#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: ambcomp.c,v 2.91 2023/11/17 20:02:07 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Routines to compute "ambient" values using Monte Carlo * * Hessian calculations based on "Practical Hessian-Based Error Control * for Irradiance Caching" by Schwarzhaupt, Wann Jensen, & Jarosz * from ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 conference proceedings. * * Added book-keeping optimization to avoid calculations that would * cancel due to traversal both directions on edges that are adjacent * to same-valued triangles. This cuts about half of Hessian math. * * Declarations of external symbols in ambient.h */ #include "copyright.h" #include "ray.h" #include "ambient.h" #include "random.h" #ifndef MINADIV #define MINADIV 7 /* minimum # divisions in each dimension */ #endif typedef struct { FVECT p; /* intersection point */ float d; /* reciprocal distance */ SCOLOR v; /* hemisphere sample value */ } AMBSAMP; /* sample value */ typedef struct { RAY *rp; /* originating ray sample */ int ns; /* number of samples per axis */ int sampOK; /* acquired full sample set? */ SCOLOR acoef; /* division contribution coefficient */ SCOLOR acol; /* accumulated color */ FVECT ux, uy; /* tangent axis unit vectors */ AMBSAMP sa[1]; /* sample array (extends struct) */ } AMBHEMI; /* ambient sample hemisphere */ #define AI(h,i,j) ((i)*(h)->ns + (j)) #define ambsam(h,i,j) (h)->sa[AI(h,i,j)] typedef struct { FVECT r_i, r_i1, e_i, rcp, rI2_eJ2; double I1, I2; } FFTRI; /* vectors and coefficients for Hessian calculation */ static int ambcollision( /* proposed direciton collides? */ AMBHEMI *hp, int i, int j, FVECT dv ) { double cos_thresh; int ii, jj; /* min. spacing = 1/4th division */ cos_thresh = (PI/4.)/(double)hp->ns; cos_thresh = 1. - .5*cos_thresh*cos_thresh; /* check existing neighbors */ for (ii = i-1; ii <= i+1; ii++) { if (ii < 0) continue; if (ii >= hp->ns) break; for (jj = j-1; jj <= j+1; jj++) { AMBSAMP *ap; FVECT avec; double dprod; if (jj < 0) continue; if (jj >= hp->ns) break; if ((ii==i) & (jj==j)) continue; ap = &ambsam(hp,ii,jj); if (ap->d <= .5/FHUGE) continue; /* no one home */ VSUB(avec, ap->p, hp->rp->rop); dprod = DOT(avec, dv); if (dprod >= cos_thresh*VLEN(avec)) return(1); /* collision */ } } return(0); /* nothing to worry about */ } static int ambsample( /* initial ambient division sample */ AMBHEMI *hp, int i, int j, int n ) { AMBSAMP *ap = &ambsam(hp,i,j); RAY ar; int hlist[3], ii; RREAL spt[2]; double zd; /* generate hemispherical sample */ /* ambient coefficient for weight */ if (ambacc > FTINY) setscolor(ar.rcoef, AVGREFL, AVGREFL, AVGREFL); else copyscolor(ar.rcoef, hp->acoef); if (rayorigin(&ar, AMBIENT, hp->rp, ar.rcoef) < 0) return(0); if (ambacc > FTINY) { smultscolor(ar.rcoef, hp->acoef); scalescolor(ar.rcoef, 