#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: ra_ps.c,v 2.30 2018/08/02 18:33:47 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Radiance picture to PostScript file translator -- one way! */ #include #include #include #include #include "platform.h" #include "rtio.h" #include "color.h" #include "resolu.h" #define UPPER(c) ((c)&~0x20) /* ASCII trick */ #define CODE6GAM 1.47 /* gamma for 6-bit codes */ #define DEFGGAM 1.0 /* greyscale device gamma */ #define DEFCGAM 1.8 /* color device gamma */ #define GRY -1 /* artificial index for grey */ #define DEFMARG 0.5 /* default margin (inches) */ #define DEFWIDTH 8.5 /* default page width */ #define DEFHEIGHT 11 /* default page height */ #define HMARGIN (hmarg*72) /* horizontal margin */ #define VMARGIN (vmarg*72) /* vertical margin */ #define PWIDTH (width*72-2*HMARGIN) /* width of device */ #define PHEIGHT (height*72-2*VMARGIN) /* height of device */ #define RUNCHR '*' /* character to start rle */ #define MINRUN 4 /* minimum run-length */ #define RSTRT '!' /* character for MINRUN */ #define MAXRUN (MINRUN+'~'-RSTRT) /* maximum run-length */ char code[] = /* 6-bit code lookup table */ "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ@+"; int wrongformat = 0; /* input in wrong format? */ double pixaspect = 1.0; /* pixel aspect ratio */ double devgam = 0.; /* device gamma response */ double hmarg = DEFMARG, vmarg = DEFMARG; /* horizontal and vertical margins */ double width = DEFWIDTH, height = DEFHEIGHT; /* default paper width and height */ double dpi = 0; /* print density (0 if unknown) */ int docolor = 1; /* produce color image? */ int bradj = 0; /* brightness adjustment */ int ncopies = 1; /* number of copies */ char *progname; int xmax, ymax; /* input image dimensions */ typedef void putprimf_t(COLR *scn, int pri); static gethfunc headline; static putprimf_t Aputprim, Bputprim, Cputprim; static double unit2inch(register char *s); static int matchid(char *name, char *id); static void parsepaper(char *ps); static void quiterr(char *err); static void PSheader(int ac, char **av); static void PStrailer(void); static void PSprocdef(char *nam); static void ra2ps(void); static void putrle(int cnt, int cod); putprimf_t *putprim = Aputprim; /* function for writing scanline */ static int headline( /* check header line */ char *s, void *p ) { char fmt[MAXFMTLEN]; if (isformat(s)) { formatval(fmt, s); wrongformat = strcmp(fmt, COLRFMT); } else if (isaspect(s)) pixaspect *= aspectval(s); return(0); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; double d; progname = argv[0]; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) if (argv[i][0] == '-') switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'b': /* produce b&w PostScript */ docolor = 0; break; case 'c': /* produce color PostScript */ docolor = 1; break; case 'A': /* standard ASCII encoding */ putprim = Aputprim; break; case 'B': /* standard binary encoding */ putprim = Bputprim; break; case 'C': /* compressed ASCII encoding */ putprim = Cputprim; break; case 'd': /* print density */ dpi = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'g': /* device gamma adjustment */ devgam = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'p': /* paper size */ parsepaper(argv[++i]); break; case 'm': /* margin */ d = atof(argv[i+1]); d *= unit2inch(argv[i+1]); switch (argv[i][2]) { case '\0': hmarg = vmarg = d; break; case 'h': hmarg = d; break; case 'v': vmarg = d; break; default: goto userr; } i++; break; case 'e': /* exposure adjustment */ if (argv[i+1][0] != '+' && argv[i+1][0] != '-') goto userr; bradj = atoi(argv[++i]); break; case 'n': /* number of copies */ ncopies = atoi(argv[++i]); break; default: goto userr; } else break; if (i < argc-2) goto userr; if (i <= argc-1 && freopen(argv[i], "r", stdin) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open input \"%s\"\n", progname, argv[i]); exit(1); } if (i == argc-2 && freopen(argv[i+1], "w", stdout) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open output \"%s\"\n", progname, argv[i+1]); exit(1); } SET_FILE_BINARY(stdin); /* get our header */ getheader(stdin, headline, NULL); if (wrongformat || fgetresolu(&xmax, &ymax, stdin) < 0) quiterr("bad picture format"); /* gamma compression */ if (devgam <= 0.05) devgam = docolor ? DEFCGAM : DEFGGAM; if (putprim == Cputprim) setcolrgam(CODE6GAM); else if (devgam != 1.) setcolrgam(devgam); /* write header */ PSheader(argc, argv); /* convert file */ ra2ps(); /* write trailer */ PStrailer(); exit(0); userr: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-b|c][-A|B|C][-e +/-stops][-p paper][-m[h|v] margin][-d dpi][-g gamma] [input [output]]\n", progname); exit(1); } static double unit2inch( /* determine unit */ register char *s ) { static struct unit {char n; float f;} u[] = { {'i', 1.}, {'m', 1./25.4}, {'c', 1./2.54}, {'\0',0} }; register struct unit *up; while (*s && !isalpha(*s)) s++; for (up = u; up->n; up++) if (up->n == *s) return(up->f); return(1.); } static int matchid( /* see if name matches id (case insensitive) */ char *name, register char *id ) { register char *s = name; while (*s) { if (isalpha(*s)) { if (!isalpha(*id) || UPPER(*s) != UPPER(*id)) return(0); } else if (*s != *id) return(0); s++; id++; } return(!*id || s-name >= 3); /* substrings >= 3 chars OK */ } static void parsepaper( /* determine paper size from name */ char *ps ) { static struct psize {char n[12]; float w,h;} p[] = { {"envelope", 4.12, 9.5}, {"executive", 7.25, 10.5}, {"letter", 8.5, 11.}, {"lettersmall", 7.68, 10.16}, {"legal", 8.5, 14.}, {"monarch", 3.87, 7.5}, {"statement", 5.5, 8.5}, {"tabloid", 11., 17.}, {"A3", 11.69, 16.54}, {"A4", 8.27, 11.69}, {"A4small", 7.47, 10.85}, {"A5", 6.00, 8.27}, {"A6", 4.13, 6.00}, {"B4", 10.12, 14.33}, {"B5", 7.17, 10.12}, {"C5", 6.38, 9.01}, {"C6", 4.49, 6.38}, {"DL", 4.33, 8.66}, {"hagaki", 3.94, 5.83}, {"",0.0,0.0} }; register struct psize *pp; register char *s = ps; double d; if (isdigit(*s)) { /* check for WWxHH specification */ width = atof(s); while (*s && !isalpha(*s)) s++; d = unit2inch(s); height = atof(++s); width *= d; height *= d; if ((width >= 1.) & (height >= 1.)) return; } else /* check for match to standard size */ for (pp = p; pp->n[0]; pp++) if (matchid(s, pp->n)) { width = pp->w; height = pp->h; return; } fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown paper size \"%s\" -- known sizes:\n", progname, ps); fprintf(stderr, "_Name________Width_Height_(inches)\n"); for (pp = p; pp->n[0]; pp++) fprintf(stderr, "%-11s %5.2f %5.2f\n", pp->n, pp->w, pp->h); fprintf(stderr, "Or use WWxHH size specification\n"); exit(1); } static void quiterr( /* print message and exit */ char *err ) { if (err != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, err); exit(1); } exit(0); } static void PSheader( /* print PostScript header */ int ac, char **av ) { char *rstr; int landscape, rotate, n; double pwidth, pheight; double iwidth, iheight; /* EPS comments */ puts("%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0"); printf("%%%%Title: "); printargs(ac, av, stdout); printf("%%%%Creator: %s\n", progname); printf("%%%%Pages: %d\n", ncopies); if ( (landscape = xmax > pixaspect*ymax) ) puts("%%Orientation: Landscape"); else puts("%%Orientation: Portrait"); if ( (rotate = (PWIDTH > PHEIGHT) ^ landscape) ) { pwidth = PHEIGHT; pheight = PWIDTH; } else { pwidth = PWIDTH; pheight = PHEIGHT; } if (dpi > 100 && (pixaspect >= 0.99) & (pixaspect <= 1.01)) if (pheight/pwidth > ymax/xmax) { n = pwidth*dpi/xmax; /* floor */ iwidth = n > 0 ? (double)(n*xmax)/dpi : pwidth; iheight = iwidth*ymax/xmax; } else { n = pheight*dpi/ymax; /* floor */ iheight = n > 0 ? (double)(n*ymax)/dpi : pheight; iwidth = iheight*xmax/ymax; } else if (pheight/pwidth > pixaspect*ymax/xmax) { iwidth = pwidth; iheight = iwidth*pixaspect*ymax/xmax; } else { iheight = pheight; iwidth = iheight*xmax/(pixaspect*ymax); } if (rotate) printf("%%%%BoundingBox: %.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f\n", HMARGIN+(pheight-iheight)*.5, VMARGIN+(pwidth-iwidth)*.5, HMARGIN+(pheight-iheight)*.5+iheight, VMARGIN+(pwidth-iwidth)*.5+iwidth); else printf("%%%%BoundingBox: %.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f\n", HMARGIN+(pwidth-iwidth)*.5, VMARGIN+(pheight-iheight)*.5, HMARGIN+(pwidth-iwidth)*.5+iwidth, VMARGIN+(pheight-iheight)*.5+iheight); puts("%%EndComments"); puts("gsave save"); puts("17 dict begin"); /* define image reader */ if (docolor) { printf("/redline %d string def\n", xmax); printf("/grnline %d string def\n", xmax); printf("/bluline %d string def\n", xmax); } else printf("/gryline %d string def\n", xmax); /* use compressed encoding? */ if (putprim == Cputprim) PSprocdef("read6bitRLE"); /* set up transformation matrix */ printf("%f %f translate\n", HMARGIN, VMARGIN); if (rotate) { printf("%f 0 translate\n", PWIDTH); puts("90 rotate"); } printf("%f %f translate\n", (pwidth-iwidth)*.5, (pheight-iheight)*.5); printf("%f %f scale\n", iwidth, iheight); puts("%%EndProlog"); /* start image procedure */ printf("%d %d 8 [%d 0 0 %d 0 %d]\n", xmax, ymax, xmax, -ymax, ymax); if (putprim == Cputprim) { if (docolor) { puts("{redline read6bitRLE}"); puts("{grnline read6bitRLE}"); puts("{bluline read6bitRLE}"); puts("true 3 colorimage"); } else puts("{gryline read6bitRLE} image"); } else { rstr = putprim==Aputprim ? "readhexstring" : "readstring"; if (docolor) { printf("{currentfile redline %s pop}\n", rstr); printf("{currentfile grnline %s pop}\n", rstr); printf("{currentfile bluline %s pop}\n", rstr); puts("true 3 colorimage"); } else printf("{currentfile gryline %s pop} image\n", rstr); } } static void PStrailer(void) /* print PostScript trailer */ { puts("%%Trailer"); if (ncopies > 1) printf("/#copies %d def\n", ncopies); puts("showpage"); puts("end"); puts("restore grestore"); puts("%%EOF"); } static void PSprocdef( /* define PS procedure to read image */ char *nam ) { short itab[128]; register int i; /* assign code values */ for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) /* clear */ itab[i] = -1; for (i = 1; i < 63; i++) /* assign greys */ itab[(int)code[i]] = 256.0*pow((i+.5)/64.0, CODE6GAM/devgam); itab[(int)code[0]] = 0; /* black is black */ itab[(int)code[63]] = 255; /* and white is white */ printf("/codetab ["); for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { if (!