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Revision: 2.36
Committed: Mon Jul 20 15:54:29 2020 UTC (3 years, 9 months ago) by greg
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad5R3
Changes since 2.35: +3 -1 lines
Log Message:
fix(mkillum, rcontrib, rtrace, ranimove, rsensor): stall under macOS 10.15
due to broken flockfile() implementation -- workaround is better, anyway

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: rcontrib.c,v 2.35 2019/04/07 16:39:39 greg Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * Accumulate ray contributions for a set of materials
6 * Initialization and calculation routines
7 */
9 #include "copyright.h"
11 #include "rcontrib.h"
12 #include "otypes.h"
13 #include "source.h"
15 char *shm_boundary = NULL; /* boundary of shared memory */
17 CUBE thescene; /* our scene */
18 OBJECT nsceneobjs; /* number of objects in our scene */
20 int dimlist[MAXDIM]; /* sampling dimensions */
21 int ndims = 0; /* number of sampling dimensions */
22 int samplendx = 0; /* index for this sample */
24 void (*trace)() = NULL; /* trace call (NULL before rcinit) */
26 int do_irrad = 0; /* compute irradiance? */
28 int rand_samp = 1; /* pure Monte Carlo sampling? */
30 double dstrsrc = 0.9; /* square source distribution */
31 double shadthresh = 0.; /* shadow threshold */
32 double shadcert = .75; /* shadow certainty */
33 int directrelay = 3; /* number of source relays */
34 int vspretest = 512; /* virtual source pretest density */
35 int directvis = 1; /* sources visible? */
36 double srcsizerat = .2; /* maximum ratio source size/dist. */
38 COLOR cextinction = BLKCOLOR; /* global extinction coefficient */
39 COLOR salbedo = BLKCOLOR; /* global scattering albedo */
40 double seccg = 0.; /* global scattering eccentricity */
41 double ssampdist = 0.; /* scatter sampling distance */
43 double specthresh = .02; /* specular sampling threshold */
44 double specjitter = 1.; /* specular sampling jitter */
46 int backvis = 1; /* back face visibility */
48 int maxdepth = -10; /* maximum recursion depth */
49 double minweight = 2e-3; /* minimum ray weight */
51 char *ambfile = NULL; /* ambient file name */
52 COLOR ambval = BLKCOLOR; /* ambient value */
53 int ambvwt = 0; /* initial weight for ambient value */
54 double ambacc = 0.; /* ambient accuracy */
55 int ambres = 256; /* ambient resolution */
56 int ambdiv = 350; /* ambient divisions */
57 int ambssamp = 0; /* ambient super-samples */
58 int ambounce = 1; /* ambient bounces */
59 char *amblist[AMBLLEN+1]; /* ambient include/exclude list */
60 int ambincl = -1; /* include == 1, exclude == 0 */
62 int account; /* current accumulation count */
63 RNUMBER raysleft; /* number of rays left to trace */
64 long waitflush; /* how long until next flush */
66 RNUMBER lastray = 0; /* last ray number sent */
67 RNUMBER lastdone = 0; /* last ray output */
69 static void trace_contrib(RAY *r); /* our trace callback */
71 static void mcfree(void *p) { epfree((*(MODCONT *)p).binv); free(p); }
73 LUTAB modconttab = LU_SINIT(NULL,mcfree); /* modifier lookup table */
75 /************************** INITIALIZATION ROUTINES ***********************/
77 char *
78 formstr( /* return format identifier */
79 int f
80 )
81 {
82 switch (f) {
83 case 'a': return("ascii");
84 case 'f': return("float");
85 case 'd': return("double");
86 case 'c': return(COLRFMT);
87 }
88 return("unknown");
89 }
92 /* Add modifier to our list to track */
94 addmodifier(char *modn, char *outf, char *prms, char *binv, int bincnt)
95 {
96 LUENT *lep = lu_find(&modconttab,modn);
97 MODCONT *mp;
98 EPNODE *ebinv;
99 int i;
101 if (lep->data != NULL) {
102 sprintf(errmsg, "duplicate modifier '%s'", modn);
103 error(USER, errmsg);
104 }
105 if (nmods >= MAXMODLIST) {
106 sprintf(errmsg, "too many modifiers (%d limit)", MAXMODLIST);
107 error(INTERNAL, errmsg);
