#ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * Interpolate and extrapolate pictures with different view parameters. * * Greg Ward 09Dec89 */ #include "standard.h" #include "view.h" #include "color.h" #define pscan(y) (ourpict+(y)*ourview.hresolu) #define zscan(y) (ourzbuf+(y)*ourview.hresolu) #define ABS(x) ((x)>0?(x):-(x)) VIEW ourview = STDVIEW(512); /* desired view */ double zeps = 0.001; /* allowed z epsilon */ COLR *ourpict; /* output picture */ float *ourzbuf; /* corresponding z-buffer */ char *progname; VIEW theirview = STDVIEW(512); /* input view */ int gotview; /* got input view? */ double theirs2ours[4][4]; /* transformation matrix */ main(argc, argv) /* interpolate pictures */ int argc; char *argv[]; { #define check(olen,narg) if (argv[i][olen] || narg >= argc-i) goto badopt int gotvfile = 0; char *err; int i; progname = argv[0]; for (i = 1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++) switch (argv[i][1]) { case 't': /* threshold */ check(2,1); zeps = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'v': /* view */ switch (argv[i][2]) { case 't': /* type */ check(4,0); ourview.type = argv[i][3]; break; case 'p': /* point */ check(3,3); ourview.vp[0] = atof(argv[++i]); ourview.vp[1] = atof(argv[++i]); ourview.vp[2] = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'd': /* direction */ check(3,3); ourview.vdir[0] = atof(argv[++i]); ourview.vdir[1] = atof(argv[++i]); ourview.vdir[2] = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'u': /* up */ check(3,3); ourview.vup[0] = atof(argv[++i]); ourview.vup[1] = atof(argv[++i]); ourview.vup[2] = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'h': /* horizontal */ check(3,1); ourview.horiz = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'v': /* vertical */ check(3,1); ourview.vert = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'f': /* file */ check(3,1); gotvfile = viewfile(argv[++i], &ourview); if (gotvfile < 0) { perror(argv[i]); exit(1); } else if (gotvfile == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad view file\n", argv[i]); exit(1); } break; default: goto badopt; } break; default: badopt: fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown option '%s'\n", progname, argv[i]); exit(1); } /* check arguments */ if (argc-i < 2 || (argc-i)%2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [view args] pfile zfile ..\n", progname); exit(1); } /* set view */ if (err = setview(&ourview)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, err); exit(1); } /* allocate frame */ ourpict = (COLR *)calloc(ourview.hresolu*ourview.vresolu,sizeof(COLR)); ourzbuf = (float *)calloc(ourview.hresolu*ourview.vresolu,sizeof(float)); if (ourpict == NULL || ourzbuf == NULL) { perror(progname); exit(1); } /* get input */ for ( ; i < argc; i += 2) addpicture(argv[i], argv[i+1]); /* fill in spaces */ fillpicture(); /* add to header */ printargs(argc, argv, stdout); if (gotvfile) { printf(VIEWSTR); fprintview(&ourview, stdout); printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); /* write output */ writepicture(); exit(0); #undef check } headline(s) /* process header string */ char *s; { static char *altname[] = {"rview","rpict","pinterp",VIEWSTR,NULL}; register char **an; printf("\t%s", s); for (an = altname; *an != NULL; an++) if (!strncmp(*an, s, strlen(*an))) { if (sscanview(&theirview, s+strlen(*an)) == 0) gotview++; break; } } addpicture(pfile, zfile) /* add picture to output */ char *pfile, *zfile; { FILE *pfp, *zfp; COLR *scanin; float *zin; char *err; int xres, yres; int y; /* open input files */ if ((pfp = fopen(pfile, "r")) == NULL) { perror(pfile); exit(1); } if ((zfp = fopen(zfile, "r")) == NULL) { perror(zfile); exit(1); } /* get header and view */ printf("%s:\n", pfile); gotview = 0; getheader(pfp, headline); if (!gotview || fgetresolu(&xres, &yres, pfp) != (YMAJOR|YDECR)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: picture view error\n", pfile); exit(1); } theirview.hresolu = xres; theirview.vresolu = yres; if (err = setview(&theirview)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", pfile, err); exit(1); } /* compute transformation */ pixform(theirs2ours, &theirview, &ourview); /* allocate scanlines */ scanin = (COLR *)malloc(xres*sizeof(COLR)); zin = (float *)malloc(xres*sizeof(float)); if (scanin == NULL || zin == NULL) { perror(progname); exit(1); } /* load image */ for (y = yres-1; y >= 0; y--) { if (freadcolrs(scanin, xres, pfp) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: read error\n", pfile); exit(1); } if (fread(zin, sizeof(float), xres, zfp) < xres) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: read error\n", zfile); exit(1); } addscanline(y, scanin, zin); } /* clean up */ free((char *)scanin); free((char *)zin); fclose(pfp); fclose(zfp); } pixform(xfmat, vw1, vw2) /* compute view1 to view2 matrix */ register double xfmat[4][4]; register VIEW *vw1, *vw2; { double m4t[4][4]; setident4(xfmat); xfmat[0][0] = vw1->vhinc[0]; xfmat[0][1] = vw1->vhinc[1]; xfmat[0][2] = vw1->vhinc[2]; xfmat[1][0] = vw1->vvinc[0]; xfmat[1][1] = vw1->vvinc[1]; xfmat[1][2] = vw1->vvinc[2]; xfmat[2][0] = vw1->vdir[0]; xfmat[2][1] = vw1->vdir[1]; xfmat[2][2] = vw1->vdir[2]; xfmat[3][0] = vw1->vp[0]; xfmat[3][1] = vw1->vp[1]; xfmat[3][2] = vw1->vp[2]; setident4(m4t); m4t[0][0] = vw2->vhinc[0]/vw2->vhn2; m4t[1][0] = vw2->vhinc[1]/vw2->vhn2; m4t[2][0] = vw2->vhinc[2]/vw2->vhn2; m4t[3][0] = -DOT(vw2->vp,vw2->vhinc)/vw2->vhn2; m4t[0][1] = vw2->vvinc[0]/vw2->vvn2; m4t[1][1] = vw2->vvinc[1]/vw2->vvn2; m4t[2][1] = vw2->vvinc[2]/vw2->vvn2; m4t[3][1] = -DOT(vw2->vp,vw2->vvinc)/vw2->vvn2; m4t[0][2] = vw2->vdir[0]; m4t[1][2] = vw2->vdir[1]; m4t[2][2] = vw2->vdir[2]; m4t[3][2] = -DOT(vw2->vp,vw2->vdir); multmat4(xfmat, xfmat, m4t); } addscanline(y, pline, zline) /* add scanline to output */ int y; COLR *pline; float *zline; { extern double sqrt(); double pos[3]; register int x; register int xpos, ypos; for (x = 0; x < theirview.hresolu; x++) { pos[0] = x - .5*(theirview.hresolu-1); pos[1] = y - .5*(theirview.vresolu-1); pos[2] = zline[x]; if (theirview.type == VT_PER) { pos[2] /= sqrt( 1. + pos[0]*pos[0]*theirview.vhn2 + pos[1]*pos[1]*theirview.vvn2 ); pos[0] *= pos[2]; pos[1] *= pos[2]; } multp3(pos, pos, theirs2ours); if (pos[2] <= 0.0) continue; if (ourview.type == VT_PER) { pos[0] /= pos[2]; pos[1] /= pos[2]; } pos[0] += .5*ourview.hresolu; pos[1] += .5*ourview.vresolu; if (pos[0] < 0 || pos[0] > ourview.hresolu || pos[1] < 0 || pos[1] > ourview.vresolu) continue; /* check current value at pos */ xpos = pos[0]; ypos = pos[1]; if (zscan(ypos)[xpos] <= 0.0 || zscan(ypos)[xpos] - pos[2] > zeps*zscan(ypos)[xpos]) { zscan(ypos)[xpos] = pos[2]; copycolr(pscan(ypos)[xpos], pline[x]); } } } fillpicture() /* fill in empty spaces */ { int *yback, xback; int y; COLR pfill; register int x, i; /* get back buffer */ yback = (int *)malloc(ourview.hresolu*sizeof(int)); if (yback == NULL) { perror(progname); return; } for (x = 0; x < ourview.hresolu; x++) yback[x] = -2; /* fill image */ for (y = 0; y < ourview.vresolu; y++) { xback = -2; for (x = 0; x < ourview.hresolu; x++) if (zscan(y)[x] <= 0.0) { /* empty pixel */ if (yback[x] == -2) { for (i = y+1; i < ourview.vresolu; i++) if (zscan(i)[x] > 0.0) break; if (i < ourview.vresolu && (y <= 0 || zscan(y-1)[x] < zscan(i)[x])) yback[x] = i; else yback[x] = y-1; } if (xback == -2) { for (i = x+1; x < ourview.hresolu; i++) if (zscan(y)[i] > 0.0) break; if (i < ourview.hresolu && (x <= 0 || zscan(y)[x-1] < zscan(y)[i])) xback = i; else xback = x-1; } if (xback < 0 && yback[x] < 0) continue; if (yback[x] < 0 || ABS(x-xback) <= 1 || ( ABS(y-yback[x]) > 1 && zscan(yback[x])[x] < zscan(y)[xback] )) copycolr(pscan(y)[x],pscan(y)[xback]); else copycolr(pscan(y)[x],pscan(yback[x])[x]); } else { /* full pixel */ yback[x] = -2; xback = -2; } } free((char *)yback); } writepicture() /* write out picture */ { int y; fputresolu(YMAJOR|YDECR, ourview.hresolu, ourview.vresolu, stdout); for (y = ourview.vresolu-1; y >= 0; y--) if (fwritecolrs(pscan(y), ourview.hresolu, stdout) < 0) { perror(progname); exit(1); } }