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Revision: 3.24
Committed: Wed Jun 7 17:52:04 2006 UTC (18 years, 3 months ago) by schorsch
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad4R2, rad4R1, rad4R0, rad3R8, rad3R9, rad4R2P1
Changes since 3.23: +2 -2 lines
Log Message:
Eliminated some compiler warnings.

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: pcond.c,v 3.23 2004/11/14 22:19:50 greg Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * Condition Radiance picture for display/output
6 * Added white-balance adjustment 10/01 (GW).
7 */
9 #include "platform.h"
10 #include "paths.h"
11 #include "rtprocess.h"
12 #include "pcond.h"
15 #define LDMAX 100 /* default max. display luminance */
16 #define LDDYN 32 /* default dynamic range */
18 int what2do = 0; /* desired adjustments */
20 double ldmax = LDMAX; /* maximum output luminance */
21 double lddyn = LDDYN; /* display dynamic range */
22 double Bldmin, Bldmax; /* Bl(ldmax/lddyn) and Bl(ldmax) */
24 char *progname; /* global argv[0] */
26 char *infn; /* input file name */
27 FILE *infp; /* input stream */
28 FILE *mapfp = NULL; /* tone-mapping function stream */
29 VIEW ourview = STDVIEW; /* picture view */
30 int gotview = 0; /* picture has view */
31 double pixaspect = 1.0; /* pixel aspect ratio */
32 double fixfrac = 0.; /* histogram share due to fixations */
33 RESOLU inpres; /* input picture resolution */
35 COLOR *fovimg; /* foveal (1 degree) averaged image */
36 int fvxr, fvyr; /* foveal image resolution */
37 float *crfimg; /* contrast reduction factors */
38 short (*fixlst)[2]; /* fixation history list */
39 int nfixations; /* number of fixation points */
40 double bwhist[HISTRES]; /* luminance histogram */
41 double histot; /* total count of histogram */
42 double bwmin, bwmax; /* histogram limits */
43 double bwavg; /* mean brightness */
45 double scalef = 0.; /* linear scaling factor */
47 static gethfunc headline;
48 static void getahead(void);
49 static void mapimage(void);
50 static void getfovimg(void);
51 static void check2do(void);
55 int
56 main(
57 int argc,
58 char *argv[]
59 )
60 {
61 static RGBPRIMS outprimS;
62 int i;
63 #define bool(flg) switch (argv[i][2]) { \
64 case '\0': what2do ^= flg; break; \
65 case 'y': case 'Y': case 't': case 'T': \
66 case '+': case '1': what2do |= flg; break; \
67 case 'n': case 'N': case 'f': case 'F': \
68 case '-': case '0': what2do &= ~(flg); break; \
69 default: goto userr; }
71 progname = argv[0];
73 for (i = 1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++)
74 switch (argv[i][1]) {
75 case 'h':
76 bool(DO_HUMAN);
77 break;
78 case 'a':
79 bool(DO_ACUITY);
80 break;
81 case 'v':
82 bool(DO_VEIL);
83 break;
84 case 's':
85 bool(DO_HSENS);
86 break;
87 case 'c':
88 bool(DO_COLOR);
89 break;
90 case 'w':
91 bool(DO_CWEIGHT);
92 break;
93 case 'i':
94 if (i+1 >= argc) goto userr;
95 fixfrac = atof(argv[++i]);
96 if (fixfrac > FTINY) what2do |= DO_FIXHIST;
97 else what2do &= ~DO_FIXHIST;
98 break;
99 case 'I':
100 bool(DO_PREHIST);
101 break;
102 case 'l':
103 bool(DO_LINEAR);
104 break;
105 case 'p':
106 if (i+8 >= argc) goto userr;
107 outprimS[RED][CIEX] = atof(argv[++i]);
108 outprimS[RED][CIEY] = atof(argv[++i]);
109 outprimS[GRN][CIEX] = atof(argv[++i]);
110 outprimS[GRN][CIEY] = atof(argv[++i]);
111 outprimS[BLU][CIEX] = atof(argv[++i]);
112 outprimS[BLU][CIEY] = atof(argv[++i]);
113 outprimS[WHT][CIEX] = atof(argv[++i]);
114 outprimS[WHT][CIEY] = atof(argv[++i]);
115 outprims = outprimS;
116 break;
117 case 'e':
118 if (i+1 >= argc) goto userr;
119 scalef = atof(argv[++i]);
120 if ((argv[i][0] == '+') | (argv[i][0] == '-'))
121 scalef = pow(2.0, scalef);
122 what2do |= DO_LINEAR;
123 break;
124 case 'f':
125 if (i+1 >= argc) goto userr;
