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Revision: 2.23
Committed: Sun Mar 28 20:33:13 2004 UTC (20 years, 10 months ago) by schorsch
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad3R6, rad3R6P1
Changes since 2.22: +84 -36 lines
Log Message:
Continued ANSIfication, and other fixes and clarifications.

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: macbethcal.c,v 2.22 2003/11/10 12:28:56 schorsch Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * Calibrate a scanned MacBeth Color Checker Chart
6 *
7 * Produce a .cal file suitable for use with pcomb,
8 * or .cwp file suitable for use with pcwarp.
9 *
10 * Warping code depends on conformance of COLOR and W3VEC types.
11 */
13 #include <stdio.h>
14 #include <math.h>
15 #include <time.h>
17 #include "platform.h"
18 #include "rtprocess.h"
19 #include "rtio.h"
20 #include "color.h"
21 #include "resolu.h"
22 #include "pmap.h"
23 #include "warp3d.h"
24 #include "mx3.h"
26 /* MacBeth colors */
27 #define DarkSkin 0
28 #define LightSkin 1
29 #define BlueSky 2
30 #define Foliage 3
31 #define BlueFlower 4
32 #define BluishGreen 5
33 #define Orange 6
34 #define PurplishBlue 7
35 #define ModerateRed 8
36 #define Purple 9
37 #define YellowGreen 10
38 #define OrangeYellow 11
39 #define Blue 12
40 #define Green 13
41 #define Red 14
42 #define Yellow 15
43 #define Magenta 16
44 #define Cyan 17
45 #define White 18
46 #define Neutral8 19
47 #define Neutral65 20
48 #define Neutral5 21
49 #define Neutral35 22
50 #define Black 23
51 /* computed from 5nm spectral measurements */
52 /* CIE 1931 2 degree obs, equal-energy white */
53 float mbxyY[24][3] = {
54 {0.462, 0.3769, 0.0932961}, /* DarkSkin */
55 {0.4108, 0.3542, 0.410348}, /* LightSkin */
56 {0.2626, 0.267, 0.181554}, /* BlueSky */
57 {0.36, 0.4689, 0.108447}, /* Foliage */
58 {0.2977, 0.2602, 0.248407}, /* BlueFlower */
59 {0.2719, 0.3485, 0.401156}, /* BluishGreen */
60 {0.52, 0.4197, 0.357899}, /* Orange */
61 {0.229, 0.1866, 0.103911}, /* PurplishBlue */
62 {0.4909, 0.3262, 0.242615}, /* ModerateRed */
63 {0.3361, 0.2249, 0.0600102}, /* Purple */
64 {0.3855, 0.4874, 0.42963}, /* YellowGreen */
65 {0.4853, 0.4457, 0.476343}, /* OrangeYellow */
66 {0.2026, 0.1369, 0.0529249}, /* Blue */
67 {0.3007, 0.4822, 0.221226}, /* Green */
68 {0.5805, 0.3238, 0.162167}, /* Red */
69 {0.4617, 0.472, 0.64909}, /* Yellow */
70 {0.4178, 0.2625, 0.233662}, /* Magenta */
71 {0.2038, 0.2508, 0.167275}, /* Cyan */
72 {0.3358, 0.337, 0.916877}, /* White */
73 {0.3338, 0.3348, 0.604678}, /* Neutral.8 */
74 {0.3333, 0.3349, 0.364566}, /* Neutral.65 */
75 {0.3353, 0.3359, 0.200238}, /* Neutral.5 */
76 {0.3363, 0.336, 0.0878721}, /* Neutral.35 */
77 {0.3346, 0.3349, 0.0308383} /* Black */
78 };
80 COLOR mbRGB[24]; /* MacBeth RGB values */
82 #define NMBNEU 6 /* Number of MacBeth neutral colors */
83 short mbneu[NMBNEU] = {Black,Neutral35,Neutral5,Neutral65,Neutral8,White};
85 #define NEUFLGS (1L<<White|1L<<Neutral8|1L<<Neutral65| \
86 1L<<Neutral5|1L<<Neutral35|1L<<Black)
88 #define SATFLGS (1L<<Red|1L<<Green|1L<<Blue|1L<<Magenta|1L<<Yellow| \
89 1L<<Cyan|1L<<Orange|1L<<Purple|1L<<PurplishBlue| \
