/* Copyright (c) 1992 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * pf3.c - routines for gaussian and box filtering * * 8/13/86 */ #include #include #include "color.h" #define FTINY 1e-7 extern double rad; /* output pixel radius for filtering */ extern int nrows; /* number of rows for output */ extern int ncols; /* number of columns for output */ extern int boxfilt; /* do box filtering? */ extern int xres, yres; /* resolution of input */ extern double x_c, y_r; /* conversion factors */ extern int xrad; /* x window size */ extern int yrad; /* y window size */ extern int barsize; /* size of input scan bar */ extern COLOR **scanin; /* input scan bar */ extern COLOR *scanout; /* output scan line */ extern char *progname; float *gausstable; /* gauss lookup table */ #define lookgauss(x) gausstable[(int)(-10.*(x)+.5)] initmask() /* initialize gaussian lookup table */ { extern char *malloc(); double d; register int x; gausstable = (float *)malloc(100*sizeof(float)); if (gausstable == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory in initmask\n", progname); quit(1); } d = x_c*y_r*0.25/rad/rad; gausstable[0] = exp(-d)/sqrt(d); for (x = 1; x < 100; x++) if ((gausstable[x] = exp(-x*0.1)/sqrt(x*0.1)) > gausstable[0]) gausstable[x] = gausstable[0]; } dobox(csum, xcent, ycent, c, r) /* simple box filter */ COLOR csum; int xcent, ycent; int c, r; { static int wsum; static double d; static int y; register int x; register COLOR *scan; wsum = 0; setcolor(csum, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); for (y = ycent+1-yrad; y <= ycent+yrad; y++) { if (y < 0) continue; if (y >= yres) break; d = y_r < 1.0 ? y_r*y - r : (double)(y - ycent); if (d > 0.5+FTINY || d < -0.5-FTINY) continue; scan = scanin[y%barsize]; for (x = xcent+1-xrad; x <= xcent+xrad; x++) { if (x < 0) continue; if (x >= xres) break; d = x_c < 1.0 ? x_c*x - c : (double)(x - xcent); if (d > 0.5+FTINY || d < -0.5-FTINY) continue; wsum++; addcolor(csum, scan[x]); } } if (wsum > 1) scalecolor(csum, 1.0/wsum); } dogauss(csum, xcent, ycent, c, r) /* gaussian filter */ COLOR csum; int xcent, ycent; int c, r; { static double dy, dx, weight, wsum; static COLOR ctmp; static int y; register int x; register COLOR *scan; wsum = FTINY; setcolor(csum, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); for (y = ycent-yrad; y <= ycent+yrad; y++) { if (y < 0) continue; if (y >= yres) break; dy = (y_r*(y+.5) - (r+.5))/rad; scan = scanin[y%barsize]; for (x = xcent-xrad; x <= xcent+xrad; x++) { if (x < 0) continue; if (x >= xres) break; dx = (x_c*(x+.5) - (c+.5))/rad; weight = lookgauss(-(dx*dx + dy*dy)); wsum += weight; copycolor(ctmp, scan[x]); scalecolor(ctmp, weight); addcolor(csum, ctmp); } } scalecolor(csum, 1.0/wsum); }