#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: pmblur2.c,v 2.7 2019/11/07 23:20:29 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * pmblur2.c - program to computer better motion blur from ranimove frames. * * Created by Greg Ward on 10/3/12. */ #include "copyright.h" #include "standard.h" #include "platform.h" #include "color.h" #include "view.h" #define ZGONE (2.*FHUGE) /* non-existent depth value */ const char *hdrspec; /* HDR image specification string */ const char *zbfspec; /* depth buffer specification string */ const char *mvospec; /* motion vector specification string */ RESOLU imres; /* image size and orientation */ double pixaspect = 1.; /* pixel aspect ratio */ COLOR *imsum; /* blurred image in progress */ VIEW vwsum; /* averaged view for blurred image */ char imfmt[32] = PICFMT; /* image format */ int nsamps; /* number of time samples */ COLOR *imbuf; /* accumulation buffer for this time sample */ float *zbuf; /* associated depth buffer */ COLR *imprev; /* previous loaded image frame */ float *zprev; /* loaded depth buffer */ double exprev; /* previous image exposure */ VIEW vwprev = STDVIEW; /* previous view */ int fnprev; /* frame number for previous view */ char *progname; /* global argv[0] */ typedef struct { VIEW *vp; /* view pointer */ int gotview; /* got view parameters? */ double ev; /* exposure value */ } IMGHEAD; /* holder for individual header information */ /* Process line from picture header */ static int headline(char *s, void *p) { IMGHEAD *ip = (IMGHEAD *)p; char fmt[MAXFMTLEN]; if (isview(s)) { ip->gotview += (sscanview(ip->vp, s) > 0); return(1); } if (isexpos(s)) { ip->ev *= exposval(s); return(1); } if (formatval(fmt, s)) { if (globmatch(imfmt, fmt)) { strcpy(imfmt, fmt); return(1); } error(WARNING, "wrong picture format"); return(-1); } if (isaspect(s)) { pixaspect = aspectval(s); return(1); } return(0); } /* Load previous frame (allocates arrays on first call) */ static void loadprev(int fno) { char *err; IMGHEAD ih; RESOLU rs; char fname[256]; FILE *fp; int y, hres; int fd; if (fno == fnprev) /* already loaded? */ return; sprintf(fname, hdrspec, fno); /* open picture file */ if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open picture file \"%s\"", fname); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } ih.vp = &vwprev; ih.gotview = 0; ih.ev = 1.; if (getheader(fp, headline, &ih) < 0) goto readerr; if (!ih.gotview) { sprintf(errmsg, "missing view in picture \"%s\"", fname); error(USER, errmsg); } if ((err = setview(&vwprev)) != NULL) error(USER, err); exprev = ih.ev; if (!fgetsresolu(&rs, fp)) goto readerr; if (rs.rt != PIXSTANDARD) { sprintf(errmsg, "unsupported orientation in picture \"%s\"", fname); error(USER, errmsg); } if (!imres.xr) { /* allocate buffers */ imres = rs; imsum = (COLOR *)ecalloc(imres.xr*imres.yr, sizeof(COLOR)); imbuf = (COLOR *)emalloc(sizeof(COLOR)*imres.xr*imres.yr); zbuf = (float *)emalloc(sizeof(float)*imres.xr*imres.yr); imprev = (COLR *)emalloc(sizeof(COLR)*rs.xr*rs.yr); zprev = (float *)emalloc(sizeof(float)*rs.xr*rs.yr); } else if ((imres.xr != rs.xr) | (imres.yr != rs.yr)) { sprintf(errmsg, "resolution mismatch in picture \"%s\"", fname); error(USER, errmsg); } hres = scanlen(&rs); /* load picture */ for (y = 0; y < numscans(&rs); y++) if (freadcolrs(imprev + y*hres, hres, fp) < 0) goto readerr; fclose(fp); sprintf(fname, zbfspec, fno); /* load depth buffer */ if ((fd = open_float_depth(fname, (long)rs.xr*rs.yr)) < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open depth buffer \"%s\"", fname); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } if (read(fd, zprev, sizeof(float)*rs.xr*rs.yr) != sizeof(float)*rs.xr*rs.yr) goto