90 1L<<YellowGreen|1<<OrangeYellow|1L<<BlueFlower)
92 #define UNSFLGS (1L<<DarkSkin|1L<<LightSkin|1L<<BlueSky|1L<<Foliage| \
93 1L<<BluishGreen|1L<<ModerateRed)
95 #define REQFLGS NEUFLGS /* need these colors */
96 #define MODFLGS (NEUFLGS|UNSFLGS) /* should be in gamut */
98 #define RG_BORD 0 /* patch border */
99 #define RG_CENT 01 /* central region of patch */
100 #define RG_ORIG 02 /* original color region */
101 #define RG_CORR 04 /* corrected color region */
103 #ifndef DISPCOM
104 #define DISPCOM "ximage -op \"%s\""
105 #endif
107 int scanning = 1; /* scanned input (or recorded output)? */
108 double irrad = 1.0; /* irradiance multiplication factor */
109 int rawmap = 0; /* put out raw color mapping? */
111 int xmax, ymax; /* input image dimensions */
112 int bounds[4][2]; /* image coordinates of chart corners */
113 double imgxfm[3][3]; /* coordinate transformation matrix */
115 COLOR inpRGB[24]; /* measured or scanned input colors */
116 long inpflags = 0; /* flags of which colors were input */
117 long gmtflags = 0; /* flags of out-of-gamut colors */
119 COLOR bramp[NMBNEU][2]; /* brightness ramp (per primary) */
120 COLORMAT solmat; /* color mapping matrix */
121 COLOR colmin, colmax; /* gamut limits */
123 WARP3D *wcor = NULL; /* color space warp */
125 FILE *debugfp = NULL; /* debug output picture */
126 char *progname;
128 static void init(void);
129 static int chartndx(int x, int y, int *np);
130 static void getpicture(void);
131 static void getcolors(void);
132 static void bresp(COLOR y, COLOR x);
133 static void compute(void);
134 static void putmapping(void);
135 static void compsoln(COLOR cin[], COLOR cout[], int n);
136 static void cwarp(void);
137 static int cvtcolor(COLOR cout, COLOR cin);
138 static int cresp(COLOR cout, COLOR cin);
139 static void xyY2RGB(COLOR rgbout, float xyYin[3]);
140 static void picdebug(void);
141 static void clrdebug(void);
142 static void getpos(char *name, int bnds[2], FILE *fp);
143 static void pickchartpos(char *pfn);
146 int
147 main(
148 int argc,
149 char **argv
150 )
151 {
152 int i;
154 progname = argv[0];
155 for (i = 1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++)
156 switch (argv[i][1]) {
157 case 'd': /* debug output */
158 i++;
159 if (badarg(argc-i, argv+i, "s"))
160 goto userr;
161 if ((debugfp = fopen(argv[i], "w")) == NULL) {
162 perror(argv[i]);
163 exit(1);
164 }
165 SET_FILE_BINARY(debugfp);
166 newheader("RADIANCE", debugfp); /* start */
167 printargs(argc, argv, debugfp); /* header */
168 break;
169 case 'p': /* picture position */
170 if (badarg(argc-i-1, argv+i+1, "iiiiiiii"))
171 goto userr;
172 bounds[0][0] = atoi(argv[++i]);
173 bounds[0][1] = atoi(argv[++i]);
174 bounds[1][0] = atoi(argv[++i]);
175 bounds[1][1] = atoi(argv[++i]);
176 bounds[2][0] = atoi(argv[++i]);
177 bounds[2][1] = atoi(argv[++i]);
178 bounds[3][0] = atoi(argv[++i]);
179 bounds[3][1] = atoi(argv[++i]);
180 scanning = 2;
181 break;
182 case 'P': /* pick position */
183 scanning = 3;
184 break;
185 case 'i': /* irradiance factor */
186 i++;
187 if (badarg(argc-i, argv+i, "f"))
188 goto userr;
189 irrad = atof(argv[i]);
190 break;
191 case 'm': /* raw map output */
