#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: ra_t8.c,v 2.15 2018/03/20 18:45:04 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * ra_t8.c - program to convert between RADIANCE and * Targa 8-bit color-mapped images. * * 8/22/88 Adapted from ra_pr.c */ #include #include #include #include #include "platform.h" #include "rtio.h" #include "rtmisc.h" #include "color.h" #include "resolu.h" #include "clrtab.h" #include "targa.h" #define goodpic(h) (my_imType(h) && my_mapType(h)) #define my_imType(h) (((h)->dataType==IM_CMAP || (h)->dataType==IM_CCMAP) \ && (h)->dataBits==8 && (h)->imType==0) #define my_mapType(h) ((h)->mapType==CM_HASMAP && \ ((h)->CMapBits==24 || (h)->CMapBits==32)) #define taralloc(h) (uby8 *)emalloc((h)->x*(h)->y) uby8 clrtab[256][3]; extern int samplefac; double gamv = 2.2; /* gamv correction */ int bradj = 0; /* brightness adjustment */ char *progname; char errmsg[128]; COLR *inl; uby8 *tarData; int xmax, ymax; static int getint2(FILE *fp); static void putint2(int i, FILE *fp); static void quiterr(char *err); static int getthead(struct hdStruct *hp, char *ip, FILE *fp); static int putthead(struct hdStruct *hp, char *ip, FILE *fp); static int getrhead(struct hdStruct *h, FILE *fp); static void tg2ra(struct hdStruct *hp); static void getmapped(int nc, int dith); static void getgrey(int nc); static void writetarga(struct hdStruct *h, uby8 *d, FILE *fp); static void readtarga(struct hdStruct *h, uby8 *data, FILE *fp); int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { struct hdStruct head; int dither = 1; int reverse = 0; int ncolors = 256; int greyscale = 0; int i; SET_DEFAULT_BINARY(); SET_FILE_BINARY(stdin); SET_FILE_BINARY(stdout); progname = argv[0]; samplefac = 0; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) if (argv[i][0] == '-') switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'd': dither = !dither; break; case 'g': gamv = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'r': reverse = !reverse; break; case 'b': greyscale = 1; break; case 'e': if (argv[i+1][0] != '+' && argv[i+1][0] != '-') goto userr; bradj = atoi(argv[++i]); break; case 'c': ncolors = atoi(argv[++i]); break; case 'n': samplefac = atoi(argv[++i]); break; default: goto userr; } else break; if (i < argc-2) goto userr; if (i <= argc-1 && freopen(argv[i], "r", stdin) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open input \"%s\"", argv[i]); quiterr(errmsg); } if (i == argc-2 && freopen(argv[i+1], "w", stdout) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open output \"%s\"", argv[i+1]); quiterr(errmsg); } if (reverse) { /* get header */ if (getthead(&head, NULL, stdin) < 0) quiterr("bad targa file"); if (!goodpic(&head)) quiterr("incompatible format"); xmax = head.x; ymax = head.y; /* put header */ newheader("RADIANCE", stdout); printargs(i, argv, stdout); fputformat(COLRFMT, stdout); putchar('\n'); fprtresolu(xmax, ymax, stdout); /* convert file */ tg2ra(&head); } else { if (getrhead(&head, stdin) < 0) quiterr("bad Radiance input"); /* write header */ putthead(&head, NULL, stdout); /* convert file */ if (greyscale) getgrey(ncolors); else getmapped(ncolors, dither); /* write data */ writetarga(&head, tarData, stdout); } quiterr(NULL); userr: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-d][-n