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Revision: 2.6
Committed: Wed Apr 17 14:10:23 1996 UTC (28 years, 5 months ago) by greg
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 2.5: +15 -13 lines
Log Message:
changed albedo to 3-color parameter

File Contents

# Content
1 /* Copyright (c) 1995 Regents of the University of California */
3 #ifndef lint
4 static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL";
5 #endif
7 /*
8 * Mist volumetric material.
9 */
11 #include "ray.h"
13 #include "source.h"
15 /*
16 * A mist volume is used to specify a region in the scene where a certain
17 * light source (or sources) is going to contribute to scattering. The
18 * material can add to the existing global medium, and override any ray
19 * settings for scattering albedo and eccentricity. Overlapping mist
20 * regions should agree w.r.t. albedo and eccentricity, and
21 * should have disjoint source lists.
22 *
23 * A pattern, if used, should compute the line integral of extinction,
24 * and will modify the first three arguments directly. This will tend
25 * to invalidate results when there are other objects intersected within
26 * the mist region.
27 *
28 * The string arguments for MAT_MIST are the identifiers for the important
29 * light sources, which will be looked up in the source array. The last
30 * source found matching a name is the one used. A relayed light source
31 * may be indicated by the relay surface name, followed by a '>' character,
32 * followed by the relayed source name (which may be another relay).
33 *
34 * Up to five real arguments may be given for MAT_MIST:
35 *
36 * [ext_r ext_g ext_b [albedo_r albedo_g albedo_b [gecc]]]
37 *
38 * The primaries indicate medium extinction per unit length (absorption
39 * plus scattering), which is added to the global extinction coefficient, set
40 * by the -me option. The albedo is the ratio of scattering to extinction,
41 * and is set globally by the -ma option (salbedo) and overridden here.
42 * The Heyney-Greenstein eccentricity parameter (-mg seccg) indicates how much
43 * scattering favors the forward direction. A value of 0 means isotropic
44 * scattering. A value approaching 1 indicates strong forward scattering.
45 */
47 #define RELAYDELIM '>' /* relay delimiter character */
49 extern COLOR cextinction; /* global coefficient of extinction */
50 extern COLOR salbedo; /* global scattering albedo */
51 extern double seccg; /* global scattering eccentricity */
54 static int
55 inslist(sl, n) /* return index of source n if it's in list sl */
56 register int *sl;
57 register int n;
58 {
59 register int i;
61 for (i = sl[0]; i > 0; i--)
62 if (sl[i] == n)
63 return(i);
64 return(0);
65 }
68 static int
69 srcmatch(sp, id) /* check for an id match on a light source */
70 register SRCREC *sp;
71 register char *id;
72 {
73 extern char *index();
74 register char *cp;
75 /* check for relay sources */
76 while ((cp = index(id, RELAYDELIM)) != NULL) {
77 if (!(sp->sflags & SVIRTUAL) || sp->so == NULL)
78 return(0);
79 if (strncmp(id, sp->so->oname, cp-id) || sp->so->oname[cp-id])
80 return(0);
81 id = cp + 1; /* relay to next */
82 sp = source + sp->;
83 }
84 if (sp->sflags & SVIRTUAL || sp->so == NULL)
85 return(0);
86 return(!strcmp(id, sp->so->oname));
87 }
90 static
91 add2slist(r, sl) /* add source list to ray's */
92 register RAY *r;
93 register int *sl;
94 {
95 static int slspare[MAXSLIST+1]; /* in case of emergence */
96 register int i;
98 if (sl == NULL || sl[0] == 0) /* nothing to add */
99 return;
100 if (r->slights == NULL)
101 (r->slights = slspare)[0] = 0; /* just once per ray path */