126 mbcalfile = argv[++i];
127 break;
128 case 'm':
129 if (i+1 >= argc) goto userr;
130 cwarpfile = argv[++i];
131 break;
132 case 'u':
133 if (i+1 >= argc) goto userr;
134 ldmax = atof(argv[++i]);
135 if (ldmax <= FTINY)
136 goto userr;
137 break;
138 case 'd':
139 if (i+1 >= argc) goto userr;
140 lddyn = atof(argv[++i]);
141 break;
142 case 'x':
143 if (i+1 >= argc) goto userr;
144 if ((mapfp = fopen(argv[++i], "w")) == NULL) {
145 fprintf(stderr,
146 "%s: cannot open for writing\n",
147 argv[i]);
148 exit(1);
149 }
150 break;
151 default:
152 goto userr;
153 }
154 if ((what2do & (DO_FIXHIST|DO_PREHIST)) == (DO_FIXHIST|DO_PREHIST)) {
155 fprintf(stderr, "%s: only one of -i or -I option\n", progname);
156 exit(1);
157 }
158 if ((mbcalfile != NULL) + (cwarpfile != NULL) +
159 (outprims != stdprims) > 1) {
160 fprintf(stderr,
161 "%s: only one of -p, -m or -f option supported\n",
162 progname);
163 exit(1);
164 }
165 if ((outprims == stdprims) & (inprims != stdprims))
166 outprims = inprims;
167 Bldmin = Bl(ldmax/lddyn);
168 Bldmax = Bl(ldmax);
169 if (i >= argc || i+2 < argc)
170 goto userr;
171 /* open input file */
172 if ((infp = fopen(infn=argv[i], "r")) == NULL)
173 syserror(infn);
174 /* open output file */
175 if (i+2 == argc && freopen(argv[i+1], "w", stdout) == NULL)
176 syserror(argv[i+1]);
177 SET_FILE_BINARY(infp);
178 SET_FILE_BINARY(stdout);
179 getahead(); /* load input header */
180 printargs(argc, argv, stdout); /* add to output header */
181 if ((mbcalfile == NULL) & (outprims != stdprims))
182 fputprims(outprims, stdout);
183 if ((what2do & (DO_PREHIST|DO_VEIL|DO_ACUITY)) != DO_PREHIST)
184 getfovimg(); /* get foveal sample image? */
185 if (what2do&DO_PREHIST) /* get histogram? */
186 gethisto(stdin);
187 else if (what2do&DO_FIXHIST) /* get fixation history? */
188 getfixations(stdin);
189 mapimage(); /* map the picture */
190 if (mapfp != NULL) /* write out basic mapping */
191 putmapping(mapfp);
192 exit(0);
193 userr:
194 fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-{h|a|v|s|c|l|w}[+-]][-I|-i ffrac][-e ev][-p xr yr xg yg xb yb xw yw|-f|-m rgb.cwp][-u Ldmax][-d Lddyn][-x mapfile] inpic [outpic]\n",
195 progname);
196 exit(1);
197 return 1; /* pro forma return */
198 #undef bool
199 }
202 extern void
203 syserror( /* report system error and exit */
204 char *s
205 )
206 {
207 fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname);
208 perror(s);
209 exit(2);
210 }
213 static int
214 headline( /* process header line */
215 char *s,
216 void *p
217 )
218 {
219 static RGBPRIMS inprimS;
220 char fmt[32];
222 if (formatval(fmt, s)) { /* check if format string */
223 if (!strcmp(fmt,COLRFMT)) lumf = rgblum;
224 else if (!strcmp(fmt,CIEFMT)) lumf = cielum;
225 else lumf = NULL;
226 return(0); /* don't echo */
227 }
228 if (isprims(s)) { /* get input primaries */
229 primsval(inprimS, s);
230 inprims= inprimS;
231 return(0); /* don't echo */
232 }
233 if (isexpos(s)) { /* picture exposure */
234 inpexp *= exposval(s);
235 return(0); /* don't echo */
236 }
237 if (isaspect(s)) /* pixel aspect ratio */
238 pixaspect *= aspectval(s);
239 if (isview(s)) /* image view */
240 gotview += sscanview(&ourview, s);
241 return(fputs(s, stdout));
242 }
245 static void
246 getahead(void) /* load picture header */
247 {
248 char *err;
250 getheader(infp, headline, NULL);
251 if (lumf == NULL || !fgetsresolu(&inpres, infp)) {
252 fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: not a Radiance picture\n",
253 progname, infn);
254 exit(1);
255 }
256 if (lumf == rgblum)
257 comprgb2xyzWBmat(inrgb2xyz, inprims);
258 else if (mbcalfile != NULL) {
259 fprintf(stderr, "%s: macbethcal only works with RGB pictures\n",
260 progname);
261 exit(1);
262 }
