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Revision: 2.6
Committed: Tue Mar 30 16:13:00 2004 UTC (20 years, 1 month ago) by schorsch
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad3R6P1, rad3R6
Changes since 2.5: +8 -7 lines
Log Message:
Continued ANSIfication. There are only bits and pieces left now.

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: aed.c,v 2.5 2003/08/20 10:00:09 schorsch Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * aed.c - driver for AED 512 terminal.
6 */
8 #include "copyright.h"
10 #include <stdio.h>
12 #include "rterror.h"
13 #include "color.h"
14 #include "driver.h"
17 /* AED command characters */
19 #define AEDFMT "1888N" /* Format string to send to AED */
20 #define CSTAT 0100 /* Console status: lower case */
21 #define SCT 75 /* Set color lookup table */
22 #define SEC 67 /* Set color for vector drawing */
23 #define MOV 81 /* Set CAP (current access pointer) to x, y */
24 #define OPT 40 /* Miscellaneous terminal control */
25 #define SEN 71 /* Set encoding types */
26 #define RST 48 /* Reset terminal */
27 #define FFD 12 /* Clear screen */
28 #define EJC 85 /* Enable Joystick cursor positioning */
29 #define DJC 100 /* Disable Joystick cursor positioning */
30 #define SCC 99 /* Set Cursor Colors */
31 #define SCP 93 /* Set Cursor Parameters */
32 #define DFR 111 /* Draw Filled Rectangle */
33 #define RCP 106 /* Read Cursor Position */
34 #define ESC 27 /* Escape starts a command sequence */
35 #define SCS 96 /* Set Console Status */
36 #define END 1 /* Ctrl-A used to terminate command mode */
38 #define BLK 0 /* color table entry for black */
39 #define WHT 7 /* color table entry for white */
41 #define command(c) (putc(ESC, stdout), putc(c, stdout))
42 #define byte(b) putc(b, stdout)
43 #define string(s) fputs(s, stdout)
44 #define flush() fflush(stdout)
46 #define GAMMA 2.5 /* exponent for color correction */
48 #define NCOLORS 248 /* our color table size */
49 #define MINPIX 8 /* minimum hardware color */
51 #define NCOLS 512 /* maximum # columns for output */
52 #define NROWS 483-COMHT /* maximum # rows for output */
53 #define COMHT 16 /* height of command line */
54 #define COMCW 63 /* maximum chars on command line */
56 static void aed_errout(char*);
57 static void longwait(int t);
58 static void aedgetcap(int *xp, int *yp);
59 static void aedsetcap(int x, int y);
60 static dr_newcolrf_t anewcolr;
61 static void aedcoord(int x, int y);
63 static dr_closef_t aed_close;
64 static dr_clearf_t aed_clear;
65 static dr_paintrf_t aed_paintr;
66 static dr_getcurf_t aed_getcur;
67 static dr_comoutf_t comout;
69 static struct driver aed_driver = {
70 aed_close, aed_clear, aed_paintr, aed_getcur,
71 aed_comout, NULL, NULL,
72 1.0, NCOLS, NROWS
73 };
76 struct driver *
77 aed_init(name, id) /* open AED */
78 char *name, *id;
79 {
80 if (ttyset(&aed_driver, fileno(stdin)) < 0) { /* set tty driver */
81 eputs("cannot access terminal\n");
82 return(NULL);
83 }
84 command(RST); /* reset AED */
85 longwait(2);
86 command(OPT);
87 byte(6); byte(1); /* AED command set */
88 command(SEN);
89 string(AEDFMT);
90 command(SCS); /* set console status */
91 byte(CSTAT);
92 command(SCC); /* set cursor type */
93 byte(BLK); byte(WHT); byte(15);
94 command(SCP);
95 byte('+'); byte(0); byte(1);
96 make_gmap(GAMMA); /* make color map */
97 erract[USER].pf = /* set error vector */
98 erract[SYSTEM].pf =
99 erract[INTERNAL].pf =
100 erract[CONSISTENCY].pf = aed_errout;
101 erract[COMMAND].pf = aed_errout;
