/* Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * Combine picture files according to calcomp functions. * * 1/4/89 */ #include #include #include "color.h" #include "calcomp.h" #define MAXINP 32 /* maximum number of input files */ #define WINSIZ 9 /* scanline window size */ #define MIDSCN 4 /* current scan position */ #define BRT (-1) /* special index for brightness */ struct { char *name; /* file name */ FILE *fp; /* stream pointer */ COLOR *scan[WINSIZ]; /* input scanline window */ COLOR coef; /* coefficient */ COLOR expos; /* recorded exposure */ } input[MAXINP]; /* input pictures */ int nfiles; /* number of input files */ char *vcolin[3] = {"ri", "gi", "bi"}; char *vcolout[3] = {"ro", "go", "bo"}; char vbrtin[] = "li"; char vbrtout[] = "lo"; char *vcolexp[3] = {"re", "ge", "be"}; char vbrtexp[] = "le"; #define vnfiles "nfiles" #define vxres "xres" #define vyres "yres" #define vxpos "x" #define vypos "y" int nowarn = 0; /* no warning messages? */ int original = 0; /* origninal values? */ int xres=0, yres=0; /* picture resolution */ int xpos, ypos; /* picture position */ int wrongformat = 0; main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { double f; int a, i; /* scan options */ for (a = 1; a < argc; a++) { if (argv[a][0] == '-') switch (argv[a][1]) { case 'x': xres = atoi(argv[++a]); continue; case 'y': yres = atoi(argv[++a]); continue; case 'w': nowarn = !nowarn; continue; case 'f': case 'e': a++; continue; } break; } /* process files */ for (nfiles = 0; nfiles < MAXINP; nfiles++) { setcolor(input[nfiles].coef, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); setcolor(input[nfiles].expos, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); } nfiles = 0; for ( ; a < argc; a++) { if (nfiles >= MAXINP) { eputs(argv[0]); eputs(": too many picture files\n"); quit(1); } if (argv[a][0] == '-') switch (argv[a][1]) { case '\0': input[nfiles].name = ""; input[nfiles].fp = stdin; break; case 'o': original++; break; case 's': f = atof(argv[++a]); scalecolor(input[nfiles].coef, f); continue; case 'c': colval(input[nfiles].coef,RED)*=atof(argv[++a]); colval(input[nfiles].coef,GRN)*=atof(argv[++a]); colval(input[nfiles].coef,BLU)*=atof(argv[++a]); continue; default: goto usage; } else { input[nfiles].name = argv[a]; input[nfiles].fp = fopen(argv[a], "r"); if (input[nfiles].fp == NULL) { perror(argv[a]); quit(1); } } checkfile(); original = 0; nfiles++; } init(); /* set constant expressions */ /* go back and get expressions */ for (a = 1; a < argc; a++) { if (argv[a][0] == '-') switch (argv[a][1]) { case 'x': case 'y': a++; continue; case 'w': continue; case 'f': fcompile(argv[++a]); continue; case 'e': scompile(argv[++a], NULL, 0); continue; } break; } /* complete header */ printargs(argc, argv, stdout); fputformat(COLRFMT, stdout); putchar('\n'); fputresolu(YMAJOR|YDECR, xres, yres, stdout); /* combine pictures */ combine(); quit(0); usage: eputs("Usage: "); eputs(argv[0]); eputs( " [-w][-h][-x xr][-y yr][-e expr][-f file] [ [-s f][-c r g b] pic ..]\n"); quit(1); } tputs(s) /* put out string preceded by a tab */ char *s; { char fmt[32]; double d; COLOR ctmp; if (isformat(s)) { /* check format */ formatval(fmt, s); wrongformat = strcmp(fmt, COLRFMT); return; /* don't echo */ } if (isexpos(s)) { /* exposure */ d = exposval(s); scalecolor(input[nfiles].expos, d); if (original) scalecolor(input[nfiles].coef, 1.0/d); } else if (iscolcor(s)) { /* color correction */ colcorval(ctmp, s); multcolor(input[nfiles].expos, ctmp); if (original) { colval(input[nfiles].coef,RED) /= colval(ctmp,RED); colval(input[nfiles].coef,GRN) /= colval(ctmp,GRN); colval(input[nfiles].coef,BLU) /= colval(ctmp,BLU); } } /* echo line */ putchar('\t'); fputs(s, stdout); } checkfile() /* ready a file */ { register int i; /* process header */ fputs(input[nfiles].name, stdout); fputs(":\n", stdout); getheader(input[nfiles].fp, tputs, NULL); if (wrongformat) { eputs(input[nfiles].name); eputs(": not in Radiance picture format\n"); quit(1); } if (fgetresolu(&xpos, &ypos, input[nfiles].fp) != (YMAJOR|YDECR)) { eputs(input[nfiles].name); eputs(": bad picture size\n"); quit(1); } if (xres == 0 && yres == 0) { xres = xpos; yres = ypos; } else if (xpos != xres || ypos != yres) { eputs(input[nfiles].name); eputs(": resolution mismatch\n"); quit(1); } /* allocate scanlines */ for (i = 0; i < WINSIZ; i++) input[nfiles].scan[i] = (COLOR *)emalloc(xres*sizeof(COLOR)); } init() /* perform final setup */ { double l_colin(), l_expos(); register int i; /* prime input */ for (ypos = yres+(MIDSCN-1); ypos >= yres; ypos--) advance(); /* define constants */ varset(vnfiles, ':', (double)nfiles); varset(vxres, ':', (double)xres); varset(vyres, ':', (double)yres); /* set functions */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { funset(vcolexp[i], 1, ':', l_expos); funset(vcolin[i], 1, '=', l_colin); } funset(vbrtexp, 1, ':', l_expos); funset(vbrtin, 1, '=', l_colin); } combine() /* combine pictures */ { EPNODE *coldef[3], *brtdef; COLOR *scanout; double d; register int i, j; /* check defined variables */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (vardefined(vcolout[j])) coldef[j] = eparse(vcolout[j]); else coldef[j] = NULL; } if (vardefined(vbrtout)) brtdef = eparse(vbrtout); else brtdef = NULL; /* allocate scanline */ scanout = (COLOR *)emalloc(xres*sizeof(COLOR)); /* combine files */ for (ypos = yres-1; ypos >= 0; ypos--) { advance(); varset(vypos, '=', (double)ypos); for (xpos = 0; xpos < xres; xpos++) { varset(vxpos, '=', (double)xpos); eclock++; if (brtdef != NULL) { d = evalue(brtdef); if (d < 0.0) d = 0.0; setcolor(scanout[xpos], d, d, d); } else { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (coldef[j] != NULL) { d = evalue(coldef[j]); } else { d = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) d += colval(input[i].scan[MIDSCN][xpos],j); } if (d < 0.0) d = 0.0; colval(scanout[xpos],j) = d; } } } if (fwritescan(scanout, xres, stdout) < 0) { perror("write error"); quit(1); } } efree(scanout); } advance() /* read in next scanline */ { register COLOR *st; register int i, j; for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) { st = input[i].scan[WINSIZ-1]; for (j = WINSIZ-1; j > 0; j--) /* rotate window */ input[i].scan[j] = input[i].scan[j-1]; input[i].scan[0] = st; if (ypos < MIDSCN) /* hit bottom */ continue; if (freadscan(st, xres, input[i].fp) < 0) { eputs(input[i].name); eputs(": read error\n"); quit(1); } for (j = 0; j < xres; j++) /* adjust color */ multcolor(st[j], input[i].coef); } } double l_expos(nam) /* return picture exposure */ register char *nam; { register int fn, n; double d; d = argument(1); if (d > -.5 && d < .5) return((double)nfiles); fn = d - .5; if (fn < 0 || fn >= nfiles) { errno = EDOM; return(0.0); } if (nam == vbrtexp) return(bright(input[fn].expos)); n = 3; while (n--) if (nam == vcolexp[n]) return(colval(input[fn].expos,n)); eputs("Bad call to l_expos()!\n"); quit(1); } double l_colin(nam) /* return color value for picture */ register char *nam; { int fn; register int n, xoff, yoff; double d; d = argument(1); if (d > -.5 && d < .5) return((double)nfiles); fn = d - .5; if (fn < 0 || fn >= nfiles) { errno = EDOM; return(0.0); } xoff = yoff = 0; n = nargum(); if (n >= 2) { d = argument(2); if (d < 0.0) { xoff = d-.5; if (xpos+xoff < 0) xoff = -xpos; } else { xoff = d+.5; if (xpos+xoff >= xres) xoff = xres-1-xpos; } } if (n >= 3) { d = argument(3); if (d < 0.0) { yoff = d-.5; if (yoff+MIDSCN < 0) yoff = -MIDSCN; if (ypos+yoff < 0) yoff = -ypos; } else { yoff = d+.5; if (yoff+MIDSCN >= WINSIZ) yoff = WINSIZ-1-MIDSCN; if (ypos+yoff >= yres) yoff = yres-1-ypos; } } if (nam == vbrtin) return(bright(input[fn].scan[MIDSCN+yoff][xpos+xoff])); n = 3; while (n--) if (nam == vcolin[n]) return(colval(input[fn].scan[MIDSCN+yoff][xpos+xoff],n)); eputs("Bad call to l_colin()!\n"); quit(1); } wputs(msg) char *msg; { if (!nowarn) eputs(msg); } eputs(msg) char *msg; { fputs(msg, stderr); } quit(code) int code; { exit(code); }