(i & 0xf)) putchar('\n'); printf(" %3d", itab[i]); } printf("\n] def\n"); printf("/nrept 0 def\n"); printf("/readbyte { currentfile read not {stop} if } bind def\n"); printf("/decode { codetab exch get } bind def\n"); printf("/%s {\t%% scanbuffer\n", nam); printf("\t/scanline exch def\n"); printf("\t{ 0 1 %d { scanline exch\n", xmax-1); printf("\t\tnrept 0 le\n"); printf("\t\t\t{ { readbyte dup %d eq\n", RUNCHR); printf("\t\t\t\t\t{ pop /nrept readbyte %d sub def\n", RSTRT-MINRUN+1); printf("\t\t\t\t\t\t/reptv readbyte decode def\n"); printf("\t\t\t\t\t\treptv exit }\n"); printf("\t\t\t\t\t{ decode dup 0 lt {pop} {exit} ifelse }\n"); printf("\t\t\t\tifelse } loop }\n"); printf("\t\t\t{ /nrept nrept 1 sub def reptv }\n"); printf("\t\tifelse put\n"); printf("\t\t} for\n"); printf("\t} stopped {pop pop 0 string} {scanline} ifelse\n"); printf("} bind def\n"); } static void ra2ps(void) /* convert Radiance scanlines to 6-bit */ { register COLR *scanin; int y; /* allocate scanline */ scanin = (COLR *)malloc(xmax*sizeof(COLR)); if (scanin == NULL) quiterr("out of memory in ra2ps"); /* convert image */ for (y = ymax-1; y >= 0; y--) { if (freadcolrs(scanin, xmax, stdin) < 0) quiterr("error reading Radiance picture"); if (putprim == Cputprim || devgam != 1.) { if (bradj) /* adjust exposure */ shiftcolrs(scanin, xmax, bradj); colrs_gambs(scanin, xmax); /* gamma compression */ } else normcolrs(scanin, xmax, bradj); if (docolor) { (*putprim)(scanin, RED); (*putprim)(scanin, GRN); (*putprim)(scanin, BLU); } else (*putprim)(scanin, GRY); if (ferror(stdout)) quiterr("error writing PostScript file"); } putchar('\n'); /* free scanline */ free((void *)scanin); } static void Aputprim( /* put out hex ASCII primary from scanline */ COLR *scn, int pri ) { static char hexdigit[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; static int col = 0; register int x, c; for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++) { if (pri == GRY) c = normbright(scn[x]); else c = scn[x][pri]; if (c > 255) c = 255; putchar(hexdigit[c>>4]); putchar(hexdigit[c&0xf]); if ((col += 2) >= 72) { putchar('\n'); col = 0; } } } static void Bputprim( /* put out binary primary from scanline */ COLR *scn, int pri ) { register int x, c; for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++) { if (pri == GRY) c = normbright(scn[x]); else c = scn[x][pri]; if (c > 255) c = 255; putchar(c); } } static void Cputprim( /* put out compressed primary from scanline */ COLR *scn, int pri ) { register int c; register int x; int lastc, cnt; lastc = -1; cnt = 0; for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++) { if (pri == GRY) c = normbright(scn[x]) + 2; else c = scn[x][pri] + 2; if (c > 255) c = 255; c = code[c>>2]; if (c == lastc && cnt < MAXRUN) cnt++; else { putrle(cnt, lastc); lastc = c; cnt = 1; } } putrle(cnt, lastc); } static void putrle( /* put out cnt of cod */ register int cnt, register int cod ) { static int col = 0; if (cnt >= MINRUN) { col += 3; putchar(RUNCHR); putchar(RSTRT-MINRUN+cnt); putchar(cod); } else { col += cnt; while (cnt-- > 0) putchar(cod); } if (col >= 72) { putchar('\n'); col = 0; } }