/* Copyright (c) 1996 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * Routines for veiling glare and loss of acuity. */ #include "pcond.h" /************** VEILING STUFF *****************/ #define VADAPT 0.08 /* fraction of adaptation from veil */ static COLOR *veilimg = NULL; /* veiling image */ #define veilscan(y) (veilimg+(y)*fvxr) static float (*raydir)[3] = NULL; /* ray direction for each pixel */ #define rdirscan(y) (raydir+(y)*fvxr) compraydir() /* compute ray directions */ { FVECT rorg, rdir; double h, v; register int x, y; if (raydir != NULL) /* already done? */ return; raydir = (float (*)[3])malloc(fvxr*fvyr*3*sizeof(float)); if (raydir == NULL) syserror("malloc"); for (y = 0; y < fvyr; y++) { switch (inpres.or) { case YMAJOR: case YMAJOR|XDECR: v = (y+.5)/fvyr; break; case YMAJOR|YDECR: case YMAJOR|YDECR|XDECR: v = 1. - (y+.5)/fvyr; break; case 0: case YDECR: h = (y+.5)/fvyr; break; case XDECR: case XDECR|YDECR: h = 1. - (y+.5)/fvyr; break; } for (x = 0; x < fvxr; x++) { switch (inpres.or) { case YMAJOR: case YMAJOR|YDECR: h = (x+.5)/fvxr; break; case YMAJOR|XDECR: case YMAJOR|XDECR|YDECR: h = 1. - (x+.5)/fvxr; break; case 0: case XDECR: v = (x+.5)/fvxr; break; case YDECR: case YDECR|XDECR: v = 1. - (x+.5)/fvxr; break; } if (viewray(rorg, rdir, &ourview, h, v) >= -FTINY) { rdirscan(y)[x][0] = rdir[0]; rdirscan(y)[x][1] = rdir[1]; rdirscan(y)[x][2] = rdir[2]; } else { rdirscan(y)[x][0] = rdirscan(y)[x][1] = rdirscan(y)[x][2] = 0.0; } } } } compveil() /* compute veiling image */ { double t2, t2sum; COLOR ctmp, vsum; int px, py; register int x, y; if (veilimg != NULL) /* already done? */ return; /* compute ray directions */ compraydir(); /* compute veil image */ veilimg = (COLOR *)malloc(fvxr*fvyr*sizeof(COLOR)); if (veilimg == NULL) syserror("malloc"); for (py = 0; py < fvyr; py++) for (px = 0; px < fvxr; px++) { t2sum = 0.; setcolor(vsum, 0., 0., 0.); for (y = 0; y < fvyr; y++) for (x = 0; x < fvxr; x++) { if (x == px && y == py) continue; t2 = DOT(rdirscan(py)[px], rdirscan(y)[x]); if (t2 <= FTINY) continue; /* use approximation instead t2 = acos(t2); t2 = 1./(t2*t2); */ t2 = .5 / (1. - t2); copycolor(ctmp, fovscan(y)[x]); scalecolor(ctmp, t2); addcolor(vsum, ctmp); t2sum += t2; } /* VADAPT of original is subtracted in addveil() */ scalecolor(vsum, VADAPT/t2sum); copycolor(veilscan(py)[px], vsum); } /* modify FOV sample image */ for (y = 0; y < fvyr; y++) for (x = 0; x < fvxr; x++) { scalecolor(fovscan(y)[x], 1.-VADAPT); addcolor(fovscan(y)[x], veilscan(y)[x]); } comphist(); /* recompute histogram */ } addveil(sl, y) /* add veil to scanline */ COLOR *sl; int y; { int vx, vy; double dx, dy; double lv, uv; register int x, i; vy = dy = (y+.5)/numscans(&inpres)*fvyr - .5; while (vy >= fvyr-1) vy--; dy -= (double)vy; for (x = 0; x < scanlen(&inpres); x++) { vx = dx = (x+.5)/scanlen(&inpres)*fvxr - .5; while (vx >= fvxr-1) vx--; dx -= (double)vx; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { lv = (1.