/* Copyright (c) 1995 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * ambient.c - routines dealing with ambient (inter-reflected) component. */ #include "ray.h" #include "octree.h" #include "otypes.h" #include "ambient.h" #include "random.h" #ifndef OCTSCALE #define OCTSCALE 1.0 /* ceil((valid rad.)/(cube size)) */ #endif #ifndef AMBVWT #define AMBVWT 250 /* relative ambient value weight (# calcs) */ #endif typedef struct ambtree { AMBVAL *alist; /* ambient value list */ struct ambtree *kid; /* 8 child nodes */ } AMBTREE; /* ambient octree */ extern CUBE thescene; /* contains space boundaries */ extern char *shm_boundary; /* memory sharing boundary */ #define MAXASET 511 /* maximum number of elements in ambient set */ OBJECT ambset[MAXASET+1]={0}; /* ambient include/exclude set */ double maxarad; /* maximum ambient radius */ double minarad; /* minimum ambient radius */ static AMBTREE atrunk; /* our ambient trunk node */ static FILE *ambfp = NULL; /* ambient file pointer */ static int nunflshed = 0; /* number of unflushed ambient values */ #ifndef SORT_THRESH #ifdef BIGMEM #define SORT_THRESH ((9L<<20)/sizeof(AMBVAL)) #else #define SORT_THRESH ((3L<<20)/sizeof(AMBVAL)) #endif #endif #ifndef SORT_INTVL #define SORT_INTVL (SORT_THRESH*256) #endif #ifndef MAX_SORT_INTVL #define MAX_SORT_INTVL (SORT_INTVL<<4) #endif static COLOR avsum = BLKCOLOR; /* computed ambient value sum */ static unsigned int nambvals = 0; /* number of computed ambient values */ static unsigned long ambclock = 0; /* ambient access clock */ static unsigned long lastsort = 0; /* time of last value sort */ static long sortintvl = SORT_INTVL; /* time until next sort */ #define MAXACLOCK (1L<<30) /* clock turnover value */ /* * Track access times unless we are sharing ambient values * through memory on a multiprocessor, when we want to avoid * claiming our own memory (copy on write). */ #define tracktime (shm_boundary == NULL || ambfp == NULL) #define AMBFLUSH (BUFSIZ/AMBVALSIZ) #define newambval() (AMBVAL *)bmalloc(sizeof(AMBVAL)) extern long ftell(), lseek(); static int initambfile(), avsave(), avinsert(), sortambvals(); static AMBVAL *avstore(); #ifdef F_SETLKW static aflock(); #endif setambres(ar) /* set ambient resolution */ int ar; { ambres = ar < 0 ? 0 : ar; /* may be done already */ /* set min & max radii */ if (ar <= 0) { minarad = 0; maxarad = thescene.cusize / 2.0; } else { minarad = thescene.cusize / ar; maxarad = 64 * minarad; /* heuristic */ if (maxarad > thescene.cusize / 2.0) maxarad = thescene.cusize / 2.0; } if (minarad <= FTINY) minarad = 10*FTINY; if (maxarad <= minarad) maxarad = 64 * minarad; } setambacc(newa) /* set ambient accuracy */ double newa; { double ambdiff; if (newa < 0.0) newa = 0.0; ambdiff = fabs(newa - ambacc); if (ambdiff >= .01 && (ambacc = newa) > FTINY && nambvals > 0) sortambvals(1); /* rebuild tree */ } setambient(afile) /* initialize calculation */ char *afile; { long headlen; AMBVAL amb; /* init ambient limits */ setambres(ambres); setambacc(ambacc); if (afile == NULL) return; if (ambacc <= FTINY) { sprintf(errmsg, "zero ambient accuracy so \"%s\" not opened", afile); error(WARNING, errmsg); return; } /* open ambient file */ if ((ambfp = fopen(afile, "r+")) != NULL) { initambfile(0); headlen = ftell(ambfp); while (readambval(&amb, ambfp)) avinsert(avstore(&amb)); /* align */ fseek(ambfp, -((ftell(ambfp)-headlen)%AMBVALSIZ), 1); } else if ((ambfp = fopen(afile, "w+")) != NULL) initambfile(1); else { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open ambient file \"%s\"", afile); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } nunflshed++; /* lie */ ambsync(); } ambnotify(obj) /* record new modifier */ OBJECT obj; { static int hitlimit = 0; register OBJREC *o = objptr(obj); register char **amblp; if (hitlimit || !ismodifier(o->otype)) return; for (amblp = amblist; *amblp != NULL; amblp++) if (!strcmp(o->oname, *amblp)) { if (ambset[0] >= MAXASET) { error(WARNING, "too many modifiers in ambient list"); hitlimit++; return; /* should this be fatal? */ } insertelem(ambset, obj); return; } } ambient(acol, r, nrm) /* compute ambient component for ray */ COLOR acol; register RAY *r; FVECT nrm; { static int rdepth = 0; /* ambient recursion */ double d; if (ambdiv <= 0) /* no ambient calculation */ goto dumbamb; /* check number of bounces */ if (rdepth >= ambounce) goto dumbamb; /* check ambient list */ if (ambincl != -1 && r->ro != NULL && ambincl != inset(ambset, r->ro->omod)) goto dumbamb; if (ambacc <= FTINY) { /* no ambient storage */ rdepth++; d = doambient(acol, r, r->rweight, NULL, NULL); rdepth--; if (d <= FTINY) goto dumbamb; return; } /* resort memory? */ sortambvals(0); /* get ambient value */ setcolor(acol, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); d = sumambient(acol, r, nrm, rdepth, &atrunk, thescene.cuorg, thescene.cusize); if (d > FTINY) { scalecolor(acol, 1.0/d); return; } rdepth++; /* need to cache new value */ d = makeambient(acol, r, nrm, rdepth-1); rdepth--; if (d > FTINY) return; dumbamb: /* return global value */ copycolor(acol, ambval); #if AMBVWT if (nambvals == 0) return; scalecolor(acol, (double)AMBVWT); addcolor(acol, avsum); /* average in computations */ d = 1.0/(AMBVWT+nambvals); scalecolor(acol, d); #endif } double sumambient(acol, r, rn, al, at, c0, s) /* get interpolated ambient value */ COLOR acol; register RAY *r; FVECT rn; int al; AMBTREE *at; FVECT c0; double s; { double d, e1, e2, wt, wsum; COLOR ct; FVECT ck0; int i; register int j; register AMBVAL *av; wsum = 0.0; /* do this node */ for (av = at->alist; av != NULL; av = av->next) { if (tracktime) av->latick = ambclock++; /* * Ambient level test. */ if (av->lvl > al) /* list sorted, so this works */ break; if (av->weight < r->rweight-FTINY) continue; /* * Ambient radius test. */ d = av->pos[0] - r->rop[0]; e1 = d * d; d = av->pos[1] - r->rop[1]; e1 += d * d; d = av->pos[2] - r->rop[2]; e1 += d * d; e1 /= av->rad * av->rad; if (e1 > ambacc*ambacc*1.21) continue; /* * Normal direction test. */ e2 = (1.0 - DOT(av->dir, r->ron)) * r->rweight; if (e2 < 0.0) e2 = 0.0; if (e1 + e2 > ambacc*ambacc*1.21) continue; /* * Ray behind test. */ d = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) d += (r->rop[j] - av->pos[j]) * (av->dir[j] + r->ron[j]); if (d*0.5 < -minarad*ambacc-.001) continue; /* * Jittering final test reduces image artifacts. */ wt = sqrt(e1) + sqrt(e2); if (wt > ambacc*(.9+.2*urand(9015+samplendx))) continue; if (wt <= 1e-3) wt = 1e3; else wt = 1.0 / wt; wsum += wt; extambient(ct, av, r->rop, rn); scalecolor(ct, wt); addcolor(acol, ct); } if (at->kid == NULL) return(wsum); /* do children */ s *= 0.5; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { ck0[j] = c0[j]; if (1<rop[j] < ck0[j] - OCTSCALE*s) break; if (r->rop[j] > ck0[j] + (1.0+OCTSCALE)*s) break; } if (j == 3) wsum += sumambient(acol, r, rn, al, at->kid+i, ck0, s); } return(wsum); } double makeambient(acol, r, rn, al) /* make a new ambient value */ COLOR acol; register RAY *r; FVECT rn; int al; { AMBVAL amb; FVECT gp, gd; /* compute weight */ amb.weight = pow(AVGREFL, (double)al); if (r->rweight < 0.1*amb.weight) /* heuristic */ amb.weight = r->rweight; /* compute ambient */ amb.rad = doambient(acol, r, amb.weight, gp, gd); if (amb.rad <= FTINY) return(0.0); /* store it */ VCOPY(amb.pos, r->rop); VCOPY(amb.dir, r->ron); amb.lvl = al; copycolor(amb.val, acol); VCOPY(amb.gpos, gp); VCOPY(amb.gdir, gd); /* insert into tree */ avsave(&amb); /* and save to file */ if (rn != r->ron) extambient(acol, &amb, r->rop, rn); /* texture */ return(amb.rad); } extambient(cr, ap, pv, nv) /* extrapolate value at pv, nv */ COLOR cr; register AMBVAL *ap; FVECT pv, nv; { FVECT v1, v2; register int i; double d; d = 1.0; /* zeroeth order */ /* gradient due to translation */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) d += ap->gpos[i]*(pv[i]-ap->pos[i]); /* gradient due to rotation */ VCOPY(v1, ap->dir); fcross(v2, v1, nv); d += DOT(ap->gdir, v2); if (d <= 0.0) { setcolor(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); return; } copycolor(cr, ap->val); scalecolor(cr, d); } static initambfile(creat) /* initialize ambient file */ int creat; { extern char *progname, *octname, VersionID[]; #ifdef F_SETLKW aflock(creat ? F_WRLCK : F_RDLCK); #endif #ifdef MSDOS setmode(fileno(ambfp), O_BINARY); #endif setbuf(ambfp, bmalloc(BUFSIZ+8)); if (creat) { /* new file */ newheader("RADIANCE", ambfp); fprintf(ambfp, "%s -av %g %g %g -ab %d -aa %g ", progname, colval(ambval,RED), colval(ambval,GRN), colval(ambval,BLU), ambounce, ambacc); fprintf(ambfp, "-ad %d -as %d -ar %d %s\n", ambdiv, ambssamp, ambres, octname==NULL ? "" : octname); fprintf(ambfp, "SOFTWARE= %s\n", VersionID); fputformat(AMBFMT, ambfp); putc('\n', ambfp); putambmagic(ambfp); } else if (checkheader(ambfp, AMBFMT, NULL) < 0 || !hasambmagic(ambfp)) error(USER, "bad ambient file"); } static avsave(av) /* insert and save an ambient value */ AMBVAL *av; { avinsert(avstore(av)); if (ambfp == NULL) return; if (writambval(av, ambfp) < 0) goto writerr; if (++nunflshed >= AMBFLUSH) if (ambsync() == EOF) goto writerr; return; writerr: error(SYSTEM, "error writing ambient file"); } static AMBVAL * avstore(aval) /* allocate memory and store aval */ register AMBVAL *aval; { register AMBVAL *av; if ((av = newambval()) == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in avstore"); copystruct(av, aval); av->latick = ambclock; av->next = NULL; addcolor(avsum, av->val); /* add to sum for averaging */ nambvals++; return(av); } #define ATALLOCSZ 512 /* #/8 trees to allocate at once */ static AMBTREE *atfreelist = NULL; /* free ambient tree structures */ static AMBTREE * newambtree() /* allocate 8 ambient tree structs */ { register AMBTREE *atp, *upperlim; if (atfreelist == NULL) { /* get more nodes */ atfreelist = (AMBTREE *)bmalloc(ATALLOCSZ*8*sizeof(AMBTREE)); if (atfreelist == NULL) return(NULL); /* link new free list */ upperlim = atfreelist + 8*(ATALLOCSZ-1); for (atp = atfreelist; atp < upperlim; atp += 8) atp->kid = atp + 8; atp->kid = NULL; } atp = atfreelist; atfreelist = atp->kid; bzero((char *)atp, 8*sizeof(AMBTREE)); return(atp); } static freeambtree(atp) /* free 8 ambient tree structs */ AMBTREE *atp; { atp->kid = atfreelist; atfreelist = atp; } static