#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: pmapmat.c,v 2.17 2018/06/25 20:49:10 greg Exp $"; #endif /* ================================================================== Photon map support routines for scattering by materials. Roland Schregle (roland.schregle@{hslu.ch, gmail.com}) (c) Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, (c) Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF, #147053) ================================================================== */ #include "pmapmat.h" #include "pmapdata.h" #include "pmaprand.h" #include "otypes.h" #include "data.h" #include "func.h" #include "bsdf.h" #include /* Stuff ripped off from material modules */ #define MAXITER 10 #define SP_REFL 01 #define SP_TRAN 02 #define SP_PURE 04 #define SP_FLAT 010 #define SP_BADU 040 #define MLAMBDA 500 #define RINDEX 1.52 #define FRESNE(ci) (exp(-5.85*(ci)) - 0.00287989916) typedef struct { OBJREC *mp; RAY *rp; short specfl; COLOR mcolor, scolor; FVECT vrefl, prdir, pnorm; double alpha2, rdiff, rspec, trans, tdiff, tspec, pdot; } NORMDAT; typedef struct { OBJREC *mp; RAY *rp; short specfl; COLOR mcolor, scolor; FVECT vrefl, prdir, u, v, pnorm; double u_alpha, v_alpha, rdiff, rspec, trans, tdiff, tspec, pdot; } ANISODAT; typedef struct { OBJREC *mp; RAY *pr; FVECT pnorm; FVECT vray; double sr_vpsa [2]; RREAL toloc [3][3]; RREAL fromloc [3][3]; double thick; SDData *sd; COLOR runsamp; COLOR rdiff; COLOR tunsamp; COLOR tdiff; } BSDFDAT; extern const SDCDst SDemptyCD; /* Per-material scattering function dispatch table; return value is usually * zero, indicating photon termination */ int (*photonScatter [NUMOTYPE]) (OBJREC*, RAY*); /* List of antimatter sensor modifier names and associated object set */ char *photonSensorList [MAXSET + 1] = {NULL}; static OBJECT photonSensorSet [MAXSET + 1] = {0}; /* ================ General support routines ================ */ void photonRay (const RAY *rayIn, RAY *rayOut, int rayOutType, COLOR fluxAtten) /* Spawn a new photon ray from a previous one; this is effectively a * customised rayorigin(). * A SPECULAR rayOutType flags this photon as _caustic_ for subsequent hits. * It is preserved for transferred rays (of type PMAP_XFER). * fluxAtten specifies the RGB attenuation of the photon flux effected by * the scattering material. The outgoing flux is then normalised to maintain * a uniform average of 1 over RGB. If fluxAtten == NULL, the flux remains * unchanged for the outgoing photon. fluxAtten is ignored for transferred * rays. * The ray direction is preserved for transferred rays, and undefined for * scattered rays and must be subsequently set by the caller. */ { rayorigin(rayOut, rayOutType, rayIn, NULL); if (rayIn) { /* Transfer flux */ copycolor(rayOut -> rcol, rayIn -> rcol); /* Copy caustic flag & direction for transferred rays */ if (rayOutType == PMAP_XFER) { /* rayOut -> rtype |= rayIn -> rtype & SPECULAR; */ rayOut -> rtype |= rayIn -> rtype; VCOPY(rayOut -> rdir, rayIn -> rdir); } else if (fluxAtten) { /* Attenuate and normalise flux for scattered rays */ multcolor(rayOut -> rcol, fluxAtten); colorNorm(rayOut -> rcol); } /* Propagate index of emitting light source */ rayOut -> rsrc = rayIn -> rsrc; /* Update maximum photon path distance */ rayOut -> rmax = rayIn -> rmax - rayIn -> rot; } } static void addPhotons (const RAY *r) /* Insert photon hits, where applicable */ { if (!r -> rlvl) /* Add direct photon map at primary hitpoint */ newPhoton(directPmap, r); else { /* Add global or precomputed photon map at indirect hitpoint */ newPhoton(preCompPmap ? preCompPmap : globalPmap, r); /* Store caustic photon if specular flag set */ if (PMAP_CAUSTICRAY(r)) newPhoton(causticPmap, r); /* Store in contribution photon map */ newPhoton(contribPmap, r); } } void getPhotonSensors (char **sensorList) /* Find antimatter geometry declared as photon sensors */ { OBJECT i; OBJREC *obj; char **lp; /* Init sensor set */ photonSensorSet [0] = 0; if (!sensorList [0]) return; for (i = 0; i < nobjects; i++) { obj = objptr(i); /* Insert object in sensor set if it's in the specified sensor list * and of type antimatter */ for (lp = sensorList; *lp; lp++) { if (!strcmp(obj -> oname, *lp)) { if (obj -> otype != MAT_CLIP) { sprintf(errmsg, "photon sensor modifier %s is not antimatter", obj -> oname); error(USER, errmsg); } if (photonSensorSet [0] >= AMBLLEN) error(USER, "too many photon sensor modifiers"); insertelem(photonSensorSet, i); } } } if (!photonSensorSet [0]) error(USER, "no photon sensors found"); } /* ================ Material specific scattering routines ================ */ static int isoSpecPhotonScatter (NORMDAT *nd, RAY *rayOut) /* Generate direction for isotropically specularly reflected or transmitted ray. Returns 1 if successful. */ { FVECT u, v, h; RAY *rayIn = nd -> rp; double d, d2, sinp, cosp; int niter, i = 0; /* Set up sample coordinates */ getperpendicular(u, nd -> pnorm, 1); fcross(v, nd -> pnorm, u); if (nd -> specfl & SP_REFL) { /* Specular reflection; make MAXITER attempts at getting a ray */ for (niter = 0; niter < MAXITER; niter++) { d = 2 * PI * pmapRandom(scatterState); cosp = cos(d); sinp = sin(d); d2 = pmapRandom(scatterState); d = d2 <= FTINY ? 