#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: psign.c,v 2.28 2021/11/19 22:51:31 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * psign.c - produce picture from text. * * 7/1/87 */ #include "copyright.h" #include #include "platform.h" #include "standard.h" #include "resolu.h" #include "color.h" #include "font.h" #ifndef SSS #define SSS 3 /* super-sample size */ #endif #define MAXLINE 512 /* longest allowable line */ char *fontfile = "helvet.fnt"; /* our font file */ COLOR bgcolor = WHTCOLOR; /* background color */ COLOR fgcolor = BLKCOLOR; /* foreground color */ int direct = 'r'; /* direction (right, up, left, down) */ int cheight = 32*SSS; /* character height */ double aspect = 1.67; /* height/width character aspect */ double spacing = 0.0; /* character spacing */ int cwidth; /* computed character width */ unsigned char *ourbitmap; /* our output bitmap */ int xsiz, ysiz; /* bitmap dimensions */ int xdim; /* size of horizontal scan (bytes) */ /* conflicting def's in param.h */ #undef tstbit #undef setbit #undef clrbit #undef tglbit #define bitop(x,y,op) (ourbitmap[(y)*xdim+((x)>>3)] op (1<<((x)&7))) #define tstbit(x,y) bitop(x,y,&) #define setbit(x,y) bitop(x,y,|=) #define clrbit(x,y) bitop(x,y,&=~) #define tglbit(x,y) bitop(x,y,^=) FONT *ourfont; /* our font */ typedef struct line { char *s; /* line w/o LF */ short *sp; /* character spacing */ struct line *next; /* next line up */ } LINE; LINE *ourtext; /* our text */ int nlines, maxline; /* text dimensions */ int maxwidth; /* maximum line width (dvi) */ static void makemap(void); static void get_text(FILE *fp); static void arg_text(int ac, char *av[]); static void maptext(void); static void mapglyph(GLYPH *gl, int tx0, int ty0); static void mapcoord(int p[2], int tx, int ty); static void mapedge(int x, int y, int run, int rise); static void writemap(FILE *fp); int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int an; SET_FILE_BINARY(stdout); for (an = 1; an < argc && argv[an][0] == '-'; an++) switch (argv[an][1]) { case 'c': /* color */ switch (argv[an][2]) { case 'f': /* foreground */ setcolor(fgcolor, atof(argv[an+1]), atof(argv[an+2]), atof(argv[an+3])); an += 3; break; case 'b': /* background */ setcolor(bgcolor, atof(argv[an+1]), atof(argv[an+2]), atof(argv[an+3])); an += 3; break; default: goto unkopt; } break; case 'f': /* font */ fontfile = argv[++an]; break; case 'd': /* direction */ switch (argv[an][2]) { case 'r': /* right */ case 'u': /* up */ case 'l': /* left */ case 'd': /* down */ direct = argv[an][2]; break; default: goto unkopt; } break; case 'x': /* x resolution */ xsiz = atoi(argv[++an])*SSS; break; case 'y': ysiz = atoi(argv[++an])*SSS; break; case 'h': /* height of characters */ cheight = atoi(argv[++an])*SSS; break; case 'a': /* aspect ratio */ aspect = atof(argv[++an]); break; case 's': /* spacing */ spacing = atof(argv[++an]); break; default:; unkopt: fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown option: %s\n", argv[0], argv[an]); exit(1); } /* load font file */ ourfont = getfont(fontfile); if (!ourfont) exit(1); /* get text */ if (an == argc) get_text(stdin); else arg_text(argc-an, argv+an); /* create bit map */ makemap(); /* convert text to bitmap */ maptext(); /* print header */ newheader("RADIANCE", stdout); printargs(argc, argv, stdout); fputformat(COLRFMT, stdout); putchar('\n'); /* write out bitmap */ writemap(stdout); exit(0); } static void makemap(void) /* create the bit map */ { double pictaspect; if (direct == 'r' || direct == 'l') { if (xsiz <= 0) { cwidth = cheight/aspect + 0.5; xsiz = (long)maxwidth*cwidth >> 8; ysiz = nlines*cheight; } else if (aspect > FTINY) { if (ysiz <= 0) ysiz = cheight*nlines; pictaspect = 256*nlines*aspect/maxwidth; if (pictaspect*xsiz < ysiz) ysiz = pictaspect*xsiz + 0.5; else xsiz = ysiz/pictaspect + 0.5; cheight = ysiz/nlines; cwidth = cheight/aspect; } else { if (ysiz <= 0) ysiz = cheight*nlines; pictaspect = (double)ysiz/xsiz; aspect = pictaspect*maxwidth/(256*nlines); cheight = ysiz/nlines; cwidth = cheight/aspect; } } else { /* reverse orientation */ if (ysiz <= 0) { cwidth = cheight/aspect + 0.5; xsiz = nlines*cheight; ysiz = (long)maxwidth*cwidth >> 8; } else if (aspect > FTINY) { if (xsiz <= 0) xsiz = cheight*nlines; pictaspect = maxwidth/(256*nlines*aspect); if (pictaspect*xsiz < ysiz) ysiz = pictaspect*xsiz + 0.5; else xsiz = ysiz/pictaspect + 0.5; cheight = xsiz/nlines; cwidth = cheight/aspect; } else { if (xsiz <= 0) xsiz = cheight*nlines; pictaspect = (double)ysiz/xsiz; aspect = maxwidth/(256*nlines*pictaspect); cheight = xsiz/nlines; cwidth = cheight/aspect; } } if (xsiz % SSS) xsiz += SSS - xsiz%SSS; if (ysiz % SSS) ysiz += SSS - ysiz%SSS; xdim = (xsiz+7)/8; ourbitmap = (uby8 *)bmalloc(ysiz*xdim); if (ourbitmap == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "Out of memory in makemap"); memset((char *)ourbitmap, '\0', ysiz*xdim); } static void get_text( /* get text from a file */ FILE *fp ) { char buf[MAXLINE]; register LINE *curl; int len; maxline = 0; maxwidth = 0; nlines = 0; while (fgets(buf, MAXLINE, fp) != NULL) { curl = (LINE *)malloc(sizeof(LINE)); if (curl == NULL) goto memerr; len = strlen(buf); curl->s = (char *)malloc(len); curl->sp = (short *)malloc(sizeof(short)*len--); if ((curl->s == NULL) | (curl->sp == NULL)) goto memerr; if (len > maxline) maxline = len; strncpy(curl->s, buf, len); curl->s[len] = '\0'; if (spacing < -1./256.) len = squeeztext(curl->sp, curl->s, ourfont, (int)(spacing*-256.)); else if (spacing > 1./256.) len = proptext(curl->sp, curl->s, ourfont, (int)(spacing*256.), 3); else len = uniftext(curl->sp, curl->s, ourfont); if (len > maxwidth) maxwidth = len; curl->next = ourtext; ourtext = curl; nlines++; } return; memerr: error(SYSTEM, "Out of memory in get_text"); } static void arg_text( /* get text from arguments */ int ac, char *av[] ) { register char *cp; ourtext = (LINE *)malloc(sizeof(LINE)); if (ourtext == NULL) goto memerr; ourtext->s = (char *)malloc(MAXLINE); if (ourtext->s == NULL) goto memerr; for (cp = ourtext->s; ac-- > 0; av++) { strcpy(cp, *av); cp += strlen(*av); *cp++ = ' '; } *--cp = '\0'; ourtext->next = NULL; maxline = strlen(ourtext->s); ourtext->sp = (short *)malloc(sizeof(short)*(maxline+1)); if (ourtext->sp == NULL) goto memerr; if (spacing < -1./256.) maxwidth = squeeztext(ourtext->sp, ourtext->s, ourfont, (int)(spacing*-256.)); else if (spacing > 1./256.) maxwidth = proptext(ourtext->sp, ourtext->s, ourfont, (int)(spacing*256.), 3); else maxwidth = uniftext(ourtext->sp, ourtext->s, ourfont); nlines = 1; return; memerr: error(SYSTEM, "Out of memory in arg_text"); } static void maptext(void) /* map our text */ { register LINE *curl; int l, len; register int i, c; for (l = 0, curl = ourtext; curl != NULL; l += 256, curl = curl->next) { len = strlen(curl->s); c = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { c += curl->sp[i]; mapglyph(ourfont->fg[curl->s[i]&0xff], c, l); } } } static void mapglyph( /* convert a glyph */ GLYPH *gl, int tx0, int ty0 ) { int n; register GORD *gp; int p0[2], p1[2]; if (gl == NULL) return; n = gl->nverts; gp = gvlist(gl); mapcoord(p0, gp[2*n-2]+tx0, gp[2*n-1]+ty0); while (n--) { mapcoord(p1, gp[0]+tx0, gp[1]+ty0); mapedge(p0[0], p0[1], p1[0]-p0[0], p1[1]-p0[1]); p0[0] = p1[0]; p0[1] = p1[1]; gp += 2; } } static void mapcoord( /* map text to picture coordinates */ int p[2], int tx, int ty ) { tx = (long)tx*cwidth >> 8; ty = (long)ty*cheight >> 8; switch (direct) { case 'r': /* right */ p[0] = tx; p[1] = ty; return; case 'u': /* up */ p[0] = xsiz-1-ty; p[1] = tx; return; case 'l': /* left */ p[0] = xsiz-1-tx; p[1] = ysiz-1-ty; return; case 'd': /* down */ p[0] = ty; p[1] = ysiz-1-tx; return; } } static void mapedge( /* map an edge */ register int x, register int y, int run, int rise ) { int xstep; int rise2, run2; int n; if (rise == 0) return; /* always draw up */ if (rise < 0) { x += run; y += rise; rise = -rise; run = -run; } if (run < 0) { xstep = -1; run = -run; } else xstep = 1; n = rise; run2 = rise2 = 0; while (n) if (rise2 >= run2) { tglbit(x, y); n--; y++; run2 += run; } else { x += xstep; rise2 += rise; } } static void writemap( /* write out bitmap */ FILE *fp ) { COLR pixval[SSS*SSS+1]; /* possible pixel values */ COLOR ctmp0, ctmp1; double d; COLR *scanout; int x, y; register int i, j; int cnt; register int inglyph; fprintf(fp, "-Y %d +X %d\n", ysiz/SSS, xsiz/SSS); scanout = (COLR *)malloc(xsiz/SSS*sizeof(COLR)); if (scanout == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "Out of memory in writemap"); for (i = 0; i <= SSS*SSS; i++) { /* compute possible values */ copycolor(ctmp0, fgcolor); d = (double)i/(SSS*SSS); scalecolor(ctmp0, d); copycolor(ctmp1, bgcolor); d = 1.0 - d; scalecolor(ctmp1, d); addcolor(ctmp0, ctmp1); setcolr(pixval[i], colval(ctmp0,RED), colval(ctmp0,GRN), colval(ctmp0,BLU)); } for (y = ysiz/SSS-1; y >= 0; y--) { inglyph = 0; for (x = 0; x < xsiz/SSS; x++) { cnt = 0; for (j = 0; j < SSS; j++) for (i = 0; i < SSS; i++) { if (tstbit(x*SSS+i, y*SSS+j)) inglyph ^= 1<