1./AVGREFL); } hlist[0] = hp->rp->rno; hlist[1] = j; hlist[2] = i; multisamp(spt, 2, urand(ilhash(hlist,3)+n)); resample: square2disk(spt, (j+spt[1])/hp->ns, (i+spt[0])/hp->ns); zd = sqrt(1. - spt[0]*spt[0] - spt[1]*spt[1]); for (ii = 3; ii--; ) ar.rdir[ii] = spt[0]*hp->ux[ii] + spt[1]*hp->uy[ii] + zd*hp->rp->ron[ii]; checknorm(ar.rdir); /* avoid coincident samples */ if (!n && ambcollision(hp, i, j, ar.rdir)) { spt[0] = frandom(); spt[1] = frandom(); goto resample; /* reject this sample */ } dimlist[ndims++] = AI(hp,i,j) + 90171; rayvalue(&ar); /* evaluate ray */ ndims--; zd = raydistance(&ar); if (zd <= FTINY) return(0); /* should never happen */ smultscolor(ar.rcol, ar.rcoef); /* apply coefficient */ if (zd*ap->d < 1.0) /* new/closer distance? */ ap->d = 1.0/zd; if (!n) { /* record first vertex & value */ if (zd > 10.0*thescene.cusize + 1000.) zd = 10.0*thescene.cusize + 1000.; VSUM(ap->p, ar.rorg, ar.rdir, zd); copyscolor(ap->v, ar.rcol); } else { /* else update recorded value */ sopscolor(hp->acol, -=, ap->v); zd = 1.0/(double)(n+1); scalescolor(ar.rcol, zd); zd *= (double)n; scalescolor(ap->v, zd); saddscolor(ap->v, ar.rcol); } saddscolor(hp->acol, ap->v); /* add to our sum */ return(1); } /* Estimate variance based on ambient division differences */ static float * getambdiffs(AMBHEMI *hp) { const double normf = 1./bright(hp->acoef); float *earr = (float *)calloc(hp->ns*hp->ns, sizeof(float)); float *ep; AMBSAMP *ap; double b, b1, d2; int i, j; if (earr == NULL) /* out of memory? */ return(NULL); /* sum squared neighbor diffs */ for (ap = hp->sa, ep = earr, i = 0; i < hp->ns; i++) for (j = 0; j < hp->ns; j++, ap++, ep++) { b = pbright(ap[0].v); if (i) { /* from above */ b1 = pbright(ap[-hp->ns].v); d2 = b - b1; d2 *= d2*normf/(b + b1 + FTINY); ep[0] += d2; ep[-hp->ns] += d2; } if (!j) continue; /* from behind */ b1 = pbright(ap[-1].v); d2 = b - b1; d2 *= d2*normf/(b + b1 + FTINY); ep[0] += d2; ep[-1] += d2; if (!i) continue; /* diagonal */ b1 = pbright(ap[-hp->ns-1].v); d2 = b - b1; d2 *= d2*normf/(b + b1 + FTINY); ep[0] += d2; ep[-hp->ns-1] += d2; } /* correct for number of neighbors */ earr[0] *= 8./3.; earr[hp->ns-1] *= 8./3.; earr[(hp->ns-1)*hp->ns] *= 8./3.; earr[(hp->ns-1)*hp->ns + hp->ns-1] *= 8./3.; for (i = 1; i < hp->ns-1; i++) { earr[i*hp->ns] *= 8./5.; earr[i*hp->ns + hp->ns-1] *= 8./5.; } for (j = 1; j < hp->ns-1; j++) { earr[j] *= 8./5.; earr[(hp->ns-1)*hp->ns + j] *= 8./5.; } return(earr); } /* Perform super-sampling on hemisphere (introduces bias) */ static void ambsupersamp(AMBHEMI *hp, int cnt) { float *earr = getambdiffs(hp); double e2rem = 0; float *ep; int i, j, n, nss; if (earr == NULL) /* just skip calc. if no memory */ return; /* accumulate estimated variances */ for (ep = earr + hp->ns*hp->ns; ep > earr; ) e2rem += *--ep; ep = earr; /* perform super-sampling */ for (i = 0; i < hp->ns; i++) for (j = 0; j < hp->ns; j++) { if (e2rem <= FTINY) goto done; /* nothing left to do */ nss = *ep/e2rem*cnt + frandom(); for (n = 1; n <= nss && ambsample(hp,i,j,n); n++) if (!