readerr; close(fd); fnprev = fno; return; readerr: sprintf(errmsg, "error loading file \"%s\"", fname); error(USER, errmsg); } /* Interpolate between two image pixels */ /* XXX skipping expensive ray vector calculations for now */ static void interp_pixel(COLOR con, const VIEW *vwn, int xn, int yn, double zval, double pos, int xp, int yp, int interpOK) { const int hres = scanlen(&imres); RREAL ipos; FVECT wprev, wcoor, rdir; int np, xd, yd, nd; COLOR cpr; double sf; /* check if off image */ if ((xp < 0) | (xp >= hres)) return; if ((yp < 0) | (yp >= numscans(&imres))) return; np = yp*hres + xp; /* get indexed destination */ xd = (1.-pos)*xp + pos*xn + .5; yd = (1.-pos)*yp + pos*yn + .5; nd = yd*hres + xd; /* check depth */ if (interpOK) zval = (1.-pos)*zprev[np] + pos*zval; if (zval >= zbuf[nd]) return; zbuf[nd] = zval; /* assign new depth */ copycolor(imbuf[nd], con); /* assign new color */ if (!interpOK) return; scalecolor(imbuf[nd], pos); sf = (1.-pos)/exprev; colr_color(cpr, imprev[np]); scalecolor(cpr, sf); addcolor(imbuf[nd], cpr); } /* Find neighbor with minimum depth from buffer */ static int neigh_zmin(const float *zb, int n) { const int hres = scanlen(&imres); const int vc = n / hres; const int hc = n - vc*hres; float zbest = ZGONE; int nbest = 0; if (hc > 0 && zb[n-1] < zbest) zbest = zb[nbest = n-1]; if (hc < hres-1 && zb[n+1] < zbest) zbest = zb[nbest = n+1]; if (vc > 0 && zb[n-hres] < zbest) zbest = zb[nbest = n-hres]; if (vc < numscans(&imres)-1 && zb[n+hres] < zbest) return(n+hres); return(nbest); } /* Expand foreground pixels to mitigate aliasing/fill errors */ static void fill_missing(void) { int n, m; for (n = imres.xr*imres.yr; n--; ) if (zbuf[n] > 1.25*zbuf[m = neigh_zmin(zbuf,n)]) copycolor(imbuf[n], imbuf[m]); } /* Load a subframe */ static void addframe(double fpos) { COLOR backg; char *err; VIEW fvw; RESOLU rs; IMGHEAD ihead; char fname[256]; FILE *fpimg; int fdzbf, fdmvo; COLR *iscan; float *zscan; uint16 *mscan; int hres, n, h; loadprev((int)fpos); /* make sure we have previous */ fpos -= floor(fpos); if (fpos <= .02) { /* special case */ COLOR col; for (n = imres.xr*imres.yr; n--; ) { colr_color(col, imprev[n]); addcolor(imsum[n], col); } return; } /* open input files */ sprintf(fname, hdrspec, fnprev+1); if ((fpimg = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) goto openerr; fvw = vwprev; ihead.vp = &fvw; ihead.gotview = 0; ihead.ev = 1.; if (getheader(fpimg, headline, &ihead) < 0) goto readerr; if (!ihead.gotview) { sprintf(errmsg, "missing view in picture \"%s\"", fname); error(USER, errmsg); } if ((err = setview(&fvw)) != NULL) error(USER, err); if (!fgetsresolu(&rs, fpimg)) goto readerr; if (rs.rt != PIXSTANDARD) { sprintf(errmsg, "unsupported orientation in picture \"%s\"", fname); error(USER, errmsg); } if ((rs.xr != imres.xr) | (rs.yr != imres.yr)) { sprintf(errmsg, "resolution mismatch for picture \"%s\"", fname); error(USER, errmsg); } vwsum.type = fvw.type; /* average in view */ for (n = 3; n--; ) { vwsum.vp[n] += (1.-fpos)*vwprev.vp[n] + fpos*fvw.vp[n]; vwsum.vdir[n] += (1.-fpos)*vwprev.vdir[n] + fpos*fvw.vdir[n]; vwsum.vup[n] += (1.-fpos)*vwprev.vdir[n] + fpos*fvw.vdir[n]; } vwsum.vdist += (1.-fpos)*vwprev.vdist + fpos*fvw.vdist; vwsum.horiz += (1.-fpos)*vwprev.horiz + fpos*fvw.horiz; vwsum.vert += (1.-fpos)*vwprev.vert + fpos*fvw.vert; vwsum.voff += (1.-fpos)*vwprev.voff + fpos*fvw.voff; vwsum.hoff += (1.-fpos)*vwprev.hoff + fpos*fvw.hoff; vwsum.vfore += (1.-fpos)*vwprev.vfore + fpos*fvw.vfore; vwsum.vaft += (1.