102 if (erract[WARNING].pf != NULL)
103 erract[WARNING].pf = aed_errout;
104 return(&aed_driver);
105 }
108 static void
109 aed_close(void) /* close AED */
110 {
111 erract[USER].pf = /* reset error vector */
112 erract[SYSTEM].pf =
113 erract[INTERNAL].pf =
114 erract[CONSISTENCY].pf = eputs;
115 erract[COMMAND].pf = NULL;
116 if (erract[WARNING].pf != NULL)
117 erract[WARNING].pf = wputs;
118 aedsetcap(0, 0); /* go to bottom */
119 command(SEC);
120 byte(WHT); /* white text */
121 byte(END);
122 byte('\n'); /* scroll */
123 flush();
124 ttydone();
125 }
128 static
129 aed_clear(x, y) /* clear AED */
130 int x, y;
131 {
132 command(FFD);
133 new_ctab(NCOLORS); /* init color table */
134 flush();
135 }
138 static void
139 aed_paintr(col, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) /* paint a rectangle */
140 COLOR col;
141 int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
142 {
143 int ndx;
145 ndx = get_pixel(col, anewcolr); /* calls anewcolr() */
146 command(SEC); /* draw rectangle */
147 byte(ndx+MINPIX);
148 aedsetcap(xmin, ymin+COMHT);
149 command(DFR);
150 aedcoord(xmax-1, ymax+(-1+COMHT));
151 flush();
152 }
155 static int
156 aed_getcur(xp, yp) /* get cursor position */
157 int *xp, *yp;
158 {
159 int com;
161 command(EJC); /* enable cursor */
162 com = getch(); /* get key */
163 command(DJC); /* disable cursor */
164 aedgetcap(xp, yp); /* get cursor position */
165 *yp -= COMHT; /* convert coordinates */
166 return(com); /* return key hit */
167 }
170 static void
171 aed_comout(out) /* output to command line */
172 register char *out;
173 {
174 static int newl = 1;
175 static int inmsg = 0;
177 while (*out) {
178 if (newl) { /* new line */
179 command(SEC);
180 byte(BLK);
181 aedsetcap(0, 0);
182 command(DFR);
183 aedcoord(NCOLS-1, COMHT-1);
184 aedsetcap(1, 4);
185 command(SEC); /* white text */
186 byte(WHT);
187 byte(END);
188 newl = 0;
189 }
190 switch (*out) {
191 case '\n': /* end of line */
192 newl = 1;
193 /* fall through */
194 case '\r':
195 inmsg = 0;
196 byte('\r');
197 break;
198 case '\b': /* back space */
199 if (inmsg > 0 && --inmsg < COMCW)
200 byte('\b');
201 break;
202 default: /* character */
203 if (inmsg++ < COMCW)
204 byte(*out);
205 break;
206 }
207 out++;
208 }
209 flush();
210 }
213 static void
214 aed_errout(msg) /* print an error message */
215 char *msg;
216 {
217 aed_comout(msg);
218 if (*msg && msg[strlen(msg)-1] == '\n')
219 longwait(2);
220 }
223 /*
224 * aedsetcap - sets AED's current access pointer to (x, y).
225 */
227 static void
228 aedsetcap(x, y)
229 register int x, y;
230 {
231 command(MOV);
232 aedcoord(x, y);
233 }
235 /*
236 * aedcoord - puts out an (x, y) coordinate in AED 8 bit format.
237 */
239 static void
240 aedcoord(x, y)
241 register int x, y;
242 {
243 byte(((x >> 4) & 0x30) | ((y >> 8) & 0x3));
244 byte(x & 0xff);
245 byte(y & 0xff);
246 }
249 static void
250 aedgetcap(xp, yp) /* get cursor postion */
251 int *xp, *yp;
252 {
253 register int c;
254 /* get cursor postition */
255 command(RCP);
256 flush();
257 c = getch();
258 *xp = (c & 0x30) << 4;
259 *yp = (c & 0x3) << 8;
260 *xp |= getch();
261 *yp |= getch();
262 }
265 static void
266 anewcolr(index, r, g, b) /* enter a color into our table */
267 int index;
268 int r, g, b;
269 {
270 command(SCT);
271 byte((index+MINPIX)&255);
272 byte(1);
273 byte(r);
274 byte(g);
275 byte(b);
276 flush();
277 }
280 static void
281 longwait(t) /* longer wait */
282 int t;
283 {
284 flush();
285 sleep(t);
286 }