1 : sqrt(nd -> alpha2 * -log(d2)); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) h [i] = nd -> pnorm [i] + d * (cosp * u [i] + sinp * v [i]); d = -2 * DOT(h, rayIn -> rdir) / (1 + d * d); VSUM(rayOut -> rdir, rayIn -> rdir, h, d); if (DOT(rayOut -> rdir, rayIn -> ron) > FTINY) return 1; } return 0; } else { /* Specular transmission; make MAXITER attempts at getting a ray */ for (niter = 0; niter < MAXITER; niter++) { d = 2 * PI * pmapRandom(scatterState); cosp = cos(d); sinp = sin(d); d2 = pmapRandom(scatterState); d = d2 <= FTINY ? 1 : sqrt(-log(d2) * nd -> alpha2); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) rayOut -> rdir [i] = nd -> prdir [i] + d * (cosp * u [i] + sinp * v [i]); if (DOT(rayOut -> rdir, rayIn -> ron) < -FTINY) { normalize(rayOut -> rdir); return 1; } } return 0; } } static void diffPhotonScatter (FVECT normal, RAY* rayOut) /* Generate cosine-weighted direction for diffuse ray */ { const RREAL cosThetaSqr = pmapRandom(scatterState), cosTheta = sqrt(cosThetaSqr), sinTheta = sqrt(1 - cosThetaSqr), phi = 2 * PI * pmapRandom(scatterState), du = cos(phi) * sinTheta, dv = sin(phi) * sinTheta; FVECT u, v; int i = 0; /* Set up sample coordinates */ getperpendicular(u, normal, 1); fcross(v, normal, u); /* Convert theta & phi to cartesian */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) rayOut -> rdir [i] = du * u [i] + dv * v [i] + cosTheta * normal [i]; normalize(rayOut -> rdir); } static int normalPhotonScatter (OBJREC *mat, RAY *rayIn) /* Generate new photon ray for isotropic material and recurse */ { NORMDAT nd; int i, hastexture; float xi, albedo, prdiff, ptdiff, prspec, ptspec; double d, fresnel; RAY rayOut; if (mat -> oargs.nfargs != (mat -> otype == MAT_TRANS ? 7 : 5)) objerror(mat, USER, "bad number of arguments"); /* Check for back side; reorient if back is visible */ if (rayIn -> rod < 0) if (!backvis && mat -> otype != MAT_TRANS) return 0; else { /* Get modifiers */ raytexture(rayIn, mat -> omod); flipsurface(rayIn); } else raytexture(rayIn, mat -> omod); nd.rp = rayIn; /* Get material color */ copycolor(nd.mcolor, mat -> oargs.farg); /* Get roughness */ nd.specfl = 0; nd.alpha2 = mat -> oargs.farg [4]; if ((nd.alpha2 *= nd.alpha2) <= FTINY) nd.specfl |= SP_PURE; if (rayIn -> ro != NULL && isflat(rayIn -> ro -> otype)) nd.specfl |= SP_FLAT; /* Perturb normal */ if ((hastexture = (DOT(rayIn -> pert, rayIn -> pert) > sqr(FTINY)) )) nd.pdot = raynormal(nd.pnorm, rayIn); else { VCOPY(nd.pnorm, rayIn -> ron); nd.pdot = rayIn -> rod; } nd.pdot = max(nd.pdot, .001); /* Modify material color */ multcolor(nd.mcolor, rayIn -> pcol); nd.rspec = mat -> oargs.farg [3]; /* Approximate Fresnel term */ if (nd.specfl & SP_PURE && nd.rspec > FTINY) { fresnel = FRESNE(rayIn -> rod); nd.rspec += fresnel * (1 - nd.rspec); } else fresnel = 0; /* Transmission params */ if (mat -> otype == MAT_TRANS) { nd.trans = mat -> oargs.farg [5] * (1 - nd.rspec); nd.tspec = nd.trans * mat -> oargs.farg [6]; nd.tdiff = nd.trans - nd.tspec; } else nd.tdiff = nd.tspec = nd.trans = 0; /* Specular reflection params */ if (nd.rspec > FTINY) { /* Specular color */ if (mat -> otype != MAT_METAL) setcolor(nd.scolor, nd.rspec, nd.rspec, nd.rspec); else if (fresnel > FTINY) { d = nd.rspec * (1 - fresnel); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) nd.scolor [i] = fresnel + nd.mcolor [i] * d; } else { copycolor(nd.scolor, nd.mcolor); scalecolor(nd.scolor, nd.rspec); } } else setcolor(nd.scolor, 0, 0, 0); /* Diffuse reflection params */ nd.rdiff = 1 - nd.trans - nd.rspec; /* Set up probabilities */ prdiff = ptdiff = ptspec = colorAvg(nd.mcolor); prdiff *= nd.rdiff; ptdiff *= nd.tdiff; prspec = colorAvg(nd.scolor); ptspec *= nd.tspec; albedo = prdiff + ptdiff + prspec + ptspec; /* Insert direct and indirect photon hits if diffuse component */ if (prdiff > FTINY || ptdiff > FTINY) addPhotons(rayIn); xi = pmapRandom(rouletteState); if (xi > albedo) /* Absorbed */ return 0; if (xi > (albedo -= prspec)) { /* Specular reflection */ nd.specfl |= SP_REFL; if (nd.specfl & SP_PURE) { /* Perfect specular reflection */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { /* Reflected ray */ nd.vrefl [i] = rayIn -> rdir [i] + 2 * nd.pdot * nd.pnorm [i]; } /* Penetration? */ if (hastexture && DOT(nd.vrefl, rayIn -> ron) <= FTINY) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { /* Safety measure */ nd.vrefl [i] = rayIn -> rdir [i] + 2 * rayIn -> rod * rayIn -> ron [i]; } VCOPY(rayOut.rdir, nd.vrefl); } else if (!isoSpecPhotonScatter(&nd, &rayOut)) return 0; photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_SPECREFL, nd.scolor); } else if (xi > (albedo -= ptspec)) { /* Specular transmission */ nd.specfl |= SP_TRAN; if (hastexture) { /* Perturb */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) nd.prdir [i] = rayIn -> rdir [i] - rayIn -> pert [i]; if (DOT(nd.prdir, rayIn -> ron) < -FTINY) normalize(nd.prdir); else VCOPY(nd.prdir, rayIn -> rdir); } else VCOPY(nd.prdir, rayIn -> rdir); if ((nd.specfl & (SP_TRAN | SP_PURE)) == (SP_TRAN | SP_PURE)) /* Perfect specular transmission */ VCOPY(rayOut.rdir, nd.prdir); else if (!isoSpecPhotonScatter(&nd, &rayOut)) return 0; photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_SPECTRANS, nd.mcolor); } else if (xi > (albedo -= prdiff)) { /* Diffuse reflection */ photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_DIFFREFL, nd.mcolor); diffPhotonScatter(hastexture ? nd.pnorm : rayIn -> ron, &rayOut); } else { /* Diffuse transmission */ flipsurface(rayIn); photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_DIFFTRANS, nd.mcolor); if (hastexture) { FVECT bnorm; bnorm [0] = -nd.pnorm [0]; bnorm [1] = -nd.pnorm [1]; bnorm [2] = -nd.pnorm [2]; diffPhotonScatter(bnorm, &rayOut); } else diffPhotonScatter(rayIn -> ron, &rayOut); } tracePhoton(&rayOut); return 0; } static void getacoords (ANISODAT *np) /* Set up coordinate system for anisotropic sampling; cloned from aniso.c */ { MFUNC *mf; int i; mf = getfunc(np->mp, 3, 0x7, 1); setfunc(np->mp, np->rp); errno = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) np->u[i] = evalue(mf->ep[i]); if ((errno == EDOM) | (errno == ERANGE)) { objerror(np->mp, WARNING, "compute error"); np->specfl |= SP_BADU; return; } if (mf->fxp != &unitxf) multv3(np->u, np->u, mf->fxp->xfm); fcross(np->v, np->pnorm, np->u); if (normalize(np->v) == 0.0) { objerror(np->mp, WARNING, "illegal orientation vector"); np->specfl |= SP_BADU; return; } fcross(np->u, np->v, np->pnorm); } static int anisoSpecPhotonScatter (ANISODAT *nd, RAY *rayOut) /* Generate direction for anisotropically specularly reflected or transmitted ray. Returns 1 if successful. */ { FVECT h; double d, d2, sinp, cosp; int niter, i; RAY *rayIn = nd -> rp; if (rayIn -> ro != NULL && isflat(rayIn -> ro -> otype)) nd -> specfl |= SP_FLAT; /* set up coordinates */ getacoords(nd); if (rayOut -> rtype & TRANS) { /* Specular transmission */ if (DOT(rayIn -> pert, rayIn -> pert) <= FTINY * FTINY) VCOPY(nd -> prdir, rayIn -> rdir); else { /* perturb */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) nd -> prdir [i] = rayIn -> rdir [i] - rayIn -> pert [i]; if (DOT(nd -> prdir, rayIn -> ron) < -FTINY) normalize(nd -> prdir); else VCOPY(nd -> prdir, rayIn -> rdir); } /* Make MAXITER attempts at getting a ray */ for (niter = 0; niter < MAXITER; niter++) { d = 2 * PI * pmapRandom(scatterState); cosp = cos(d) * nd -> u_alpha; sinp = sin(d) * nd -> v_alpha; d = sqrt(sqr(cosp) + sqr(sinp)); cosp /= d; sinp /= d; d2 = pmapRandom(scatterState); d = d2 <= FTINY ? 1 : sqrt(-log(d2) / (sqr(cosp) / sqr(nd -> u_alpha) + sqr(sinp) / (nd -> v_alpha * nd -> u_alpha))); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) rayOut -> rdir [i] = nd -> prdir [i] + d * (cosp * nd -> u [i] + sinp * nd -> v [i]); if (DOT(rayOut -> rdir, rayIn -> ron) < -FTINY) { normalize(rayOut -> rdir); return 1; } } return 0; } else { /* Specular reflection */ /* Make MAXITER attempts at getting a ray */ for (niter = 0; niter < MAXITER; niter++) { d = 2 * PI * pmapRandom(scatterState); cosp = cos(d) * nd -> u_alpha; sinp = sin(d) * nd -> v_alpha; d = sqrt(sqr(cosp) + sqr(sinp)); cosp /= d; sinp /= d; d2 = pmapRandom(scatterState); d = d2 <= FTINY ? 1 : sqrt(-log(d2) / (sqr(cosp) / sqr(nd -> u_alpha) + sqr(sinp) / (nd -> v_alpha * nd -> v_alpha))); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) h [i] = nd -> pnorm [i] + d * (cosp * nd -> u [i] + sinp * nd -> v [i]); d = -2 * DOT(h, rayIn -> rdir) / (1 + d * d); VSUM(rayOut -> rdir, rayIn -> rdir, h, d); if (DOT(rayOut -> rdir, rayIn -> ron) > FTINY) return 1; } return 0; } } static int anisoPhotonScatter (OBJREC *mat, RAY *rayIn) /* Generate new photon ray for anisotropic material and recurse */ { ANISODAT nd; float xi, albedo, prdiff, ptdiff, prspec, ptspec; RAY rayOut; if (mat -> oargs.nfargs != (mat -> otype == MAT_TRANS2 ? 8 : 6)) objerror(mat, USER, "bad number of real arguments"); nd.rp = rayIn; nd.mp = objptr(rayIn -> ro -> omod); /* get material color */ copycolor(nd.mcolor, mat -> oargs.farg); /* get roughness */ nd.specfl = 0; nd.u_alpha = mat -> oargs.farg [4]; nd.v_alpha = mat -> oargs.farg [5]; if (nd.u_alpha < FTINY || nd.v_alpha <= FTINY) objerror(mat, USER, "roughness too small"); /* check for back side; reorient if back is visible */ if (rayIn -> rod < 0) if (!backvis && mat -> otype != MAT_TRANS2) return 0; else { /* get modifiers */ raytexture(rayIn, mat -> omod); flipsurface(rayIn); } else raytexture(rayIn, mat -> omod); /* perturb normal */ nd.pdot = max(raynormal(nd.pnorm, rayIn), .001); /* modify material color */ multcolor(nd.mcolor, rayIn -> pcol); nd.rspec = mat -> oargs.farg [3]; /* transmission params */ if (mat -> otype == MAT_TRANS2) { nd.trans = mat -> oargs.farg [6] * (1 - nd.rspec); nd.tspec = nd.trans * mat -> oargs.farg [7]; nd.tdiff = nd.trans - nd.tspec; if (nd.tspec > FTINY) nd.specfl |= SP_TRAN; } else