/* Copyright (c) 1987 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * pcompos.c - program to composite pictures. * * 6/30/87 */ #include #include "color.h" #define MAXFILE 16 /* output picture size */ int xsiz = 0; int ysiz = 0; /* input dimensions */ int xmin = 0; int ymin = 0; int xmax = 0; int ymax = 0; COLR bgcolr = BLKCOLR; /* background color */ int checkthresh = 0; /* check threshold value */ char *progname; struct { char *name; /* file name */ FILE *fp; /* stream pointer */ int xres, yres; /* picture size */ int xloc, yloc; /* anchor point */ int hasmin, hasmax; /* has threshold values */ COLR thmin, thmax; /* thresholds */ } input[MAXFILE]; /* our input files */ int nfile; /* number of files */ tabputs(s) /* print line preceded by a tab */ char *s; { putc('\t', stdout); fputs(s, stdout); } main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { double atof(); int an; progname = argv[0]; for (an = 1; an < argc && argv[an][0] == '-'; an++) switch (argv[an][1]) { case 'x': xmax = xsiz = atoi(argv[++an]); break; case 'y': ymax = ysiz = atoi(argv[++an]); break; case 'b': setcolr(bgcolr, atof(argv[an+1]), atof(argv[an+2]), atof(argv[an+3])); an += 3; break; case '\0': case 't': goto dofiles; default: goto userr; } dofiles: for (nfile = 0; an < argc; nfile++) { if (nfile >= MAXFILE) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: too many files\n", progname); quit(1); } input[nfile].hasmin = input[nfile].hasmax = 0; while (an < argc && (argv[an][0] == '-' || argv[an][0] == '+')) switch (argv[an][1]) { case 't': checkthresh = 1; if (argv[an][0] == '-') { input[nfile].hasmin = 1; setcolr(input[nfile].thmin, atof(argv[an+1]), atof(argv[an+1]), atof(argv[an+1])); } else { input[nfile].hasmax = 1; setcolr(input[nfile].thmax, atof(argv[an+1]), atof(argv[an+1]), atof(argv[an+1])); } an += 2; break; case '\0': if (argv[an][0] == '-') goto getfile; /* fall through */ default: goto userr; } getfile: if (argc-an < 3) goto userr; if (!strcmp(argv[an], "-")) { input[nfile].name = ""; input[nfile].fp = stdin; } else { input[nfile].name = argv[an]; if ((input[nfile].fp = fopen(argv[an], "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open\n", argv[an]); quit(1); } } an++; /* get header */ printf("%s:\n", input[nfile].name); getheader(input[nfile].fp, tabputs); /* get picture size */ if (fscanf(input[nfile].fp, "-Y %d +X %d\n", &input[nfile].yres, &input[nfile].xres) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad picture size\n", input[nfile].name); quit(1); } input[nfile].xloc = atoi(argv[an++]); input[nfile].yloc = atoi(argv[an++]); if (input[nfile].xloc < xmin) xmin = input[nfile].xloc; if (input[nfile].yloc < ymin) ymin = input[nfile].yloc; if (input[nfile].xloc+input[nfile].xres > xmax) xmax = input[nfile].xloc+input[nfile].xres; if (input[nfile].yloc+input[nfile].yres > ymax) ymax = input[nfile].yloc+input[nfile].yres; } if (xsiz <= 0) xsiz = xmax; if (ysiz <= 0) ysiz = ymax; /* add new header info. */ printargs(argc, argv, stdout); printf("\n-Y %d +X %d\n", ysiz, xsiz); compos(); quit(0); userr: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-x xres][-y yres][-b r g b] ", progname); fprintf(stderr, "[-t min1][+t max1] file1 x1 y1 ..\n"); quit(1); } compos() /* composite pictures */ { COLR *scanin, *scanout; int y; register int x, i; scanin = (COLR *)malloc((xmax-xmin)*sizeof(COLR)) - xmin; scanin = (COLR *)malloc((xmax-xmin)*sizeof(COLR)) - xmin; if (scanin == NULL) goto memerr; scanin -= xmin; if (checkthresh) { scanout = (COLR *)malloc(xsiz*sizeof(COLR)); if (scanout == NULL) goto memerr; } else scanout = scanin; for (y = ymax-1; y >= 0; y--) { for (x = 0; x < xsiz; x++) copycolr(scanout[x], bgcolr); for (i = 0; i < nfile; i++) { if (input[i].yloc > y || input[i].yloc+input[i].yres <= y) continue; if (freadcolrs(scanin+input[i].xloc, input[i].xres, input[i].fp) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: read error\n", input[i].name); quit(1); } if (y >= ysiz) continue; if (checkthresh) { x = input[i].xloc+input[i].xres; if (x > xsiz) x = xsiz; for (x--; x >= 0 && x >= input[i].xloc; x--) { if (input[i].hasmin && cmpcolr(scanin[x], input[i].thmin) <= 0) continue; if (input[i].hasmax && cmpcolr(scanin[x], input[i].thmax) >= 0) continue; copycolr(scanout[x], scanin[x]); } } } if (y >= ysiz) continue; if (fwritecolrs(scanout, xsiz, stdout) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: write error\n", progname); quit(1); } } return; memerr: fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", progname); quit(1); } int cmpcolr(c1, c2) /* compare two colr's (improvisation) */ register COLR c1, c2; { register int i, j; j = 4; /* check exponents first! */ while (j--) if (i = c1[j] - c2[j]) return(i); return(0); } quit(code) /* exit gracefully */ int code; { exit(code); }