avinsert(av) /* insert ambient value in our tree */ register AMBVAL *av; { register AMBTREE *at; register AMBVAL *ap; AMBVAL avh; FVECT ck0; double s; int branch; register int i; if (av->rad <= FTINY) error(CONSISTENCY, "zero ambient radius in avinsert"); at = &atrunk; VCOPY(ck0, thescene.cuorg); s = thescene.cusize; while (s*(OCTSCALE/2) > av->rad*ambacc) { if (at->kid == NULL) if ((at->kid = newambtree()) == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in avinsert"); s *= 0.5; branch = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (av->pos[i] > ck0[i] + s) { ck0[i] += s; branch |= 1 << i; } at = at->kid + branch; } avh.next = at->alist; /* order by increasing level */ for (ap = &avh; ap->next != NULL; ap = ap->next) if (ap->next->lvl >= av->lvl) break; av->next = ap->next; ap->next = av; at->alist = avh.next; } static unloadatree(at, f) /* unload an ambient value tree */ register AMBTREE *at; int (*f)(); { register AMBVAL *av; register int i; /* transfer values at this node */ for (av = at->alist; av != NULL; av = at->alist) { at->alist = av->next; (*f)(av); } if (at->kid == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) /* transfer and free children */ unloadatree(at->kid+i, f); freeambtree(at->kid); at->kid = NULL; } static AMBVAL **avlist1, **avlist2; /* ambient value lists for sorting */ static int i_avlist; /* index for lists */ static av2list(av) AMBVAL *av; { #ifdef DEBUG if (i_avlist >= nambvals) error(CONSISTENCY, "too many ambient values in av2list1"); #endif avlist1[i_avlist] = avlist2[i_avlist] = av; i_avlist++; } static int alatcmp(avp1, avp2) /* compare ambient values for MRA */ AMBVAL **avp1, **avp2; { return((**avp2).latick - (**avp1).latick); } static int aposcmp(avp1, avp2) /* compare ambient value positions */ AMBVAL **avp1, **avp2; { return(*avp1 - *avp2); } #ifdef DEBUG static int avlmemi(avaddr) /* find list position from address */ AMBVAL *avaddr; { register AMBVAL **avlpp; avlpp = (AMBVAL **)bsearch((char *)&avaddr, (char *)avlist2, nambvals, sizeof(AMBVAL *), aposcmp); if (avlpp == NULL) error(CONSISTENCY, "address not found in avlmemi"); return(avlpp - avlist2); } #else #define avlmemi(avaddr) ((AMBVAL **)bsearch((char *)&avaddr,(char *)avlist2, \ nambvals,sizeof(AMBVAL *),aposcmp) - avlist2) #endif static sortambvals(always) /* resort ambient values */ int always; { AMBTREE oldatrunk; AMBVAL tav, *tap, *pnext; register int i, j; /* see if it's time yet */ if (!always && (ambclock < lastsort+sortintvl || nambvals < SORT_THRESH)) return; /* * The idea here is to minimize memory thrashing * in VM systems by improving reference locality. * We do this by periodically sorting our stored ambient * values in memory in order of most recently to least * recently accessed. This ordering was chosen so that new * ambient values (which tend to be less important) go into * higher memory with the infrequently accessed values. * Since we expect our values to need sorting less * frequently as the process continues, we double our * waiting interval after each call. * This routine is also called by setambacc() with * the "always" parameter set to 1 so that the ambient * tree will be rebuilt with the new accuracy parameter. */ if (tracktime) { /* allocate pointer arrays to sort */ avlist1 = (AMBVAL **)malloc(nambvals*sizeof(AMBVAL *)); avlist2 = (AMBVAL **)malloc(nambvals*sizeof(AMBVAL *)); } else avlist1 = avlist2 = NULL; if (avlist2 == NULL) { /* no