from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals import os Import('env') # inherit from parent mlib = ['$RAD_MLIB'] progs = [] # compose paths def radbin(name): return os.path.join('$RAD_BUILDBIN', name) def radlib(name): return os.path.join('$RAD_BUILDLIB', name) warp3d = env.Object(source="warp3d.c") clrtab = env.Object(source="clrtab.c") neuclrtab = env.Object(source="neuclrtab.c") # standard targets PROGS = ( # name files libs ('macbethcal', Split('macbethcal.c pmapgen.c mx3.c')+[warp3d], ['rtrad']), ('pcond', Split('pcond.c pcond2.c pcond3.c pcond4.c')+[warp3d], ['rtrad']), ('pfilt', Split('pfilt.c pf2.c pf3.c'), ['rtrad']), ('pcwarp', ['pcwarp.c', warp3d], ['rtrad']), ('pvalue', ['pvalue.c'], ['rtrad']), ('pcompos', ['pcompos.c'], ['rtrad']), ('psign', ['psign.c'], ['rtrad']), ('protate', ['protate.c'], ['rtrad']), ('pextrem', ['pextrem.c'], ['rtrad']), ('pflip', ['pflip.c'], ['rtrad']), ('pcomb', ['pcomb.c'], ['rtrad']), ('pinterp', ['pinterp.c'], ['rtrad']), ('psketch', ['psketch.c'], ['rtrad']), ('ra_gif', ['ra_gif.c', clrtab, neuclrtab], ['rtrad']), ('ra_ps', ['ra_ps.c'], ['rtrad']), ('ra_ppm', ['ra_ppm.c'], ['rtrad']), ('ra_bmp', ['ra_bmp.c'], ['rtrad']), ('ra_t8', ['ra_t8.c', clrtab, neuclrtab], ['rtrad']), ('ra_t16', ['ra_t16.c'], ['rtrad']), ('ra_rgbe', ['ra_rgbe.c'], ['rtrad']), ('ra_pict', ['ra_pict.c'], ['rtrad']), ('ra_hexbit',['ra_hexbit.c'], ['rtrad']), ('ra_xyze', ['ra_xyze.c'], ['rtrad']), ('pmblur2', ['pmblur2.c'], ['rtrad']), ('ttyimage', ['ttyimage.c'], ['rtrad']), ) for p in PROGS: prog = env.Program(target=radbin(p[0]), source=p[1], LIBS=p[2]+mlib) progs.append(prog) # tiff library (building it is unix-specific for the moment) # If we haven't found one supporting LogLuv installed, build our own. libtiff_fn = radlib(env['LIBPREFIX'] + 'tiff' + env['LIBSUFFIX']) if == 'posix' and not env.get('TIFFLIB_INSTALLED'): cwd = os.getcwd() upperdir = os.path.split(cwd)[0] libtiff = env.Command(libtiff_fn, None, [('cd "%(tiffdir)s"; ' 'env CC="$CC" ' './configure -C ' '"libdir=%(upperdir)s/lib" ' '--enable-static --disable-shared --disable-cxx ' '--enable-logluv --disable-jpeg --disable-zlib --disable-pixarlog; ' 'cd %(portdir)s; make all;' 'cd %(libtiffdir)s; make install-exec;' # don't install headers ) % { 'upperdir':upperdir, 'tiffdir':os.path.join(cwd, 'tiff'), 'portdir':os.path.join(cwd, 'tiff', 'port'), 'libtiffdir':os.path.join(cwd, 'tiff', 'libtiff') } ]) env['TIFFLIB_INSTALLED'] = 1 if == 'posix': # cleanup action for a previously built tifflib Clean(libtiff_fn, [libtiff_fn, radlib(env['LIBPREFIX'] + '')]) if env.get('TIFFLIB_INSTALLED'): libtiff = env.get('RAD_LIBTIFF') # tiff programs tiffi = env.get('RAD_TIFFINCLUDE') if tiffi: tiffincl = [tiffi] + env.get('CPPPATH', []) else: tiffincl = env.get('CPPPATH', []) tiffl = env.get('RAD_TIFFLIB') if tiffl: tifflib = [tiffl] + env.get('LIBPATH', []) else: tifflib = env.get('LIBPATH', []) ra_tiff = env.Program(target=radbin('ra_tiff'), source=['ra_tiff.c'], CPPPATH = tiffincl, LIBPATH=tifflib, LIBS=[libtiff,'rtrad'] + mlib) progs.append(ra_tiff) normtiff = env.Program(target=radbin('normtiff'),source=['normtiff.c'], CPPPATH = tiffincl, LIBPATH=tifflib, LIBS=[libtiff,'rtrad'] + mlib) progs.append(normtiff) # X11 targets if env.has_key('X11LIB'): xincl = env.get('CPPPATH', []) + ['$X11INCLUDE'] xlibp = env.get('LIBPATH', []) + ['$X11LIB'] xlibs = ['X11','rtrad'] env.x11findwind = env.Object(source='../common/x11findwind.c', CPPPATH=xincl) ximage = env.Program(target=radbin('ximage'), source=Split('x11image.c x11raster.c')+[clrtab], CPPPATH=xincl, LIBPATH=xlibp, LIBS=xlibs + mlib) progs.append(ximage) xshowtrace = env.Program(target=radbin('xshowtrace'), source=Split('xshowtrace.c') + [env.x11findwind], CPPPATH=xincl, LIBPATH=xlibp, LIBS=xlibs + mlib) progs.append(xshowtrace) pyscripts = Split('''falsecolor phisto''') if == 'posix': # XXX ignoring trad.wsh for s in Split('''normpat pdfblur pmblur pmdblur xyzimage pgblur ra_pfm ran2tiff pbilat'''): Default(env.InstallScript(radbin(s), s + '.csh')) for s in pyscripts: Default(env.InstallScript(radbin(s), s + '.py')) else: for s in pyscripts: Default(env.InstallScript(radbin(s + '.py'), s + '.py')) # ignored by Rmakefile: pacuity phisteq psquish pveil vlpic Default('#src/px') env.Install('$RAD_BINDIR', progs) # vim: set syntax=python: # vi: set ts=4 sw=4 :