#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: rc2.c,v 2.24 2019/09/04 20:19:51 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Accumulate ray contributions for a set of materials * File i/o and recovery */ #include #include "platform.h" #include "rcontrib.h" #include "resolu.h" /* Close output stream and free record */ static void closestream(void *p) { STREAMOUT *sop = (STREAMOUT *)p; if (sop->ofp != NULL) { int status = 0; if (sop->outpipe) status = pclose(sop->ofp); else if (sop->ofp != stdout) status = fclose(sop->ofp); if (status) error(SYSTEM, "error closing output stream"); } free(p); } LUTAB ofiletab = LU_SINIT(free,closestream); /* output file table */ #define OF_MODIFIER 01 #define OF_BIN 02 /************************** STREAM & FILE I/O ***************************/ /* Construct output file name and return flags whether modifier/bin present */ static int ofname(char *oname, const char *ospec, const char *mname, int bn) { const char *mnp = NULL; const char *bnp = NULL; const char *cp; if (ospec == NULL) return(-1); for (cp = ospec; *cp; cp++) /* check format position(s) */ if (*cp == '%') { do ++cp; while (isdigit(*cp)); switch (*cp) { case '%': break; case 's': if (mnp != NULL) return(-1); mnp = cp; break; case 'd': case 'i': case 'o': case 'x': case 'X': if (bnp != NULL) return(-1); bnp = cp; break; default: return(-1); } } if (mnp != NULL) { /* create file name */ if (bnp != NULL) { if (bnp > mnp) sprintf(oname, ospec, mname, bn); else sprintf(oname, ospec, bn, mname); return(OF_MODIFIER|OF_BIN); } sprintf(oname, ospec, mname); return(OF_MODIFIER); } if (bnp != NULL) { sprintf(oname, ospec, bn); return(OF_BIN); } strcpy(oname, ospec); return(0); } /* Write header to the given output stream */ static void printheader(FILE *fout, const char *info) { extern char VersionID[]; /* copy octree header */ if (octname[0] == '!') { newheader("RADIANCE", fout); fputs(octname+1, fout); if (octname[strlen(octname)-1] != '\n') fputc('\n', fout); } else { FILE *fin = fopen(octname, (outfmt=='a') ? "r" : "rb"); if (fin == NULL) quit(1); checkheader(fin, OCTFMT, fout); fclose(fin); } printargs(gargc-1, gargv, fout); /* add our command */ fprintf(fout, "SOFTWARE= %s\n", VersionID); fputnow(fout); fputs("NCOMP=3\n", fout); /* always RGB */ if (info != NULL) /* add extra info if given */ fputs(info, fout); if ((outfmt == 'f') | (outfmt == 'd')) fputendian(fout); fputformat(formstr(outfmt), fout); fputc('\n', fout); /* empty line ends header */ } /* Write resolution string to given output stream */ static void printresolu(FILE *fout, int xr, int yr) { if ((xr > 0) & (yr > 0)) /* resolution string */ fprtresolu(xr, yr, fout); } /* Get output stream pointer (open and write header if new and noopen==0) */ STREAMOUT * getostream(const char *ospec, const char *mname, int bn, int noopen) { static STREAMOUT stdos; char info[1024]; int ofl; char oname[1024]; LUENT *lep; STREAMOUT *sop; char *cp; if (ospec == NULL) { /* use stdout? */ if (!noopen & !using_stdout) { if (outfmt != 'a') SET_FILE_BINARY(stdout); #ifdef getc_unlocked flockfile(stdout); /* avoid lock/unlock overhead */ #endif if (header) { cp = info; if (yres > 0) { sprintf(cp, "NROWS=%d\n", yres * (xres + !xres) ); while (*cp) ++cp; } if ((xres <= 0) | (stdos.reclen > 1)) sprintf(cp, "NCOLS=%d\n", stdos.reclen); printheader(stdout, info); } if (stdos.reclen == 1) printresolu(stdout, xres, yres); if (waitflush > 0) fflush(stdout); stdos.xr = xres; stdos.yr = yres; using_stdout = 1; } stdos.ofp = stdout; stdos.reclen += noopen; return(&stdos); } ofl = ofname(oname, ospec, mname, bn); /* get