-dy)*colval(veilscan(vy)[vx],i) + dy*colval(veilscan(vy+1)[vx],i); uv = (1.-dy)*colval(veilscan(vy)[vx+1],i) + dy*colval(veilscan(vy+1)[vx+1],i); colval(sl[x],i) = (1.-VADAPT)*colval(sl[x],i) + (1.-dx)*lv + dx*uv; } } } /****************** ACUITY STUFF *******************/ typedef struct { short sampe; /* sample area size (exponent of 2) */ short nscans; /* number of scanlines in this bar */ int len; /* individual scanline length */ int nread; /* number of scanlines loaded */ COLOR *sdata; /* scanbar data */ } SCANBAR; #define bscan(sb,y) ((COLOR *)(sb)->sdata+((y)%(sb)->nscans)*(sb)->len) SCANBAR *rootbar; /* root scan bar (lowest resolution) */ float *inpacuD; /* input acuity data (cycles/degree) */ #define tsampr(x,y) inpacuD[(y)*fvxr+(x)] double hacuity(La) /* return visual acuity in cycles/degree */ double La; { /* data due to S. Shaler (we should fit it!) */ #define NPOINTS 20 static float l10lum[NPOINTS] = { -3.10503,-2.66403,-2.37703,-2.09303,-1.64403,-1.35803, -1.07403,-0.67203,-0.38503,-0.10103,0.29397,0.58097,0.86497, 1.25697,1.54397,1.82797,2.27597,2.56297,2.84697,3.24897 }; static float resfreq[NPOINTS] = { 2.09,3.28,3.79,4.39,6.11,8.83,10.94,18.66,23.88,31.05,37.42, 37.68,41.60,43.16,45.30,47.00,48.43,48.32,51.06,51.09 }; double l10La; register int i; /* check limits */ if (La <= 7.85e-4) return(resfreq[0]); if (La >= 1.78e3) return(resfreq[NPOINTS-1]); /* interpolate data */ l10La = log10(La); for (i = 0; i < NPOINTS-2 && l10lum[i+1] <= l10La; i++) ; return( ( (l10lum[i+1] - l10La)*resfreq[i] + (l10La - l10lum[i])*resfreq[i+1] ) / (l10lum[i+1] - l10lum[i]) ); #undef NPOINTS } COLOR * getascan(sb, y) /* find/read scanline y for scanbar sb */ register SCANBAR *sb; int y; { register COLOR *sl0, *sl1, *mysl; register int i; if (y < sb->nread - sb->nscans) /* too far back? */ return(NULL); for ( ; y >= sb->nread; sb->nread++) { /* read as necessary */ mysl = bscan(sb, sb->nread); if (sb->sampe == 0) { if (freadscan(mysl, sb->len, infp) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: scanline read error\n", progname, infn); exit(1); } } else { sl0 = getascan(sb+1, 2*y); if (sl0 == NULL) return(NULL); sl1 = getascan(sb+1, 2*y+1); for (i = 0; i < sb->len; i++) { copycolor(mysl[i], sl0[2*i]); addcolor(mysl[i], sl0[2*i+1]); addcolor(mysl[i], sl1[2*i]); addcolor(mysl[i], sl1[2*i+1]); scalecolor(mysl[i], 0.25); } } } return(bscan(sb, y)); } acuscan(scln, y) /* get acuity-sampled scanline */ COLOR *scln; int y; { double sr; double dx, dy; int ix, iy; register int x; /* compute foveal y position */ iy = dy = (y+.5)/numscans(&inpres)*fvyr - .5; while (iy >= fvyr-1) iy--; dy -= (double)iy; for (x = 0; x < scanlen(&inpres); x++) { /* compute foveal x position */ ix = dx = (x+.5)/scanlen(&inpres)*fvxr - .5; while (ix >= fvxr-1) ix--; dx -= (double)ix; /* interpolate sample rate */ sr = (1.-dy)*((1.-dx)*tsampr(ix,iy) + dx*tsampr(ix+1,iy)) + dy*((1.