/* Copyright (c) 1993 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * x11image.c - driver for X-windows * * 3/1/90 */ /* * Modified for X11 * * January 1990 * * Anat Grynberg and Greg Ward */ #include "standard.h" #include #include #include #include #include "color.h" #include "view.h" #include "x11raster.h" #include "random.h" #include "resolu.h" #define FONTNAME "8x13" /* text font we'll use */ #define CTRL(c) ((c)-'@') #define BORWIDTH 5 /* border width */ #define ICONSIZ (8*10) /* maximum icon dimension (even 8) */ #define ourscreen DefaultScreen(thedisplay) #define ourroot RootWindow(thedisplay,ourscreen) #define revline(x0,y0,x1,y1) XDrawLine(thedisplay,wind,revgc,x0,y0,x1,y1) #define redraw(x,y,w,h) patch_raster(wind,(x)-xoff,(y)-yoff,x,y,w,h,ourras) double gamcor = 2.2; /* gamma correction */ int dither = 1; /* dither colors? */ int fast = 0; /* keep picture in Pixmap? */ char *dispname = NULL; /* our display name */ Window wind = 0; /* our output window */ unsigned long ourblack=0, ourwhite=1; /* black and white for this visual */ int maxcolors = 0; /* maximum colors */ int greyscale = 0; /* in grey */ int scale = 0; /* scalefactor; power of two */ int xoff = 0; /* x image offset */ int yoff = 0; /* y image offset */ VIEW ourview = STDVIEW; /* image view parameters */ int gotview = 0; /* got parameters from file */ COLR *scanline; /* scan line buffer */ RESOLU inpres; /* input resolution and ordering */ int xmax, ymax; /* picture dimensions */ int width, height; /* window size */ char *fname = NULL; /* input file name */ FILE *fin = stdin; /* input file */ long *scanpos = NULL; /* scan line positions in file */ int cury = 0; /* current scan location */ double exposure = 1.0; /* exposure compensation used */ int wrongformat = 0; /* input in another format? */ GC ourgc; /* standard graphics context */ GC revgc; /* graphics context with GXinvert */ int *ourrank; /* our visual class ranking */ XVisualInfo ourvis; /* our visual */ XRASTER *ourras; /* our stored image */ unsigned char *ourdata; /* our image data */ struct { int xmin, ymin, xsiz, ysiz; } box = {0, 0, 0, 0}; /* current box */ char *geometry = NULL; /* geometry specification */ char icondata[ICONSIZ*ICONSIZ/8]; /* icon bitmap data */ int iconwidth = 0, iconheight = 0; char *progname; char errmsg[128]; extern BYTE clrtab[256][3]; /* global color map */ extern long ftell(); Display *thedisplay; Atom closedownAtom, wmProtocolsAtom; main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { extern char *getenv(); char *gv; int headline(); int i; progname = argv[0]; if ((gv = getenv("GAMMA")) != NULL) gamcor = atof(gv); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) if (argv[i][0] == '-') switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'c': maxcolors = atoi(argv[++i]); break; case 'b': greyscale = !greyscale; break; case 'm': maxcolors = 2; break; case 'd': if (argv[i][2] == 'i') dispname = argv[++i]; else dither = !dither; break; case 'f': fast = !fast; break; case 'e': if (argv[i+1][0] != '+' && argv[i+1][0] != '-') goto userr; scale = atoi(argv[++i]); break; case 'g': if (argv[i][2] == 'e') geometry = argv[++i]; else gamcor = atof(argv[++i]); break; default: goto userr; } else if (argv[i][0] == '=') geometry = argv[i]; else break; if (i == argc-1) { fname = argv[i]; fin = fopen(fname, "r"); if (fin == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open file \"%s\"", fname); quiterr(errmsg); } } else if (i != argc) goto userr; /* get header */ getheader(fin, headline, NULL); /* get picture dimensions */ if (wrongformat || !fgetsresolu(&inpres, fin)) quiterr("bad picture format"); xmax = scanlen(&inpres); ymax = numscans(&inpres); /* set view parameters */ if (gotview && setview(&ourview) != NULL) gotview = 0; if ((scanline = (COLR *)malloc(xmax*sizeof(COLR))) == NULL) quiterr("out of memory"); init(argc, argv); /* get file and open window */ for ( ; ; ) getevent(); /* main loop */ userr: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-di disp][[-ge] spec][-b][-m][-d][-f][-c nclrs][-e +/-stops] pic\n", progname); exit(1); } headline(s) /* get relevant info from header */ char *s; { char fmt[32]; if (isexpos(s)) exposure *= exposval(s); else if (isformat(s)) { formatval(fmt, s); wrongformat = strcmp(fmt, COLRFMT); } else if (isview(s) && sscanview(&ourview, s) > 0) gotview++; } init(argc, argv) /* get data and open window */ int argc; char **argv; { XSetWindowAttributes ourwinattr; XClassHint xclshints; XWMHints xwmhints; XSizeHints xszhints; XTextProperty windowName, iconName; XGCValues xgcv; char *name; register int i; if (fname != NULL) { scanpos = (long *)malloc(ymax*sizeof(long)); if (scanpos == NULL) quiterr("out of memory"); for (i = 0; i < ymax; i++) scanpos[i] = -1; name = fname; } else name = progname; /* remove directory prefix from name */ for (i = strlen(name); i-- > 0; ) if (name[i] == '/') break; name += i+1; if ((thedisplay = XOpenDisplay(dispname)) == NULL) quiterr("cannot open display"); /* get best visual for default screen */ getbestvis(); /* store image */ getras(); /* get size and position */ xszhints.flags = 0; xszhints.width = xmax; xszhints.height = ymax; if (geometry != NULL) { i = XParseGeometry(geometry, &xszhints.x, &xszhints.y, (unsigned *)&xszhints.width, (unsigned *)&xszhints.height); if ((i&(WidthValue|HeightValue)) == (WidthValue|HeightValue)) xszhints.flags |= USSize; else xszhints.flags |= PSize; if ((i&(XValue|YValue)) == (XValue|YValue)) { xszhints.flags |= USPosition; if (i & XNegative) xszhints.x += DisplayWidth(thedisplay, ourscreen)-1-xszhints.width-2*BORWIDTH; if (i & YNegative) xszhints.y += DisplayHeight(thedisplay, ourscreen)-1-xszhints.height-2*BORWIDTH; } } /* open window */ ourwinattr.border_pixel = ourwhite; ourwinattr.background_pixel = ourblack; ourwinattr.colormap = XCreateColormap(thedisplay, ourroot, ourvis.visual, AllocNone); ourwinattr.event_mask = ExposureMask|KeyPressMask|ButtonPressMask| ButtonReleaseMask|ButtonMotionMask|StructureNotifyMask; ourwinattr.cursor = XCreateFontCursor(thedisplay, XC_diamond_cross); wind = XCreateWindow(thedisplay, ourroot, xszhints.x, xszhints.y, xszhints.width, xszhints.height, BORWIDTH, ourvis.depth, InputOutput, ourvis.visual, CWEventMask| CWCursor|CWBackPixel|CWBorderPixel|CWColormap, &ourwinattr); if (wind == 0) quiterr("cannot create window"); width = xmax; height = ymax; xgcv.foreground = ourblack; xgcv.background = ourwhite; if ((xgcv.font = XLoadFont(thedisplay, FONTNAME)) == 0) quiterr("cannot