output name */ if (ofl < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "bad output format '%s'", ospec); error(USER, errmsg); } lep = lu_find(&ofiletab, oname); /* look it up */ if (lep->key == NULL) /* new entry */ lep->key = strcpy((char *)malloc(strlen(oname)+1), oname); sop = (STREAMOUT *)lep->data; if (sop == NULL) { /* allocate stream */ sop = (STREAMOUT *)malloc(sizeof(STREAMOUT)); if (sop == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in getostream"); sop->outpipe = (oname[0] == '!'); sop->reclen = 0; sop->ofp = NULL; /* open iff noopen==0 */ sop->xr = xres; sop->yr = yres; lep->data = (char *)sop; if (!sop->outpipe & !force_open & !recover && access(oname, F_OK) == 0) { errno = EEXIST; /* file exists */ goto openerr; } } else if (noopen && outfmt == 'c' && /* stream exists to picture? */ (sop->xr > 0) & (sop->yr > 0)) { if (ofl & OF_BIN) return(NULL); /* let caller offset bins */ sprintf(errmsg, "output '%s' not a valid picture", oname); error(WARNING, errmsg); } if (!noopen && sop->ofp == NULL) { /* open output stream */ if (oname[0] == '!') /* output to command */ sop->ofp = popen(oname+1, "w"); else /* else open file */ sop->ofp = fopen(oname, "w"); if (sop->ofp == NULL) goto openerr; if (outfmt != 'a') SET_FILE_BINARY(sop->ofp); #ifdef getc_unlocked flockfile(sop->ofp); /* avoid lock/unlock overhead */ #endif if (accumulate > 0) { /* global resolution */ sop->xr = xres; sop->yr = yres; } if (header) { cp = info; if (ofl & OF_MODIFIER || sop->reclen == 1) { sprintf(cp, "MODIFIER=%s\n", mname); while (*cp) ++cp; } if (ofl & OF_BIN) { sprintf(cp, "BIN=%d\n", bn); while (*cp) ++cp; } if (sop->yr > 0) { sprintf(cp, "NROWS=%d\n", sop->yr * (sop->xr + !sop->xr) ); while (*cp) ++cp; } if ((sop->xr <= 0) | (sop->reclen > 1)) sprintf(cp, "NCOLS=%d\n", sop->reclen); printheader(sop->ofp, info); } if (sop->reclen == 1) printresolu(sop->ofp, sop->xr, sop->yr); if (waitflush > 0) fflush(sop->ofp); } sop->reclen += noopen; /* add to length if noopen */ return(sop); /* return output stream */ openerr: sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open '%s' for writing", oname); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); return(NULL); /* pro forma return */ } /* Get a vector from stdin */ int getvec(FVECT vec) { float vf[3]; double vd[3]; char buf[32]; int i; switch (inpfmt) { case 'a': /* ascii */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (fgetword(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) == NULL || !isflt(buf)) return(-1); vec[i] = atof(buf); } break; case 'f': /* binary float */ if (getbinary((char *)vf, sizeof(float), 3, stdin) != 3) return(-1); VCOPY(vec, vf); break; case 'd': /* binary double */ if (getbinary((char *)vd, sizeof(double), 3, stdin) != 3) return(-1); VCOPY(vec, vd); break; default: error(CONSISTENCY, "botched input format"); } return(0); } /* Put out ray contribution to file */ static void put_contrib(const DCOLOR cnt, FILE *fout) { double sf = 1; COLOR fv; COLR cv; if (accumulate > 1) sf = 1./(double)accumulate; switch (outfmt) { case 'a': if (accumulate > 1) fprintf(fout, "%.6e\t%.6e\t%.6e\t", sf*cnt[0], sf*cnt[1], sf*cnt[2]); else fprintf(fout, "%.6e\t%.6e\t%.6e\t", cnt[0], cnt[1], cnt[2]); break; case 'f': if (accumulate > 1) { copycolor(fv, cnt); scalecolor(fv, sf); } else copycolor(fv, cnt); putbinary(fv, sizeof(float), 3, fout); break; case 'd': if (accumulate > 1) { DCOLOR dv; copycolor(dv, cnt); scalecolor(dv, sf); putbinary(dv, sizeof(double), 3, fout); } else putbinary(cnt, sizeof(double), 3, fout); break; case 'c': if (accumulate > 