263 if (!gotview || ourview.type == VT_PAR ||
264 (ourview.horiz <= 5.) | (ourview.vert <= 5.)) {
265 ourview = stdview;
266 ourview.type = VT_PER;
267 if (pixaspect*inpres.yr < inpres.xr) {
268 ourview.horiz = 40.0;
269 ourview.vert = 2.*180./PI *
270 atan(.3639702*pixaspect*inpres.yr/inpres.xr);
271 } else {
272 ourview.vert = 40.0;
273 ourview.horiz = 2.*180./PI *
274 atan(.3639702*inpres.xr/pixaspect/inpres.yr);
275 }
276 }
277 if ((err = setview(&ourview)) != NULL) {
278 fprintf(stderr, "%s: view error in picture \"%s\": %s\n",
279 progname, infn, err);
280 exit(1);
281 }
282 }
285 static void
286 mapimage(void) /* map picture and send to stdout */
287 {
288 COLOR *scan;
290 comphist(); /* generate adaptation histogram */
291 check2do(); /* modify what2do flags */
292 if (what2do&DO_VEIL)
293 compveil(); /* compute veil image */
294 if (!(what2do&DO_LINEAR))
295 if (mkbrmap() < 0) /* make tone map */
296 what2do |= DO_LINEAR; /* failed! -- use linear */
297 #if ADJ_VEIL
298 else if (what2do&DO_VEIL)
299 adjveil(); /* else adjust veil image */
300 #endif
301 if (what2do&DO_LINEAR) {
302 if (scalef <= FTINY) {
303 if (what2do&DO_HSENS)
304 scalef = htcontrs(Lb(0.5*(Bldmax+Bldmin))) /
305 htcontrs(Lb(bwavg));
306 else
307 scalef = Lb(0.5*(Bldmax+Bldmin)) / Lb(bwavg);
308 scalef *= WHTEFFICACY/(inpexp*ldmax);
309 }
310 fputexpos(inpexp*scalef, stdout); /* record exposure */
311 if (lumf == cielum) scalef /= WHTEFFICACY;
312 }
313 fputformat(COLRFMT, stdout); /* complete header */
314 putchar('\n');
315 fputsresolu(&inpres, stdout); /* resolution doesn't change */
316 /* condition our image */
317 for (scan = firstscan(); scan != NULL; scan = nextscan())
318 if (fwritescan(scan, scanlen(&inpres), stdout) < 0) {
319 fprintf(stderr, "%s: scanline write error\n",
320 progname);
321 exit(1);
322 }
323 }
326 static void
327 getfovimg(void) /* load foveal sampled image */
328 {
329 char combuf[PATH_MAX];
330 FILE *fp;
331 int x, y;
332 /* compute image size */
333 fvxr = sqrt(ourview.hn2)/FOVDIA + 0.5;
334 if (fvxr < 2) fvxr = 2;
335 fvyr = sqrt(ourview.vn2)/FOVDIA + 0.5;
336 if (fvyr < 2) fvyr = 2;
337 if (!(inpres.rt & YMAJOR)) { /* picture is rotated? */
338 y = fvyr;
339 fvyr = fvxr;
340 fvxr = y;
341 }
342 if ((fovimg = (COLOR *)malloc(fvxr*fvyr*sizeof(COLOR))) == NULL)
343 syserror("malloc");
344 sprintf(combuf, "pfilt -1 -b -pa 0 -x %d -y %d \"%s\"", fvxr, fvyr, infn);
345 if ((fp = popen(combuf, "r")) == NULL)
346 syserror("popen");
347 getheader(fp, NULL, NULL); /* skip header */
348 if (fgetresolu(&x, &y, fp) < 0 || (x != fvxr) | (y != fvyr))
349 goto readerr;
350 for (y = 0; y < fvyr; y++)
351 if (freadscan(fovscan(y), fvxr, fp) < 0)
352 goto readerr;
353 pclose(fp);
354 return;
355 readerr:
356 fprintf(stderr, "%s: error reading from pfilt process in fovimage\n",
357 progname);
358 exit(1);
359 }
362 static void
363 check2do(void) /* check histogram to see what isn't worth doing */
364 {
365 double sum;
366 double b, l;
367 register int i;
369 /* check for within display range */
370 if (bwmax - bwmin <= Bldmax - Bldmin)
371 what2do |= DO_LINEAR;
372 /* determine if veiling significant */
373 if (bwmax - bwmin < 4.5) /* heuristic */
374 what2do &= ~DO_VEIL;
376 if (!(what2do & (DO_ACUITY|DO_COLOR)))
377 return;
378 /* find 5th percentile */
379 sum = histot*0.05;
380 for (i = 0; i < HISTRES; i++)
381 if ((sum -= bwhist[i]) <= 0)
382 break;
383 b = (i+.5)*(bwmax-bwmin)/HISTRES + bwmin;
384 l = Lb(b);
385 /* determine if acuity adj. useful */
386 if (what2do&DO_ACUITY &&
387 hacuity(l) >= (inpres.xr/sqrt(ourview.hn2) +
388 inpres.yr/sqrt(ourview.vn2))/(2.*180./PI))
389 what2do &= ~DO_ACUITY;
390 /* color sensitivity loss? */
391 if (l >= TopMesopic)
392 what2do &= ~DO_COLOR;
393 }