--cnt) goto done; e2rem -= *ep++; /* update remainder */ } done: free(earr); } static AMBHEMI * samp_hemi( /* sample indirect hemisphere */ SCOLOR rcol, RAY *r, double wt ) { AMBHEMI *hp; double d; int n, i, j; /* insignificance check */ d = sintens(rcol); if (d <= FTINY) return(NULL); /* set number of divisions */ if (ambacc <= FTINY && wt > (d *= 0.8*r->rweight/(ambdiv*minweight))) wt = d; /* avoid ray termination */ n = sqrt(ambdiv * wt) + 0.5; i = 1 + (MINADIV-1)*(ambacc > FTINY); if (n < i) /* use minimum number of samples? */ n = i; /* allocate sampling array */ hp = (AMBHEMI *)malloc(sizeof(AMBHEMI) + sizeof(AMBSAMP)*(n*n - 1)); if (hp == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in samp_hemi"); hp->rp = r; hp->ns = n; scolorblack(hp->acol); memset(hp->sa, 0, sizeof(AMBSAMP)*n*n); hp->sampOK = 0; /* assign coefficient */ copyscolor(hp->acoef, rcol); d = 1.0/(n*n); scalescolor(hp->acoef, d); /* make tangent plane axes */ if (!getperpendicular(hp->ux, r->ron, 1)) error(CONSISTENCY, "bad ray direction in samp_hemi"); VCROSS(hp->uy, r->ron, hp->ux); /* sample divisions */ for (i = hp->ns; i--; ) for (j = hp->ns; j--; ) hp->sampOK += ambsample(hp, i, j, 0); copyscolor(rcol, hp->acol); if (!hp->sampOK) { /* utter failure? */ free(hp); return(NULL); } if (hp->sampOK < hp->ns*hp->ns) { hp->sampOK *= -1; /* soft failure */ return(hp); } if (hp->sampOK <= MINADIV*MINADIV) return(hp); /* don't bother super-sampling */ n = ambssamp*wt + 0.5; if (n > 8) { /* perform super-sampling? */ ambsupersamp(hp, n); copyscolor(rcol, hp->acol); } return(hp); /* all is well */ } /* Return brightness of farthest ambient sample */ static double back_ambval(AMBHEMI *hp, const int n1, const int n2, const int n3) { if (hp->sa[n1].d <= hp->sa[n2].d) { if (hp->sa[n1].d <= hp->sa[n3].d) return(hp->sa[n1].v[0]); return(hp->sa[n3].v[0]); } if (hp->sa[n2].d <= hp->sa[n3].d) return(hp->sa[n2].v[0]); return(hp->sa[n3].v[0]); } /* Compute vectors and coefficients for Hessian/gradient calcs */ static void comp_fftri(FFTRI *ftp, AMBHEMI *hp, const int n0, const int n1) { double rdot_cp, dot_e, dot_er, rdot_r, rdot_r1, J2; int ii; VSUB(ftp->r_i, hp->sa[n0].p, hp->rp->rop); VSUB(ftp->r_i1, hp->sa[n1].p, hp->rp->rop); VSUB(ftp->e_i, hp->sa[n1].p, hp->sa[n0].p); VCROSS(ftp->rcp, ftp->r_i, ftp->r_i1); rdot_cp = 1.0/DOT(ftp->rcp,ftp->rcp); dot_e = DOT(ftp->e_i,ftp->e_i); dot_er = DOT(ftp->e_i, ftp->r_i); rdot_r = 1.0/DOT(ftp->r_i,ftp->r_i); rdot_r1 = 1.0/DOT(ftp->r_i1,ftp->r_i1); ftp->I1 = acos( DOT(ftp->r_i, ftp->r_i1) * sqrt(rdot_r*rdot_r1) ) * sqrt( rdot_cp ); ftp->I2 = ( DOT(ftp->e_i, ftp->r_i1)*rdot_r1 - dot_er*rdot_r + dot_e*ftp->I1 )*0.5*rdot_cp; J2 = ( 0.5*(rdot_r - rdot_r1) - dot_er*ftp->I2 ) / dot_e; for (ii = 3; ii--; ) ftp->rI2_eJ2[ii] = ftp->I2*ftp->r_i[ii] + J2*ftp->e_i[ii]; } /* Compose 3x3 matrix from two vectors */ static void compose_matrix(FVECT mat[3], FVECT va, FVECT vb) { mat[0][0] = 2.0*va[0]*vb[0]; mat[1][1] = 2.0*va[1]*vb[1]; mat[2][2] = 2.0*va[2]*vb[2]; mat[0][1] = mat[1][0] = va[0]*vb[1] + va[1]*vb[0]; mat[0][2] = mat[2][0] = va[0]*vb[2] + va[2]*vb[0]; mat[1][2] = mat[2][1] = va[1]*vb[2] + va[2]*vb[1]; } /* Compute partial 3x3 Hessian matrix for edge */ static void comp_hessian(FVECT hess[3], FFTRI *ftp, FVECT nrm) { FVECT ncp; FVECT m1[3], m2[3], m3[3], m4[3]; double d1, d2, d3, d4; double I3, J3, K3; int i, j; /* compute intermediate coefficients */ d1 = 1.0/DOT(ftp->r_i,ftp->r_i); d2 = 1.0/DOT(ftp->r_i1,ftp->r_i1); d3 = 1.0/DOT(ftp->e_i,ftp->e_i); d4 = DOT(ftp->e_i, ftp->r_i); I3 = ( DOT(ftp->e_i, ftp->r_i1)*d2*d2 - d4*d1*d1 + 3.0/d3*ftp->I2 ) / ( 4.0*DOT(ftp->rcp,ftp->rcp) ); J3 = 0.25*d3*(d1*d1 - d2*d2) - d4*d3*I3; K3 = d3*(ftp->I2 - I3/d1 - 2.0*d4*J3); /* intermediate matrices */ VCROSS(ncp, nrm, ftp->e_i); compose_matrix(m1, ncp, ftp->rI2_eJ2); compose_matrix(m2, ftp->r_i, ftp->r_i); compose_matrix(m3, ftp->e_i, ftp->e_i); compose_matrix(m4, ftp->r_i, ftp->e_i); d1 = DOT(nrm, ftp->rcp); d2 = -d1*ftp->I2; d1 *= 2.0; for (i = 3; i--; ) /* final matrix sum */ for (j = 3; j--; ) { hess[i][j] = m1[i][j] + d1*( I3*m2[i][j] + K3*m3[i][j] + 2.0*J3*m4[i][j] ); hess[i][j] += d2*(i==j); hess[i][j] *= -1.0/PI; } } /* Reverse hessian calculation result for edge in other direction */ static void rev_hessian(FVECT hess[3]) { int i; for (i = 3; i--; ) { hess[i][0] = -hess[i][0]; hess[i][1] = -hess[i][1]; hess[i][2] = -hess[i][2]; } } /* Add to radiometric Hessian from the given triangle */ static void add2hessian(FVECT hess[3], FVECT ehess1[3], FVECT ehess2[3], FVECT ehess3[3], double v) { int i, j; for (i = 3; i--; ) for (j = 3; j--; ) hess[i][j] += v*( ehess1[i][j] + ehess2[i][j] + ehess3[i][j] ); } /* Compute partial displacement form factor gradient for edge */ static void comp_gradient(FVECT grad, FFTRI *ftp, FVECT nrm) { FVECT ncp; double f1; int i; f1 = 2.0*DOT(nrm, ftp->rcp); VCROSS(ncp, nrm, ftp->e_i); for (i = 3; i--; ) grad[i] = (0.5/PI)*( ftp->I1*ncp[i] + f1*ftp->rI2_eJ2[i] ); } /* Reverse gradient calculation result for edge in other direction */ static void rev_gradient(FVECT grad) { grad[0] = -grad[0]; grad[1] = -grad[1]; grad[2] = -grad[2]; } /* Add to displacement gradient from the given triangle */ static void add2gradient(FVECT grad, FVECT egrad1, FVECT egrad2, FVECT egrad3, double v) { int i; for (i = 3; i--; ) grad[i] += v*( egrad1[i] + egrad2[i] + egrad3[i] ); } /* Compute anisotropic radii and eigenvector directions */ static void