1) setcolr(cv, sf*cnt[0], sf*cnt[1], sf*cnt[2]); else setcolr(cv, cnt[0], cnt[1], cnt[2]); putbinary(cv, sizeof(cv), 1, fout); break; default: error(INTERNAL, "botched output format"); } } /* Output modifier values to appropriate stream(s) */ void mod_output(MODCONT *mp) { STREAMOUT *sop = getostream(mp->outspec, mp->modname, mp->bin0, 0); int j; put_contrib(mp->cbin[0], sop->ofp); if (mp->nbins > 3 && /* minor optimization */ sop == getostream(mp->outspec, mp->modname, mp->bin0+1, 0)) { for (j = 1; j < mp->nbins; j++) put_contrib(mp->cbin[j], sop->ofp); } else { for (j = 1; j < mp->nbins; j++) { sop = getostream(mp->outspec, mp->modname, mp->bin0+j, 0); put_contrib(mp->cbin[j], sop->ofp); } } } /* callback to output newline to ASCII file and/or flush as requested */ static int puteol(const LUENT *e, void *p) { STREAMOUT *sop = (STREAMOUT *)e->data; if (outfmt == 'a') putc('\n', sop->ofp); if (!waitflush) fflush(sop->ofp); if (ferror(sop->ofp)) { sprintf(errmsg, "write error on file '%s'", e->key); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } return(0); } /* Terminate record output and flush if time */ void end_record() { --waitflush; lu_doall(&ofiletab, &puteol, NULL); if (using_stdout & (outfmt == 'a')) putc('\n', stdout); if (!waitflush) { waitflush = (yres > 0) & (xres > 1) ? 0 : xres; if (using_stdout) fflush(stdout); } } /************************** PARTIAL RESULTS RECOVERY ***********************/ /* Get ray contribution from previous file */ static int get_contrib(DCOLOR cnt, FILE *finp) { COLOR fv; COLR cv; switch (outfmt) { case 'a': return(fscanf(finp,"%lf %lf %lf",&cnt[0],&cnt[1],&cnt[2]) == 3); case 'f': if (getbinary(fv, sizeof(fv[0]), 3, finp) != 3) return(0); copycolor(cnt, fv); return(1); case 'd': return(getbinary(cnt, sizeof(cnt[0]), 3, finp) == 3); case 'c': if (getbinary(cv, sizeof(cv), 1, finp) != 1) return(0); colr_color(fv, cv); copycolor(cnt, fv); return(1); default: error(INTERNAL, "botched output format"); } return(0); /* pro forma return */ } /* Close output file opened for input */ static int myclose(const LUENT *e, void *p) { STREAMOUT *sop = (STREAMOUT *)e->data; if (sop->ofp == NULL) return(0); fclose(sop->ofp); sop->ofp = NULL; return(0); } /* Load previously accumulated values */ void reload_output() { int i, j; MODCONT *mp; int ofl; char oname[1024]; char *fmode = "rb"; char *outvfmt; LUENT *oent; int xr, yr; STREAMOUT *sop; DCOLOR rgbv; if (outfmt == 'a') fmode = "r"; outvfmt = formstr(outfmt); /* reload modifier values */ for (i = 0; i < nmods; i++) { mp = (MODCONT *)lu_find(&modconttab,modname[i])->data; if (mp->outspec == NULL) error(USER, "cannot reload from stdout"); if (mp->outspec[0] == '!') error(USER, "cannot reload from command"); for (j = 0; j < mp->nbins; j++) { /* load each modifier bin */ ofl = ofname(oname, mp->outspec, mp->modname, mp->bin0+j); if (ofl < 0) error(USER, "bad output file specification"); oent = lu_find(&ofiletab, oname); if (oent->data == NULL) error(INTERNAL, "unallocated stream in reload_output()"); sop = (STREAMOUT *)oent->data; if (sop->ofp == NULL) { /* open output as input */ sop->ofp = fopen(oname, fmode); if (sop->ofp == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "missing reload file '%s'", oname); error(WARNING, errmsg); break; } #ifdef getc_unlocked flockfile(sop->ofp); #endif if (header && checkheader(sop->ofp, outvfmt, NULL) != 1) { sprintf(errmsg, "format mismatch for '%s'", oname); error(USER, errmsg); } if ((sop->reclen == 1) & (sop->xr > 0) & (sop->yr > 0) && (!fscnresolu(&xr, &yr, sop->ofp) || (xr != sop->xr) | (yr != sop->yr))) { sprintf(errmsg, "resolution