#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: devcomm.c,v 2.16 2011/10/05 17:20:55 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * devcomm.c - communication routines for separate drivers. * * External symbols declared in driver.h */ #include "copyright.h" #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #include "paths.h" #include "platform.h" #include "standard.h" #include "driver.h" #ifndef DEVPATH #define DEVPATH getenv("PATH") /* device search path */ #endif FILE *devin, *devout; int devchild; static struct driver * final_connect(void); static void mygets(char *s, FILE *fp); static void myputs(char *s, FILE *fp); static void reply_error(char *routine); static void getstate(void); static dr_closef_t comm_close; static dr_clearf_t comm_clear; static dr_paintrf_t comm_paintr; static dr_getcurf_t comm_getcur; static dr_comoutf_t comm_comout; static dr_cominf_t comm_comin; static dr_flushf_t comm_flush; struct driver comm_driver = { comm_close, comm_clear, comm_paintr, comm_getcur, comm_comout, comm_comin, comm_flush }; static struct driver * final_connect(void) /* verify and initialize connection */ { putw(COM_SENDM, devout); fflush(devout); if (getw(devin) != COM_RECVM) return(NULL); /* get driver parameters */ getstate(); /* set error vectors */ erract[COMMAND].pf = comm_comout; /* doesn't work with raypcalls.c if (erract[WARNING].pf != NULL) erract[WARNING].pf = comm_comout; */ return(&comm_driver); } extern struct driver * slave_init( /* run rview in slave mode */ char *dname, char *id ) { devchild = -1; /* we're the slave here */ devout = stdout; /* use standard input */ devin = stdin; /* and standard output */ return(final_connect()); /* verify initialization */ } extern struct driver * comm_init( /* set up and execute driver */ char *dname, char *id ) { char *dvcname; int p1[2], p2[2]; char pin[16], pout[16]; /* find driver program */ if ((dvcname = getpath(dname, DEVPATH, X_OK)) == NULL) { eputs(dname); eputs(": not found\n"); return(NULL); } #ifdef RHAS_FORK_EXEC /* open communication pipes */ if (pipe(p1) == -1 || pipe(p2) == -1) goto syserr; if ((devchild = fork()) == 0) { /* fork driver process */ close(p1[1]); close(p2[0]); sprintf(pin, "%d", p1[0]); sprintf(pout, "%d", p2[1]); execl(dvcname, dname, pin, pout, id, NULL); perror(dvcname); _exit(127); } if (devchild == -1) goto syserr; close(p1[0]); close(p2[1]); /* * Close write stream on exec to avoid multiprocessing deadlock. * No use in read stream without it, so set flag there as well. */ fcntl(p1[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); fcntl(p2[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); if ((devout = fdopen(p1[1], "w")) == NULL) goto syserr; if ((devin = fdopen(p2[0], "r")) == NULL) goto syserr; return(final_connect()); /* verify initialization */ syserr: perror(dname); return(NULL); #else /* ! RHAS_FORK_EXEC */ eputs(dname); eputs(": no fork/exec\n"); return(NULL); #endif /* ! RHAS_FORK_EXEC */ } static void comm_close(void) /* done with driver */ { int pid; erract[COMMAND].pf = NULL; /* reset error vectors */ if (erract[WARNING].pf != NULL) erract[WARNING].pf = wputs; fclose(devout); fclose(devin); if (devchild < 0) return; #ifndef _WIN32 while ((pid = wait(0)) != -1 && pid != devchild) ; #endif } static void comm_clear( /* clear screen */ int xres, int yres ) { putc(COM_CLEAR, devout); putw(xres, devout); putw(yres, devout); fflush(devout); } static void comm_paintr( /* paint a rectangle */ COLOR col, int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax ) { putc(COM_PAINTR, devout); fwrite((char *)col, sizeof(COLOR), 1, devout); putw(xmin, devout); putw(ymin, devout); putw(xmax, devout); putw(ymax, devout); } static void comm_flush(void) /* flush output to driver */ { putc(COM_FLUSH, devout); fflush(devout); if (getc(devin) != COM_FLUSH) reply_error("flush"); getstate(); } static int comm_getcur( /* get and return cursor position */ int *xp, int *yp ) { int c; putc(COM_GETCUR, devout); fflush(devout); if (getc(devin) != COM_GETCUR) reply_error("getcur"); c = getc(devin); *xp = getw(devin); *yp = getw(devin); return(c); } static void comm_comout( /* print string to command line */ char *str ) { putc(COM_COMOUT, devout); myputs(str, devout); if (str[strlen(str)-1] == '\n') fflush(devout); } static void comm_comin( /* read string from command line */ char *buf, char *prompt ) { putc(COM_COMIN, devout); if (prompt == NULL) putc(0, devout); else { putc(1, devout); myputs(prompt, devout); } fflush(devout); if (getc(devin) != COM_COMIN) reply_error("comin"); mygets(buf, devin); getstate(); } static void mygets( /* get string from file (with nul) */ register char *s, register FILE *fp ) { register int c; while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF) if ((*s++ = c) == '\0') return; *s = '\0'; } static void myputs( /* put string to file (with nul) */ register char *s, register FILE *fp ) { do putc(*s, fp); while (*s++); } static void reply_error( /* what should we do here? */ char *routine ) { eputs(routine); eputs(": driver reply error\n"); quit(1); } static void getstate(void) /* get driver state variables */ { fread((char *)&comm_driver.pixaspect, sizeof(comm_driver.pixaspect), 1, devin); comm_driver.xsiz = getw(devin); comm_driver.ysiz = getw(devin); comm_driver.inpready = getw(devin); }