eigenvectors(FVECT uv[2], float ra[2], FVECT hessian[3]) { double hess2[2][2]; FVECT a, b; double evalue[2], slope1, xmag1; int i; /* project Hessian to sample plane */ for (i = 3; i--; ) { a[i] = DOT(hessian[i], uv[0]); b[i] = DOT(hessian[i], uv[1]); } hess2[0][0] = DOT(uv[0], a); hess2[0][1] = DOT(uv[0], b); hess2[1][0] = DOT(uv[1], a); hess2[1][1] = DOT(uv[1], b); /* compute eigenvalue(s) */ i = quadratic(evalue, 1.0, -hess2[0][0]-hess2[1][1], hess2[0][0]*hess2[1][1]-hess2[0][1]*hess2[1][0]); if (i == 1) /* double-root (circle) */ evalue[1] = evalue[0]; if (!i || ((evalue[0] = fabs(evalue[0])) <= FTINY*FTINY) | ((evalue[1] = fabs(evalue[1])) <= FTINY*FTINY) ) { ra[0] = ra[1] = maxarad; return; } if (evalue[0] > evalue[1]) { ra[0] = sqrt(sqrt(4.0/evalue[0])); ra[1] = sqrt(sqrt(4.0/evalue[1])); slope1 = evalue[1]; } else { ra[0] = sqrt(sqrt(4.0/evalue[1])); ra[1] = sqrt(sqrt(4.0/evalue[0])); slope1 = evalue[0]; } /* compute unit eigenvectors */ if (fabs(hess2[0][1]) <= FTINY) return; /* uv OK as is */ slope1 = (slope1 - hess2[0][0]) / hess2[0][1]; xmag1 = sqrt(1.0/(1.0 + slope1*slope1)); for (i = 3; i--; ) { b[i] = xmag1*uv[0][i] + slope1*xmag1*uv[1][i]; a[i] = slope1*xmag1*uv[0][i] - xmag1*uv[1][i]; } VCOPY(uv[0], a); VCOPY(uv[1], b); } static void ambHessian( /* anisotropic radii & pos. gradient */ AMBHEMI *hp, FVECT uv[2], /* returned */ float ra[2], /* returned (optional) */ float pg[2] /* returned (optional) */ ) { static char memerrmsg[] = "out of memory in ambHessian()"; FVECT (*hessrow)[3] = NULL; FVECT *gradrow = NULL; FVECT hessian[3]; FVECT gradient; FFTRI fftr; int i, j; /* be sure to assign unit vectors */ VCOPY(uv[0], hp->ux); VCOPY(uv[1], hp->uy); /* clock-wise vertex traversal from sample POV */ if (ra != NULL) { /* initialize Hessian row buffer */ hessrow = (FVECT (*)[3])malloc(sizeof(FVECT)*3*(hp->ns-1)); if (hessrow == NULL) error(SYSTEM, memerrmsg); memset(hessian, 0, sizeof(hessian)); } else if (pg == NULL) /* bogus call? */ return; if (pg != NULL) { /* initialize form factor row buffer */ gradrow = (FVECT *)malloc(sizeof(FVECT)*(hp->ns-1)); if (gradrow == NULL) error(SYSTEM, memerrmsg); memset(gradient, 0, sizeof(gradient)); } /* compute first row of edges */ for (j = 0; j < hp->ns-1; j++) { comp_fftri(&fftr, hp, AI(hp,0,j), AI(hp,0,j+1)); if (hessrow != NULL) comp_hessian(hessrow[j], &fftr, hp->rp->ron); if (gradrow != NULL) comp_gradient(gradrow[j], &fftr, hp->rp->ron); } /* sum each row of triangles */ for (i = 0; i < hp->ns-1; i++) { FVECT hesscol[3]; /* compute first vertical edge */ FVECT gradcol; comp_fftri(&fftr, hp, AI(hp,i,0), AI(hp,i+1,0)); if (hessrow != NULL) comp_hessian(hesscol, &fftr, hp->rp->ron); if (gradrow != NULL) comp_gradient(gradcol, &fftr, hp->rp->ron); for (j = 0; j < hp->ns-1; j++) { FVECT hessdia[3]; /* compute triangle contributions */ FVECT graddia; double backg; backg = back_ambval(hp, AI(hp,i,j), AI(hp,i,j+1), AI(hp,i+1,j)); /* diagonal (inner) edge */ comp_fftri(&fftr, hp, AI(hp,i,j+1), AI(hp,i+1,j)); if (hessrow != NULL) { comp_hessian(hessdia, &fftr, hp->rp->ron); rev_hessian(hesscol); add2hessian(hessian, hessrow[j], hessdia, hesscol, backg); } if (gradrow != NULL) { comp_gradient(graddia, &fftr, hp->rp->ron); rev_gradient(gradcol); add2gradient(gradient, gradrow[j], graddia, gradcol, backg); } /* initialize edge in next row */ comp_fftri(&fftr, hp, AI(hp,i+1,j+1), AI(hp,i+1,j)); if (hessrow != NULL) comp_hessian(hessrow[j], &fftr, hp->rp->ron); if (gradrow != NULL) comp_gradient(gradrow[j], &fftr, hp->rp->ron); /* new column edge & paired triangle */ backg = back_ambval(hp, AI(hp,i+1,j+1), AI(hp,i+1,j), AI(hp,i,j+1)); comp_fftri(&fftr, hp, AI(hp,i,j+1), AI(hp,i+1,j+1)); if (hessrow != NULL) { comp_hessian(hesscol, &fftr, hp->rp->ron); rev_hessian(hessdia); add2hessian(hessian, hessrow[j], hessdia, hesscol, backg); if (i < hp->ns-2) rev_hessian(hessrow[j]); } if (gradrow != NULL) { comp_gradient(gradcol, &fftr, hp->rp->ron); rev_gradient(graddia); add2gradient(gradient, gradrow[j], graddia, gradcol, backg); if (i < hp->ns-2) rev_gradient(gradrow[j]); } } } /* release row buffers */ if (hessrow != NULL) free(hessrow); if (gradrow != NULL) free(gradrow); if (ra != NULL) /* extract eigenvectors & radii */ eigenvectors(uv, ra, hessian); if (pg != NULL) { /* tangential position gradient */ pg[0] = DOT(gradient, uv[0]); pg[1] = DOT(gradient, uv[1]); } } /* Compute direction gradient from a hemispherical sampling */ static void ambdirgrad(AMBHEMI *hp, FVECT uv[2], float dg[2]) { AMBSAMP *ap; double dgsum[2]; int n; FVECT vd; double gfact; dgsum[0] = dgsum[1] = 0.0; /* sum values times -tan(theta) */ for (ap = hp->sa, n = hp->ns*hp->ns; n--; ap++) { /* use vector for azimuth + 90deg */ VSUB(vd, ap->p, hp->rp->rop); /* brightness over cosine factor */ gfact = ap->v[0] / DOT(hp->rp->ron, vd); /* sine = proj_radius/vd_length */ dgsum[0] -= DOT(uv[1], vd) * gfact; dgsum[1] += DOT(uv[0], vd) * gfact; } dg[0] = dgsum[0] / (hp->ns*hp->ns); dg[1] = dgsum[1] / (hp->ns*hp->ns); } /* Compute potential light leak direction flags for cache value */ static uint32 ambcorral(AMBHEMI *hp, FVECT uv[2], const double r0, const double r1) { const double max_d = 1.0/(minarad*ambacc + 0.001); const double ang_res = 0.5*PI/hp->ns; const double ang_step = ang_res/((int)(16/PI*ang_res) + 1.01); double avg_d = 0; uint32 flgs = 0; FVECT vec; double u, v; double ang, a1; int i, j; /* don't bother for a few samples */ if (hp->ns < 8) return(0); /* check distances overhead */ for (i = hp->ns*3/4; i-- > hp->ns>>2; ) for (j = hp->ns*3/4; j-- > hp->ns>>2; ) avg_d += ambsam(hp,i,j).d; avg_d *= 4.0/(hp->ns*hp->ns); if (avg_d*r0 >= 1.0) /* ceiling too low for corral? */ return(0); if (avg_d >= max_d) /* insurance */ return(0); /* else circle around perimeter */ for (i = 0; i < hp->ns; i++) for (j = 0; j < hp->ns; j += !i|(i==hp->ns-1) ? 