#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: persist.c,v 2.44 2016/03/06 01:13:18 schorsch Exp $"; #endif /* * Routines for persistent rtrace and rpict processes. * * External symbols declared in ray.h */ #include "copyright.h" #include #include #include #include #include "platform.h" #ifndef NON_POSIX /* XXX need abstraction for process management */ #include #endif #include "rtprocess.h" /* getpid() */ #include "standard.h" #include "random.h" #include "ray.h" #ifdef F_SETLKW #include "paths.h" #include "selcall.h" #ifndef TIMELIM #define TIMELIM (8*3600) /* time limit for holding pattern */ #endif extern int headismine; /* boolean true if header belongs to me */ extern char *progname; /* global program name */ extern char *errfile; /* global error file name */ static char *persistfname = NULL; /* persist file name */ static int persistfd = -1; /* persist file descriptor */ static char inpname[TEMPLEN+1], outpname[TEMPLEN+1], errname[TEMPLEN+1]; typedef void (rsighandler_t)(int); static rsighandler_t sig_io; static rsighandler_t sig_alrm; void pfdetach(void) /* release persist (and header) resources */ { if (persistfd >= 0) close(persistfd); persistfd = -1; persistfname = NULL; inpname[0] = '\0'; outpname[0] = '\0'; errname[0] = '\0'; headismine = 0; } void pfclean(void) /* clean up persist files */ { if (persistfd >= 0) close(persistfd); if (persistfname != NULL) unlink(persistfname); if (inpname[0]) unlink(inpname); if (outpname[0]) unlink(outpname); if (errname[0]) unlink(errname); } void pflock( /* place or release exclusive lock on file */ int lf ) { struct flock fls; fls.l_type = lf ? F_WRLCK : F_UNLCK; fls.l_whence = 0; fls.l_start = 0L; fls.l_len = 0L; if (fcntl(persistfd, F_SETLKW, &fls) < 0) error(SYSTEM, "cannot (un)lock persist file"); } void persistfile( /* open persist file and lock it */ char *pfn ) { persistfd = open(pfn, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0644); if (persistfd >= 0) { persistfname = pfn; pflock(1); return; } /* file exists -- switch to i/o process */ persistfd = open(pfn, O_RDWR); if (persistfd < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open persist file \"%s\"", pfn); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } pflock(1); io_process(); /* never returns */ } static int got_io; static void sig_io(int i) { got_io++; } static void sig_alrm(int i) { quit(0); } void pfhold(void) /* holding pattern for idle rendering process */ { rsighandler_t *oldalrm; char buf[512]; int n; /* close input and output descriptors */ close(0); close(1); if (errfile == NULL) close(2); /* create named pipes for input and output */ if (mkfifo(mktemp(strcpy(inpname,TEMPLATE)), 0600) < 0) goto createrr; if (mkfifo(mktemp(strcpy(outpname,TEMPLATE)), 0600) < 0) goto createrr; if (errfile == NULL && mkfifo(mktemp(strcpy(errname,TEMPLATE)), 0600) < 0) goto createrr; sprintf(buf, "%s %d\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", progname, getpid(), inpname, outpname, errname); n = strlen(buf); if (write(persistfd, buf, n) < n) error(SYSTEM, "error writing persist file"); lseek(persistfd, (off_t)0, SEEK_SET); /* wait TIMELIM for someone to signal us */ got_io = 0; signal(SIGIO, sig_io); oldalrm = signal(SIGALRM, sig_alrm); alarm(TIMELIM); pflock(0); /* unlock persist file for attach */ while (!got_io) pause(); /* wait for attach */ alarm(0); /* turn off alarm */ signal(SIGALRM, oldalrm); signal(SIGIO, SIG_DFL); pflock(1); /* grab persist file back */ /* someone wants us; reopen stdin and stdout */ close(0); if (open(inpname, O_RDONLY) != 0) error(INTERNAL, "unexpected stdin file number"); clearerr(stdin); close(1); if (open(outpname, O_WRONLY) != 1) error(INTERNAL, "unexpected stdout file number"); sleep(3); /* give them a chance to open their pipes */ if (errname[0]) { close(2); if (open(errname, O_WRONLY) != 2) error(INTERNAL, "unexpected stderr file number"); unlink(errname); errname[0] = '\0'; } unlink(inpname); inpname[0] = '\0'; unlink(outpname); outpname[0] = '\0'; return; createrr: error(SYSTEM, "cannot create named pipes in pfhold"); } void io_process(void) /* just act as go-between for actual process */ { char *cp; int nr, n; char buf[BUFSIZ], *pfin, *pfout, *pferr; int pid, nfds; int fdout, fderr = -1; int status = 0; fd_set readfds, excepfds; /* load persist file */ n = 40; while ((nr = read(persistfd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) == 0) { if (!n--) error(USER, "unattended persist file?"); pflock(0); sleep(3+(3*getpid()+random())%13); /* wait until ready */ pflock(1); } if (nr < 0) error(SYSTEM, "error reading persist file"); ftruncate(persistfd, (off_t)0L); /* truncate persist file */ pfdetach(); /* close & release persist file */ buf[nr] = '\0'; /* parse what we got */ if ((cp = strchr(buf, ' ')) == NULL) goto formerr; *cp++ = '\0'; if ((pid = atoi(cp)) <= 0) goto formerr; if ((cp = strchr(cp, '\n')) == NULL) goto formerr; pfin = ++cp; if ((cp = strchr(cp, '\n')) == NULL) goto formerr; *cp++ = '\0'; pfout = cp; if ((cp = strchr(cp, '\n')) == NULL) goto formerr; *cp++ = '\0'; pferr = cp; if ((cp = strchr(cp, '\n')) == NULL) goto formerr; *cp++ = '\0'; if (cp-buf != nr) goto formerr; if (strcmp(buf, progname)) { sprintf(errmsg, "persist file for %s, not %s", buf, progname); error(USER, errmsg); } /* wake up rendering process */ if (kill(pid, SIGIO) < 0) error(SYSTEM, "cannot signal rendering process in io_process"); /* fork child feeder process */ pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) error(SYSTEM, "fork failed in io_process"); if (pid == 0) { /* feeder loop */ int fdin; close(1); /* open input pipe */ if ((fdin = open(pfin, O_WRONLY)) < 0) error(SYSTEM, "cannot open feed pipe in io_process"); /* renderer stdin */ while ((nr = read(0, cp=buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { do { if ((n = write(fdin, cp, nr)) <= 0) goto writerr; cp += n; } while ((nr -= n) > 0); } if (nr < 0) goto readerr; _exit(0); } close(0); /* open output pipes, in order */ if ((fdout = open(pfout, O_RDONLY)) < 0) error(SYSTEM, "cannot open output pipe in io_process"); if (pferr[0] && (fderr = open(pferr, O_RDONLY)) < 0) error(SYSTEM, "cannot open error pipe in io_process"); for ( ; ; ) { /* eater loop */ FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_ZERO(&excepfds); nfds = 0; if (fdout >= 0) { FD_SET(fdout, &readfds); FD_SET(fdout, &excepfds); nfds = fdout+1; } if (fderr >= 0) { FD_SET(fderr, &readfds); FD_SET(fderr, &excepfds); nfds = fderr+1; } if (nfds == 0) break; /* all done, exit */ if (select(nfds, &readfds, NULL, &excepfds, NULL) < 0) error(SYSTEM, "error in select call in io_process"); /* renderer stderr */ if (fderr >= 0 && (FD_ISSET(fderr, &readfds) || FD_ISSET(fderr, &excepfds))) { nr = read(fderr, cp=buf, sizeof(buf)); if (nr < 0) goto readerr; if (nr == 0) { close(fderr); /* close(2); don't close stderr! */ fderr = -1; } else { cp[nr] = '\0'; /* deduce status if we can */ n = strlen(progname); if (!strncmp(cp, progname, n) && cp[n++] == ':' && cp[n++] == ' ') { struct erract *ep; for (ep = erract; ep < erract+NERRS; ep++) if (ep->pre[0] && !strncmp(cp+n, ep->pre, strlen(ep->pre))) { status = ep->ec; break; } } do { /* write message */ if ((n = write(2, cp, nr)) <= 0) goto writerr; cp += n; } while ((nr -= n) > 0); } } /* renderer stdout */ if (fdout >= 0 && (FD_ISSET(fdout, &readfds) || FD_ISSET(fdout, &excepfds))) { nr = read(fdout, cp=buf, sizeof(buf)); if (nr < 0) goto readerr; if (nr == 0) { /* EOF */ close(fdout); close(1); fdout = -1; } else do { /* write it all */ if ((n = write(1, cp, nr)) <= 0) goto writerr; cp += n; } while ((nr -= n) > 0); } } kill(pid, SIGTERM); /* no more process to feed, so... */ waitpid(pid, 0, 0); /* wait for feeder process */ _exit(status); formerr: error(USER, "format error in persist file"); readerr: error(SYSTEM, "read error in io_process"); writerr: error(SYSTEM, "write error in io_process"); } #else void pfclean(void) {} #endif