-fpos)*vwprev.vaft + fpos*fvw.vaft; sprintf(fname, zbfspec, fnprev+1); if ((fdzbf = open(fname, O_RDONLY)) < 0) goto openerr; sprintf(fname, mvospec, fnprev+1); if ((fdmvo = open(fname, O_RDONLY)) < 0) goto openerr; setcolor(backg, .0, .0, .0); /* clear image & depth buffers */ for (n = rs.xr*rs.yr; n--; ) { if (zprev[n] >= .9*FHUGE && zprev[neigh_zmin(zprev,n)] >= .9*FHUGE) colr_color(backg, imprev[n]); copycolor(imbuf[n], backg); zbuf[n] = ZGONE; } hres = scanlen(&rs); /* process a scanline at a time */ iscan = (COLR *)emalloc(sizeof(COLR)*hres); zscan = (float *)emalloc(sizeof(float)*hres); mscan = (uint16 *)emalloc(sizeof(uint16)*3*hres); for (n = 0; n < numscans(&rs); n++) { const double sf = 1./ihead.ev; COLOR cval; if (freadcolrs(iscan, hres, fpimg) < 0) goto readerr; if (read(fdzbf, zscan, sizeof(float)*hres) != sizeof(float)*hres) goto readerr; if (read(fdmvo, mscan, sizeof(uint16)*3*hres) != sizeof(uint16)*3*hres) goto readerr; for (h = hres; h--; ) { if (!mscan[3*h]) continue; /* unknown motion */ colr_color(cval, iscan[h]); scalecolor(cval, sf); interp_pixel(cval, &fvw, h, n, zscan[h], fpos, h + (int)mscan[3*h] - 32768, n - (int)mscan[3*h+1] + 32768, mscan[3*h+2]); } } /* fill in missing pixels */ fill_missing(); /* add in results */ for (n = imres.xr*imres.yr; n--; ) addcolor(imsum[n], imbuf[n]); /* clean up */ free(mscan); free(zscan); free(iscan); close(fdmvo); close(fdzbf); fclose(fpimg); return; openerr: sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open input \"%s\"", fname); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); readerr: error(SYSTEM, "error reading input file"); } /* Average and write our image out to the given file */ static void write_average(FILE *fp) { const int hres = scanlen(&imres); const double sf = 1./(double)nsamps; const float csf = exprev*sf; int n, h; /* normalize view & image */ for (n = 3; n--; ) { vwsum.vp[n] *= sf; vwsum.vdir[n] *= sf; vwsum.vup[n] *= sf; } vwsum.vdist *= sf; vwsum.horiz *= sf; vwsum.vert *= sf; vwsum.voff *= sf; vwsum.hoff *= sf; vwsum.vfore *= sf; vwsum.vaft *= sf; for (n = imres.xr*imres.yr; n--; ) scalecolor(imsum[n], csf); /* write it out */ fputs(VIEWSTR, fp); fprintview(&vwsum, fp); fputc('\n', fp); if ((pixaspect < .98) | (pixaspect > 1.02)) fputaspect(pixaspect, fp); fputexpos(exprev, fp); if (strcmp(imfmt, PICFMT)) fputformat(imfmt, fp); fputc('\n', fp); /* end of info. header */ fputsresolu(&imres, fp); for (n = 0; n < numscans(&imres); n++) if (fwritescan(imsum + n*hres, hres, fp) < 0) error(SYSTEM, "write error on picture output"); } /* Load frame sequence and compute motion blur output */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { double fstart, fend, fstep, fcur; progname = argv[0]; SET_DEFAULT_BINARY(); if (argc != 5) goto userr; /* get frame range & sampling */ switch (sscanf(argv[1], "%lf,%lf/%d", &fstart, &fend, &nsamps)) { case 1: fend = fstart; nsamps = 0; break; case 2: nsamps = 0; /* fall through */ case 3: if (fend < fstart) goto userr; if (fend <= fstart+FTINY) nsamps = 0; break; default: goto userr; } if (fstart < 1) goto userr; if (nsamps <= 0) nsamps = (fend - fstart)*17.; if (nsamps) { if (nsamps > 100) nsamps = 100; fstep = (fend - fstart)/nsamps; } else { fstep = 1.; fstart -= .5; nsamps = 1; } hdrspec = argv[2]; zbfspec = argv[3]; mvospec = argv[4]; /* load and filter each subframe */ for (fcur = fstart + .5*fstep; fcur <= fend; fcur += fstep) addframe(fcur); /* write results to stdout */ SET_FILE_BINARY(stdout); newheader("RADIANCE", stdout); printargs(argc, argv, stdout); fputnow(stdout); write_average(stdout); return(fflush(stdout) == EOF); userr: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s f0,f1[/n] HDRspec ZBUFspec MVOspec\n", progname); return(1); }