get font"); ourgc = XCreateGC(thedisplay, wind, GCForeground|GCBackground| GCFont, &xgcv); xgcv.function = GXinvert; revgc = XCreateGC(thedisplay, wind, GCForeground|GCBackground| GCFunction, &xgcv); /* set up the window manager */ xwmhints.flags = InputHint|IconPixmapHint; xwmhints.input = True; xwmhints.icon_pixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(thedisplay, wind, icondata, iconwidth, iconheight); windowName.encoding = iconName.encoding = XA_STRING; windowName.format = iconName.format = 8; windowName.value = (u_char *)name; windowName.nitems = strlen(windowName.value); iconName.value = (u_char *)name; iconName.nitems = strlen(windowName.value); xclshints.res_name = NULL; xclshints.res_class = "Ximage"; XSetWMProperties(thedisplay, wind, &windowName, &iconName, argv, argc, &xszhints, &xwmhints, &xclshints); closedownAtom = XInternAtom(thedisplay, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); wmProtocolsAtom = XInternAtom(thedisplay, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False); XSetWMProtocols(thedisplay, wind, &closedownAtom, 1); XMapWindow(thedisplay, wind); return; } /* end of init */ quiterr(err) /* print message and exit */ char *err; { if (err != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, err); exit(1); } exit(0); } static int viscmp(v1,v2) /* compare visual to see which is better, descending */ register XVisualInfo *v1, *v2; { int bad1 = 0, bad2 = 0; register int *rp; if (v1->class == v2->class) { if (v1->class == TrueColor || v1->class == DirectColor) { /* prefer 24-bit to 32-bit */ if (v1->depth == 24 && v2->depth == 32) return(-1); if (v1->depth == 32 && v2->depth == 24) return(1); return(0); } /* don't be too greedy */ if (maxcolors <= 1<depth && maxcolors <= 1<depth) return(v1->depth - v2->depth); return(v2->depth - v1->depth); } /* prefer Pseudo when < 24-bit */ if ((v1->class == TrueColor || v1->class == DirectColor) && v1->depth < 24) bad1 = 1; if ((v2->class == TrueColor || v2->class == DirectColor) && v2->depth < 24) bad2 = -1; if (bad1 | bad2) return(bad1+bad2); /* otherwise, use class ranking */ for (rp = ourrank; *rp != -1; rp++) { if (v1->class == *rp) return(-1); if (v2->class == *rp) return(1); } return(0); } getbestvis() /* get the best visual for this screen */ { #ifdef DEBUG static char vistype[][12] = { "StaticGray", "GrayScale", "StaticColor", "PseudoColor", "TrueColor", "DirectColor" }; #endif static int rankings[3][6] = { {TrueColor,DirectColor,PseudoColor,GrayScale,StaticGray,-1}, {PseudoColor,GrayScale,StaticGray,-1}, {PseudoColor,GrayScale,StaticGray,-1} }; XVisualInfo *xvi; int vismatched; register int i, j; if (greyscale) { ourrank = rankings[2]; if (maxcolors < 2) maxcolors = 256; } else if (maxcolors >= 2 && maxcolors <= 256) ourrank = rankings[1]; else { ourrank = rankings[0]; maxcolors = 256; } /* find best visual */ ourvis.screen = ourscreen; xvi = XGetVisualInfo(thedisplay,VisualScreenMask,&ourvis,&vismatched); if (xvi == NULL) quiterr("no visuals for this screen!"); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Supported visuals:\n"); for (i = 0; i < vismatched; i++) fprintf(stderr, "\ttype %s, depth %d\n", vistype[xvi[i].class], xvi[i].depth); #endif for (i = 0, j = 1; j < vismatched; j++) if (viscmp(&xvi[i],&xvi[j]) > 0) i = j; /* compare to least acceptable */ for (j = 0; ourrank[j++] != -1; ) ; ourvis.class = ourrank[--j]; ourvis.depth = 1; if (viscmp(&xvi[i],&ourvis) > 0) quiterr("inadequate visuals on this screen"); /* OK, we'll use it */ copystruct(&ourvis, &xvi[i]); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Selected visual type %s, depth %d\n", vistype[ourvis.class], ourvis.depth); #endif /* make appropriate adjustments */ if (ourvis.class == GrayScale || ourvis.class == StaticGray) greyscale = 1; if (ourvis.depth <= 8 && ourvis.colormap_size < maxcolors) maxcolors = ourvis.colormap_size; if (ourvis.class == StaticGray) { ourblack = 0; ourwhite = 255; } else if (ourvis.class == PseudoColor) { ourblack = BlackPixel(thedisplay,ourscreen); ourwhite = WhitePixel(thedisplay,ourscreen); if ((ourblack|ourwhite) & ~255L) { ourblack = 0; ourwhite = 1; } if (maxcolors > 4) maxcolors -= 2; } else { ourblack = 0; ourwhite = ourvis.red_mask|ourvis.green_mask|ourvis.blue_mask; } XFree((char *)xvi); } getras() /* get raster file */ { XVisualInfo vinfo; if (maxcolors <= 2) { /* monochrome */ ourdata = (unsigned char *)malloc(ymax*((xmax+7)/8)); if (ourdata == NULL) goto fail; ourras = make_raster(thedisplay, &ourvis, 1, ourdata, xmax, ymax, 8); if (ourras == NULL) goto fail; getmono(); } else if (ourvis.class == TrueColor | ourvis.class == DirectColor) { ourdata = (unsigned char *)malloc(4*xmax*ymax); if (ourdata == NULL) goto fail; ourras = make_raster(thedisplay, &ourvis, 32, ourdata, xmax, ymax, 32); if (ourras == NULL) goto fail; getfull(); } else { ourdata = (unsigned char *)malloc(xmax*ymax); if (ourdata == NULL) goto fail; ourras = make_raster(thedisplay, &ourvis, 8, ourdata, xmax, ymax, 8); if (ourras == NULL) goto fail; if (greyscale | ourvis.class == StaticGray) getgrey(); else getmapped(); if (ourvis.class != StaticGray && !init_rcolors(ourras,clrtab)) goto fail; } return; fail: quiterr("could not create raster image"); } getevent() /* process the next event */ { XEvent xev; XNextEvent(thedisplay, &xev); switch ((int)xev.type) { case KeyPress: docom(&xev.xkey); break; case ConfigureNotify: width = xev.xconfigure.width; height = xev.xconfigure.height; break; case MapNotify: map_rcolors(ourras, wind); if (fast) make_rpixmap(ourras, wind); break; case UnmapNotify: if (!fast) unmap_rcolors(ourras); break; case Expose: redraw(xev.xexpose.x, xev.xexpose.y, xev.xexpose.width, xev.xexpose.height); break; case ButtonPress: if (xev.xbutton.state & (ShiftMask|ControlMask)) moveimage(&xev.xbutton); else if (xev.xbutton.button == Button2) traceray(xev.xbutton.x, xev.xbutton.y); else getbox(&xev.xbutton); break; case ClientMessage: if ((xev.xclient.message_type == wmProtocolsAtom) && (xev.xclient.data.l[0] == closedownAtom)) quiterr(NULL); break; } } traceray(xpos, ypos) /* print ray corresponding to pixel */ int xpos, ypos; { FLOAT hv[2]; FVECT rorg, rdir; if (!gotview) { /* no view, no can do */ XBell(thedisplay, 0); return(-1); } pix2loc(hv, &inpres, xpos-xoff, ypos-yoff); if (viewray(rorg, rdir, &ourview, hv[0], hv[1]) < 0) return(-1); printf("%e %e %e ", rorg[0], rorg[1], rorg[2]); printf("%e %e %e\n", rdir[0], rdir[1], rdir[2]); fflush(stdout); return(0); } docom(ekey) /* execute