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Revision: 2.7
Committed: Mon Aug 25 04:50:32 2008 UTC (15 years, 8 months ago) by greg
Content type: application/x-csh
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad5R2, rad4R2P2, rad5R0, rad5R1, rad4R2, rad4R1, rad4R0, rad4R2P1, rad5R3
Changes since 2.6: +2 -3 lines
Log Message:
Made temporary files safe from malicious attackers

File Contents

# Content
1 #!/bin/csh -f
2 # RCSid: $Id: normpat.csh,v 2.6 2005/02/16 05:40:11 greg Exp $
3 #
4 # Normalize a pattern for tiling (-b option blends edges) by removing
5 # lowest frequencies from image (-f option) and reducing to
6 # standard size (-r option)
7 #
8 set ha=$0
9 set ha=$ha:t
10 set pf="pfilt -e 2"
11 while ($#argv > 0)
12 switch ($argv[1])
13 case -r:
14 shift argv
15 set pf="$pf -x $argv[1] -y $argv[1] -p 1 -r .67"
16 breaksw
17 case -f:
18 set ha="$ha -f"
19 set dofsub
20 breaksw
21 case -b:
22 set ha="$ha -b"
23 set blend
24 breaksw
25 case -v:
26 set verb
27 breaksw
28 case -*:
29 echo bad option $argv[1]
30 exit 1
31 default:
32 goto dofiles
33 endsw
34 shift argv
35 end
36 dofiles:
37 onintr quit
38 set td=`mktemp -d /tmp/np.XXXXXX`
39 goto skipthis
40 cat > $td/coef.fmt << '_EOF_'
41 rm:${ $25 }; gm:${ $26 }; bm:${ $27 };
42 rcx:${ $1 }; gcx:${ $9 }; bcx:${ $17 };
43 rcy:${ $2 }; gcy:${ $10 }; bcy:${ $18 };
44 rsx:${ $3 }; gsx:${ $11 }; bsx:${ $19 };
45 rsy:${ $4 }; gsy:${ $12 }; bsy:${ $20 };
46 rcxcy:${ $5 }; gcxcy:${ $13 }; bcxcy:${ $21 };
47 rcxsy:${ $6 }; gcxsy:${ $14 }; bcxsy:${ $22 };
48 rsxcy:${ $7 }; gsxcy:${ $15 }; bsxcy:${ $23 };
49 rsxsy:${ $8 }; gsxsy:${ $16 }; bsxsy:${ $24 };
50 '_EOF_'
51 cat > $td/ << '_EOF_'
52 $1=$3*2*cx; $2=$3*2*cy; $3=$3*2*sx; $4=$3*2*sy;
53 $5=$3*4*cx*cy; $6=$3*4*cx*sy; $7=$3*4*sx*cy; $8=$3*4*sx*sy;
54 $9=$4*2*cx; $10=$4*2*cy; $11=$4*2*sx; $12=$4*2*sy;
55 $13=$4*4*cx*cy; $14=$4*4*cx*sy; $15=$4*4*sx*cy; $16=$4*4*sx*sy;
56 $17=$5*2*cx; $18=$5*2*cy; $19=$5*2*sx; $20=$5*2*sy;
57 $21=$5*4*cx*cy; $22=$5*4*cx*sy; $23=$5*4*sx*cy; $24=$5*4*sx*sy;
58 $25=$3; $26=$4; $27=$5;
59 cx=cos(wx); cy=cos(wy);
60 sx=sin(wx); sy=sin(wy);
61 wx=2*PI/xres*($1+.5); wy=2*PI/yres*($2+.5);
62 '_EOF_'
63 cat > $td/ << '_EOF_'
64 PI:3.14159265358979323846;
65 ro=ri(1)*rm/(rm+rcx*cx+rcy*cy+rsx*sx+rsy*sy
66 +rcxcy*cx*cy+rcxsy*cx*sy+rsxcy*sx*cy+rsxsy*sx*sy);
67 go=gi(1)*gm/(gm+gcx*cx+gcy*cy+gsx*sx+gsy*sy
68 +gcxcy*cx*cy+gcxsy*cx*sy+gsxcy*sx*cy+gsxsy*sx*sy);
69 bo=bi(1)*bm/(bm+bcx*cx+bcy*cy+bsx*sx+bsy*sy
70 +bcxcy*cx*cy+bcxsy*cx*sy+bsxcy*sx*cy+bsxsy*sx*sy);
71 cx=cos(wx); cy=cos(wy);
72 sx=sin(wx); sy=sin(wy);
73 wx=2*PI/xres*(x+.5); wy=2*PI/yres*(y+.5);
74 '_EOF_'
75 skipthis:
76 foreach f ($*)
77 if ( $?verb ) then
78 echo $f\:
79 echo adjusting exposure/size...
