/* ================================================================== Photon map types and corresponding file format strings Roland Schregle (roland.schregle@{hslu.ch, gmail.com}) (c) Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, (c) Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF, #147053) ================================================================== $Id: pmaptype.c,v 2.2 2015/05/08 13:20:23 rschregle Exp $ */ #include "pmaptype.h" /* Format strings for photon map files corresponding to PhotonMapType */ const char *pmapFormat [NUM_PMAP_TYPES] = { "Radiance_Global_Photon_Map", "Radiance_PreComp_Photon_Map", "Radiance_Caustic_Photon_Map", "Radiance_Volume_Photon_Map", "Radiance_Direct_Photon_Map", "Radiance_Contrib_Photon_Map" }; /* Photon map names per type */ const char *pmapName [NUM_PMAP_TYPES] = { "global", "precomp", "caustic", "volume", "direct", "contrib" };