192 rawmap = 1;
193 break;
194 case 'c': /* color input */
195 scanning = 0;
196 break;
197 default:
198 goto userr;
199 }
200 /* open files */
201 if (i < argc && freopen(argv[i], "r", stdin) == NULL) {
202 perror(argv[i]);
203 exit(1);
204 }
205 if (i+1 < argc && freopen(argv[i+1], "w", stdout) == NULL) {
206 perror(argv[i+1]);
207 exit(1);
208 }
209 if (scanning) { /* load input picture header */
210 SET_FILE_BINARY(stdin);
211 if (checkheader(stdin, COLRFMT, NULL) < 0 ||
212 fgetresolu(&xmax, &ymax, stdin) < 0) {
213 fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad input picture\n", progname);
214 exit(1);
215 }
216 if (scanning == 3) {
217 if (i >= argc)
218 goto userr;
219 pickchartpos(argv[i]);
220 scanning = 2;
221 }
222 } else { /* else set default xmax and ymax */
223 xmax = 512;
224 ymax = 2*512/3;
225 }
226 if (scanning != 2) { /* use default boundaries */
227 bounds[0][0] = bounds[2][0] = .029*xmax + .5;
228 bounds[0][1] = bounds[1][1] = .956*ymax + .5;
229 bounds[1][0] = bounds[3][0] = .971*xmax + .5;
230 bounds[2][1] = bounds[3][1] = .056*ymax + .5;
231 }
232 init(); /* initialize */
233 if (scanning) /* get picture colors */
234 getpicture();
235 else
236 getcolors();
237 compute(); /* compute color mapping */
238 if (rawmap) { /* print out raw correspondence */
239 register int j;
241 printf("# Color correspondence produced by:\n#\t\t");
242 printargs(argc, argv, stdout);
243 printf("#\tUsage: pcwarp %s uncorrected.pic > corrected.pic\n",
244 i+1 < argc ? argv[i+1] : "{this_file}");
245 printf("#\t Or: pcond [options] -m %s orig.pic > output.pic\n",
246 i+1 < argc ? argv[i+1] : "{this_file}");
247 for (j = 0; j < 24; j++)
248 printf("%f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
249 colval(inpRGB[j],RED), colval(inpRGB[j],GRN),
250 colval(inpRGB[j],BLU), colval(mbRGB[j],RED),
251 colval(mbRGB[j],GRN), colval(mbRGB[j],BLU));
252 if (scanning && debugfp != NULL)
253 cwarp(); /* color warp for debugging */
254 } else { /* print color mapping */
255 /* print header */
256 printf("{\n\tColor correction file computed by:\n\t\t");
257 printargs(argc, argv, stdout);
258 printf("\n\tUsage: pcomb -f %s uncorrected.pic > corrected.pic\n",
259 i+1 < argc ? argv[i+1] : "{this_file}");
260 if (!scanning)
261 printf("\t Or: pcond [options] -f %s orig.pic > output.pic\n",
262 i+1 < argc ? argv[i+1] : "{this_file}");
263 printf("}\n");
264 putmapping(); /* put out color mapping */
265 }
266 if (debugfp != NULL) { /* put out debug picture */
267 if (scanning)
268 picdebug();
269 else
270 clrdebug();
271 }
272 exit(0);
273 userr:
274 fprintf(stderr,
275 "Usage: %s [-d dbg.pic][-P | -p xul yul xur yur xll yll xlr ylr][-i irrad][-m] input.pic [output.{cal|cwp}]\n",
276 progname);
277 fprintf(stderr, " or: %s [-d dbg.pic][-i irrad][-m] -c [xyY.dat [output.{cal|cwp}]]\n",
278 progname);
279 exit(1);
280 return 1; /* pro forma return */
281 }
284 static void
285 init(void) /* initialize */
286 {
287 double quad[4][2];
288 register int i;
289 /* make coordinate transformation */
290 quad[0][0] = bounds[0][0];
291 quad[0][1] = bounds[0][1];
292 quad[1][0] = bounds[1][0];