108 }
109 if (!strcmp(modn, VOIDID)) {
110 sprintf(errmsg, "cannot track '%s' modifier", VOIDID);
111 error(USER, errmsg);
112 }
113 modname[nmods++] = modn; /* XXX assumes static string */
114 lep->key = modn; /* XXX assumes static string */
115 if (binv == NULL)
116 binv = "0"; /* use single bin if unspecified */
117 ebinv = eparse(binv);
118 if (ebinv->type == NUM) { /* check value if constant */
119 bincnt = (int)(evalue(ebinv) + 1.5);
120 if (bincnt != 1) {
121 sprintf(errmsg, "illegal non-zero constant for bin (%s)",
122 binv);
123 error(USER, errmsg);
124 }
125 } else if (bincnt <= 0) {
126 sprintf(errmsg,
127 "unspecified or illegal bin count for modifier '%s'",
128 modn);
129 error(USER, errmsg);
130 }
131 /* initialize results holder */
132 mp = (MODCONT *)malloc(sizeof(MODCONT)+sizeof(DCOLOR)*(bincnt-1));
133 if (mp == NULL)
134 error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in addmodifier");
135 mp->outspec = outf; /* XXX assumes static string */
136 mp->modname = modn; /* XXX assumes static string */
137 mp->params = prms; /* XXX assumes static string */
138 mp->binv = ebinv;
139 mp->bin0 = 0;
140 mp->nbins = bincnt;
141 memset(mp->cbin, 0, sizeof(DCOLOR)*bincnt);
142 /* figure out starting bin */
143 while (!getostream(mp->outspec, mp->modname, mp->bin0, 1))
144 mp->bin0++;
145 /* allocate other output streams */
146 for (i = 0; ++i < mp->nbins; )
147 getostream(mp->outspec, mp->modname, mp->bin0+i, 1);
148 lep->data = (char *)mp;
149 return(mp);
150 }
153 /* Add modifiers from a file list */
154 void
155 addmodfile(char *fname, char *outf, char *prms, char *binv, int bincnt)
156 {
157 char *mname[MAXMODLIST];
158 int i;
159 /* find the file & store strings */
160 i = wordfile(mname, MAXMODLIST, getpath(fname, getrlibpath(), R_OK));
161 if (i < 0) {
162 sprintf(errmsg, "cannot find modifier file '%s'", fname);
163 error(SYSTEM, errmsg);
164 }
165 if (i >= MAXMODLIST-1) {
166 sprintf(errmsg, "too many modifiers (%d limit) in file '%s'",
167 MAXMODLIST-1, fname);
168 error(INTERNAL, errmsg);
169 }
170 for (i = 0; mname[i]; i++) /* add each one */
171 addmodifier(mname[i], outf, prms, binv, bincnt);
172 }
175 void
176 quit( /* quit program */
177 int code
178 )
179 {
180 if (nchild > 0) /* close children if any */
181 end_children(code != 0);
182 else if (nchild < 0)
183 _exit(code); /* avoid flush() in child */
184 exit(code);
185 }
188 /* Initialize our process(es) */
189 static void
190 rcinit(void)
191 {
192 int i;
194 if (nproc > MAXPROCESS)
195 sprintf(errmsg, "too many processes requested -- reducing to %d",
196 nproc = MAXPROCESS);
197 if (nproc > 1) {
198 preload_objs(); /* preload auxiliary data */
199 /* set shared memory boundary */
200 shm_boundary = strcpy((char *)malloc(16), "SHM_BOUNDARY");
201 }
202 trace = trace_contrib; /* set up trace call-back */
203 for (i = 0; i < nsources; i++) /* tracing to sources as well */
204 source[i].sflags |= SFOLLOW;
205 if (yres > 0) { /* set up flushing & ray counts */
206 if (xres > 0)
207 raysleft = (RNUMBER)xres*yres;
208 else
209 raysleft = yres;
210 } else
211 raysleft = 0;
212 if ((account = accumulate) > 1)
213 raysleft *= accumulate;
214 waitflush = (yres > 0) & (xres > 1) ? 0 : xres;
216 if (nproc > 1 && in_rchild()) /* forked child? */
217 return; /* return to main processing loop */
219 if (recover) { /* recover previous output? */
220 if (accumulate <= 0)
221 reload_output();
222 else
223 recover_output();
224 }
225 if (nproc == 1) /* single process? */
226 return;
227 /* else run appropriate controller */
228 if (accumulate <= 0)
229 feeder_loop();
230 else
231 parental_loop();
232 quit(0); /* parent musn't return! */
233 }
235 /************************** MAIN CALCULATION PROCESS ***********************/
237 /* Our trace call to sum contributions */
238 static void
239 trace_contrib(RAY *r)