command */ XKeyPressedEvent *ekey; { char buf[80]; COLOR cval; XColor cvx; int com, n; double comp; FLOAT hv[2]; n = XLookupString(ekey, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, NULL); if (n == 0) return(0); com = buf[0]; switch (com) { /* interpret command */ case 'q': case 'Q': case CTRL('D'): /* quit */ quiterr(NULL); case '\n': case '\r': case 'l': case 'c': /* value */ if (avgbox(cval) == -1) return(-1); switch (com) { case '\n': case '\r': /* radiance */ sprintf(buf, "%.3f", intens(cval)/exposure); break; case 'l': /* luminance */ sprintf(buf, "%.0fL", luminance(cval)/exposure); break; case 'c': /* color */ comp = pow(2.0, (double)scale); sprintf(buf, "(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)", colval(cval,RED)*comp, colval(cval,GRN)*comp, colval(cval,BLU)*comp); break; } XDrawImageString(thedisplay, wind, ourgc, box.xmin, box.ymin+box.ysiz, buf, strlen(buf)); return(0); case 'i': /* identify (contour) */ if (ourras->pixels == NULL) return(-1); n = ourdata[ekey->x-xoff+xmax*(ekey->y-yoff)]; n = ourras->pmap[n]; cvx.pixel = ourras->cdefs[n].pixel; cvx.red = random() & 65535; cvx.green = random() & 65535; cvx.blue = random() & 65535; cvx.flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; XStoreColor(thedisplay, ourras->cmap, &cvx); return(0); case 'p': /* position */ pix2loc(hv, &inpres, ekey->x-xoff, ekey->y-yoff); sprintf(buf, "(%d,%d)", (int)(hv[0]*inpres.xr), (int)(hv[1]*inpres.yr)); XDrawImageString(thedisplay, wind, ourgc, ekey->x, ekey->y, buf, strlen(buf)); return(0); case 't': /* trace */ return(traceray(ekey->x, ekey->y)); case '=': /* adjust exposure */ case '@': /* adaptation level */ if (avgbox(cval) == -1) return(-1); comp = com=='@' ? 106./pow(1.219+pow(luminance(cval)/exposure,.4),2.5)/exposure : .5/bright(cval) ; comp = log(comp)/.69315 - scale; n = comp < 0 ? comp-.5 : comp+.5 ; /* round */ if (n == 0) return(0); scale_rcolors(ourras, pow(2.0, (double)n)); scale += n; sprintf(buf, "%+d", scale); XDrawImageString(thedisplay, wind, ourgc, box.xmin, box.ymin+box.ysiz, buf, strlen(buf)); XFlush(thedisplay); free(ourdata); free_raster(ourras); getras(); /* fall through */ case CTRL('R'): /* redraw */ case CTRL('L'): unmap_rcolors(ourras); XClearWindow(thedisplay, wind); map_rcolors(ourras, wind); if (fast) make_rpixmap(ourras, wind); redraw(0, 0, width, height); return(0); case '0': /* recenter origin */ if (xoff == 0 & yoff == 0) return(0); xoff = yoff = 0; XClearWindow(thedisplay, wind); redraw(0, 0, width, height); return(0); case ' ': /* clear */ redraw(box.xmin, box.ymin, box.xsiz, box.ysiz); return(0); default: XBell(thedisplay, 0); return(-1); } } moveimage(ebut) /* shift the image */ XButtonPressedEvent *ebut; { XEvent e; int mxo, myo; XMaskEvent(thedisplay, ButtonReleaseMask|ButtonMotionMask, &e); while (e.type == MotionNotify) { mxo = e.xmotion.x; myo = e.xmotion.y; revline(ebut->x, ebut->y, mxo, myo); revbox(xoff+mxo-ebut->x, yoff+myo-ebut->y, xoff+mxo-ebut->x+xmax, yoff+myo-ebut->y+ymax); XMaskEvent(thedisplay,ButtonReleaseMask|ButtonMotionMask,&e); revline(ebut->x, ebut->y, mxo, myo); revbox(xoff+mxo-ebut->x, yoff+myo-ebut->y, xoff+mxo-ebut->x+xmax, yoff+myo-ebut->y+ymax); } xoff += e.xbutton.x - ebut->x; yoff += e.xbutton.y - ebut->y; XClearWindow(thedisplay, wind); redraw(0, 0, width, height); } getbox(ebut) /* get new box */ XButtonPressedEvent *ebut; { XEvent e; XMaskEvent(thedisplay, ButtonReleaseMask|ButtonMotionMask, &e); while (e.type == MotionNotify) { revbox(ebut->x, ebut->y, box.xmin = e.xmotion.x, box.ymin = e.xmotion.y); XMaskEvent(thedisplay,ButtonReleaseMask|ButtonMotionMask,&e); revbox(ebut->x, ebut->y, box.xmin, box.ymin); } box.xmin = e.xbutton.x<0 ? 