293 quad[1][1] = bounds[1][1];
294 quad[2][0] = bounds[3][0];
295 quad[2][1] = bounds[3][1];
296 quad[3][0] = bounds[2][0];
297 quad[3][1] = bounds[2][1];
299 if (pmap_quad_rect(0., 0., 6., 4., quad, imgxfm) == PMAP_BAD) {
300 fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad chart boundaries\n", progname);
301 exit(1);
302 }
303 /* map MacBeth colors to RGB space */
304 for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
305 xyY2RGB(mbRGB[i], mbxyY[i]);
306 scalecolor(mbRGB[i], irrad);
307 }
308 }
311 static int
312 chartndx( /* find color number for position */
313 int x,
314 int y,
315 int *np
316 )
317 {
318 double ipos[3], cpos[3];
319 int ix, iy;
320 double fx, fy;
322 ipos[0] = x;
323 ipos[1] = y;
324 ipos[2] = 1;
325 mx3d_transform(ipos, imgxfm, cpos);
326 cpos[0] /= cpos[2];
327 cpos[1] /= cpos[2];
328 if (cpos[0] < 0. || cpos[0] >= 6. || cpos[1] < 0. || cpos[1] >= 4.)
329 return(RG_BORD);
330 ix = cpos[0];
331 iy = cpos[1];
332 fx = cpos[0] - ix;
333 fy = cpos[1] - iy;
334 *np = iy*6 + ix;
335 if (fx >= 0.35 && fx < 0.65 && fy >= 0.35 && fy < 0.65)
336 return(RG_CENT);
337 if (fx < 0.05 || fx >= 0.95 || fy < 0.05 || fy >= 0.95)
338 return(RG_BORD);
339 if (fx >= 0.5) /* right side is corrected */
340 return(RG_CORR);
341 return(RG_ORIG); /* left side is original */
342 }
345 static void
346 getpicture(void) /* load in picture colors */
347 {
348 COLR *scanln;
349 COLOR pval;
350 int ccount[24];
351 double d;
352 int y, i;
353 register int x;
355 scanln = (COLR *)malloc(xmax*sizeof(COLR));
356 if (scanln == NULL) {
357 perror(progname);
358 exit(1);
359 }
360 for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
361 setcolor(inpRGB[i], 0., 0., 0.);
362 ccount[i] = 0;
363 }
364 for (y = ymax-1; y >= 0; y--) {
365 if (freadcolrs(scanln, xmax, stdin) < 0) {
366 fprintf(stderr, "%s: error reading input picture\n",
367 progname);
368 exit(1);
369 }
370 for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++)
371 if (chartndx(x, y, &i) == RG_CENT) {
372 colr_color(pval, scanln[x]);
373 addcolor(inpRGB[i], pval);
374 ccount[i]++;
375 }
376 }
377 for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) { /* compute averages */
378 if (ccount[i] == 0)
379 continue;
380 d = 1./ccount[i];
381 scalecolor(inpRGB[i], d);
382 inpflags |= 1L<<i;
383 }
384 free((void *)scanln);
385 }
388 static void
389 getcolors(void) /* get xyY colors from standard input */
390 {
391 int gotwhite = 0;
392 COLOR whiteclr;
393 int n;
394 float xyYin[3];
396 while (fgetval(stdin, 'i', &n) == 1) { /* read colors */
397 if ((n < 0) | (n > 24) ||
398 fgetval(stdin, 'f', &xyYin[0]) != 1 ||
399 fgetval(stdin, 'f', &xyYin[1]) != 1 ||
400 fgetval(stdin, 'f', &xyYin[2]) != 1 ||
401 (xyYin[0] < 0.) | (xyYin[1] < 0.) ||
402 xyYin[0] + xyYin[1] > 1.) {
403 fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad color input data\n",
404 progname);
405 exit(1);
406 }
407 if (n == 0) { /* calibration white */
408 xyY2RGB(whiteclr, xyYin);
409 gotwhite++;
410 } else { /* standard color */
411 n--;
412 xyY2RGB(inpRGB[n], xyYin);
413 inpflags |= 1L<<n;
414 }
415 }
416 /* normalize colors */
417 if (!gotwhite) {
418 if (!(inpflags & 1L<<White)) {