samp][-c ncolors][-b][-g gamv][-e +/-stops] input [output]\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, " Or: %s -r [-g gamv][-e +/-stops] [input [output]]\n", progname); exit(1); } static int getint2( /* get a 2-byte positive integer */ register FILE *fp ) { register int b1, b2; if ((b1 = getc(fp)) == EOF || (b2 = getc(fp)) == EOF) quiterr("read error"); return(b1 | b2<<8); } static void putint2( /* put a 2-byte positive integer */ register int i, register FILE *fp ) { putc(i&0xff, fp); putc(i>>8&0xff, fp); } static void quiterr( /* print message and exit */ char *err ) { if (err != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, err); exit(1); } exit(0); } void eputs(s) char *s; { fputs(s, stderr); } void quit(code) int code; { exit(code); } static int getthead( /* read header from input */ struct hdStruct *hp, char *ip, register FILE *fp ) { int nidbytes; if ((nidbytes = getc(fp)) == EOF) return(-1); hp->mapType = getc(fp); hp->dataType = getc(fp); hp->mapOrig = getint2(fp); hp->mapLength = getint2(fp); hp->CMapBits = getc(fp); hp->XOffset = getint2(fp); hp->YOffset = getint2(fp); hp->x = getint2(fp); hp->y = getint2(fp); hp->dataBits = getc(fp); hp->imType = getc(fp); if (ip != NULL) if (nidbytes) fread((char *)ip, nidbytes, 1, fp); else *ip = '\0'; else if (nidbytes) fseek(fp, (long)nidbytes, 1); return(feof(fp) || ferror(fp) ? -1 : 0); } static int putthead( /* write header to output */ struct hdStruct *hp, char *ip, register FILE *fp ) { if (ip != NULL) putc(strlen(ip), fp); else putc(0, fp); putc(hp->mapType, fp); putc(hp->dataType, fp); putint2(hp->mapOrig, fp); putint2(hp->mapLength, fp); putc(hp->CMapBits, fp); putint2(hp->XOffset, fp); putint2(hp->YOffset, fp); putint2(hp->x, fp); putint2(hp->y, fp); putc(hp->dataBits, fp); putc(hp->imType, fp); if (ip != NULL) fputs(ip, fp); return(ferror(fp) ? -1 : 0); } static int getrhead( /* load RADIANCE input file header */ register struct hdStruct *h, FILE *fp ) { /* get header info. */ if (checkheader(fp, COLRFMT, NULL) < 0 || fgetresolu(&xmax, &ymax, fp) < 0) return(-1); /* assign header */ h->textSize = 0; h->mapType = CM_HASMAP; h->dataType = IM_CMAP; h->mapOrig = 0; h->mapLength = 256; h->CMapBits = 24; h->XOffset = 0; h->YOffset = 0; h->x = xmax; h->y = ymax; h->dataBits = 8; h->imType = 0; /* allocate scanline */ inl = (COLR *)emalloc(xmax*sizeof(COLR)); /* allocate targa data */ tarData = taralloc(h); return(0); } static void tg2ra( /* targa file to RADIANCE file */ struct hdStruct *hp ) { union { uby8 c3[256][3]; uby8 c4[256][4]; } map; COLR ctab[256]; COLR *scanline; register int i, j; /* get color table */ if ((hp->CMapBits==24 ? fread((char *)(map.c3+hp->mapOrig), 3*hp->mapLength,1,stdin) : fread((char *)(map.c4+hp->mapOrig), 4*hp->mapLength,1,stdin)) != 1) quiterr("error reading color table"); /* convert table */ for (i = hp->mapOrig; i < hp->mapOrig+hp->mapLength; i++) if (hp->CMapBits == 24) setcolr(ctab[i], pow((map.c3[i][2]+.5)/256.,gamv), pow((map.c3[i][1]+.5)/256.,gamv), pow((map.c3[i][0]+.5)/256.,gamv)); else setcolr(ctab[i], pow((map.c4[i][3]+.5)/256.,gamv), pow((map.c4[i][2]+.5)/256.,gamv), pow((map.c4[i][1]+.5)/256.,gamv)); if (bradj) shiftcolrs(ctab, 256, bradj); /* allocate targa data */ tarData = taralloc(hp); /* get data */ readtarga(hp, tarData, stdin); /* allocate input scanline */ scanline = (COLR *)emalloc(xmax*sizeof(COLR)); /* convert file */ for (i = ymax-1; i >= 0; i--) { for (j = 0; j < xmax; j++) copycolr(scanline[j], ctab[tarData[i*xmax+j]]); if (fwritecolrs(scanline, xmax, stdout) < 0) quiterr("error writing RADIANCE file"); } free((void *)scanline); free((void *)tarData); } static void getmapped( /* read in and quantize image */ int nc, /* number of colors to use */ int dith /* use dithering? */ ) { long fpos; register int y; setcolrgam(gamv); fpos = ftell(stdin); if ((samplefac ? neu_init(xmax*ymax) : new_histo(xmax*ymax)) == -1) quiterr("cannot initialized histogram"); for (y = ymax-1; y >= 0; y--) { if (freadcolrs(inl, xmax, stdin) < 0) quiterr("error reading Radiance input"); if (bradj) shiftcolrs(inl, xmax, bradj); colrs_gambs(inl, xmax); if (samplefac) neu_colrs(inl, xmax); else cnt_colrs(inl, xmax); } if (fseek(stdin, fpos, 0) == EOF) quiterr("Radiance input must be from a file"); if (samplefac) /* map colors */ neu_clrtab(nc); else new_clrtab(nc); for (y = ymax-1; y >= 0; y--) { if (freadcolrs(inl, xmax, stdin) < 0) quiterr("error reading Radiance input"); if (bradj) shiftcolrs(inl, xmax, bradj); colrs_gambs(inl, xmax); if (samplefac) if (dith) neu_dith_colrs(tarData+y*xmax, inl, xmax); else neu_map_colrs(tarData+y*xmax, inl, xmax); else if (dith) dith_colrs(tarData+y*xmax, inl, xmax); else map_colrs(tarData+y*xmax, inl, xmax); } } static void getgrey( /* read in and convert to greyscale image */ int nc /* number of colors to use */ ) { int y; register uby8 *dp; register int x; setcolrgam(gamv); dp = tarData+xmax*ymax;; for (y = ymax-1; y >= 0; y--) { if (freadcolrs(inl, xmax, stdin) < 0) quiterr("error reading Radiance input"); if (bradj) shiftcolrs(inl, xmax, bradj); x = xmax; while (x--) inl[x][GRN] = normbright(inl[x]); colrs_gambs(inl, xmax); x = xmax; if (nc < 256) while (x--) *--dp = ((long)inl[x][GRN]*nc+nc/2)>>8; else while (x--) *--dp = inl[x][GRN]; } for (x = 0; x < nc; x++) clrtab[x][RED] = clrtab[x][GRN] = clrtab[x][BLU] = ((long)x*256+128)/nc; } static void writetarga( /* write out targa data */ struct hdStruct *h, uby8 *d, FILE *fp ) { register int i, j; for (i = 0; i < h->mapLength; i++) /* write color map */ for (j = 2; j >= 0; j--) putc(clrtab[i][j], fp); if (h->dataType == IM_CMAP) { /* uncompressed */ if (fwrite((char *)d,h->x*sizeof(uby8),h->y,fp) != h->y) quiterr("error writing targa file"); return; } quiterr("unsupported output type"); } static void readtarga( /* read in targa data */ struct hdStruct *h, uby8 *data, FILE *fp ) { register int cnt, c; register uby8 *dp; if (h->dataType == IM_CMAP) { /* uncompressed */ if (fread((char *)data,h->x*sizeof(uby8),h->y,fp) != h->y) goto readerr; return; } for (dp = data; dp < data+h->x*h->y; ) { if ((c = getc(fp)) == EOF) goto readerr; cnt = (c & 0x7f) + 1; if (c & 0x80) { /* repeated pixel */ if ((c = getc(fp)) == EOF) goto readerr; while (cnt--) *dp++ = c; } else /* non-repeating pixels */ while (cnt--) { if ((c = getc(fp)) == EOF) goto readerr; *dp++ = c; } } return; readerr: quiterr("error reading targa file"); }