/* Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * data.c - routines dealing with interpolated data. * * 6/4/86 */ #include "standard.h" #include "color.h" #include "data.h" extern char *libpath; /* library search path */ static DATARRAY *dlist = NULL; /* data array list */ static DATARRAY *plist = NULL; /* picture list */ DATARRAY * getdata(dname) /* get data array dname */ char *dname; { char *dfname; FILE *fp; int asize; register int i, j; register DATARRAY *dp; /* look for array in list */ for (dp = dlist; dp != NULL; dp = dp->next) if (!strcmp(dname, dp->name)) return(dp); /* found! */ /* * If we haven't loaded the data already, we will look * for it in the directorys specified by the library path. * * The file has the following format: * * N * beg0 end0 n0 * beg1 end1 n1 * . . . * begN endN nN * data, later dimensions changing faster * . . . * * For irregularly spaced points, the following can be * substituted for begi endi ni: * * @ ni p0i p1i .. pni */ if ((dfname = getpath(dname, libpath, R_OK)) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot find data file \"%s\"", dname); error(USER, errmsg); } if ((dp = (DATARRAY *)malloc(sizeof(DATARRAY))) == NULL) goto memerr; dp->name = savestr(dname); if ((fp = fopen(dfname, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open data file \"%s\"", dfname); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } /* get dimensions */ if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &dp->nd) != 1) goto scanerr; if (dp->nd <= 0 || dp->nd > MAXDIM) { sprintf(errmsg, "bad number of dimensions for \"%s\"", dname); error(USER, errmsg); } asize = 1; for (i = 0; i < dp->nd; i++) { if (fscanf(fp, "%lf %lf %d", &dp->dim[i].org, &dp->dim[i].siz, &dp->dim[i].ne) == 3) { dp->dim[i].siz -= dp->dim[i].org; dp->dim[i].p = NULL; } else if (fscanf(fp, "@ %d", &dp->dim[i].ne) == 1) { dp->dim[i].p = (double *)malloc(dp->dim[i].ne*sizeof(double)); if (dp->dim[i].p == NULL) goto memerr; for (j = 0; j < dp->dim[i].ne; j++) if (fscanf(fp, "%lf", &dp->dim[i].p[j]) != 1) goto scanerr; for (j = 1; j < dp->dim[i].ne-1; j++) if ((dp->dim[i].p[j-1] < dp->dim[i].p[j]) != (dp->dim[i].p[j] < dp->dim[i].p[j+1])) goto scanerr; dp->dim[i].org = dp->dim[i].p[0]; dp->dim[i].siz = dp->dim[i].p[dp->dim[i].ne-1] - dp->dim[i].p[0]; } else goto scanerr; if (dp->dim[i].siz == 0.0 || dp->dim[i].ne < 2) goto scanerr; asize *= dp->dim[i].ne; } if ((dp->arr = (DATATYPE *)malloc(asize*sizeof(DATATYPE))) == NULL) goto memerr; for (i = 0; i < asize; i++) if (fscanf(fp, DSCANF, &dp->arr[i]) != 1) goto scanerr; fclose(fp); dp->next = dlist; return(dlist = dp); memerr: error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in getdata"); scanerr: sprintf(errmsg, "%s in data file \"%s\"", feof(fp) ? "unexpected EOF" : "bad format", dfname); error(USER, errmsg); } DATARRAY * getpict(pname) /* get picture pname */ char *pname; { extern char *libpath; char *pfname; FILE *fp; COLOR *scanin; int width, height; int x, y; register int i; register DATARRAY *pp; /* look for array in list */ for (pp = plist; pp != NULL; pp = pp->next) if (!strcmp(pname, pp->name)) return(pp); /* found! */ if ((pfname = getpath(pname, libpath, R_OK)) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot find picture file \"%s\"", pname); error(USER, errmsg); } if ((pp = (DATARRAY *)calloc(3, sizeof(DATARRAY))) == NULL) goto memerr; pp[0].name = pp[1].name = pp[2].name = savestr(pname); if ((fp = fopen(pfname, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open picture file \"%s\"", pfname); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } /* get dimensions */ getheader(fp, NULL); if (fgetresolu(&width, &height, fp) != (YMAJOR|YDECR)) goto readerr; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { pp[i].nd = 2; pp[i].dim[0].ne = width; pp[i].dim[1].ne = height; pp[i].dim[0].org = pp[i].dim[1].org = 0.0; if (width <= height) { pp[i].dim[0].siz = 1.0; pp[i].dim[1].siz = (double)height/width; } else { pp[i].dim[0].siz = (double)width/height; pp[i].dim[1].siz = 1.0; } pp[i].arr = (DATATYPE *)malloc(width*height*sizeof(DATATYPE)); if (pp[i].arr == NULL) goto memerr; } /* load picture */ if ((scanin = (COLOR *)malloc(width*sizeof(COLOR))) == NULL) goto memerr; for (y = height-1; y >= 0; y--) { if (freadscan(scanin, width, fp) < 0) goto readerr; for (x = 0; x < width; x++) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) pp[i].arr[x*height+y] = colval(scanin[x],i); } free((char *)scanin); fclose(fp); pp[0].next = pp[1].next = pp[2].next = plist; return(plist = pp); memerr: error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in getpict"); readerr: sprintf(errmsg, "bad picture file \"%s\"", pfname); error(USER, errmsg); } freedata(dname) /* free memory associated with dname */ char *dname; { register DATARRAY *dp, *dpl; register int i; for (dpl = NULL, dp = dlist; dp != NULL; dpl = dp, dp = dp->next) if (!strcmp(dname, dp->name)) { if (dpl == NULL) dlist = dp->next; else dpl->next = dp->next; free((char *)dp->arr); for (i = 0; i < dp->nd; i++) if (dp->dim[i].p != NULL) free((char *)dp->dim[i].p); freestr(dp->name); free((char *)dp); return; } } freepict(pname) /* free memory associated with pname */ char *pname; { register DATARRAY *pp, *ppl; for (ppl = NULL, pp = plist; pp != NULL; ppl = pp, pp = pp->next) if (!strcmp(pname, pp->name)) { if (ppl == NULL) plist = pp->next; else ppl->next = pp->next; free((char *)pp[0].arr); free((char *)pp[1].arr); free((char *)pp[2].arr); freestr(pp[0].name); free((char *)pp); return; } } double datavalue(dp, pt) /* interpolate data value at a point */ register DATARRAY *dp; double *pt; { DATARRAY sd; int asize; register int i; double x, y, y0, y1; /* set up dimensions for recursion */ sd.nd = dp->nd - 1; asize = 1; for (i = 0; i < sd.nd; i++) { sd.dim[i].org = dp->dim[i+1].org; sd.dim[i].siz = dp->dim[i+1].siz; sd.dim[i].p = dp->dim[i+1].p; asize *= sd.dim[i].ne = dp->dim[i+1].ne; } /* get independent variable */ if (dp->dim[0].p == NULL) { /* evenly spaced points */ x = (pt[0] - dp->dim[0].org)/dp->dim[0].siz; x = x * (dp->dim[0].ne - 1); i = x; if (i < 0) i = 0; else if (i > dp->dim[0].ne - 2) i = dp->dim[0].ne - 2; } else { /* unevenly spaced points */ if (dp->dim[0].siz > 0.0) for (i = 0; i < dp->dim[0].ne; i++) if (pt[0] < dp->dim[0].p[i]) break; else for (i = 0; i < dp->dim[0].ne; i++) if (pt[0] >= dp->dim[0].p[i]) break; if (i <= 0) i = 0; else if (i >= dp->dim[0].ne) i = dp->dim[0].ne - 2; else i--; x = i + (pt[0] - dp->dim[0].p[i]) / (dp->dim[0].p[i+1] - dp->dim[0].p[i]); } /* get dependent variable */ if (dp->nd == 1) { y0 = dp->arr[i]; y1 = dp->arr[i+1]; } else { sd.arr = &dp->arr[i*asize]; y0 = datavalue(&sd, pt+1); sd.arr = &dp->arr[(i+1)*asize]; y1 = datavalue(&sd, pt+1); } /* * Extrapolate as far as one division, then * taper off harmonically to zero. */ if (x > i+2) y = (2*y1-y0)/(x-i-1); else if (x < i-1) y = (2*y0-y1)/(i-x); else y = y0*((i+1)-x) + y1*(x-i); return(y); }