419 fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing input for White\n",
420 progname);
421 exit(1);
422 }
423 setcolor(whiteclr,
424 colval(inpRGB[White],RED)/colval(mbRGB[White],RED),
425 colval(inpRGB[White],GRN)/colval(mbRGB[White],GRN),
426 colval(inpRGB[White],BLU)/colval(mbRGB[White],BLU));
427 }
428 for (n = 0; n < 24; n++)
429 if (inpflags & 1L<<n)
430 setcolor(inpRGB[n],
431 colval(inpRGB[n],RED)/colval(whiteclr,RED),
432 colval(inpRGB[n],GRN)/colval(whiteclr,GRN),
433 colval(inpRGB[n],BLU)/colval(whiteclr,BLU));
434 }
437 static void
438 bresp( /* piecewise linear interpolation of primaries */
439 COLOR y,
440 COLOR x
441 )
442 {
443 register int i, n;
445 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
446 for (n = 0; n < NMBNEU-2; n++)
447 if (colval(x,i) < colval(bramp[n+1][0],i))
448 break;
449 colval(y,i) = ((colval(bramp[n+1][0],i) - colval(x,i)) *
450 colval(bramp[n][1],i) +
451 (colval(x,i) - colval(bramp[n][0],i)) *
452 colval(bramp[n+1][1],i)) /
453 (colval(bramp[n+1][0],i) - colval(bramp[n][0],i));
454 }
455 }
458 static void
459 compute(void) /* compute color mapping */
460 {
461 COLOR clrin[24], clrout[24];
462 long cflags;
463 COLOR ctmp;
464 register int i, n;
465 /* did we get what we need? */
466 if ((inpflags & REQFLGS) != REQFLGS) {
467 fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing required input colors\n",
468 progname);
469 exit(1);
470 }
471 /* compute piecewise luminance curve */
472 for (i = 0; i < NMBNEU; i++) {
473 copycolor(bramp[i][0], inpRGB[mbneu[i]]);
474 copycolor(bramp[i][1], mbRGB[mbneu[i]]);
475 }
476 /* compute color space gamut */
477 if (scanning) {
478 copycolor(colmin, cblack);
479 copycolor(colmax, cwhite);
480 scalecolor(colmax, irrad);
481 } else
482 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
483 colval(colmin,i) = colval(bramp[0][0],i) -
484 colval(bramp[0][1],i) *
485 (colval(bramp[1][0],i)-colval(bramp[0][0],i)) /
486 (colval(bramp[1][1],i)-colval(bramp[1][0],i));
487 colval(colmax,i) = colval(bramp[NMBNEU-2][0],i) +
488 (1.-colval(bramp[NMBNEU-2][1],i)) *
489 (colval(bramp[NMBNEU-1][0],i) -
490 colval(bramp[NMBNEU-2][0],i)) /
491 (colval(bramp[NMBNEU-1][1],i) -
492 colval(bramp[NMBNEU-2][1],i));
493 }
494 /* compute color mapping */
495 do {
496 cflags = inpflags & ~gmtflags;
497 n = 0; /* compute transform matrix */
498 for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
499 if (cflags & 1L<<i) {
500 bresp(clrin[n], inpRGB[i]);
501 copycolor(clrout[n], mbRGB[i]);
502 n++;
503 }
504 compsoln(clrin, clrout, n);
505 if (irrad > 0.99 && irrad < 1.01) /* check gamut */
506 for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
507 if (cflags & 1L<<i && cvtcolor(ctmp, mbRGB[i]))
508 gmtflags |= 1L<<i;
509 } while (cflags & gmtflags);
510 if (gmtflags & MODFLGS)
511 fprintf(stderr,
512 "%s: warning - some moderate colors are out of gamut\n",
513 progname);
514 }
517 static void
518 putmapping(void) /* put out color mapping */
519 {
520 static char cchar[3] = {'r', 'g', 'b'};
521 register int i, j;
522 /* print brightness mapping */
523 for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