0 : (e.xbutton.x>=width ? width-1 : e.xbutton.x); box.ymin = e.xbutton.y<0 ? 0 : (e.xbutton.y>=height ? height-1 : e.xbutton.y); if (box.xmin > ebut->x) { box.xsiz = box.xmin - ebut->x + 1; box.xmin = ebut->x; } else { box.xsiz = ebut->x - box.xmin + 1; } if (box.ymin > ebut->y) { box.ysiz = box.ymin - ebut->y + 1; box.ymin = ebut->y; } else { box.ysiz = ebut->y - box.ymin + 1; } } revbox(x0, y0, x1, y1) /* draw box with reversed lines */ int x0, y0, x1, y1; { revline(x0, y0, x1, y0); revline(x0, y1, x1, y1); revline(x0, y0, x0, y1); revline(x1, y0, x1, y1); } avgbox(clr) /* average color over current box */ COLOR clr; { static COLOR lc; static int ll, lr, lt, lb; int left, right, top, bottom; int y; double d; COLOR ctmp; register int x; setcolor(clr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); left = box.xmin - xoff; right = left + box.xsiz; if (left < 0) left = 0; if (right > xmax) right = xmax; if (left >= right) return(-1); top = box.ymin - yoff; bottom = top + box.ysiz; if (top < 0) top = 0; if (bottom > ymax) bottom = ymax; if (top >= bottom) return(-1); if (left == ll && right == lr && top == lt && bottom == lb) { copycolor(clr, lc); return(0); } for (y = top; y < bottom; y++) { if (getscan(y) == -1) return(-1); for (x = left; x < right; x++) { colr_color(ctmp, scanline[x]); addcolor(clr, ctmp); } } d = 1.0/((right-left)*(bottom-top)); scalecolor(clr, d); ll = left; lr = right; lt = top; lb = bottom; copycolor(lc, clr); return(0); } getmono() /* get monochrome data */ { register unsigned char *dp; register int x, err; int y, errp; short *cerr; if ((cerr = (short *)calloc(xmax,sizeof(short))) == NULL) quiterr("out of memory in getmono"); dp = ourdata - 1; for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) { getscan(y); add2icon(y, scanline); normcolrs(scanline, xmax, scale); err = 0; for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++) { if (!(x&7)) *++dp = 0; errp = err; err += normbright(scanline[x]) + cerr[x]; if (err > 127) err -= 255; else *dp |= 1<<(7-(x&07)); err /= 3; cerr[x] = err + errp; } } free((char *)cerr); } add2icon(y, scan) /* add a scanline to our icon data */ int y; COLR *scan; { static short cerr[ICONSIZ]; static int ynext; static char *dp; COLR clr; register int err; register int x, ti; int errp; if (iconheight == 0) { /* initialize */ if (xmax <= ICONSIZ && ymax <= ICONSIZ) { iconwidth = xmax; iconheight = ymax; } else if (xmax > ymax) { iconwidth = ICONSIZ; iconheight = ICONSIZ*ymax/xmax; if (iconheight < 1) iconheight = 1; } else { iconwidth = ICONSIZ*xmax/ymax; if (iconwidth < 1) iconwidth = 1; iconheight = ICONSIZ; } ynext = 0; dp = icondata - 1; } if (y < ynext*ymax/iconheight) /* skip this one */ return; err = 0; for (x = 0; x < iconwidth; x++) { if (!