mismatch for '%s'", oname); error(USER, errmsg); } } /* read in RGB value */ if (!get_contrib(rgbv, sop->ofp)) { if (!j) { fclose(sop->ofp); break; /* ignore empty file */ } if (j < mp->nbins) { sprintf(errmsg, "missing data in '%s'", oname); error(USER, errmsg); } break; } copycolor(mp->cbin[j], rgbv); } } lu_doall(&ofiletab, &myclose, NULL); /* close all files */ } /* Seek on the given output file */ static int myseeko(const LUENT *e, void *p) { STREAMOUT *sop = (STREAMOUT *)e->data; off_t nbytes = *(off_t *)p; if (sop->reclen > 1) nbytes *= (off_t)sop->reclen; if (fseeko(sop->ofp, nbytes, SEEK_CUR) < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "seek error on file '%s'", e->key); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } return(0); } /* Recover output if possible */ void recover_output() { off_t lastout = -1; int outvsiz, recsiz; char *outvfmt; int i, j; MODCONT *mp; int ofl; char oname[1024]; LUENT *oent; STREAMOUT *sop; off_t nvals; int xr, yr; switch (outfmt) { case 'a': error(USER, "cannot recover ASCII output"); return; case 'f': outvsiz = sizeof(float)*3; break; case 'd': outvsiz = sizeof(double)*3; break; case 'c': outvsiz = sizeof(COLR); break; default: error(INTERNAL, "botched output format"); return; } outvfmt = formstr(outfmt); /* check modifier outputs */ for (i = 0; i < nmods; i++) { mp = (MODCONT *)lu_find(&modconttab,modname[i])->data; if (mp->outspec == NULL) error(USER, "cannot recover from stdout"); if (mp->outspec[0] == '!') error(USER, "cannot recover from command"); for (j = 0; j < mp->nbins; j++) { /* check each bin's file */ ofl = ofname(oname, mp->outspec, mp->modname, mp->bin0+j); if (ofl < 0) error(USER, "bad output file specification"); oent = lu_find(&ofiletab, oname); if (oent->data == NULL) error(INTERNAL, "unallocated stream in recover_output()"); sop = (STREAMOUT *)oent->data; if (sop->ofp != NULL) { /* already open? */ if (ofl & OF_BIN) continue; break; } /* open output */ sop->ofp = fopen(oname, "rb+"); if (sop->ofp == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "missing recover file '%s'", oname); error(WARNING, errmsg); lastout = 0; break; } nvals = lseek(fileno(sop->ofp), 0, SEEK_END); if (nvals <= 0) { lastout = 0; /* empty output, quit here */ fclose(sop->ofp); break; } recsiz = outvsiz * sop->reclen; lseek(fileno(sop->ofp), 0, SEEK_SET); if (header && checkheader(sop->ofp, outvfmt, NULL) != 1) { sprintf(errmsg, "format mismatch for '%s'", oname); error(USER, errmsg); } if ((sop->reclen == 1) & (sop->xr > 0) & (sop->yr > 0) && (!fscnresolu(&xr, &yr, sop->ofp) || (xr != sop->xr) | (yr != sop->yr))) { sprintf(errmsg, "resolution mismatch for '%s'", oname); error(USER, errmsg); } nvals = (nvals - (off_t)ftell(sop->ofp)) / recsiz; if ((lastout < 0) | (nvals < lastout)) lastout = nvals; if (!(ofl & OF_BIN)) break; /* no bin separation */ } if (!lastout) { /* empty output */ error(WARNING, "no previous data to recover"); /* reclose all outputs */ lu_doall(&ofiletab, &myclose, NULL); return; } } if (lastout < 0) { error(WARNING, "no output files to recover"); return; } if (raysleft && lastout >= raysleft/accumulate) { error(WARNING, "output appears to be complete"); /* XXX should read & discard input? */ quit(0); } /* seek on all files */ nvals = lastout * outvsiz; lu_doall(&ofiletab, &myseeko, &nvals); /* skip repeated input */ lastout *= accumulate; for (nvals = 0; nvals < lastout; nvals++) { FVECT vdummy; if (getvec(vdummy) < 0 || getvec(vdummy) < 0) error(USER, "unexpected EOF on input"); } lastray = lastdone = (RNUMBER)lastout; if (raysleft) raysleft -= lastray; }