");
60 directrelay = atoi(av[1]);
61 return(1);
62 case 'p': /* pretest */
63 check(3,"i");
64 vspretest = atoi(av[1]);
65 return(1);
66 case 'v': /* visibility */
67 bool(3,directvis);
68 return(0);
69 case 's': /* size */
70 check(3,"f");
71 srcsizerat = atof(av[1]);
72 return(1);
73 }
74 break;
75 case 's': /* specular */
76 switch (av[0][2]) {
77 case 't': /* threshold */
78 check(3,"f");
79 specthresh = atof(av[1]);
80 return(1);
81 case 'j': /* jitter */
82 check(3,"f");
83 specjitter = atof(av[1]);
84 return(1);
85 }
86 break;
87 case 'l': /* limit */
88 switch (av[0][2]) {
89 case 'r': /* recursion */
90 check(3,"i");
91 maxdepth = atoi(av[1]);
92 return(1);
93 case 'w': /* weight */
94 check(3,"f");
95 minweight = atof(av[1]);
96 return(1);
97 }
98 break;
99 case 'i': /* irradiance */
100 bool(2,do_irrad);
101 return(0);
102 case 'a': /* ambient */
103 switch (av[0][2]) {
104 case 'v': /* value */
105 check(3,"fff");
106 setcolor(ambval, atof(av[1]),
107 atof(av[2]),
108 atof(av[3]));
109 return(3);
110 case 'w': /* weight */
111 check(3,"i");
112 ambvwt = atoi(av[1]);
113 return(1);
114 case 'a': /* accuracy */
115 check(3,"f");
116 ambacc = atof(av[1]);
117 return(1);
118 case 'r': /* resolution */
119 check(3,"i");
120 ambres = atoi(av[1]);
121 return(1);
122 case 'd': /* divisions */
123 check(3,"i");
124 ambdiv = atoi(av[1]);
125 return(1);
126 case 's': /* super-samp */
127 check(3,"i");
128 ambssamp = atoi(av[1]);
129 return(1);
130 case 'b': /* bounces */
131 check(3,"i");
132 ambounce = atoi(av[1]);
133 return(1);
134 case 'i': /* include */
135 case 'I':
136 check(3,"s");
137 if (ambincl != 1) {
138 ambincl = 1;
139 amblp = amblist;
140 }
141 if (av[0][2] == 'I') { /* file */
142 rval = wordfile(amblp,
143 getpath(av[1],getrlibpath(),R_OK));
144 if (rval < 0) {
145 sprintf(errmsg,
146 "cannot open ambient include file \"%s\"", av[0]);
147 error(SYSTEM, errmsg);
148 }
149 amblp += rval;
150 } else {
151 *amblp++ = av[1];
152 *amblp = NULL;
153 }
154 return(1);
155 case 'e': /* exclude */
156 case 'E':
157 check(3,"s");
158 if (ambincl != 0) {
159 ambincl = 0;
160 amblp = amblist;
161 }
162 if (av[0][2] == 'E') { /* file */
163 rval = wordfile(amblp,
164 getpath(av[1],getrlibpath(),R_OK));
165 if (rval < 0) {
166 sprintf(errmsg,
167 "cannot open ambient exclude file \"%s\"", av[0]);
168 error(SYSTEM, errmsg);
169 }
170 amblp += rval;
171 } else {
172 *amblp++ = av[1];
173 *amblp = NULL;
174 }
175 return(1);
176 case 'f': /* file */
177 check(3,"s");
178 ambfile= av[1];
179 return(1);
180 }
181 break;
182 case 'm': /* medium */
183 switch (av[0][2]) {
184 case 'e': /* extinction */
185 check(3,"fff");
186 setcolor(cextinction, atof(av[1]),
187 atof(av[2]),
188 atof(av[3]));
189 return(3);
190 case 'a': /* albedo */
191 check(3,"fff");
192 setcolor(salbedo, atof(av[1]),
193 atof(av[2]),
194 atof(av[3]));
195 return(3);
196 case 'g': /* eccentr. */
197 check(3,"f");
198 seccg = atof(av[1]);
199 return(1);
200 case 's': /* sampling */
201 check(3,"f");
202 ssampdist = atof(av[1]);
203 return(1);
204 }
205 break;
206 }
207 return(-1); /* unknown option */
209 #undef check
210 #undef bool
211 }
214 extern void
215 print_rdefaults(void) /* print default render values to stdout */
216 {
217 printf(do_irrad ? "-i+\t\t\t\t# irradiance calculation on\n" :
218 "-i-\t\t\t\t# irradiance calculation off\n");
219 printf(backvis ? "-bv+\t\t\t\t# back face visibility on\n" :
220 "-bv-\t\t\t\t# back face visibility off\n");
221 printf("-dt %f\t\t\t# direct threshold\n", shadthresh);
222 printf("-dc %f\t\t\t# direct certainty\n", shadcert);
223 printf("-dj %f\t\t\t# direct jitter\n", dstrsrc);
224 printf("-ds %f\t\t\t# direct sampling\n", srcsizerat);
225 printf("-dr %-9d\t\t\t# direct relays\n", directrelay);
226 printf("-dp %-9d\t\t\t# direct pretest density\n", vspretest);
227 printf(directvis ? "-dv+\t\t\t\t# direct visibility on\n" :
228 "-dv-\t\t\t\t# direct visibility off\n");
229 printf("-sj %f\t\t\t# specular jitter\n", specjitter);
230 printf("-st %f\t\t\t# specular threshold\n", specthresh);
231 printf("-av %f %f %f\t# ambient value\n", colval(ambval,RED),
232 colval(ambval,GRN), colval(ambval, BLU));
233 printf("-aw %-9d\t\t\t# ambient value weight\n", ambvwt);
234 printf("-ab %-9d\t\t\t# ambient bounces\n", ambounce);
235 printf("-aa %f\t\t\t# ambient accuracy\n", ambacc);
236 printf("-ar %-9d\t\t\t# ambient resolution\n", ambres);
237 printf("-ad %-9d\t\t\t# ambient divisions\n", ambdiv);
238 printf("-as %-9d\t\t\t# ambient super-samples\n", ambssamp);
239 printf("-me %.2e %.2e %.2e\t# mist extinction coefficient\n",
240 colval(cextinction,RED),
241 colval(cextinction,GRN),
242 colval(cextinction,BLU));
243 printf("-ma %f %f %f\t# mist scattering albedo\n", colval(salbedo,RED),
244 colval(salbedo,GRN), colval(salbedo,BLU));
245 printf("-mg %f\t\t\t# mist scattering eccentricity\n", seccg);
246 printf("-ms %f\t\t\t# mist sampling distance\n", ssampdist);
247 printf("-lr %-9d\t\t\t# limit reflection\n", maxdepth);
248 printf("-lw %f\t\t\t# limit weight\n", minweight);
249 }