nd.tdiff = nd.tspec = nd.trans = 0; /* specular reflection params */ if (nd.rspec > FTINY) { nd.specfl |= SP_REFL; /* comput e specular color */ if (mat -> otype == MAT_METAL2) copycolor(nd.scolor, nd.mcolor); else setcolor(nd.scolor, 1, 1, 1); scalecolor(nd.scolor, nd.rspec); } else setcolor(nd.scolor, 0, 0, 0); /* diffuse reflection params */ nd.rdiff = 1 - nd.trans - nd.rspec; /* Set up probabilities */ prdiff = ptdiff = ptspec = colorAvg(nd.mcolor); prdiff *= nd.rdiff; ptdiff *= nd.tdiff; prspec = colorAvg(nd.scolor); ptspec *= nd.tspec; albedo = prdiff + ptdiff + prspec + ptspec; /* Insert direct and indirect photon hits if diffuse component */ if (prdiff > FTINY || ptdiff > FTINY) addPhotons(rayIn); xi = pmapRandom(rouletteState); if (xi > albedo) /* Absorbed */ return 0; if (xi > (albedo -= prspec)) /* Specular reflection */ if (!(nd.specfl & SP_BADU)) { photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_SPECREFL, nd.scolor); if (!anisoSpecPhotonScatter(&nd, &rayOut)) return 0; } else return 0; else if (xi > (albedo -= ptspec)) /* Specular transmission */ if (!(nd.specfl & SP_BADU)) { /* Specular transmission */ photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_SPECTRANS, nd.mcolor); if (!anisoSpecPhotonScatter(&nd, &rayOut)) return 0; } else return 0; else if (xi > (albedo -= prdiff)) { /* Diffuse reflection */ photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_DIFFREFL, nd.mcolor); diffPhotonScatter(nd.pnorm, &rayOut); } else { /* Diffuse transmission */ FVECT bnorm; flipsurface(rayIn); bnorm [0] = -nd.pnorm [0]; bnorm [1] = -nd.pnorm [1]; bnorm [2] = -nd.pnorm [2]; photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_DIFFTRANS, nd.mcolor); diffPhotonScatter(bnorm, &rayOut); } tracePhoton(&rayOut); return 0; } static double mylog (double x) /* special log for extinction coefficients; cloned from dielectric.c */ { if (x < 1e-40) return(-100.); if (x >= 1.) return(0.); return(log(x)); } static int dielectricPhotonScatter (OBJREC *mat, RAY *rayIn) /* Generate new photon ray for dielectric material and recurse */ { double cos1, cos2, nratio, d1, d2, refl; COLOR ctrans, talb; FVECT dnorm; int hastexture, i; RAY rayOut; if (mat -> oargs.nfargs != (mat -> otype == MAT_DIELECTRIC ? 5 : 8)) objerror(mat, USER, "bad arguments"); /* get modifiers */ raytexture(rayIn, mat -> omod); if ((hastexture = (DOT(rayIn -> pert, rayIn -> pert) > FTINY * FTINY))) /* Perturb normal */ cos1 = raynormal(dnorm, rayIn); else { VCOPY(dnorm, rayIn -> ron); cos1 = rayIn -> rod; } /* index of refraction */ nratio = mat -> otype == MAT_DIELECTRIC ? mat -> oargs.farg [3] + mat -> oargs.farg [4] / MLAMBDA : mat -> oargs.farg [3] / mat -> oargs.farg [7]; if (cos1 < 0) { /* inside */ hastexture = -hastexture; cos1 = -cos1; dnorm [0] = -dnorm [0]; dnorm [1] = -dnorm [1]; dnorm [2] = -dnorm [2]; setcolor(rayIn -> cext, -mylog(mat -> oargs.farg [0] * rayIn -> pcol [0]), -mylog(mat -> oargs.farg [1] * rayIn -> pcol [1]), -mylog(mat -> oargs.farg [2] * rayIn -> pcol [2])); setcolor(rayIn -> albedo, 0, 0, 0); rayIn -> gecc = 0; if (mat -> otype == MAT_INTERFACE) { setcolor(ctrans, -mylog(mat -> oargs.farg [4] * rayIn -> pcol [0]), -mylog(mat -> oargs.farg [5] * rayIn -> pcol [1]), -mylog(mat -> oargs.farg [6] * rayIn -> pcol [2])); setcolor(talb, 0, 0, 0); } else { copycolor(ctrans, cextinction); copycolor(talb, salbedo); } } else { /* outside */ nratio = 1.0 / nratio; setcolor(ctrans, -mylog(mat -> oargs.farg [0] * rayIn -> pcol [0]), -mylog(mat -> oargs.farg [1] * rayIn -> pcol [1]), -mylog(mat -> oargs.farg [2] * rayIn -> pcol [2])); setcolor(talb, 0, 0, 0); if (mat -> otype == MAT_INTERFACE) { setcolor(rayIn -> cext, -mylog(mat -> oargs.farg [4] * rayIn -> pcol [0]), -mylog(mat -> oargs.farg [5] * rayIn -> pcol [1]), -mylog(mat -> oargs.farg [6] * rayIn -> pcol [2])); setcolor(rayIn -> albedo, 0, 0, 0); rayIn -> gecc = 0; } } /* compute cos theta2 */ d2 = 1 - sqr(nratio) * (1 - sqr(cos1)); if (d2 < FTINY) { /* Total reflection */ refl = cos2 = 1.0; } else { /* Refraction, compute Fresnel's equations */ cos2 = sqrt(d2); d1 = cos1; d2 = nratio * cos2; d1 = (d1 - d2) / (d1 + d2); refl = sqr(d1); d1 = 1 / cos1; d2 = nratio / cos2; d1 = (d1 - d2) / (d1 + d2); refl += sqr(d1); refl *= 0.5; } if (pmapRandom(rouletteState) > refl) { /* Refraction */ photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_REFRACT, NULL); d1 = nratio * cos1 - cos2; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) rayOut.rdir [i] = nratio * rayIn -> rdir [i] + d1 * dnorm [i]; if (hastexture && DOT(rayOut.rdir, rayIn -> ron) * hastexture >= -FTINY) { d1 *= hastexture; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) rayOut.rdir [i] = nratio * rayIn -> rdir [i] + d1 * rayIn -> ron [i]; normalize(rayOut.rdir); } copycolor(rayOut.cext, ctrans); copycolor(rayOut.albedo, talb); } else { /* Reflection */ photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_SPECREFL, NULL); VSUM(rayOut.rdir, rayIn -> rdir, dnorm, 2 * cos1); if (hastexture && DOT(rayOut.rdir, rayIn -> ron) * hastexture <= FTINY) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) rayOut.rdir [i] = rayIn -> rdir [i] + 2 * rayIn -> rod * rayIn -> ron [i]; } /* Ray is modified by medium defined by cext and albedo in * photonParticipate() */ tracePhoton(&rayOut); return 0; } static int glassPhotonScatter (OBJREC *mat, RAY *rayIn) /* Generate new photon ray for glass material and recurse */ { float albedo, xi, ptrans; COLOR mcolor, refl, trans; double pdot, cos2, d, r1e, r1m, rindex = 0.0; FVECT pnorm, pdir; int hastexture, i; RAY rayOut; /* check arguments */ if (mat -> oargs.nfargs == 3) rindex = RINDEX; else if (mat -> oargs.nfargs == 4) rindex = mat -> oargs.farg [3]; else objerror(mat, USER, "bad arguments"); copycolor(mcolor, mat -> oargs.farg); /* get modifiers */ raytexture(rayIn, mat -> omod); /* reorient if necessary */ if (rayIn -> rod < 0) flipsurface(rayIn); if ((hastexture = (DOT(rayIn -> pert, rayIn -> pert) > FTINY * FTINY) )) pdot = raynormal(pnorm, rayIn); else { VCOPY(pnorm, rayIn -> ron); pdot = rayIn -> rod; } /* Modify material color */ multcolor(mcolor, rayIn -> pcol); /* angular transmission */ cos2 = sqrt((1 - 1 / sqr(rindex)) + sqr(pdot / rindex)); setcolor(mcolor, pow(mcolor [0], 1 / cos2), pow(mcolor [1], 1 / cos2), pow(mcolor [2], 1 / cos2)); /* compute reflection */ r1e = (pdot - rindex * cos2) / (pdot + rindex * cos2); r1e *= r1e; r1m = (1 / pdot - rindex / cos2) / (1 / pdot + rindex / cos2); r1m *= r1m; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { double r1ed2, r1md2, d2; d = mcolor [i]; d2 = sqr(d); r1ed2 = sqr(r1e) * d2; r1md2 = sqr(r1m) * d2; /* compute transmittance */ trans [i] = 0.5 * d * (sqr(1 - r1e) / (1 - r1ed2) + sqr(1 - r1m) / (1 - r1md2)); /* compute reflectance */ refl [i] = 0.5 * (r1e * (1 + (1 - 2 * r1e) * d2) / (1 - r1ed2) + r1m * (1 + (1 - 2 * r1m) * d2) / (1 - r1md2)); } /* Set up probabilities */ ptrans = colorAvg(trans); albedo = colorAvg(refl) + ptrans; xi = pmapRandom(rouletteState); if (xi > albedo) /* Absorbed */ return 0; if (xi > (albedo -= ptrans)) { /* Transmitted */ if (hastexture) { /* perturb direction */ VSUM(pdir, rayIn -> rdir, rayIn -> pert, 2 * (1 - rindex)); if (normalize(pdir) == 0) { objerror(mat, WARNING, "bad perturbation"); VCOPY(pdir, rayIn -> rdir); } } else VCOPY(pdir, rayIn -> rdir); VCOPY(rayOut.rdir, pdir); photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_SPECTRANS, mcolor); } else { /* reflected ray */ VSUM(rayOut.rdir, rayIn -> rdir, pnorm, 2 * pdot); photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_SPECREFL, mcolor); } tracePhoton(&rayOut); return 0; } static int aliasPhotonScatter (OBJREC *mat, RAY *rayIn) /* Transfer photon scattering to alias target */ { OBJECT aliasObj; OBJREC aliasRec; /* Straight replacement? */ if (!mat -> oargs.nsargs) { /* Skip void modifier! */ if (mat -> omod != OVOID) { mat = objptr(mat -> omod); photonScatter [mat -> otype] (mat, rayIn); } return 0; } /* Else replace alias */ if (mat -> oargs.nsargs != 1) objerror(mat, INTERNAL, "bad # string arguments"); aliasObj = lastmod(objndx(mat), mat -> oargs.sarg [0]); if (aliasObj < 0) objerror(mat, USER, "bad reference"); memcpy(&aliasRec, objptr(aliasObj), sizeof(OBJREC)); /* Substitute modifier */ aliasRec.omod = mat -> omod; /* Replacement scattering routine */ photonScatter [aliasRec.otype] (&aliasRec, rayIn); return 0; } static int clipPhotonScatter (OBJREC *mat, RAY *rayIn) /* Generate new photon ray for antimatter material and recurse */ { OBJECT obj = objndx(mat), mod, cset [MAXSET + 1], *modset; int entering, inside = 0, i; const RAY *rp; RAY rayOut; if ((modset = (OBJECT*)mat -> os) == NULL) { if (mat -> oargs.nsargs < 1 || mat -> oargs.nsargs > MAXSET) objerror(mat, USER, "bad # arguments"); modset = (OBJECT*)malloc((mat -> oargs.nsargs + 1) * sizeof(OBJECT)); if (modset == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in clipPhotonScatter"); modset [0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < mat -> oargs.nsargs; i++) { if (!strcmp(mat -> oargs.sarg [i], VOIDID)) continue; if ((mod = lastmod(obj, mat -> oargs.sarg [i])) == OVOID) { sprintf(errmsg, "unknown modifier \"%s\"", mat -> oargs.sarg [i]); objerror(mat, WARNING, errmsg); continue; } if (inset(modset, mod)) { objerror(mat, WARNING, "duplicate modifier"); continue; } insertelem(modset, mod); } mat -> os = (char*)modset; } if (rayIn -> clipset != NULL) setcopy(cset, rayIn -> clipset); else cset [0] = 0; entering = rayIn -> rod > 0; /* Store photon incident from front if material defined as sensor */ if (entering && inset(photonSensorSet, obj)) addPhotons(rayIn); for (i = modset [0]; i > 0; i--) { if (entering) { if (!inset(cset, modset [i])) { if (cset [0] >= MAXSET) error(INTERNAL, "set overflow in clipPhotonScatter"); insertelem(cset, modset [i]); } } else if (inset(cset, modset [i])) deletelem(cset, modset [i]); } rayIn -> newcset = cset; if (strcmp(mat -> oargs.sarg [0], VOIDID)) { for (rp = rayIn; rp -> parent != NULL; rp = rp -> parent) { if ( !