#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: cut.c,v 2.5 2004/11/08 18:49:18 greg dead $"; #endif /* CUT - Median bisection (k-d tree) algorithm for color image quantization flaw: doesn't always create as many colors as requested because the binary subdivision is always done in a balanced tree and when a box contains only one color it's unsplittable Paul Heckbert */ #include "ciq.h" struct index {short *o; int freq;}; /* offset and pixel count for a box */ struct pail {struct plum *first; int freak;}; /* each pail is a bucket containing plums */ struct plum {struct plum *next; int code;}; /* a color in a pail's linked list */ static short off[len]; /* color codes: offsets of colors in hist array */ static void splitbox(struct index *ii, struct index *io); int makecm( /* subdivide colorspace to generate a colormap*/ int nw, int *na /* number of colors wanted, actual */ ) { int i,m,n,freq,weight,sr,sg,sb; short *o; struct index index[257]; /* pointers into off */ /* index[i].o is pointer to code for first color in box i */ for (o=off, *na=i=0; i=0; --i) splitbox(index+i,index+(i<<1)); } for (n=i=0; iindex[i].o) { sr = sg = sb = (freq = index[i].freq)>>1; for (o=index[i].o; or2) r2 = r; /* find min&max r, g, and b */ if (gg2) g2 = g; if (bb2) b2 = b; } /* adaptive partitioning: find dominant dimension */ shift = r2-r1>g2-g1?r2-r1>=b2-b1?10:0:g2-g1>=b2-b1?5:0; /* printf("splitbox %3d-%3d %3dx%3dx%3d %c ", o1-off,o2-off,r2-r1,g2-g1,b2-b1,shift==10?'R':shift==5?'G':'B'); */ for (p=pail, k=0; k<32; k++, p++) { /* start with empty pails */ p->first = 0; p->freak = 0; } for (o=o1; o>shift&31); /* find appropriate pail */ pl->code = *o; pl->next = p->first; p->first = pl++; /* add new plum to pail */ p->freak += hist[*o]; } /* find median along dominant dimension */ for (count=freq>>1, p=pail; count>0; p++) count -= p->freak; if (p>pail && count+(p-1)->freak<-count) /* back up one? */ count += (--p)->freak; io[1].o = o1; /* in case of empty box */ for (o=o1, q=pail; ofirst; u; u=u->next) *o++ = u->code; if (++q==p) io[1].o = o; /* place partition at offset o */ } io[0].o = o1; io[0].freq = (freq>>1)-count; io[1].freq = ((freq+1)>>1)+count; /* printf(" at %3d %d=%d+%d\n",io[1].o-off,freq,io[0].freq,io[1].freq); */ }