80 endif
81 $pf $f > $td/pf
82 getinfo < $td/pf > $f
83 ed - $f << _EOF_
84 i
85 $ha
86 .
87 w
88 q
89 _EOF_
90 set resolu=`getinfo -d < $td/pf | sed 's/-Y \([1-9][0-9]*\) +X \([1-9][0-9]*\)/\2 \1/'`
91 if ( ! $?dofsub ) then
92 mv $td/pf $td/hf
93 goto donefsub
94 endif
95 # if ( $?verb ) then
96 # echo computing Fourier coefficients...
97 # endif
98 # pfilt -1 -x 32 -y 32 $td/pf | pvalue -h \
99 # | rcalc -e 'xres:32;yres:32' -f $td/ \
100 # | total -m | rcalc -o $td/coef.fmt \
101 # > $td/coef
102 if ( $?verb ) then
103 # cat $td/coef
104 echo removing low frequencies...
105 endif
106 pgblur -r `ev "sqrt($resolu[1]*$resolu[2])/8"` $td/pf > $td/lf
107 pcomb -e 's=1/li(2);ro=s*ri(1);go=s*gi(1);bo=s*bi(1)' \
108 $td/pf $td/lf > $td/hf
109 # pcomb -f $td/coef -f $td/ $td/pf > $td/hf
110 donefsub:
111 if ( $?blend ) then
112 if ( $?verb ) then
113 echo blending edges...
114 endif
115 @ mar= $resolu[1] - 3
116 @ les= $resolu[1] - 1
117 pcompos -x 1 $td/hf 0 0 | pfilt -1 -x 3 > $td/left
118 pcompos $td/hf -$les 0 | pfilt -1 -x 3 > $td/right
119 pcomb -e 'ro=f(ri);go=f(gi);bo=f(bi)' \
120 -e 'f(p)=(3-x)/7*p(1)+(4+x)/7*p(2)' \
121 $td/right $td/left > $td/left.patch
122 pcomb -e 'ro=f(ri);go=f(gi);bo=f(bi)' \
123 -e 'f(p)=(1+x)/7*p(1)+(6-x)/7*p(2)' \
124 $td/left $td/right > $td/right.patch
125 pcompos $td/hf 0 0 $td/left.patch 0 0 $td/right.patch $mar 0 \
126 > $td/hflr
127 @ mar= $resolu[2] - 3
128 @ les= $resolu[2] - 1
129 pcompos -y 1 $td/hflr 0 0 | pfilt -1 -y 3 > $td/bottom
130 pcompos $td/hflr 0 -$les | pfilt -1 -y 3 > $td/top
131 pcomb -e 'ro=f(ri);go=f(gi);bo=f(bi)' \
132 -e 'f(p)=(3-y)/7*p(1)+(4+y)/7*p(2)' \
133 $td/top $td/bottom > $td/bottom.patch
134 pcomb -e 'ro=f(ri);go=f(gi);bo=f(bi)' \
135 -e 'f(p)=(1+y)/7*p(1)+(6-y)/7*p(2)' \
136 $td/bottom $td/top > $td/top.patch
137 pcompos $td/hflr 0 0 $td/bottom.patch 0 0 $td/top.patch 0 $mar \
138 | getinfo - >> $f
139 else
140 getinfo - < $td/hf >> $f
141 endif
142 if ( $?verb ) then
143 echo $f done.
144 endif
145 end
146 quit:
147 rm -rf $td