(rp -> rtype & RAYREFL) && rp->parent->ro != NULL && inset(modset, rp -> parent -> ro -> omod)) { if (rp -> parent -> rod > 0) inside++; else inside--; } } if (inside > 0) { flipsurface(rayIn); mat = objptr(lastmod(obj, mat -> oargs.sarg [0])); photonScatter [mat -> otype] (mat, rayIn); return 0; } } /* Else transfer ray */ photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_XFER, NULL); tracePhoton(&rayOut); return 0; } static int mirrorPhotonScatter (OBJREC *mat, RAY *rayIn) /* Generate new photon ray for mirror material and recurse */ { RAY rayOut; int rpure = 1, i; FVECT pnorm; double pdot; float albedo; COLOR mcolor; /* check arguments */ if (mat -> oargs.nfargs != 3 || mat -> oargs.nsargs > 1) objerror(mat, USER, "bad number of arguments"); /* back is black */ if (rayIn -> rod < 0) return 0; /* get modifiers */ raytexture(rayIn, mat -> omod); /* assign material color */ copycolor(mcolor, mat -> oargs.farg); multcolor(mcolor, rayIn -> pcol); /* Set up probabilities */ albedo = colorAvg(mcolor); if (pmapRandom(rouletteState) > albedo) /* Absorbed */ return 0; /* compute reflected ray */ photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_SPECREFL, mcolor); if (DOT(rayIn -> pert, rayIn -> pert) > sqr(FTINY)) { /* use textures */ pdot = raynormal(pnorm, rayIn); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) rayOut.rdir [i] = rayIn -> rdir [i] + 2 * pdot * pnorm [i]; rpure = 0; } /* Check for penetration */ if (rpure || DOT(rayOut.rdir, rayIn -> ron) <= FTINY) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) rayOut.rdir [i] = rayIn -> rdir [i] + 2 * rayIn -> rod * rayIn -> ron [i]; tracePhoton(&rayOut); return 0; } static int mistPhotonScatter (OBJREC *mat, RAY *rayIn) /* Generate new photon ray within mist and recurse */ { COLOR mext; RREAL re, ge, be; RAY rayOut; /* check arguments */ if (mat -> oargs.nfargs > 7) objerror(mat, USER, "bad arguments"); if (mat -> oargs.nfargs > 2) { /* compute extinction */ copycolor(mext, mat -> oargs.farg); /* get modifiers */ raytexture(rayIn, mat -> omod); multcolor(mext, rayIn -> pcol); } else setcolor(mext, 0, 0, 0); photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_XFER, NULL); if (rayIn -> rod > 0) { /* entering ray */ addcolor(rayOut.cext, mext); if (mat -> oargs.nfargs > 5) copycolor(rayOut.albedo, mat -> oargs.farg + 3); if (mat -> oargs.nfargs > 6) rayOut.gecc = mat -> oargs.farg [6]; } else { /* leaving ray */ re = max(rayIn -> cext [0] - mext [0], cextinction [0]); ge = max(rayIn -> cext [1] - mext [1], cextinction [1]); be = max(rayIn -> cext [2] - mext [2], cextinction [2]); setcolor(rayOut.cext, re, ge, be); if (mat -> oargs.nfargs > 5) copycolor(rayOut.albedo, salbedo); if (mat -> oargs.nfargs > 6) rayOut.gecc = seccg; } tracePhoton(&rayOut); return 0; } static int mx_dataPhotonScatter (OBJREC *mat, RAY *rayIn) /* Pass photon on to materials selected by mixture data */ { OBJECT obj; double coef, pt [MAXDIM]; DATARRAY *dp; OBJECT mod [2]; MFUNC *mf; int i; if (mat -> oargs.nsargs < 6) objerror(mat, USER, "bad # arguments"); obj = objndx(mat); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (!strcmp(mat -> oargs.sarg [i], VOIDID)) mod [i] = OVOID; else if ((mod [i] = lastmod(obj, mat -> oargs.sarg [i])) == OVOID) { sprintf(errmsg, "undefined modifier \"%s\"", mat -> oargs.sarg [i]); objerror(mat, USER, errmsg); } dp = getdata(mat -> oargs.sarg [3]); i = (1 << dp -> nd) - 1; mf = getfunc(mat, 4, i << 5, 0); setfunc(mat, rayIn); errno = 0; for (i = 0; i < dp -> nd; i++) { pt [i] = evalue(mf -> ep [i]); if (errno) { objerror(mat, WARNING, "compute error"); return 0; } } coef = datavalue(dp, pt); errno = 0; coef = funvalue(mat -> oargs.sarg [2], 1, &coef); if (errno) objerror(mat, WARNING, "compute error"); else { OBJECT mxMod = mod [pmapRandom(rouletteState) < coef ? 0 : 1]; if (mxMod != OVOID) { mat = objptr(mxMod); photonScatter [mat -> otype] (mat, rayIn); } else { /* Transfer ray if no modifier */ RAY rayOut; photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_XFER, NULL); tracePhoton(&rayOut); } } return 0; } static int mx_pdataPhotonScatter (OBJREC *mat, RAY *rayIn) /* Pass photon on to materials selected by mixture picture */ { OBJECT obj; double col [3], coef, pt [MAXDIM]; DATARRAY *dp; OBJECT mod [2]; MFUNC *mf; int i; if (mat -> oargs.nsargs < 7) objerror(mat, USER, "bad # arguments"); obj = objndx(mat); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (!strcmp(mat -> oargs.sarg [i], VOIDID)) mod [i] = OVOID; else if ((mod [i] = lastmod(obj, mat -> oargs.sarg [i])) == OVOID) { sprintf(errmsg, "undefined modifier \"%s\"", mat -> oargs.sarg [i]); objerror(mat, USER, errmsg); } dp = getpict(mat -> oargs.sarg [3]); mf = getfunc(mat, 4, 0x3 << 5, 0); setfunc(mat, rayIn); errno = 0; pt [1] = evalue(mf -> ep [0]); pt [0] = evalue(mf -> ep [1]); if (errno) { objerror(mat, WARNING, "compute error"); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) col [i] = datavalue(dp + i, pt); errno = 0; coef = funvalue(mat -> oargs.sarg [2], 3, col); if (errno) objerror(mat, WARNING, "compute error"); else { OBJECT mxMod = mod [pmapRandom(rouletteState) < coef ? 