-dx)*tsampr(ix,iy+1) + dx*tsampr(ix+1,iy+1)); acusample(scln[x], x, y, sr); /* compute sample */ } } acusample(col, x, y, sr) /* interpolate sample at (x,y) using rate sr */ COLOR col; int x, y; double sr; { COLOR c1; double d; register SCANBAR *sb0; for (sb0 = rootbar; sb0->sampe != 0 && 1< sr; sb0++) ; ascanval(col, x, y, sb0); if (sb0->sampe == 0) /* don't extrapolate highest */ return; ascanval(c1, x, y, sb0+1); d = ((1<sampe) - sr)/(1<sampe == 0) { /* no need to interpolate */ sl0 = getascan(sb, y); copycolor(col, sl0[x]); return; } /* compute coordinates for sb */ ix = dx = (x+.5)/(1<sampe) - .5; while (ix >= sb->len-1) ix--; dx -= (double)ix; iy = dy = (y+.5)/(1<sampe) - .5; while (iy >= (numscans(&inpres)>>sb->sampe)-1) iy--; dy -= (double)iy; /* get scanlines */ sl0 = getascan(sb, iy); #ifdef DEBUG if (sl0 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: internal - cannot backspace in ascanval\n", progname); abort(); } #endif sl1 = getascan(sb, iy+1); /* 2D linear interpolation */ copycolor(col, sl0[ix]); scalecolor(col, 1.-dx); copycolor(c1, sl0[ix+1]); scalecolor(c1, dx); addcolor(col, c1); copycolor(c1y, sl1[ix]); scalecolor(c1y, 1.-dx); copycolor(c1, sl1[ix+1]); scalecolor(c1, dx); addcolor(c1y, c1); scalecolor(col, 1.-dy); scalecolor(c1y, dy); addcolor(col, c1y); for (ix = 0; ix < 3; ix++) /* make sure no negative */ if (colval(col,ix) < 0.) colval(col,ix) = 0.; } SCANBAR * sballoc(se, ns, sl) /* allocate scanbar */ int se; /* sampling rate exponent */ int ns; /* number of scanlines */ int sl; /* original scanline length */ { SCANBAR *sbarr; register SCANBAR *sb; sbarr = sb = (SCANBAR *)malloc((se+1)*sizeof(SCANBAR)); if (sb == NULL) syserror("malloc"); do { sb->sampe = se; sb->len = sl>>se; sb->nscans = ns; sb->sdata = (COLOR *)malloc(sb->len*ns*sizeof(COLOR)); if (sb->sdata == NULL) syserror("malloc"); sb->nread = 0; ns <<= 1; sb++; } while (--se >= 0); return(sbarr); } initacuity() /* initialize variable acuity sampling */ { FVECT diffx, diffy, cp; double omega, maxsr; register int x, y, i; compraydir(); /* compute ray directions */ inpacuD = (float *)malloc(fvxr*fvyr*sizeof(float)); if (inpacuD == NULL) syserror("malloc"); maxsr = 1.; /* compute internal sample rates */ for (y = 1; y < fvyr-1; y++) for (x = 1; x < fvxr-1; x++) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { diffx[i] = 0.5*fvxr/scanlen(&inpres) * (rdirscan(y)[x+1][i] - rdirscan(y)[x-1][i]); diffy[i] = 0.5*fvyr/numscans(&inpres) * (rdirscan(y+1)[x][i] - rdirscan(y-1)[x][i]); } fcross(cp, diffx, diffy); omega = 0.5 * sqrt(DOT(cp,cp)); if (omega <= FTINY*FTINY) tsampr(x,y) = 1.; else if ((tsampr(x,y) = PI/180. / sqrt(omega) / hacuity(plum(fovscan(y)[x]))) > maxsr) maxsr = tsampr(x,y); } /* copy perimeter (easier) */ for (x = 1; x < fvxr-1; x++) { tsampr(x,0) = tsampr(x,1); tsampr(x,fvyr-1) = tsampr(x,fvyr-2); } for (y = 0; y < fvyr; y++) { tsampr(0,y) = tsampr(1,y); tsampr(fvxr-1,y) = tsampr(fvxr-2,y); } /* initialize with next power of two */ rootbar = sballoc((int)(log(maxsr)/log(2.))+1, 2, scanlen(&inpres)); }