524 printf("%cxa(i) : select(i", cchar[j]);
525 for (i = 0; i < NMBNEU; i++)
526 printf(",%g", colval(bramp[i][0],j));
527 printf(");\n");
528 printf("%cya(i) : select(i", cchar[j]);
529 for (i = 0; i < NMBNEU; i++)
530 printf(",%g", colval(bramp[i][1],j));
531 printf(");\n");
532 printf("%cfi(n) = if(n-%g, %d, if(%cxa(n+1)-%c, n, %cfi(n+1)));\n",
533 cchar[j], NMBNEU-1.5, NMBNEU-1, cchar[j],
534 cchar[j], cchar[j]);
535 printf("%cndx = %cfi(1);\n", cchar[j], cchar[j]);
536 printf("%c%c = ((%cxa(%cndx+1)-%c)*%cya(%cndx) + ",
537 cchar[j], scanning?'n':'o', cchar[j],
538 cchar[j], cchar[j], cchar[j], cchar[j]);
539 printf("(%c-%cxa(%cndx))*%cya(%cndx+1)) /\n",
540 cchar[j], cchar[j], cchar[j],
541 cchar[j], cchar[j]);
542 printf("\t\t(%cxa(%cndx+1) - %cxa(%cndx)) ;\n",
543 cchar[j], cchar[j], cchar[j], cchar[j]);
544 }
545 /* print color mapping */
546 if (scanning) {
547 printf("r = ri(1); g = gi(1); b = bi(1);\n");
548 printf("ro = %g*rn + %g*gn + %g*bn ;\n",
549 solmat[0][0], solmat[0][1], solmat[0][2]);
550 printf("go = %g*rn + %g*gn + %g*bn ;\n",
551 solmat[1][0], solmat[1][1], solmat[1][2]);
552 printf("bo = %g*rn + %g*gn + %g*bn ;\n",
553 solmat[2][0], solmat[2][1], solmat[2][2]);
554 } else {
555 printf("r1 = ri(1); g1 = gi(1); b1 = bi(1);\n");
556 printf("r = %g*r1 + %g*g1 + %g*b1 ;\n",
557 solmat[0][0], solmat[0][1], solmat[0][2]);
558 printf("g = %g*r1 + %g*g1 + %g*b1 ;\n",
559 solmat[1][0], solmat[1][1], solmat[1][2]);
560 printf("b = %g*r1 + %g*g1 + %g*b1 ;\n",
561 solmat[2][0], solmat[2][1], solmat[2][2]);
562 }
563 }
566 static void
567 compsoln( /* solve 3xN system using least-squares */
568 COLOR cin[],
569 COLOR cout[],
570 int n
571 )
572 {
573 extern double mx3d_adjoint(), fabs();
574 double mat[3][3], invmat[3][3];
575 double det;
576 double colv[3], rowv[3];
577 register int i, j, k;
579 if (n < 3) {
580 fprintf(stderr, "%s: too few colors to match!\n", progname);
581 exit(1);
582 }
583 if (n == 3)
584 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
585 for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
586 mat[i][j] = colval(cin[j],i);
587 else { /* compute A^t A */
588 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
589 for (j = i; j < 3; j++) {
590 mat[i][j] = 0.;
591 for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
592 mat[i][j] += colval(cin[k],i) *
593 colval(cin[k],j);
594 }
595 for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) /* using symmetry */
596 for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
597 mat[i][j] = mat[j][i];
598 }
599 det = mx3d_adjoint(mat, invmat);
600 if (fabs(det) < 1e-4) {
601 fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot compute color mapping\n",
602 progname);
603 solmat[0][0] = solmat[1][1] = solmat[2][2] = 1.;
604 solmat[0][1] = solmat[0][2] = solmat[1][0] =
605 solmat[1][2] = solmat[2][0] = solmat[2][1] = 0.;
606 return;
607 }
608 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
609 for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
610 invmat[i][j] /= det;
611 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
612 if (n == 3)
613 for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