1 : hp->ns-1) { AMBSAMP *ap = &ambsam(hp,i,j); if ((ap->d <= FTINY) | (ap->d >= max_d)) continue; /* too far or too near */ VSUB(vec, ap->p, hp->rp->rop); u = DOT(vec, uv[0]); v = DOT(vec, uv[1]); if ((r0*r0*u*u + r1*r1*v*v) * ap->d*ap->d <= u*u + v*v) continue; /* occluder outside ellipse */ ang = atan2a(v, u); /* else set direction flags */ for (a1 = ang-ang_res; a1 <= ang+ang_res; a1 += ang_step) flgs |= 1L<<(int)(16/PI*(a1 + 2.*PI*(a1 < 0))); } return(flgs); } int doambient( /* compute ambient component */ SCOLOR rcol, /* input/output color */ RAY *r, double wt, FVECT uv[2], /* returned (optional) */ float ra[2], /* returned (optional) */ float pg[2], /* returned (optional) */ float dg[2], /* returned (optional) */ uint32 *crlp /* returned (optional) */ ) { AMBHEMI *hp = samp_hemi(rcol, r, wt); FVECT my_uv[2]; double d, K; AMBSAMP *ap; int i; /* clear return values */ if (uv != NULL) memset(uv, 0, sizeof(FVECT)*2); if (ra != NULL) ra[0] = ra[1] = 0.0; if (pg != NULL) pg[0] = pg[1] = 0.0; if (dg != NULL) dg[0] = dg[1] = 0.0; if (crlp != NULL) *crlp = 0; if (hp == NULL) /* sampling falure? */ return(0); if ((ra == NULL) & (pg == NULL) & (dg == NULL) || (hp->sampOK < 0) | (hp->ns < MINADIV)) { free(hp); /* Hessian not requested/possible */ return(-1); /* value-only return value */ } if ((d = scolor_mean(rcol)) > FTINY) { d = 0.99*(hp->ns*hp->ns)/d; /* normalize avg. values */ K = 0.01; } else { /* or fall back on geometric Hessian */ K = 1.0; pg = NULL; dg = NULL; crlp = NULL; } ap = hp->sa; /* single channel from here on... */ for (i = hp->ns*hp->ns; i--; ap++) ap->v[0] = scolor_mean(ap->v)*d + K; if (uv == NULL) /* make sure we have axis pointers */ uv = my_uv; /* compute radii & pos. gradient */ ambHessian(hp, uv, ra, pg); if (dg != NULL) /* compute direction gradient */ ambdirgrad(hp, uv, dg); if (ra != NULL) { /* scale/clamp radii */ if (pg != NULL) { if (ra[0]*(d = fabs(pg[0])) > 1.0) ra[0] = 1.0/d; if (ra[1]*(d = fabs(pg[1])) > 1.0) ra[1] = 1.0/d; if (ra[0] > ra[1]) ra[0] = ra[1]; } if (ra[0] < minarad) { ra[0] = minarad; if (ra[1] < minarad) ra[1] = minarad; } ra[0] *= d = 1.0/sqrt(wt); if ((ra[1] *= d) > 2.0*ra[0]) ra[1] = 2.0*ra[0]; if (ra[1] > maxarad) { ra[1] = maxarad; if (ra[0] > maxarad) ra[0] = maxarad; } /* flag encroached directions */ if (crlp != NULL) /* XXX doesn't update with changes to ambacc */ *crlp = ambcorral(hp, uv, ra[0]*ambacc, ra[1]*ambacc); if (pg != NULL) { /* cap gradient if necessary */ d = pg[0]*pg[0]*ra[0]*ra[0] + pg[1]*pg[1]*ra[1]*ra[1]; if (d > 1.0) { d = 1.0/sqrt(d); pg[0] *= d; pg[1] *= d; } } } free(hp); /* clean up and return */ return(1); }