(x&7)) *++dp = 0; errp = err; ti = x*xmax/iconwidth; copycolr(clr, scan[ti]); normcolrs(clr, 1, scale); err += normbright(clr) + cerr[x]; if (err > 127) err -= 255; else *dp |= 1<<(x&07); err /= 3; cerr[x] = err + errp; } ynext++; } getfull() /* get full (24-bit) data */ { int y; register unsigned long *dp; register int x; /* set gamma correction */ setcolrgam(gamcor); /* read and convert file */ dp = (unsigned long *)ourdata; for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) { getscan(y); add2icon(y, scanline); if (scale) shiftcolrs(scanline, xmax, scale); colrs_gambs(scanline, xmax); if (ourras->image->blue_mask & 1) for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++) *dp++ = scanline[x][RED] << 16 | scanline[x][GRN] << 8 | scanline[x][BLU] ; else for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++) *dp++ = scanline[x][RED] | scanline[x][GRN] << 8 | scanline[x][BLU] << 16 ; } } getgrey() /* get greyscale data */ { int y; register unsigned char *dp; register int x; /* set gamma correction */ setcolrgam(gamcor); /* read and convert file */ dp = ourdata; for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) { getscan(y); add2icon(y, scanline); if (scale) shiftcolrs(scanline, xmax, scale); for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++) scanline[x][GRN] = normbright(scanline[x]); colrs_gambs(scanline, xmax); if (maxcolors < 256) for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++) *dp++ = ((long)scanline[x][GRN] * maxcolors + maxcolors/2) >> 8; else for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++) *dp++ = scanline[x][GRN]; } for (x = 0; x < maxcolors; x++) clrtab[x][RED] = clrtab[x][GRN] = clrtab[x][BLU] = ((long)x*256 + 128)/maxcolors; } getmapped() /* get color-mapped data */ { int y; /* set gamma correction */ setcolrgam(gamcor); /* make histogram */ new_histo(); for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) { if (getscan(y) < 0) quiterr("seek error in getmapped"); add2icon(y, scanline); if (scale) shiftcolrs(scanline, xmax, scale); colrs_gambs(scanline, xmax); cnt_colrs(scanline, xmax); } /* map pixels */ if (!new_clrtab(maxcolors)) quiterr("cannot create color map"); for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) { if (getscan(y) < 0) quiterr("seek error in getmapped"); if (scale) shiftcolrs(scanline, xmax, scale); colrs_gambs(scanline, xmax); if (dither) dith_colrs(ourdata+y*xmax, scanline, xmax); else map_colrs(ourdata+y*xmax, scanline, xmax); } } scale_rcolors(xr, sf) /* scale color map */ register XRASTER *xr; double sf; { register int i; long maxv; if (xr->pixels == NULL) return; sf = pow(sf, 1.0/gamcor); maxv = 65535/sf; for (i = xr->ncolors; i--; ) { xr->cdefs[i].red = xr->cdefs[i].red > maxv ? 65535 : xr->cdefs[i].red * sf; xr->cdefs[i].green = xr->cdefs[i].green > maxv ? 65535 : xr->cdefs[i].green * sf; xr->cdefs[i].blue = xr->cdefs[i].blue > maxv ? 65535 : xr->cdefs[i].blue * sf; } XStoreColors(thedisplay, xr->cmap, xr->cdefs, xr->ncolors); } getscan(y) int y; { if (y != cury) { if (scanpos == NULL || scanpos[y] == -1) return(-1); if (fseek(fin, scanpos[y], 0) == -1) quiterr("fseek error"); cury = y; } else if (scanpos != NULL && scanpos[y] == -1) scanpos[y] = ftell(fin); if (freadcolrs(scanline, xmax, fin) < 0) quiterr("read error"); cury++; return(0); }