102 for (i = sl[0]; i > 0; i--)
103 if (!inslist(r->slights, sl[i])) {
104 if (r->slights[0] >= MAXSLIST)
105 error(USER, "scattering source list overflow");
106 r->slights[++r->slights[0]] = sl[i];
107 }
108 }
111 m_mist(m, r) /* process a ray entering or leaving some mist */
112 OBJREC *m;
113 register RAY *r;
114 {
115 RAY p;
116 int *myslist = NULL;
117 int newslist[MAXSLIST+1];
118 COLOR mext;
119 double re, ge, be;
120 register int i, j;
121 /* check arguments */
122 if (m->oargs.nfargs > 5)
123 objerror(m, USER, "bad arguments");
124 /* get source indices */
125 if (m->oargs.nsargs > 0 && (myslist = (int *)m->os) == NULL) {
126 if (m->oargs.nsargs > MAXSLIST)
127 objerror(m, USER, "too many sources in list");
128 myslist = (int *)malloc((m->oargs.nsargs+1)*sizeof(int));
129 if (myslist == NULL)
130 goto memerr;
131 myslist[0] = 0; /* size is first in list */
132 for (j = 0; j < m->oargs.nsargs; j++) {
133 i = nsources; /* look up each source id */
134 while (i--)
135 if (srcmatch(source+i, m->oargs.sarg[j]))
136 break;
137 if (i < 0) {
138 sprintf(errmsg, "unknown source \"%s\"",
139 m->oargs.sarg[j]);
140 objerror(m, WARNING, errmsg);
141 } else if (inslist(myslist, i)) {
142 sprintf(errmsg, "duplicate source \"%s\"",
143 m->oargs.sarg[j]);
144 objerror(m, WARNING, errmsg);
145 } else
146 myslist[++myslist[0]] = i;
147 }
148 m->os = (char *)myslist;
149 }
150 if (m->oargs.nfargs > 2) { /* compute extinction */
151 setcolor(mext, m->oargs.farg[0], m->oargs.farg[1],
152 m->oargs.farg[2]);
153 raytexture(r, m->omod); /* get modifiers */
154 multcolor(mext, r->pcol);
155 } else
156 setcolor(mext, 0., 0., 0.);
157 /* start transmitted ray */
158 if (rayorigin(&p, r, TRANS, 1.) < 0)
159 return(1);
160 VCOPY(p.rdir, r->rdir);
161 p.slights = newslist;
162 if (r->slights != NULL) /* copy old list if one */
163 for (j = r->slights[0]; j >= 0; j--)
164 p.slights[j] = r->slights[j];
165 else
166 p.slights[0] = 0;
167 if (r->rod > 0.) { /* entering ray */
168 addcolor(p.cext, mext);
169 if (m->oargs.nfargs > 5)
170 setcolor(p.albedo, m->oargs.farg[3],
171 m->oargs.farg[4], m->oargs.farg[5]);
172 if (m->oargs.nfargs > 6)
173 p.gecc = m->oargs.farg[6];
174 add2slist(&p, myslist); /* add to list */
175 } else { /* leaving ray */
176 if (myslist != NULL) { /* delete from list */
177 for (j = myslist[0]; j > 0; j--)
178 if (i = inslist(p.slights, myslist[j]))
179 p.slights[i] = -1;
180 for (i = 0, j = 1; j <= p.slights[0]; j++)
181 if (p.slights[j] != -1)
182 p.slights[++i] = p.slights[j];
183 if (p.slights[0] - i < myslist[0]) { /* fix old */
184 addcolor(r->cext, mext);
185 if (m->oargs.nfargs > 5)
186 setcolor(r->albedo, m->oargs.farg[3],
187 m->oargs.farg[4], m->oargs.farg[5]);
188 if (m->oargs.nfargs > 6)
189 r->gecc = m->oargs.farg[6];
190 add2slist(r, myslist);
191 }
192 p.slights[0] = i;
193 }
194 if ((re = colval(r->cext,RED) - colval(mext,RED)) <
195 colval(cextinction,RED))
196 re = colval(cextinction,RED);
197 if ((ge = colval(r->cext,GRN) - colval(mext,GRN)) <
198 colval(cextinction,GRN))
199 ge = colval(cextinction,GRN);
200 if ((be = colval(r->cext,BLU) - colval(mext,BLU)) <
201 colval(cextinction,BLU))
202 be = colval(cextinction,BLU);
203 setcolor(p.cext, re, ge, be);
204 if (m->oargs.nfargs > 5)
205 copycolor(p.albedo, salbedo);
206 if (m->oargs.nfargs > 6)
207 p.gecc = seccg;
208 }
209 rayvalue(&p); /* calls rayparticipate() */
210 copycolor(r->rcol, p.rcol); /* return value */
211 r->rt = r->rot + p.rt;
212 return(1);
213 memerr:
214 error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in m_mist");
215 }