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Revision: 1.2
Committed: Thu May 23 14:22:00 1991 UTC (32 years, 11 months ago) by greg
Content type: application/x-csh
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +6 -6 lines
Log Message:
added anti-aliasing to the text

File Contents

# Content
1 #!/bin/csh -f
2 # SCCSid "$SunId$ LBL"
3 #
4 # Create false color image with legend
5 #
6 set tempdir=/usr/tmp/fc$$
7 onintr quit
8 set mult=470
9 set label=Nits
10 set scale=1000
11 set redv='2*v-1'
12 set grnv='if(v-.5,2-2*v,2*v)'
13 set bluv='1-2*v'
14 set ndivs=8
15 set picture='-'
16 set cpict=
17 while ($#argv > 0)
18 switch ($argv[1])
19 case -m:
20 shift argv
21 set mult="$argv[1]"
22 breaksw
23 case -s:
24 shift argv
25 set scale="$argv[1]"
26 breaksw
27 case -l:
28 shift argv
29 set label="$argv[1]"
30 breaksw
31 case -r:
32 shift argv
33 set redv="$argv[1]"
34 breaksw
35 case -g:
36 shift argv
37 set grnv="$argv[1]"
38 breaksw
39 case -b:
40 shift argv
41 set bluv="$argv[1]"
42 breaksw
43 case -i:
44 shift argv
45 set picture="$argv[1]"
46 breaksw
47 case -p:
48 shift argv
49 set cpict="$argv[1]"
50 breaksw
51 case -ip:
52 case -pi:
53 shift argv
54 set picture="$argv[1]"
55 set cpict="$argv[1]"
56 breaksw
57 case -cl:
58 set docont=a
59 breaksw
60 case -cb:
61 set docont=b
62 breaksw
63 case -n:
64 shift argv
65 set ndivs="$argv[1]"
66 breaksw
67 default:
68 echo bad option "'$argv[1]'"
69 exit 1
70 endsw
71 shift argv
72 end
73 mkdir $tempdir
74 cat > $tempdir/ <<_EOF_
75 scale : $scale ;
76 mult : $mult ;
77 ndivs : $ndivs ;
79 or(a,b) : if(a,a,b);
80 EPS : 1e-7;
81 neq(a,b) : if(a-b-EPS,1,b-a-EPS);
82 btwn(a,b) : if(a-x,-1,b-x);
83 frac(x) : x - floor(x);
84 boundary(a,b) : neq(floor(ndivs*a),floor(ndivs*b));
86 red=$redv;
87 grn=$grnv;
88 blu=$bluv;
90 v = li(1)*(mult/scale);
91 vleft = li(1,-1,0)*(mult/scale);
92 vright = li(1,1,0)*(mult/scale);
93 vabove = li(1,0,1)*(mult/scale);
94 vbelow = li(1,0,-1)*(mult/scale);
95 isconta = or(boundary(vleft,vright),boundary(vabove,vbelow));
96 iscontb = if(btwn(0,v,1),btwn(.4,frac(ndivs*v),.6),0);
98 ro = if(in,red,ra);
99 go = if(in,grn,ga);
100 bo = if(in,blu,ba);
102 ra = ri(nfiles);
103 ga = gi(nfiles);
104 ba = bi(nfiles);
106 in = 1;
107 _EOF_
108 set pcargs=(-o -f $tempdir/
109 if ($?docont) then
110 set pcargs=($pcargs -e "in=iscont$docont")
111 endif
112 if ("$cpict" == "") then
113 set pcargs=($pcargs -e 'ra=0;ga=0;ba=0')
114 else if ("$cpict" == "$picture") then
115 set cpict=
116 endif
117 pcomb $pcargs -e 'v=(y+.5)/200;vleft=v;vright=v' \
118 -e 'vbelow=(y-.5)/200;vabove=(y+1.5)/200' \
119 -e 'ra=0;ga=0;ba=0' -x 100 -y 200 \
120 > $tempdir/scol.pic
121 (echo $label; cnt $ndivs |rcalc -e '$1='"($scale)/$ndivs*($ndivs"'-.5-$1)') \
122 | psign -cf 1 1 1 -cb 0 0 0 -h `ev "floor(2*200/$ndivs+.5)"` \
123 | pfilt -1 -x /2 -y /2 > $tempdir/slab.pic
124 pcomb $pcargs $picture $cpict \
125 | pcompos $tempdir/scol.pic 0 0 -t .2 $tempdir/slab.pic 25 0 - 100 0
126 quit:
127 rm -rf $tempdir