240 {
241 MODCONT *mp;
242 double bval;
243 int bn;
244 RREAL contr[3];
246 if (r->ro == NULL || r->ro->omod == OVOID)
247 return;
248 /* shadow ray not on source? */
249 if (r->rsrc >= 0 && source[r->rsrc].so != r->ro)
250 return;
252 mp = (MODCONT *)lu_find(&modconttab,objptr(r->ro->omod)->oname)->data;
254 if (mp == NULL) /* not in our list? */
255 return;
257 worldfunc(RCCONTEXT, r); /* else set context */
258 set_eparams((char *)mp->params);
259 if ((bval = evalue(mp->binv)) <= -.5) /* and get bin number */
260 return; /* silently ignore negatives */
261 if ((bn = (int)(bval + .5)) >= mp->nbins) {
262 sprintf(errmsg, "bad bin number (%d ignored)", bn);
263 error(WARNING, errmsg);
264 return;
265 }
266 raycontrib(contr, r, PRIMARY); /* compute coefficient */
267 if (contrib)
268 multcolor(contr, r->rcol); /* -> contribution */
269 addcolor(mp->cbin[bn], contr);
270 }
273 /* Evaluate irradiance contributions */
274 static void
275 eval_irrad(FVECT org, FVECT dir)
276 {
277 RAY thisray;
279 VSUM(thisray.rorg, org, dir, 1.1e-4);
280 thisray.rdir[0] = -dir[0];
281 thisray.rdir[1] = -dir[1];
282 thisray.rdir[2] = -dir[2];
283 thisray.rmax = 0.0;
284 rayorigin(&thisray, PRIMARY, NULL, NULL);
285 /* pretend we hit surface */
286 thisray.rxt = thisray.rot = 1e-5;
287 thisray.rod = 1.0;
288 VCOPY(thisray.ron, dir);
289 VSUM(thisray.rop, org, dir, 1e-4);
290 samplendx++; /* compute result */
291 (*ofun[Lamb.otype].funp)(&Lamb, &thisray);
292 }
295 /* Evaluate radiance contributions */
296 static void
297 eval_rad(FVECT org, FVECT dir, double dmax)
298 {
299 RAY thisray;
300 /* set up ray */
301 VCOPY(thisray.rorg, org);
302 VCOPY(thisray.rdir, dir);
303 thisray.rmax = dmax;
304 rayorigin(&thisray, PRIMARY, NULL, NULL);
305 samplendx++; /* call ray evaluation */
306 rayvalue(&thisray);
307 }
310 /* Accumulate and/or output ray contributions (child or only process) */
311 static void
312 done_contrib(void)
313 {
314 MODCONT *mp;
315 int i;
317 if (account <= 0 || --account)
318 return; /* not time yet */
320 for (i = 0; i < nmods; i++) { /* output records & clear */
321 mp = (MODCONT *)lu_find(&modconttab,modname[i])->data;
322 mod_output(mp);
323 memset(mp->cbin, 0, sizeof(DCOLOR)*mp->nbins);
324 }
325 end_record(); /* end lines & flush if time */
327 account = accumulate; /* reset accumulation counter */
328 }
331 /* Principal calculation loop (called by main) */
332 void
333 rcontrib(void)
334 {
335 static int ignore_warning_given = 0;
336 FVECT orig, direc;
337 double d;
338 /* initialize (& fork more of us) */
339 rcinit();
340 /* load rays from stdin & process */
341 #ifdef getc_unlocked
342 flockfile(stdin); /* avoid mutex overhead */
343 #endif
344 while (getvec(orig) == 0 && getvec(direc) == 0) {
345 d = normalize(direc);
346 if (nchild != -1 && (d == 0.0) & (accumulate == 0)) {
347 if (!ignore_warning_given++)
348 error(WARNING,
349 "dummy ray(s) ignored during accumulation\n");
350 continue;
351 }
352 if (lastray+1 < lastray)
353 lastray = lastdone = 0;
354 ++lastray;
355 if (d == 0.0) { /* zero ==> flush */
356 if ((yres <= 0) | (xres <= 1))
357 waitflush = 1; /* flush after */
358 if (nchild == -1)
359 account = 1;
360 } else if (imm_irrad) { /* else compute */
361 eval_irrad(orig, direc);
362 } else {
363 eval_rad(orig, direc, lim_dist ? d : 0.0);
364 }
365 done_contrib(); /* accumulate/output */
366 ++lastdone;
367 if (raysleft && !--raysleft)
368 break; /* preemptive EOI */
369 }
370 if (nchild != -1 && (accumulate <= 0) | (account < accumulate)) {
371 if (account < accumulate) {
372 error(WARNING, "partial accumulation in final record");
373 accumulate -= account;
374 }
375 account = 1; /* output accumulated totals */
376 done_contrib();
377 }
378 lu_done(&ofiletab); /* close output files */
379 if (raysleft)
380 error(USER, "unexpected EOF on input");
381 }