#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: msmouse.c,v 2.7 2004/11/05 03:31:38 greg dead $"; #endif #include #include #include "driver.h" #define NULL 0 #define M_RIGHTBUTT 0x8 #define M_LEFTBUTT 0x2 #define M_MOTION 0x1 static int xdispsize, ydispsize; static int crad; #define right_button (mouse_event & M_RIGHTBUTT) #define left_button (mouse_event & M_LEFTBUTT) static int mouse_event = 0; static int mouse_xpos = -1; static int mouse_ypos = -1; #pragma off (check_stack) static void _loadds far mouse_handler (int max, int mcx, int mdx) { #pragma aux mouse_handler parm [EAX] [ECX] [EDX] mouse_event = max; mouse_xpos = mcx; mouse_ypos = mdx; } #pragma on (check_stack) static void move_cursor(newx, newy) /* move cursor to new position */ int newx, newy; { extern char *bmalloc(); static char *imp = NULL; static int curx = -1, cury = -1; #define xcmin (curx-crad<0 ? 0 : curx-crad) #define ycmin (cury-crad<0 ? 0 : cury-crad) #define xcmax (curx+crad>=xdispsize ? xdispsize-1 : curx+crad) #define ycmax (cury+crad>=ydispsize ? ydispsize-1 : cury+crad) if (imp == NULL && (imp = bmalloc(_imagesize(0,0,2*crad+1,2*crad+1))) == NULL) { eputs("out of memory in move_cursor"); quit(1); } if (curx >= 0 & cury >= 0) /* clear old cursor */ _putimage(xcmin, ycmin, imp, _GPSET); /* record new position */ curx = newx; cury = newy; if (curx < 0 | cury < 0) return; /* no cursor */ /* save under new cursor */ _getimage(xcmin, ycmin, xcmax, ycmax, imp); /* draw new cursor */ _setcolor(1); _rectangle(_GFILLINTERIOR, xcmin, cury-1, xcmax, cury+1); _rectangle(_GFILLINTERIOR, curx-1, ycmin, curx+1, ycmax); _setcolor(0); _moveto(xcmin+1, cury); _lineto(xcmax-1, cury); _moveto(curx, ycmin+1); _lineto(curx, ycmax-1); #undef xcmin #undef ycmin #undef xcmax #undef ycmax } static int ms_getcur(xp, yp) /* get mouse cursor position */ int *xp, *yp; { /* show cursor */ move_cursor(mouse_xpos, mouse_ypos); /* update cursor until button pressed */ do { mouse_event = 0; while( !mouse_event ) if (kbhit()) switch (getch()) { case MB1: mouse_event = M_LEFTBUTT; break; case MB2: case MB3: mouse_event = M_RIGHTBUTT; break; default: mouse_event = M_RIGHTBUTT | M_LEFTBUTT; break; } if (mouse_event & M_MOTION) move_cursor(mouse_xpos, mouse_ypos); } while (!(mouse_event & (M_RIGHTBUTT|M_LEFTBUTT))); /* clear cursor */ move_cursor(-1, -1); /* compute final position */ if (mouse_xpos < 0 | mouse_ypos < 0) return(ABORT); *xp = mouse_xpos; *yp = ydispsize-1 - mouse_ypos; switch (mouse_event) { case M_LEFTBUTT: case M_LEFTBUTT|M_MOTION: return(MB1); case M_RIGHTBUTT: case M_RIGHTBUTT|M_MOTION: return(MB2); } return(ABORT); } void ms_gcinit( dp ) struct driver *dp; { struct SREGS sregs; union REGS inregs, outregs; int far *ptr; int (far *function_ptr)(); segread(&sregs); /* check for mouse driver */ inregs.w.ax = 0; int386 (0x33, &inregs, &outregs); if( outregs.w.ax != -1 ) { dp->getcur = NULL; return; } /* get relevant parameters */ xdispsize = dp->xsiz; ydispsize = dp->ysiz; crad = dp->ysiz/40; /* set screen limits */ inregs.w.ax = 0x7; /* horizontal resolution */ inregs.w.cx = 0; inregs.w.dx = xdispsize-1; int386x( 0x33, &inregs, &outregs, &sregs ); inregs.w.ax = 0x8; /* vertical resolution */ inregs.w.cx = 0; inregs.w.dx = ydispsize-1; int386x( 0x33, &inregs, &outregs, &sregs ); /* install watcher */ inregs.w.ax = 0xC; inregs.w.cx = M_RIGHTBUTT | M_LEFTBUTT | M_MOTION; function_ptr = mouse_handler; inregs.x.edx = FP_OFF( function_ptr ); sregs.es = FP_SEG( function_ptr ); int386x( 0x33, &inregs, &outregs, &sregs ); dp->getcur = ms_getcur; } void ms_gcdone( dp ) struct driver *dp; { union REGS inregs, outregs; if (dp->getcur != ms_getcur) return; /* not installed */ dp->getcur = NULL; /* uninstall watcher */ inregs.w.ax = 0; int386 (0x33, &inregs, &outregs); }