614 colv[j] = colval(cout[j],i);
615 else
616 for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
617 colv[j] = 0.;
618 for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
619 colv[j] += colval(cout[k],i) *
620 colval(cin[k],j);
621 }
622 mx3d_transform(colv, invmat, rowv);
623 for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
624 solmat[i][j] = rowv[j];
625 }
626 }
629 static void
630 cwarp(void) /* compute color warp map */
631 {
632 register int i;
634 if ((wcor = new3dw(W3EXACT)) == NULL)
635 goto memerr;
636 for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
637 if (!add3dpt(wcor, inpRGB[i], mbRGB[i]))
638 goto memerr;
639 return;
640 memerr:
641 perror(progname);
642 exit(1);
643 }
646 static int
647 cvtcolor( /* convert color according to our mapping */
648 COLOR cout,
649 COLOR cin
650 )
651 {
652 COLOR ctmp;
653 int clipped;
655 if (wcor != NULL) {
656 clipped = warp3d(cout, cin, wcor);
657 clipped |= clipgamut(cout,bright(cout),CGAMUT,colmin,colmax);
658 } else if (scanning) {
659 bresp(ctmp, cin);
660 clipped = cresp(cout, ctmp);
661 } else {
662 clipped = cresp(ctmp, cin);
663 bresp(cout, ctmp);
664 }
665 return(clipped);
666 }
669 static int
670 cresp( /* transform color according to matrix */
671 COLOR cout,
672 COLOR cin
673 )
674 {
675 colortrans(cout, solmat, cin);
676 return(clipgamut(cout, bright(cout), CGAMUT, colmin, colmax));
677 }
680 static void
681 xyY2RGB( /* convert xyY to RGB */
682 COLOR rgbout,
683 register float xyYin[3]
684 )
685 {
686 COLOR ctmp;
687 double d;
689 d = xyYin[2] / xyYin[1];
690 ctmp[0] = xyYin[0] * d;
691 ctmp[1] = xyYin[2];
692 ctmp[2] = (1. - xyYin[0] - xyYin[1]) * d;
693 /* allow negative values */
694 colortrans(rgbout, xyz2rgbmat, ctmp);
695 }
698 static void
699 picdebug(void) /* put out debugging picture */
700 {
701 static COLOR blkcol = BLKCOLOR;
702 COLOR *scan;
703 int y, i;
704 register int x, rg;
706 if (fseek(stdin, 0L, 0) == EOF) {
707 fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot seek on input picture\n", progname);
708 exit(1);
709 }
710 getheader(stdin, NULL, NULL); /* skip input header */
711 fgetresolu(&xmax, &ymax, stdin);
712 /* allocate scanline */
713 scan = (COLOR *)malloc(xmax*sizeof(COLOR));
714 if (scan == NULL) {
715 perror(progname);
716 exit(1);
717 }
718 /* finish debug header */
719 fputformat(COLRFMT, debugfp);
720 putc('\n', debugfp);
721 fprtresolu(xmax, ymax, debugfp);
722 /* write debug picture */
723 for (y = ymax-1; y >= 0; y--) {
724 if (freadscan(scan, xmax, stdin) < 0) {
725 fprintf(stderr, "%s: error rereading input picture\n",
726 progname);
727 exit(1);
728 }
729 for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++) {
730 rg = chartndx(x, y, &i);
731 if (rg == RG_CENT) {
732 if (!(1L<<i & gmtflags) || (x+y)&07) {
733 copycolor(scan[x], mbRGB[i]);
734 clipgamut(scan[x], bright(scan[x]),
735 CGAMUT, colmin, colmax);
736 } else
737 copycolor(scan[x], blkcol);
738 } else if (rg == RG_CORR)
739 cvtcolor(scan[x], scan[x]);
740 else if (rg != RG_ORIG)
741 copycolor(scan[x], blkcol);
742 }
743 if (fwritescan(scan, xmax, debugfp) < 0) {
744 fprintf(stderr, "%s: error writing debugging picture\n",
