#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: pfilt.c,v 2.36 2023/12/08 17:56:26 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * pfilt.c - program to post-process picture file. * * 9/26/85 * 6/23/93 Added additional buffers for value spreading */ #include "copyright.h" #include #include "pfilt.h" #include "platform.h" #include "paths.h" #include "view.h" #define FEQ(a,b) ((a) >= .98*(b) && (a) <= 1.02*(b)) double CHECKRAD = 2.0; /* radius to check for filtering */ #define THRESHRAD 5.0 /* maximum sample spread in output */ COLOR exposure = WHTCOLOR; /* exposure for the frame */ double rad = 0.0; /* output pixel radius for filtering */ double thresh = 0.0; /* maximum contribution for subpixel */ int nrows = 0; /* number of rows for output */ int ncols = 0; /* number of columns for output */ double x_c = 1.0; /* ratio of output x size to input */ double y_r = 1.0; /* ratio of output y size to input */ int singlepass = 0; /* true means skip first pass */ int avghot = 0; /* true means average in bright spots */ double hotlvl = 100.0; /* level considered "hot" */ int npts = 0; /* (half) number of points for stars */ double spread = 1e-4; /* spread for star points */ char *tfname = NULL; char template[] = TEMPLATE; char *lampdat = "lamp.tab"; /* lamp data file */ int order; /* scanline ordering of input */ int xres, yres; /* resolution of input */ double inpaspect = 1.0; /* pixel aspect ratio of input */ int correctaspect = 0; /* aspect ratio correction? */ int wrongformat = 0; VIEW ourview = STDVIEW; int gotview = 0; int wrapfilt = 0; /* wrap filter horizontally? */ int estatus = 0; /* exit status (for non-fatal errors) */ int xrad; /* x search radius */ int yrad; /* y search radius */ int xbrad; /* x box size */ int ybrad; /* y box size */ int barsize; /* size of input scan bar */ COLORV **scanin; /* input scan bar */ COLORV *scanout; /* output scan line */ COLORV **scoutbar; /* output scan bar (if thresh > 0) */ float **greybar; /* grey-averaged input values */ int obarsize = 0; /* size of output scan bar */ int orad = 0; /* output window radius */ char *progname; static gethfunc headline; static void copyfile(FILE *in, FILE *out); static void pass1(FILE *in); static void pass2(FILE *in); static void scan2init(void); static void scan2sync(int r); static void scan2flush(void); int main( int argc, char **argv ) { FILE *fin; float *lampcolor; char *lamptype = NULL; long fpos; double outaspect = 0.0; double d; int i, j; SET_DEFAULT_BINARY(); SET_FILE_BINARY(stdin); SET_FILE_BINARY(stdout); if (signal(SIGINT, quit) == SIG_IGN) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); #ifdef SIGHUP if (signal(SIGHUP, quit) == SIG_IGN) signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); #endif signal(SIGTERM, quit); #ifdef SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, quit); #endif #ifdef SIGXCPU signal(SIGXCPU, quit); signal(SIGXFSZ, quit); #endif progname = argv[0] = fixargv0(argv[0]); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) if (argv[i][0] == '-') switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'x': i++; if (argv[i][0] == '/') { x_c = 1.0/atof(argv[i]+1); ncols = 0; } else ncols = atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'y': i++; if (argv[i][0] == '/') { y_r = 1.0/atof(argv[i]+1); nrows = 0; } else nrows = atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'c': correctaspect = !correctaspect; break; case 'p': i++; outaspect = atof(argv[i]); break; case 'e': if (argv[i+1][0] == '+' || argv[i+1][0] == '-') d = pow(2.0, atof(argv[i+1])); else d = atof(argv[i+1]); if (d < 1e-20 || d > 1e20) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: exposure out of range\n", argv[0]); quit(1); } switch (argv[i][2]) { case '\0': scalecolor(exposure, d); break; case 'r': colval(exposure,RED) *= d; break; case 'g': colval(exposure,GRN) *= d; break; case 'b': colval(exposure,BLU) *= d; break; default: goto badopt; } i++; break; case 'f': lampdat = argv[++i]; break; case 't': lamptype = argv[++i]; break; case '1': singlepass = 1; break; case '2': singlepass = 0; break; case 'n': npts = atoi(argv[++i]) / 2; break; case 's': spread = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'a': avghot = !avghot; break; case 'h': hotlvl = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'r': rad = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'm': thresh = atof(argv[++i]); if (rad <= FTINY) rad = 0.6; break; case 'b': rad = thresh = 0.0; break; default:; badopt: fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown option: %s\n", progname, argv[i]); quit(1); break; } else break; /* get lamp data (if necessary) */ if (lamptype != NULL) { if (loadlamps(lampdat) < 0) quit(1); if ((lampcolor = matchlamp(lamptype)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown lamp type\n", lamptype); quit(1); } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) if (lampcolor[j] > 1e-4) colval(exposure,j) /= lampcolor[j]; freelamps(); } /* open input file */ if (i == argc) { if (singlepass) fin = stdin; else { tfname = mktemp(template); if ((fin = fopen(tfname, "w+")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't create ", progname); fprintf(stderr, "temp file \"%s\"\n", tfname); quit(1); } copyfile(stdin, fin); if (fseek(fin, 0L, 0) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: seek fail\n", progname); quit(1); } } } else if (i == argc-1) { if ((fin = fopen(argv[i], "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open file \"%s\"\n", progname, argv[i]); quit(1); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad # file arguments\n", progname); quit(1); } /* get header */ getheader(fin, headline, NULL); if (wrongformat) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: input must be a Radiance picture\n", progname); quit(1); } if (NCSAMP < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad number of components\n", progname); quit(1); } /* add new header info. */ printargs(i, argv, stdout); /* get picture size */ if ((order = fgetresolu(&xres, &yres, fin)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad picture size\n", progname); quit(1); } if (!(order & YMAJOR)) inpaspect = 1.0/inpaspect; /* wrap around for cylindrical view? */ wrapfilt = gotview && ourview.type == VT_CYL && ourview.horiz >= 360.-FTINY && order & YMAJOR; /* compute output resolution */ if (ncols <= 0) ncols = x_c*xres + .5; if (nrows <= 0) nrows = y_r*yres + .5; if (outaspect > .01) { d = inpaspect * yres/xres / outaspect; if (d * ncols > nrows) ncols = nrows / d; else nrows = ncols * d; } x_c = (double)ncols/xres; y_r = (double)nrows/yres; if (singlepass) { /* skip exposure, etc. */ pass1default(); pass2(fin); quit(0); } fpos = ftell(fin); /* save input file position */ pass1(fin); if (fseek(fin, fpos, 0) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: seek fail\n", progname); quit(1); } pass2(fin); quit(estatus); return estatus; /* pro forma return */ } static double rgb_bright( SCOLOR clr ) { return(bright(clr)); } static double xyz_bright( SCOLOR clr ) { return(colval(clr,CIEY)); } static double spec_bright( SCOLOR clr ) { return(pbright(clr)); } brightfunc_t *ourbright = rgb_bright; static int headline( /* process line from header */ char *s, void *p ) { char fmt[MAXFMTLEN]; fputs(s, stdout); /* copy to output */ if (isaspect(s)) /* get aspect ratio */ inpaspect *= aspectval(s); else if (isexpos(s)) /* get exposure */ hotlvl *= exposval(s); else if (isncomp(s)) /* get #components (spectral) */ NCSAMP = ncompval(s); else if (iswlsplit(s)) /* get wavelength partitions */ wlsplitval(WLPART, s); else if (formatval(fmt, s)) { /* get format */ wrongformat = 0; if (!strcmp(COLRFMT, fmt)) ourbright = rgb_bright; else if (!strcmp(CIEFMT, fmt)) ourbright = xyz_bright; else if (!strcmp(SPECFMT, fmt)) ourbright = spec_bright; else wrongformat = !globmatch(PICFMT, fmt); } else if (isview(s) && sscanview(&ourview, s) > 0) gotview++; return(0); } static void copyfile( /* copy a file */ FILE *in, FILE *out ) { int c; while ((c = getc(in)) != EOF) putc(c, out); if (ferror(out)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: write error in copyfile\n", progname); quit(1); } } static void pass1( /* first pass of picture file */ FILE *in ) { int i; COLORV *scan; pass1init(); scan = (COLORV *)malloc(xres*NCSAMP*sizeof(COLORV)); if (scan == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", progname); quit(1); } for (i = 0; i < yres; i++) { if (freadsscan(scan, NCSAMP, xres, in) < 0) { nrows = (long)nrows * i / yres; /* adjust frame */ if (nrows <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: empty frame\n", progname); quit(1); } fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning - partial frame (%d%%)\n", progname, (int)(100L*i/yres)); yres = i; y_r = (double)nrows/yres; estatus++; break; } pass1scan(scan, i); } free(scan); } static void pass2( /* last pass on file, write to stdout */ FILE *in ) { int yread; int ycent, xcent; int r, c; pass2init(); scan2init(); yread = 0; for (r = 0; r < nrows; r++) { ycent = (r+.5)*yres/nrows; while (yread <= ycent+yrad) { if (yread < yres) { if (freadsscan(scanin[yread%barsize], NCSAMP, xres, in) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: truncated input (y=%d)\n", progname, yres-1-yread); quit(1); } pass2scan(scanin[yread%barsize], yread); } yread++; } if (obarsize > 0) scan2sync(r); for (c = 0; c < ncols; c++) { xcent = (c+.5)*xres/ncols; if (thresh > FTINY) dothresh(xcent, ycent, c, r); else if (rad > FTINY) dogauss(scanout+c*NCSAMP, xcent, ycent, c, r); else dobox(scanout+c*NCSAMP, xcent, ycent, c, r); } if (scanout != NULL && fwritesscan(scanout, NCSAMP, ncols, stdout) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: write error in pass2\n", progname); quit(1); } } /* skip leftover input */ while (yread < yres) { if (freadsscan(scanin[0], NCSAMP, xres, in) < 0) break; yread++; } scan2flush(); /* flush output */ } static void scan2init(void) /* prepare scanline arrays */ { COLOR ctmp; double d; int i; xbrad = xres/ncols/2 + 1; ybrad = yres/nrows/2 + 1; if (rad > FTINY) { if (nrows >= yres && ncols >= xres) rad *= (y_r + x_c)/2.0; if (thresh > FTINY) { orad = CHECKRAD*THRESHRAD*rad + 1; xrad = orad/x_c + xbrad; yrad = orad/y_r + ybrad; obarsize = 2*orad + 1; } else { xrad = CHECKRAD*rad/x_c + 1; yrad = CHECKRAD*rad/y_r + 1; } initmask(); /* initialize filter table */ } else { xrad = xbrad; yrad = ybrad; } barsize = 2*yrad + 1; scanin = (COLORV **)malloc(barsize*sizeof(COLORV *)); if (scanin == NULL) goto memerr; for (i = 0; i < barsize; i++) { scanin[i] = (COLORV *)malloc(xres*NCSAMP*sizeof(COLORV)); if (scanin[i] == NULL) goto memerr; } if (obarsize > 0) { scoutbar = (COLORV **)malloc(obarsize*sizeof(COLORV *)); greybar = (float **)malloc(obarsize*sizeof(float *)); if ((scoutbar == NULL) | (greybar == NULL)) goto memerr; for (i = 0; i < obarsize; i++) { scoutbar[i] = (COLORV *)malloc(ncols*NCSAMP*sizeof(COLORV)); greybar[i] = (float *)malloc(ncols*sizeof(float)); if ((scoutbar[i] == NULL) | (greybar[i] == NULL)) goto memerr; } } else { scanout = (COLORV *)malloc(ncols*NCSAMP*sizeof(COLORV)); if (scanout == NULL) goto memerr; } /* record pixel aspect ratio */ if (!correctaspect) { d = order & YMAJOR ? x_c/y_r : y_r/x_c ; if (!FEQ(d,1.0)) fputaspect(d, stdout); } /* record exposure */ d = bright(exposure); if (!FEQ(d,1.0)) fputexpos(d, stdout); /* record color correction */ copycolor(ctmp, exposure); scalecolor(ctmp, 1.0/d); if (!FEQ(colval(ctmp,RED),colval(ctmp,GRN)) || !FEQ(colval(ctmp,GRN),colval(ctmp,BLU))) fputcolcor(ctmp, stdout); printf("\n"); /* write out resolution */ fputresolu(order, ncols, nrows, stdout); return; memerr: fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", progname); quit(1); } static void scan2sync( /* synchronize grey averages and output scan */ int r ) { static int nextrow = 0; SCOLOR ctmp; int ybot; int c; /* average input scanlines */ while (nextrow <= r+orad && nextrow < nrows) { ybot = (nextrow+.5)*yres/nrows; for (c = 0; c < ncols; c++) { dobox(ctmp, (int)((c+.5)*xres/ncols),ybot, c,nextrow); greybar[nextrow%obarsize][c] = (*ourbright)(ctmp); } /* and zero output scanline */ memset(scoutbar[nextrow%obarsize], 0, ncols*NCSAMP*sizeof(COLORV)); nextrow++; } /* point to top scanline for output */ if (r-orad >= 0) scanout = scoutbar[(r-orad)%obarsize]; else scanout = NULL; } static void scan2flush(void) /* flush output buffer */ { int r; for (r = nrows-orad; r < nrows; r++) if (fwritesscan(scoutbar[r%obarsize], NCSAMP, ncols, stdout) < 0) break; if (fflush(stdout) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: write error at end of pass2\n", progname); quit(1); } } void quit(code) /* remove temporary file and exit */ int code; { if (tfname != NULL) unlink(tfname); exit(code); }