0 : 1]; if (mxMod != OVOID) { mat = objptr(mxMod); photonScatter [mat -> otype] (mat, rayIn); } else { /* Transfer ray if no modifier */ RAY rayOut; photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_XFER, NULL); tracePhoton(&rayOut); } } return 0; } static int mx_funcPhotonScatter (OBJREC *mat, RAY *rayIn) /* Pass photon on to materials selected by mixture function */ { OBJECT obj, mod [2]; int i; double coef; MFUNC *mf; if (mat -> oargs.nsargs < 4) objerror(mat, USER, "bad # arguments"); obj = objndx(mat); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (!strcmp(mat -> oargs.sarg [i], VOIDID)) mod [i] = OVOID; else if ((mod [i] = lastmod(obj, mat -> oargs.sarg [i])) == OVOID) { sprintf(errmsg, "undefined modifier \"%s\"", mat -> oargs.sarg [i]); objerror(mat, USER, errmsg); } mf = getfunc(mat, 3, 0x4, 0); setfunc(mat, rayIn); errno = 0; /* bound coefficient */ coef = min(1, max(0, evalue(mf -> ep [0]))); if (errno) objerror(mat, WARNING, "compute error"); else { OBJECT mxMod = mod [pmapRandom(rouletteState) < coef ? 0 : 1]; if (mxMod != OVOID) { mat = objptr(mxMod); photonScatter [mat -> otype] (mat, rayIn); } else { /* Transfer ray if no modifier */ RAY rayOut; photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_XFER, NULL); tracePhoton(&rayOut); } } return 0; } static int pattexPhotonScatter (OBJREC *mat, RAY *rayIn) /* Generate new photon ray for pattern or texture modifier and recurse. This code is brought to you by Henkel! :^) */ { RAY rayOut; /* Get pattern */ ofun [mat -> otype].funp(mat, rayIn); if (mat -> omod != OVOID) { /* Scatter using modifier (if any) */ mat = objptr(mat -> omod); photonScatter [mat -> otype] (mat, rayIn); } else { /* Transfer ray if no modifier */ photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_XFER, NULL); tracePhoton(&rayOut); } return 0; } /* ================================================================== The following code is (c) Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF, #147053) ================================================================== */ static int bsdfPhotonScatter (OBJREC *mat, RAY *rayIn) /* Generate new photon ray for BSDF modifier and recurse. */ { int hasthick = (mat->otype == MAT_BSDF); int hitFront; SDError err; SDValue bsdfVal; FVECT upvec; MFUNC *mf; BSDFDAT nd; RAY rayOut; COLOR bsdfRGB; int transmitted; double prDiff, ptDiff, prDiffSD, ptDiffSD, prSpecSD, ptSpecSD, albedo, xi; const double patAlb = bright(rayIn -> pcol); /* Following code adapted from m_bsdf() */ /* Check arguments */ if (mat -> oargs.nsargs < hasthick+5 || mat -> oargs.nfargs > 9 || mat -> oargs.nfargs % 3) objerror(mat, USER, "bad # arguments"); hitFront = (rayIn -> rod > 0); /* Load cal file */ mf = hasthick ? getfunc(mat, 5, 0x1d, 1) : getfunc(mat, 4, 0xe, 1); /* Get thickness */ nd.thick = 0; if (hasthick) { nd.thick = evalue(mf -> ep [0]); if ((-FTINY <= nd.thick) & (nd.thick <= FTINY)) nd.thick = .0; } /* Get BSDF data */ nd.sd = loadBSDF(mat -> oargs.sarg [hasthick]); /* Extra diffuse reflectance from material def */ if (hitFront) { if (mat -> oargs.nfargs < 3) setcolor(nd.rdiff, .0, .0, .0); else setcolor(nd.rdiff, mat -> oargs.farg [0], mat -> oargs.farg [1], mat -> oargs.farg [2]); } else if (mat -> oargs.nfargs < 6) { /* Check for absorbing backside */ if (!backvis && !nd.sd -> rb && !nd.sd -> tf) { SDfreeCache(nd.sd); return 0; } setcolor(nd.rdiff, .0, .0, .0); } else setcolor(nd.rdiff, mat -> oargs.farg [3], mat -> oargs.farg [4], mat -> oargs.farg [5]); /* Extra diffuse transmittance from material def */ if (mat -> oargs.nfargs < 9) setcolor(nd.tdiff, .0, .0, .0); else setcolor(nd.tdiff, mat -> oargs.farg [6], mat -> oargs.farg [7], mat -> oargs.farg [8]); nd.mp = mat; nd.pr = rayIn; /* Get modifiers */ raytexture(rayIn, mat -> omod); /* Modify diffuse values */ multcolor(nd.rdiff, rayIn -> pcol); multcolor(nd.tdiff, rayIn -> pcol); /* Get up vector & xform to world coords */ upvec [0] = evalue(mf -> ep [hasthick+0]); upvec [1] = evalue(mf -> ep [hasthick+1]); upvec [2] = evalue(mf -> ep [hasthick+2]); if (mf -> fxp != &unitxf) { multv3(upvec, upvec, mf -> fxp -> xfm); nd.thick *= mf -> fxp -> sca; } if (rayIn -> rox) { multv3(upvec, upvec, rayIn -> rox -> f.xfm); nd.thick *= rayIn -> rox -> f.sca; } /* Perturb normal */ raynormal(nd.pnorm, rayIn); /* Xform incident dir to local BSDF coords */ err = SDcompXform(nd.toloc, nd.pnorm, upvec); if (!err) { nd.vray [0] = -rayIn -> rdir [0]; nd.vray [1] = -rayIn -> rdir [1]; nd.vray [2] = -rayIn -> rdir [2]; err = SDmapDir(nd.vray, nd.toloc, nd.vray); } if (!err) err = SDinvXform(nd.fromloc, nd.toloc); if (err) { objerror(mat, WARNING, "Illegal orientation vector"); return 0; } /* Determine BSDF resolution */ err = SDsizeBSDF(nd.sr_vpsa, nd.vray, NULL, SDqueryMin + SDqueryMax, nd.sd); if (err) objerror(mat, USER, transSDError(err)); nd.sr_vpsa [0] = sqrt(nd.sr_vpsa [0]); nd.sr_vpsa [1] = sqrt(nd.sr_vpsa [1]); /* Orient perturbed normal towards incident side */ if (!hitFront) { nd.pnorm [0] = -nd.pnorm [0]; nd.pnorm [1] = -nd.pnorm [1]; nd.pnorm [2] = -nd.pnorm [2]; } /* Get scatter probabilities (weighted by pattern except for spec refl) * prDiff, ptDiff: extra diffuse component in material def * prDiffSD, ptDiffSD: diffuse (constant) component in SDF * prSpecSD, ptSpecSD: non-diffuse ("specular") component in SDF * albedo: sum of above, inverse absorption probability */ prDiff = colorAvg(nd.rdiff); ptDiff = colorAvg(nd.tdiff); prDiffSD = patAlb * SDdirectHemi(nd.vray, SDsampDf | SDsampR, nd.sd); ptDiffSD = patAlb * SDdirectHemi(nd.vray, SDsampDf | SDsampT, nd.sd); prSpecSD = SDdirectHemi(nd.vray, SDsampSp | SDsampR, nd.sd); ptSpecSD = patAlb * SDdirectHemi(nd.vray, SDsampSp | SDsampT, nd.sd); albedo = prDiff + ptDiff + prDiffSD + ptDiffSD + prSpecSD + ptSpecSD; /* if (albedo > 1) objerror(mat, WARNING, "Invalid albedo"); */ /* Insert direct and indirect photon hits if diffuse component */ if (prDiff + ptDiff + prDiffSD + ptDiffSD > FTINY) addPhotons(rayIn); xi = pmapRandom(rouletteState); if (xi > albedo) /* Absorbtion */ return 0; transmitted = 0; if ((xi -= prDiff) <= 0) { /* Diffuse reflection (extra component in material def) */ photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_DIFFREFL, nd.rdiff); diffPhotonScatter(nd.pnorm, &rayOut); } else if ((xi -= ptDiff) <= 0) { /* Diffuse transmission (extra component in material def) */ photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_DIFFTRANS, nd.tdiff); diffPhotonScatter(nd.pnorm, &rayOut); transmitted = 1; } else { /* Sample SDF */ if ((xi -= prDiffSD) <= 0) { /* Diffuse SDF reflection (constant component) */ if ((err = SDsampBSDF(&bsdfVal, nd.vray, pmapRandom(scatterState), SDsampDf | SDsampR, nd.sd))) objerror(mat, USER, transSDError(err)); /* Apply pattern to spectral component */ ccy2rgb(&bsdfVal.spec, bsdfVal.cieY, bsdfRGB); multcolor(bsdfRGB, rayIn -> pcol); photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_DIFFREFL, bsdfRGB); } else if ((xi -= ptDiffSD) <= 0) { /* Diffuse SDF transmission (constant component) */ if ((err = SDsampBSDF(&bsdfVal, nd.vray, pmapRandom(scatterState), SDsampDf | SDsampT, nd.sd))) objerror(mat, USER, transSDError(err)); /* Apply pattern to spectral component */ ccy2rgb(&bsdfVal.spec, bsdfVal.cieY, bsdfRGB); multcolor(bsdfRGB, rayIn -> pcol); addcolor(bsdfRGB, nd.tdiff); photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_DIFFTRANS, bsdfRGB); transmitted = 1; } else if ((xi -= prSpecSD) <= 0) { /* Non-diffuse ("specular") SDF reflection */ if ((err = SDsampBSDF(&bsdfVal, nd.vray, pmapRandom(scatterState), SDsampSp | SDsampR, nd.sd))) objerror(mat, USER, transSDError(err)); ccy2rgb(&bsdfVal.spec, bsdfVal.cieY, bsdfRGB); photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_SPECREFL, bsdfRGB); } else { /* Non-diffuse ("specular") SDF transmission */ if ((err = SDsampBSDF(&bsdfVal, nd.vray, pmapRandom(scatterState), SDsampSp | SDsampT, nd.sd))) objerror(mat, USER, transSDError(err)); /* Apply pattern to spectral component */ ccy2rgb(&bsdfVal.spec, bsdfVal.cieY, bsdfRGB); multcolor(bsdfRGB, rayIn -> pcol); photonRay(rayIn, &rayOut, PMAP_SPECTRANS, bsdfRGB); transmitted = 1; } /* Xform outgoing dir to world coords */ if ((err = SDmapDir(rayOut.rdir, nd.fromloc, nd.vray))) { objerror(mat, USER, transSDError(err)); return 0; } } /* Clean up */ SDfreeCache(nd.sd); /* Offset outgoing photon origin by thickness to bypass proxy geometry */ if (transmitted && nd.thick != 0) VSUM(rayOut.rorg, rayOut.rorg, rayIn -> ron, -nd.thick); tracePhoton(&rayOut); return 0; } static int lightPhotonScatter (OBJREC* mat, RAY* ray) /* Light sources doan' reflect, mang */ { return 0; } void initPhotonScatterFuncs () /* Init photonScatter[] dispatch table */ { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUMOTYPE; i++) photonScatter [i] = o_default; photonScatter [MAT_LIGHT] = photonScatter [MAT_ILLUM] = photonScatter [MAT_GLOW] = photonScatter [MAT_SPOT] = lightPhotonScatter; photonScatter [MAT_PLASTIC] = photonScatter [MAT_METAL] = photonScatter [MAT_TRANS] = normalPhotonScatter; photonScatter [MAT_PLASTIC2] = photonScatter [MAT_METAL2] = photonScatter [MAT_TRANS2] = anisoPhotonScatter; photonScatter [MAT_DIELECTRIC] = photonScatter [MAT_INTERFACE] = dielectricPhotonScatter; photonScatter [MAT_MIST] = mistPhotonScatter; photonScatter [MAT_GLASS] = glassPhotonScatter; photonScatter [MAT_CLIP] = clipPhotonScatter; photonScatter [MAT_MIRROR] = mirrorPhotonScatter; photonScatter [MIX_FUNC] = mx_funcPhotonScatter; photonScatter [MIX_DATA] = mx_dataPhotonScatter; photonScatter [MIX_PICT]= mx_pdataPhotonScatter; photonScatter [PAT_BDATA] = photonScatter [PAT_CDATA] = photonScatter [PAT_BFUNC] = photonScatter [PAT_CFUNC] = photonScatter [PAT_CPICT] = photonScatter [TEX_FUNC] = photonScatter [TEX_DATA] = pattexPhotonScatter; photonScatter [MOD_ALIAS] = aliasPhotonScatter; photonScatter [MAT_BSDF] = photonScatter [MAT_SBSDF] = bsdfPhotonScatter; }