time tracking -- rebuild tree? */ if (avlist1 != NULL) free((char *)avlist1); if (always) { /* rebuild without sorting */ copystruct(&oldatrunk, &atrunk); atrunk.alist = NULL; atrunk.kid = NULL; unloadatree(&oldatrunk, avinsert); } } else { /* sort memory by last access time */ /* * Sorting memory is tricky because it isn't contiguous. * We have to sort an array of pointers by MRA and also * by memory position. We then copy values in "loops" * to minimize memory hits. Nevertheless, we will visit * everyone at least twice, and this is an expensive process * when we're thrashing, which is when we need to do it. */ #ifdef DEBUG sprintf(errmsg, "sorting %u ambient values at ambclock=%lu...", nambvals, ambclock); eputs(errmsg); #endif i_avlist = 0; unloadatree(&atrunk, av2list); /* empty current tree */ #ifdef DEBUG if (i_avlist < nambvals) error(CONSISTENCY, "missing ambient values in sortambvals"); #endif qsort((char *)avlist1, nambvals, sizeof(AMBVAL *), alatcmp); qsort((char *)avlist2, nambvals, sizeof(AMBVAL *), aposcmp); for (i = 0; i < nambvals; i++) { if (avlist1[i] == NULL) continue; tap = avlist2[i]; copystruct(&tav, tap); for (j = i; (pnext = avlist1[j]) != tap; j = avlmemi(pnext)) { copystruct(avlist2[j], pnext); avinsert(avlist2[j]); avlist1[j] = NULL; } copystruct(avlist2[j], &tav); avinsert(avlist2[j]); avlist1[j] = NULL; } free((char *)avlist1); free((char *)avlist2); /* compute new sort interval */ sortintvl = ambclock - lastsort; if (sortintvl >= MAX_SORT_INTVL/2) sortintvl = MAX_SORT_INTVL; else sortintvl <<= 1; /* wait twice as long next */ #ifdef DEBUG eputs("done\n"); #endif } if (ambclock >= MAXACLOCK) ambclock = MAXACLOCK/2; lastsort = ambclock; } #ifdef F_SETLKW static aflock(typ) /* lock/unlock ambient file */ int typ; { static struct flock fls; /* static so initialized to zeroes */ fls.l_type = typ; if (fcntl(fileno(ambfp), F_SETLKW, &fls) < 0) error(SYSTEM, "cannot (un)lock ambient file"); } int ambsync() /* synchronize ambient file */ { static FILE *ambinp = NULL; static long lastpos = -1; long flen; AMBVAL avs; register int n; if (nunflshed == 0) return(0); if (lastpos < 0) /* initializing (locked in initambfile) */ goto syncend; /* gain exclusive access */ aflock(F_WRLCK); /* see if file has grown */ if ((flen = lseek(fileno(ambfp), 0L, 2)) < 0) goto seekerr; if (n = flen - lastpos) { /* file has grown */ if (ambinp == NULL) { /* use duplicate filedes */ ambinp = fdopen(dup(fileno(ambfp)), "r"); if (ambinp == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "fdopen failed in ambsync"); } if (fseek(ambinp, lastpos, 0) < 0) goto seekerr; while (n >= AMBVALSIZ) { /* load contributed values */ readambval(&avs, ambinp); avinsert(avstore(&avs)); n -= AMBVALSIZ; } /*** seek always as safety measure if (n) ***/ /* alignment */ if (lseek(fileno(ambfp), flen-n, 0) < 0) goto seekerr; } #ifdef DEBUG if (ambfp->_ptr - ambfp->_base != nunflshed*AMBVALSIZ) { sprintf(errmsg, "ambient file buffer at %d rather than %d", ambfp->_ptr - ambfp->_base, nunflshed*AMBVALSIZ); error(CONSISTENCY, errmsg); } #endif syncend: n = fflush(ambfp); /* calls write() at last */ if ((lastpos = lseek(fileno(ambfp), 0L, 1)) < 0) goto seekerr; aflock(F_UNLCK); /* release file */ nunflshed = 0; return(n); seekerr: error(SYSTEM, "seek failed in ambsync"); } #else int ambsync() /* flush ambient file */ { if (nunflshed == 0) return(0); nunflshed = 0; return(fflush(ambfp)); } #endif