745 progname);
746 exit(1);
747 }
748 }
749 /* clean up */
750 fclose(debugfp);
751 free((void *)scan);
752 }
755 static void
756 clrdebug(void) /* put out debug picture from color input */
757 {
758 static COLR blkclr = BLKCOLR;
759 COLR mbclr[24], cvclr[24], orclr[24];
760 COLR *scan;
761 COLOR ctmp, ct2;
762 int y, i;
763 register int x, rg;
764 /* convert colors */
765 for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
766 copycolor(ctmp, mbRGB[i]);
767 clipgamut(ctmp, bright(ctmp), CGAMUT, cblack, cwhite);
768 setcolr(mbclr[i], colval(ctmp,RED),
769 colval(ctmp,GRN), colval(ctmp,BLU));
770 if (inpflags & 1L<<i) {
771 copycolor(ctmp, inpRGB[i]);
772 clipgamut(ctmp, bright(ctmp), CGAMUT, cblack, cwhite);
773 setcolr(orclr[i], colval(ctmp,RED),
774 colval(ctmp,GRN), colval(ctmp,BLU));
775 if (rawmap)
776 copycolr(cvclr[i], mbclr[i]);
777 else {
778 bresp(ctmp, inpRGB[i]);
779 colortrans(ct2, solmat, ctmp);
780 clipgamut(ct2, bright(ct2), CGAMUT,
781 cblack, cwhite);
782 setcolr(cvclr[i], colval(ct2,RED),
783 colval(ct2,GRN),
784 colval(ct2,BLU));
785 }
786 }
787 }
788 /* allocate scanline */
789 scan = (COLR *)malloc(xmax*sizeof(COLR));
790 if (scan == NULL) {
791 perror(progname);
792 exit(1);
793 }
794 /* finish debug header */
795 fputformat(COLRFMT, debugfp);
796 putc('\n', debugfp);
797 fprtresolu(xmax, ymax, debugfp);
798 /* write debug picture */
799 for (y = ymax-1; y >= 0; y--) {
800 for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++) {
801 rg = chartndx(x, y, &i);
802 if (rg == RG_CENT) {
803 if (!(1L<<i & gmtflags) || (x+y)&07)
804 copycolr(scan[x], mbclr[i]);
805 else
806 copycolr(scan[x], blkclr);
807 } else if (rg == RG_BORD || !(1L<<i & inpflags))
808 copycolr(scan[x], blkclr);
809 else if (rg == RG_ORIG)
810 copycolr(scan[x], orclr[i]);
811 else /* rg == RG_CORR */
812 copycolr(scan[x], cvclr[i]);
813 }
814 if (fwritecolrs(scan, xmax, debugfp) < 0) {
815 fprintf(stderr, "%s: error writing debugging picture\n",
816 progname);
817 exit(1);
818 }
819 }
820 /* clean up */
821 fclose(debugfp);
822 free((void *)scan);
823 }
826 static void
827 getpos( /* get boundary position */
828 char *name,
829 int bnds[2],
830 FILE *fp
831 )
832 {
833 char buf[64];
835 fprintf(stderr, "\tSelect corner: %s\n", name);
836 if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) == NULL ||
837 sscanf(buf, "%d %d", &bnds[0], &bnds[1]) != 2) {
838 fprintf(stderr, "%s: read error from display process\n",
839 progname);
840 exit(1);
841 }
842 }
845 static void
846 pickchartpos( /* display picture and pick chart location */
847 char *pfn
848 )
849 {
850 char combuf[PATH_MAX];
851 FILE *pfp;
853 sprintf(combuf, DISPCOM, pfn);
854 if ((pfp = popen(combuf, "r")) == NULL) {
855 perror(combuf);
856 exit(1);
857 }
858 fputs("Use middle mouse button to select chart corners:\n", stderr);
859 getpos("upper left (dark skin)", bounds[0], pfp);
860 getpos("upper right (bluish green)", bounds[1], pfp);
861 getpos("lower left (white)", bounds[2], pfp);
862 getpos("lower right (black)", bounds[3], pfp);
863 fputs("Got it -- quit display program.\n", stderr);
864 pclose(pfp);
865 }