#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: normtiff.c,v 3.15 2019/07/19 17:37:56 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Tone map SGILOG TIFF or Radiance picture and output 24-bit RGB TIFF */ #include #include "rtio.h" #include "platform.h" #include "tiffio.h" #include "color.h" #include "tonemap.h" #include "tmaptiff.h" #include "resolu.h" TIFF *tifout; /* TIFF output */ int flags = TM_F_CAMERA; /* tone-mapping flags */ RGBPRIMP rgbp = stdprims; /* display primaries */ RGBPRIMS myprims; /* overriding display primaries */ double ldmax = 100.; /* maximum display luminance */ double lddyn = 32.; /* display dynamic range */ double gamv = 2.2; /* display gamma value */ short ortab[8] = { /* orientation conversion table */ YMAJOR|YDECR, YMAJOR|YDECR|XDECR, YMAJOR|XDECR, YMAJOR, YDECR, XDECR|YDECR, XDECR, 0 }; typedef struct { FILE *fp; /* file pointer */ char fmt[MAXFMTLEN]; /* picture format */ double pa; /* pixel aspect ratio */ RESOLU rs; /* picture resolution */ } PICTURE; uint16 comp = COMPRESSION_NONE; /* TIFF compression mode */ #define closepicture(p) (fclose((p)->fp),free((void *)(p))) static gethfunc headline; static int headline(char *s, void *pp); static PICTURE *openpicture(char *fname); static int tmap_picture(char *fname, PICTURE *pp); static int tmap_tiff(char *fname, TIFF *tp); static int putimage(uint16 or, uint32 xs, uint32 ys, float xr, float yr, uint16 ru, uby8 *pd); int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { PICTURE *pin = NULL; TIFF *tin = NULL; int i, rval; for (i = 1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++) switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'h': /* human observer settings */ flags = TM_F_HUMAN; break; case 's': /* toggle human contrast */ flags ^= TM_F_HCONTR; break; case 'c': /* toggle mesopic sens. */ flags ^= TM_F_MESOPIC; break; case 'l': /* toggle linear mapping */ flags ^= TM_F_LINEAR; break; case 'b': /* toggle greyscale output */ flags ^= TM_F_BW; break; case 'g': /* set display gamma */ if (argc-i < 2) goto userr; gamv = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'u': /* set display maximum */ if (argc-i < 2) goto userr; ldmax = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'd': /* set display dynamic range */ if (argc-i < 2) goto userr; lddyn = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'z': /* LZW compression */ comp = COMPRESSION_LZW; break; case 'p': /* set display primaries */ if (argc-i < 9) goto userr; myprims[RED][CIEX] = atof(argv[++i]); myprims[RED][CIEY] = atof(argv[++i]); myprims[GRN][CIEX] = atof(argv[++i]); myprims[GRN][CIEY] = atof(argv[++i]); myprims[BLU][CIEX] = atof(argv[++i]); myprims[BLU][CIEY] = atof(argv[++i]); myprims[WHT][CIEX] = atof(argv[++i]); myprims[WHT][CIEY] = atof(argv[++i]); rgbp = myprims; break; default: goto userr; } if (argc-i < 2) goto userr; if ((pin = openpicture(argv[i])) == NULL && (tin = TIFFOpen(argv[i], "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open or interpret file \"%s\"\n", argv[0], argv[i]); exit(1); } if ((tifout = TIFFOpen(argv[i+1], "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open output TIFF \"%s\"\n", argv[0], argv[i+1]); exit(1); } if (pin != NULL) { rval = tmap_picture(argv[i], pin); closepicture(pin); } else { rval = tmap_tiff(argv[i], tin); TIFFClose(tin); } TIFFClose(tifout); exit(rval==0 ? 0 : 1); userr: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-h][-s][-c][-l][-b][-g gv][-d ld][-u lm][-z][-p xr yr xg yg xb yb xw yw] input.{tif|hdr} output.tif\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } static int headline( /* process line from header */ char *s, void *pp ) { register char *cp; for (cp = s; *cp; cp++) if (*cp & 0x80) return(-1); /* non-ascii in header */ if (isaspect(s)) ((PICTURE *)pp)->pa *= aspectval(s); else formatval(((PICTURE *)pp)->fmt, s); return(0); } static PICTURE * openpicture( /* open/check Radiance picture file */ char *fname ) { FILE *fp; register PICTURE *pp; register char *cp; /* check filename suffix */ if (fname == NULL) return(NULL); for (cp = fname; *cp; cp++) ; while (cp > fname && cp[-1] != '.') if (*--cp == '/') { cp = fname; break; } if (cp > fname && !strncmp(cp, "tif", 3)) return(NULL); /* assume it's a TIFF */ /* else try opening it */ if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) return(NULL); SET_FILE_BINARY(fp); /* allocate struct */ if ((pp = (PICTURE *)malloc(sizeof(PICTURE))) == NULL) return(NULL); /* serious error -- should exit? */ pp->fp = fp; pp->fmt[0] = '\0'; pp->pa = 1.; /* load header */ if (getheader(fp, headline, pp) < 0) { closepicture(pp); return(NULL); } if (!pp->fmt[0]) /* assume RGBE if unspecified */ strcpy(pp->fmt, COLRFMT); if (!globmatch(PICFMT, pp->fmt) || !fgetsresolu(&pp->rs, fp)) { closepicture(pp); /* failed test -- close file */ return(NULL); } rewind(fp); /* passed test -- rewind file */ return(pp); } static int tmap_picture( /* tone map Radiance picture */ char *fname, register PICTURE *pp ) { uint16 orient; double paspect = (pp->rs.rt & YMAJOR) ? pp->pa : 1./pp->pa; int xsiz, ysiz; uby8 *pix; /* read and tone map picture */ if (tmMapPicture(&pix, &xsiz, &ysiz, flags, rgbp, gamv, lddyn, ldmax, fname, pp->fp) != TM_E_OK) return(-1); /* figure out TIFF orientation */ for (orient = 8; --orient; ) if (ortab[orient] == pp->rs.rt) break; orient++; /* put out our image */ if (putimage(orient, (uint32)xsiz, (uint32)ysiz, 72., 72./paspect, 2, pix) != 0) return(-1); /* free data and we're done */ free((void *)pix); return(0); } static int tmap_tiff( /* tone map SGILOG TIFF */ char *fname, TIFF *tp ) { float xres, yres; uint16 orient, resunit, phot; int xsiz, ysiz; uby8 *pix; /* check to make sure it's SGILOG */ TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tp, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, &phot); if ((phot == PHOTOMETRIC_LOGL) | (phot == PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK)) flags |= TM_F_BW; /* read and tone map TIFF */ if (tmMapTIFF(&pix, &xsiz, &ysiz, flags, rgbp, gamv, lddyn, ldmax, fname, tp) != TM_E_OK) return(-1); /* get relevant tags */ TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tp, TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT, &resunit); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tp, TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, &xres); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tp, TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, &yres); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tp, TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION, &orient); /* put out our image */ if (putimage(orient, (uint32)xsiz, (uint32)ysiz, xres, yres, resunit, pix) != 0) return(-1); /* free data and we're done */ free((void *)pix); return(0); } static int putimage( /* write out our image */ uint16 or, uint32 xs, uint32 ys, float xr, float yr, uint16 ru, uby8 *pd ) { register int y; uint32 rowsperstrip; TIFFSetField(tifout, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, COMPRESSION_NONE); if (flags & TM_F_BW) { TIFFSetField(tifout, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK); TIFFSetField(tifout, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, 1); } else { TIFFSetField(tifout, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, PHOTOMETRIC_RGB); TIFFSetField(tifout, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, 3); } if (rgbp != stdprims) { TIFFSetField(tifout, TIFFTAG_PRIMARYCHROMATICITIES, (float *)rgbp); TIFFSetField(tifout, TIFFTAG_WHITEPOINT, (float *)rgbp[WHT]); } TIFFSetField(tifout, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, 8); TIFFSetField(tifout, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, xs); TIFFSetField(tifout, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, ys); TIFFSetField(tifout, TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT, ru); TIFFSetField(tifout, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, comp); TIFFSetField(tifout, TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, xr); TIFFSetField(tifout, TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, yr); TIFFSetField(tifout, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG); TIFFSetField(tifout, TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION, or); /* compute good strip size */ rowsperstrip = 8192/TIFFScanlineSize(tifout); if (rowsperstrip < 1) rowsperstrip = 1; TIFFSetField(tifout, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, rowsperstrip); /* write out scanlines */ if (flags & TM_F_BW) { for (y = 0; y < ys; y++) if (TIFFWriteScanline(tifout, pd + y*xs, y, 0) < 0) goto writerr; } else { for (y = 0; y < ys; y++) if (TIFFWriteScanline(tifout, pd + y*3*xs, y, 0) < 0) goto writerr; } return(0); /* all done! */ writerr: fputs("Error writing TIFF output\n", stderr); return(-1); }